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UFO: Antigravity or Coandă Effect man made saucers or aircrafts?

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posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 01:45 AM
Thats the problem Can't get a straight answer on the lifters

Its Ion wind...

Its creating a "gravity well so it falls up into the "hole"

Lot more research needed. Some kids used a computer monitor for power supply thats cheap..

The cesium magnets for Searl's device run 20,000 a piece and require a nuclear license so might be a while before I can try that one

I say we just capture one of theirs and use that

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:10 AM
I see someone has been busy!

Now I know why you were looking for that morphing metal Z!

I used to have a link from 1995 that gave all the German names of features on the Antarctic continent.

The lifter tech cannot be adequately proven to be electrogravitic until the experiment is repeated in a vacuum.

Power requirements are minimized with the application of alternating fields.

All the groundbreaking work was done by Dr. Tesla. Therein lies most of your secrets.

Good work so far, and in the words of Trevor James Constable, "Keep going!"

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Matyas
I see someone has been busy!

Now I know why you were looking for that morphing metal Z!

Busier than you think... and a lot more to go...
New Member within this field

As to the metal I cannot find that email anywhere, even at pegasus group weird really weird seems the MIB's deleted it

Edited to add...

Matt some activity at JL Naudin group... seems someone has duplicted Searls design. I will send links tomorrow

[edit on 23-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 09:08 AM
His this the Aurora plane?

As toreishi shown to us the photo I posted of the Aurora secret plane is bogus and I was unaware of that, so to compensate, you have more information and real videos on planes of the Aurora “family” in this thread post “More on Aurora”, including a Aurora animation.

The image above is from a Lockheed patent n.º 5560569 page 2, that I found a reference in this site and more about planes patents on this one . After I searched a little bit I fount this site that after a free registration gives you access to patents full description, and you will find there the 9 pages PDF of patent n.º 5560569 from Lockheed (or this one without registration but you need to know the right number), and search for example by “saucer”, you will see how many patens are there about this type of airplanes.

Aurora simulation

Has anyone information on this saucer photo?


posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 10:30 AM
It makes so much sense that UFO's are man made. If you think about the advancments in science and technology over the last 100 years, you start to think that things like the combustion engine are relatively primative. Of course there are other sources of energy to create propulsion, some we understand and others we don't. The only reason cars aren't obsolete is because the f**kers are trying to squeeze as much money out of whats left of the oil on this planet. I guarantee that when the Oil runs out in the next 50years, the mystery of the flying saucer will finally come out once and for all. This is my interpretation of what happened, you can all believe what u want, but this is just my understanding after analyzing a years worth of evidence.

1. Nazi scientists were the smartest in the world. That's why the Americans grabbed them after the war. Their early projects are what the Americans refered to as "foo fighters." They experimented with ____ propulsion and after the war they tried to stash it in Antartica.

2. Operation High Jump went in to get what was left of the technology: Possibly craft or Blueprints but there is no evidence, so we'll probablly never know.

3. Now the Americans had the technology, and the German scientists to perfect what was started in Germany. NASA to this day covers up the technology and leads us to believe that Jet Fuel is the most effective way to get into space. Hence, showing us that we need OIL for everything. BS...

4. Roswell could possibly be explained by the crash of an American Saucer and that's why they covered it up, to hide their new secret craft.

5. Aliens are probablly out there too in all of this, I believe they see us as a primitive species and pass us by. The Universe is too big for us to be the only people out there.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by brotherthebigHas anyone information on this saucer photo?

LOL-it was a while back but that is a photo of the top of a low temperature tank used in some experiment for counting neutrinos or whatever. I know it looks convincing, but it is not that easy.

I think Armap is the one who has the goods on it, so you could check in with him. We fell for it too until Armap straightened us out...

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Nice collection I think there may be one or two in there I don't have yet...

Here is a little clip you might like, well two actually... they are not available on youtube etc as they are private research footage, though they are publically available JLN Labs via Pegasus..

Looks like a composited computer animation. The shadow beneath the saucer disappears for some of the video. During other times the edge of the shadow is hard where it would be soft in reality. Also as the saucer flies directly between the sun and the camera, we can still see the side toward the camera lit brilliantly by the sun, which is on the opposite side of the saucer from the camera. In reality, the saucer side toward the camera would be covered in shadow.

[edit on 4-26-2007 by groingrinder]

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
I think Armap is the one who has the goods on it, so you could check in with him. We fell for it too until Armap straightened us out...
I remember that picture, but I do not remember the thread where it appeared and I do not remember where I have seen it before that.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by brotherthebig
Has anyone information on this saucer photo?

But of course

But first while I dig that up have a look at these guys... anyone know who they are?

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Matyas
LOL-it was a while back but that is a photo of the top of a low temperature tank used in some experiment for counting neutrinos or whatever. I know it looks convincing, but it is not that easy.

I think Armap is the one who has the goods on it, so you could check in with him. We fell for it too until Armap straightened us out...

Matt... no fair picking on Herr ArMap...

This one was posted by me in one of the Moon threads with the explanation...

Now then pay close attention here because it IS important..

The original image number of the "Flying Saucer" posted above is GPN-2000-001993... we found this one when we were looking at that tank with the weird objects on the bill board...

Why do I call it a "Flying Saucer"? Well why not NASA does!

NASA Center: Headquarters
Image # : 64-Lewis-4
Date : 01/01/1961

Flying Saucer? Aliens?

