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The truth Behind 9/ on

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:58 PM
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:04 PM
Who is Rosie Odonnald?

And how are u so sure.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by jonSUN]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:05 PM
Yo the man dong dude.
Would you spend more money investigating oral sex or the worst crime in human history.
Now go back asleep.
Go bush yo I am good I think yeah man go grassss green I have pick up.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:25 PM
I second that emotion redseal

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by redseal
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

You need to see a doctor

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:47 PM
I second that emotion NegativeBeef.
May I suggest a psychiatric?


posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Well first some english classes.... Yooo!

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by redseal
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

I don't wonder how the milk got into my fridge, because I understand cows, pasteurization and combining the two things with trucks and bottles to get the milk to the store where I bought it.

I don't wonder why the grass is green, because I understand photosynthesis.

I do wonder why people like you bother to post attacks on those of us who question the things we can't understand, like how three steel framed buildings on the same day collapse due to fires, when it's never happened before, or why the supposed best defended nation on earth couldn't manage to scramble some planes to take down the one that flew into the pentagon even though they already knew america was 'under attack'.

If you want to accept the story you've received from the media, go right ahead. I'm not attacking you for your point of view, regardless of the lack of information you have on which to base it, so why are you attacking those of us who DO care to investigate and think?

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by redseal
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

Maybe one day you will wake up.
But for now, you are a sleep like the rest of the sheep.
you poor lost soul. I will pray for you.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 03:45 AM
People like this make me embarrassed to be a human. The sad thing is that his level of intelligence is probably the norm among the average population in the USA (or in the world in general for that matter). That is at least the impression I get when speaking with random individuals.

The logic and arguments you use in the last few posts I’ve read from you is just so absurdly flawed. You really need to hold your self back a few years and complete high school once more.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 04:04 AM
While the original poster is not the most eloquent master of the English language, I think I understand at least what he may be trying to say.

I've looked at both sides. I've taken the time to look at the other opinions, theories, and even the rhetoric regarding the conspiracy theories.

I've seen Loose Change and other videos claiming all kinds of explanations other than what mainstream America believes.

I subscribe to the idea that our Govt. does not tell us everything and that no administration is infallible.

However, after reading all the data, watching the movies, and listening to the arguments I still believe in my head and in my heart that the events of 9/11 were planned and carried out by Muslim militants bent on doing physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual harm to the United States.

One of the major factors that surprises me the most from all of these theories is that this plot was managed entirely by the Bush Admin. Everyone is so quick to point out what a bumbling fool he and his cronies are yet they masterminded this plot AND pulled it off AND did it right under the noses of everyone? (Well, not everyone, right?)

Sorry folks, 9/11 is Occums Razor at its finest.

Call me a sheep. Call me asleep, whatever. I can certainly live with people who have other opinions and they are all entitled. I wanted to add my 2 cents to a website where my opinion is in the minority so others know that there are some of us who HAVE done the homework and still havent crossed over to the conspiracy side.

Thank you for your time.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by SwatMedic]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 04:37 AM
Amen Innanamute.

Perfect reply to a scattershot rant.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:28 AM
I don't know why I bother clicking on these threads anymore. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum...

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:55 AM

I don't know why I bother clicking on these threads anymore. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum...

I agree.
Its been going on for a good part of almost 6 years now.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by SwatMedic

I don't know why I bother clicking on these threads anymore. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum...

I agree.
Its been going on for a good part of almost 6 years now.

What part of, “question the official story,” automatically implies we think Bush pulled the trigger? I’m a newbie here compared to many and still have much to learn but I have to back ANOK and Swatmedic here in saying this is getting old. Why do you seem so angry? What is your motive here? You gave no facts, you insulted many, you only discredited yourself.

I’d believe a “conspiracy theorist” with out there ideas long before I’d trust our Government who is withholding information.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by redseal
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

I suggest you go and do some research into 9/11 and draw your own conclusions.

Simply coming here and bashing all who don't believe the official story with your nonsensical rant , wont cut it my friend .

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by SwatMedic
I subscribe to the idea that our Govt. does not tell us everything and that no administration is infallible.

You're a sharp one then, aren't you?

Occam's razor only applies when all things are equal. When things are false, compared to things that are true, you're not comparing equal cases. You're comparing solid cases with illogical cases, and no matter what razor you apply, illogical is illogical. People confuse Occam's razor for real science all the time. Look up what it means.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:40 AM
People just can't accept the fact that a couple of Islamic terrorists that people assume lived in caves, don't speak English, have no education, don't know what to do, can hijack 4 planes and crash into 3 buildings in the heart of the only mighty superpower in the world. Tell that to the victims of terrorist attacks in the past few decades.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by deltaboy]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by redseal
All you people and this 9/11 conspiracy crap are crazy!!

Why isnt it more likely that crazy terrorists did this than GW himself pulled the trigger?

Do all you folks wonder how your milk got into the fridge, or why your grass is green??

Ya the U.S.A. fired missles on the pentagon, and planted explosives in the WTC (witch no one noticed), and according to Rosie Odonnald fire cant melt steal, well what does melt steal thatn ice?

Wow you all have way to much time on your hands!

Ok so you believe that airplanes are allowed to be in the air for more than half an hour to hit their targets without American fighters shooting them down.

You believe that a tiny airplane has enough jetfuel and the impact lasted long enough to heat every single piece of steel in the massive skyscraper. Now a airplane isn't big compared to a skyscraper.

You believe that the second building that got hit can come down first, even when sticking to your spreading fire theory, that doesnt make sense for the second one hit, to be the first to fall.

You believe Osama was behind this even after several of the suspected terrorists on the planes are still alive and go about their lives in different parts of the world. Even after CNN displayed a fake binladen which looked nothing like him to us on our news.

You're the crazy one brother. You've been scared straight by 911, there is no doubt that your FEAR has turned into Hate, and as a hateful person you will continue to hate no matter what.

Yoda says"fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to jealousy, and that is the path to the dark side"

Once you put fear in a man, the media and the Zionists own you.

The NUMBER ONE reason that made me believe this whole thing was when I watched 911 Mysteries on During a part of the movie it said how the whole WTC Buildings were shutdown for construction or something months before 911. Also we have a former custodian on record and spreading the word that he heard construction going on in different floors of the WTC for months. Banging and all kinds of noise in certain levels of the world trade center. It was them setting up the controlled demolition job. Also those levels or floors could not be accessed by regular personal, it was probably restricted as top secret. As all of the documents are so as to not let the public know anything.

Israeli Spy Ring uncovered and all arrested since 911 until December 07. They were all let go saying that they could not talk about it, and it is classified.

I think the main probably with conspiracy truthers is that we need a new name for ourselves. let's stop being conspiracy people and start calling us what we should be called. That is 'Truthers'.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by rrahim1]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by SwatMedic
One of the major factors that surprises me the most from all of these theories is that this plot was managed entirely by the Bush Admin. Everyone is so quick to point out what a bumbling fool he and his cronies are yet they masterminded this plot AND pulled it off AND did it right under the noses of everyone? (Well, not everyone, right?)

He is a bumbling fool and a puppet. He was put in office to dumb down the nation. It is also unlikely he himself planned any part of 9/11. I don't think anyone is arguing that.
On the other hand the Bush administration handled everything that happend greatly, if you consider their goal, not what you want the goal to be. And therein lies the difference.
They handled Iraq like they wanted to. They handled Katrina like they wanted to and they handled 9/11 like they wanted to.

So it should be clear that the bumbling fool attitude is there to fool you, and sadly enough it worked.

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