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Lucid Dreaming - Dream Control

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posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:42 PM
If it does indeed lead to something, whatever that is, you were destined to experience it. Therefore I suggest not to get worried or feel insecure over it as by the sounds of things its not under your control.

What waits for you on the other side? Only you will know

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by g210b
I have some lucid dream experieces.

Reading what you wrote you seem to have driven it to a high grad of conciousnes within your lucid dreams.
What I wonder, can you still enjoy this dreams or are they boring now for you and you are missing an element of surprise?

Ok I know it's not just your topic but I really wonder this because I personel figured that I enjoy half concious dreams at the brick of lucid dream where I let the normal dream flow and my subconcious in control a lot more than the one I 'awake' lucid and take control. It's like beeing part of a movie that you have not scripted but know it keeps no real danger for you. (you can always 'awake' and take control if required) . This kind of dreams are what I enjoy most and I got to after my vivid lucid dream periode. I let it 'drop' by intent although because a different reason.

But to address your topic. I think there is a good reason that this physical reality is not such directly to manipulate and create like you modulate dreams. If it were this reality would not even exist and everyone lives in their own reality becasue everyone has their on concept of how the world should look like. For what I figured we are here(next others reasosn) to learn to know the effects and consequences of what we cause and for this you need to be in a framework or reality that supports this: cause->effect.
Like you know in lucid dreams you have an easy way out of everything.
So if the reality woudl be equal it would be pointless.
However you can act in the reality and create build and change it and it is not only through physical action but to thoughts and wishes. So there is some of the dream magic possible as I see it just that it doesnt works that directly. The direct creation is for them that already mastered the cause and effect lvl and know well enough what consequences their action have.
(Or for them that worked their way through the barriers but lacks the understanding which will be a big drawback for them at the end)
At least that's how I see it. I might err and this is all my opinion here nothing more.

Welcome on the ATS board!

I read your introduction that's how I found this thread.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by g210b]

Hello, thanks for checking out the introduction!

These dreams are still very exciting for the pure fact of wondering where its gonna take me next, or where im going to take it myself. Its as if its increasing at an expotential rate (not sure if thats the word im looking for?) so it is very exciting and overwhelming almost.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by kolo_heights
If it does indeed lead to something, whatever that is, you were destined to experience it. Therefore I suggest not to get worried or feel insecure over it as by the sounds of things its not under your control.

What waits for you on the other side? Only you will know

I dont really fear it at all to be honest. Its just overwhelming how extreme my ability to lucid dream and the control thereof has become, and is becoming. But overwhelming in a good way.

It just leaves me with an intense feeling and big question over my head......... what does it all mean? Where is this leading? It really feels like its leading somewhere. But i dont fear that.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 06:11 PM
I've had a few lucid dreams when I was younger. The technique that helped me was when I had a feeling I was dreaming, I'd look at a digital clock, then look away and look back within a few seconds and the time was wrong on it. The first few times I tried, I immediatly woke up because I knew I was dreaming. But then eventually the more times I tried, I stayed asleep somehow and was able to control my dreams which was a very neat experience. But now I can't seem to ever realize that I'm dreaming anymore.... maybe it has to do with the fact that I don't remember my dreams as often as I did when I was younger.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by curiousbeliever]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by curiousbeliever
I've had a few lucid dreams when I was younger. The technique that helped me was when I had a feeling I was dreaming, I'd look at a digital clock, then look away and look back within a few seconds and the time was wrong on it. The first few times I tried, I immediatly woke up because I knew I was dreaming. But then eventually the more times I tried, I stayed asleep somehow and was able to control my dreams which was a very neat experience. But now I can't seem to ever realize that I'm dreaming anymore.... maybe it has to do with the fact that I don't remember my dreams as often as I did when I was younger.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by curiousbeliever]

Yeah, it as like that for me to begin with when i was very young, but now its at a whole new much greater level, im not even sure ive heard of people having this much power in their dreams.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Oh no, the thread died again lol

maybe lucid dreaming has been covered too much already and im boring people haha

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 06:44 AM
just try once you're into this lucid dreamstate, to ask for your guides to show them to you and to teach you.


posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:03 AM
Hi LondonCalling,

I was reading about a tribe in the south pacific, one time, who were prolific lucid dreamers.