Full Description
No, it's not a flying saucer, it is the domed top to a 70 foot long vacuum tank at the Lewis Research Center's Electric Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio. The three technicians shown here in protective clothing had just emerged from within the tank where they had been cleaning in the toxic mercury atmosphere, left after ion engine testing in the tank. Lewis has since been renamed the John H. Glenn Research Center.

Lewis Research Center Ion Propulsion Electric Laboratory

So a saucer shaped "tank" for testing electric propulsion that NASA gives a title to "Flying Saucer"

Uh huh okay so fine tell me again that "There is nothing going on..."

Oh and a couple of key points...

I cannot link directly to the information page so you have to use the search and put in the image number GPN-2000-001993 at this site

Oh and those guys in that last photo? Those jolly people are the first meeting of the NACA which is now NASA

First Meeting of the NACA 1915

So the forerunner of NASA was established in 1915, BEFORE WW II and the NAZI's

(Been saving this one for the right moment

Now brotherthebig... I would suggest you look around this site for old NASA images. They have some interesting one man space capable space planes in there...

[edit on 27-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 01:37 AM
Somewhere in the Nevada Desert

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 02:54 AM
I've seen that picture before. I believe it was a picture of a group of astronauts testing out a new(at that time new) sub-orbital aircraft, designed to be used to fly recon over enemy territory. That is if memory serves me correctly, of course. Might wanna check to be sure.


posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 03:44 AM
Not Sub Orbital...

HL-10 was one of five lifting body designs flown at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, from July 1966 to November 1975 to study and validate the concept of safely maneuvering and landing a low lift-over-drag vehicle designed for reentry from space.

So the question is did they stop testing? Or did they replace it with some better space plane

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
Not Sub Orbital...

HL-10 was one of five lifting body designs flown at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, from July 1966 to November 1975 to study and validate the concept of safely maneuvering and landing a low lift-over-drag vehicle designed for reentry from space.

So the question is did they stop testing? Or did they replace it with some better space plane

There was a doco on discovery channel about this the other week, I think they stoped because they had discovered sufficent ways of getting out of space with these craft. It was something like that I think. They did get pretty far with the project and there wasnt much need to continue once they had done what thet set out to do.


posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 05:50 AM
Very interesting read... You have my ultimate vote, very nicley put together.

But again, being a skeptic first type of person, I cant imagine someone on the verge of taking a huge step in terms of technological warfare, going out and waging war on so many countries before he even knows what hes dealing with.

I mean, If Hitler's scientists did find something "special" in Antarctica, wouldn't of it been wiser to ease back on the world stage, instead of invading Poland? He could of financed his scientists a whole lot more, helping them achieve greater success in the time given, instead of supplying tropps throughout Europe.

I think it was in the British Secret War in Antarctica where it stated that the Germans sent U-Boats and supplies to Japan to help the cause in the Pacific. One of which was to me at least apparent as a sort of flying saucer that burst into flames.

Right there Hitler goes from possessing probably the greatest technology at the time, to sharing it with a ally that has the same common goal but could easily turn on you and leave you hanging. To me that doesn't make much sense. Why someone would put themselves in that situation is far fetched, I guess you can attribute it to greed, but I cant imagine a man such as Hitler with his visions forcing a situation like that if indeed he knew something no one else knew.

Even if the pieces to war were already set with Europe, there's no two cents about it Germany could of faught off England, with or without Russia. So why Pearl Harbor? why wouldn't Hitler tell Japan to lay the fuk down, handle their business in Asia, set up shop then see where their technology is at? Instead of waging war on the country that's supplying you?!?!

I still haven't finished going through everything, I'll probably go through it twice to get the full picture. But none the less, very interesting topic.

Thanks again.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
This one was posted by me in one of the Moon threads with the explanation...
That was what I was thinking, but I couldn't be sure about it.

So a saucer shaped "tank" for testing electric propulsion that NASA gives a title to "Flying Saucer"
No, it is not a saucer shaped tank, it is a 70 feet tank with a domed top, if you believe in what NASA says.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Praafit

Why someone would put themselves in that situation is far fetched, I guess you can attribute it to greed, but I cant imagine a man such as Hitler with his visions forcing a situation like that if indeed he knew something no one else knew.

You are forgetting the fact that Hitler went crazy... with all the drugs he was on and his diseases... Von Braun got his team out just before the SS could carry out an execution of all the scientists ordered by Hitler.

Its probably a very good thing for the free world that he didn't think things out better

The fact that the Bush family with the Rockefellers funded Germany before WW II allowing them to build a war machine is the part that bothers me the most.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 10:52 AM
"You have voted brotherthebig for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month."

All I can say is WOW! Great work. I have gone through a good portion of your info and still have quite a bit more reading, but I am thoroughly impressed. Thanks for putting this together. It's a nice change from all of the bickering that goes on in the 9/11 posts

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by ArMaPNo, it is not a saucer shaped tank, it is a 70 feet tank with a domed top, if you believe in what NASA says.

I'll go with what you say on this one. You got my WATS.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 12:29 PM
Harold R. Kaufman with his electron bombardment ion thruster (sic)


Following the zorgon's clue (more details and different image resolutions), that “saucer” image is the top of an “electron bombardment ion thrusters”, no aircraft!, and they belong to NASA advanced propulsion research.


More references:

Thank you all for helping is this “saucer” strange image debunking.

Hi Praafit thank you for your post I will return to comment on you and the others, thanks, also thanks nyarlathotep.


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