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The truth Behind 9/ on

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posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by redseal
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

First, I just wanted to ask where the title of your post comes into play with the above, well, can't really say statements?

You label it as "The truth about on" yet there is nothing in here at all that pertains to anything other than insults and a blanket statement.

Get your facts straight first my friend before jumping into something that is much too big for you to handle.

The statement about fire not melting steel has been discussed THOROUGHLY on this site. Please go to those threads for the details. Just search.

And the fact that everyone keeps taking her statement out of context is just ignorant. Her statement is very legitimate. Oh, and yes, fire can melt steel if it is fire at a temperature close to 3,000 degrees and held on the steel for a good period of time. You see the difference don't you? How hot were the fires inside of WTC 7 my friend? Since you are going to speak the truth then please answer that. Then again. like I said, it HAS been debated over and over on other, much cleaner threads.

Fire on two floors regardless of the minimal damage to ONE side of the SW corner of a building (okay, damage to the south face too) does NOT cause the building to fall evenly. To clear it up, buildings that burn will collapse in a disorganized manner starting with the weakest point first. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, that is with structures OTHER than steel framed. So, if you are going to give us the truth my friend then simply explain, with your vast wisdom that you are going to present to us, how that building fell straight down all at once?

Thank you for your in depth and well thought out answer in advance.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by dariousg]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 02:01 PM
your right they did elect bush by tampering with the votes, this guy was not elected by the people. Bush was picked so it would look plausible that they haven't done a good job in Katrina and started a war against Iraq would be ok since Bush is kind of dumb, and well all agree on that and agree that thats why the country is screwed. They always ssay that presidnet screwed up the country. Hes just a figure head, the guys paying them to be puppets are the guys running this.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by redseal

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

It is not about what is 'more likely' but to find out what indeed happen.

A missleading thread title to a pointless rant thread.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:01 AM

You're a sharp one then, aren't you?

Obviously you would rather make snippy remarks than debate the real issues.

Very often the people who subscribe to the mainstream beliefs of 9/11 are accused of being blind followers in their govt. I made the statement, the subject of the quoted retort, to establish that I do not follow blindly. Instead of welcoming some debate with someone who isnt a govt butt kisser you would rather poke fun, so be it.

As far as Occums Razor. The "all things being equal" is a paraphrased and loose interpretation. "Entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity" is a more accurate interpretation and it still applies to the subject at hand.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:23 AM
Let's apply Occam's razor then.

Fact : US intelligence service is the best in the world, yes/no?

Fact : US military prowess and defenses best in the world, yes/no?

Fact : US communications systems best in the world, yes/no?

Fact : US tracks and has tracked terrorists, with suspected terrorist lists for many years pre 9/11, yes/no?

Fact : 19 terrorists defeated all of the above, not once but FOUR TIMES on the same day. Yes/no? (note, despite the failure of flight 93 to hit a target, it was still hijacked and only defeated by passengers, not the US military, if we accept the official story)

Occam's razor would lead to one of three possible conclusions. Either the answer to my first four questions is no, and the system was woefully inadequate in terms of either receiving appropriate intelligence, comprehending it, and acting on it or some combination of the above, or they were complicit in allowing the attacks to take place, or the answer to my final question is no, the crimes were not perpetrated by terrorists (at least, islamic terrorists) at all.

I'm not suggesting that there necessarily is a conspiracy, but approached in a logical fashion, we have no choice but to assume incompetence, complicity, or diabolical intent. I can't really think of another option, but I will happily accept a logical answer, if there's something I haven't thought of.

I think many people searching for truth have come to the same conclusions, that there is something not right somewhere, and all they wish for is simply to find truth. A government with nothing to hide, should be hiding nothing from its populace in an event like this. If there were national security failures, surely documenting them and publicizing them would increase rather than decrease faith in our government - because if our security failed, and we acknowledge that, then that is the first step to ensuring nothing like this happens again. I for one would welcome a government that can admit its own humanity and fallibility, and stand up like *true* americans and take responsibility for actions, or inactions.

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no-one is watching. In the situation of a government which prevents us from watching, and a media which does not even question that, how can we be assured that our government has integrity?

And if it does not?

What then?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Inannamute
Fact : US intelligence service is the best in the world, yes/no?

Fact : US military prowess and defenses best in the world, yes/no?

Fact : US communications systems best in the world, yes/no?

Fact : US tracks and has tracked terrorists, with suspected terrorist lists for many years pre 9/11, yes/no?

Yes to all four if you believe.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 03:41 PM

I'm not suggesting that there necessarily is a conspiracy, but approached in a logical fashion, we have no choice but to assume incompetence, complicity, or diabolical intent. I can't really think of another option, but I will happily accept a logical answer, if there's something I haven't thought of.

Although the answers to your 4 questions are mostly yes, I guess you cannot believe that the system(s) are not infallible? Incompetence IS a valid rationale.

WTC was bombed before, we missed that. Tim McVeigh brought down a building in Oklahoma, we missed that one too. In a free society there are only so many tools at disposal to maintain security. Despite having the best systems in the world, they are not infallible and have been penetrated before and most likely will be penetrated again.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by SwatMedic
WTC was bombed before...

Which would lead on to believe it would be targeted again? Alos, there is a BIG difference between "penetrating" a parking garage with a vehicle and hijacking planes and successfully evading NORAD and crashing them into the towers and having them fall. (sorry for all the ands.)

Originally posted by SwatMedic
Tim McVeigh brought down a building in Oklahoma, we missed that one too.

Again, you are talking about the complexity of an American citizen parking a truck compared to 9/11? Not even in the same ballpark, not even in the same city.

Are you aware that there are also many odd circumstances surrounding OKC?

I have no need to address the rest of your post.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Again, you are talking about the complexity of an American citizen parking a truck compared to 9/11? Not even in the same ballpark, not even in the same city.

More complex, almost same result. Was it illegal for Muslim students to take flight training? Was it illegal for them to fly on a commercial jet? So where are all the red flags there? Did you expect the Immigration dept to be on top of them? They certainly are a crack orgainization.

And as far as not wanting to address the rest of my post, is that want or cant?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Iridium 66 holds the answer to all this nonsense. Connect the dots to a Private Equity Group with links to Saddam and Bin Laden who ultimately wrestled control of the Global Hawk system off the Amelicans ( LOL ) for a breif but critical time in a wargame carried on inside the US at the time.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
People just can't accept the fact that a couple of Islamic terrorists that people assume lived in caves, don't speak English, have no education, don't know what to do, can hijack 4 planes and crash into 3 buildings in the heart of the only mighty superpower in the world. Tell that to the victims of terrorist attacks in the past few decades.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by deltaboy]

So your saying that 19 terrorist could pull off 911 but none of our well trained black ops groups could ?

No its more like peple like me that have a background in aviation and crime scenes (and some common sense) that can see that thier are a lot of problems with the official story.

And yes thier has been terrorist attacks in the past decades, but some were foreign terrorist and some were domestic terrorist.

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