They said one thing you should do is always ask your dream characters for a gift. They say the characters can never refuse your request, but you should be surprised by what you get, since I don't think you quite control that aspect of it. I guess its some deep unconscious thing.

Maybe you can get a dream character to tell you the future. I'd pay to hear that one. Try that, and tell us what they say. If anything, it ought to be entertaining.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by CAPT PROTON
Hi LondonCalling,

I was reading about a tribe in the south pacific, one time, who were prolific lucid dreamers.

They said one thing you should do is always ask your dream characters for a gift. They say the characters can never refuse your request, but you should be surprised by what you get, since I don't think you quite control that aspect of it. I guess its some deep unconscious thing.

Maybe you can get a dream character to tell you the future. I'd pay to hear that one. Try that, and tell us what they say. If anything, it ought to be entertaining.

Hmm never thought of trying that before, ill try and remember to ask next time. Will most likely be complete gibberish but it would be fun to try anyways lol

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:42 AM

Next time you have one of your dreams try this, sit down with one of the people in your dream in a calm setting. Now while your sitting down directly across from this person look deep into their eyes, remember what you see, colors, etc...then ask the person where your highest guides are?

Come back and let me know what happened.



posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:00 AM
You're extremely lucky London. I've known about LDing for about 6 mths, and actually started LDing about 2 mths ago. My LDs are always very short and I can never gain control of them. Usually I have to induce them by SP, which is pretty cool, but time consuming. Lately, I've had really bad dream recall, and haven't had an LD in 2 weeks! I wish I was a natural LDer! That would be awesome!

Have you ever tried dying in dreams? I did that in a lot of NLDs, its pretty fun.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:30 AM
I too have had lucid dreams all my life but only over the last few years have I started to have them every other night. I know what you mean when you say it feels like there building up to something too its like there's something missing or there's some sort of purposse behind them that your unaware of. At the moment im trying to ask dream characters questions which is easier said than done, they always seem to just stand there puzzled and then this for whatever reason causes me to wake up.. not really sure what else to say apart from just keep on enjoying em and try observing/experimenting rather than enjoying yourself when you become lucid.

[edit on 2/4/07 by Clarky]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:17 AM
you (all) should read Carlos Castaneda`s books... lucid dreaming was very important part of his story...

I also have experience in lucid dreaming and in the recent time I LD more often...

the thing is what you call `real` or `reality` is in fact a fixed dream... untill you except that from the bottom of your heart you will feel like you feel...

free your mind...

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Saturn
You're extremely lucky London. I've known about LDing for about 6 mths, and actually started LDing about 2 mths ago. My LDs are always very short and I can never gain control of them. Usually I have to induce them by SP, which is pretty cool, but time consuming. Lately, I've had really bad dream recall, and haven't had an LD in 2 weeks! I wish I was a natural LDer! That would be awesome!

Have you ever tried dying in dreams? I did that in a lot of NLDs, its pretty fun.

Maybe try sleeping with the lights on one time, they seem to be more frequent if i fall asleep in the day or with a light on.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Clarky
I too have had lucid dreams all my life but only over the last few years have I started to have them every other night. I know what you mean when you say it feels like there building up to something too its like there's something missing or there's some sort of purposse behind them that your unaware of. At the moment im trying to ask dream characters questions which is easier said than done, they always seem to just stand there puzzled and then this for whatever reason causes me to wake up.. not really sure what else to say apart from just keep on enjoying em and try observing/experimenting rather than enjoying yourself when you become lucid.

[edit on 2/4/07 by Clarky]

Yeah thats the problem, the limits to what i can do and control in my dreams now is near on unlimited, except for one thing. And thats trying to get information out of people, or reading and text i find. It never makes any sense, just strings of completley unrelated words.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by untilted
you (all) should read Carlos Castaneda`s books... lucid dreaming was very important part of his story...

I also have experience in lucid dreaming and in the recent time I LD more often...

the thing is what you call `real` or `reality` is in fact a fixed dream... untill you except that from the bottom of your heart you will feel like you feel...

free your mind...

Well hopefully that is what itsleading up to. The more i feel that way the more reality starts to become like a dream itself. Its like reality feels how my dreams used to feel when i first began to have lucid dreams.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Next time you have one of your dreams try this, sit down with one of the people in your dream in a calm setting. Now while your sitting down directly across from this person look deep into their eyes, remember what you see, colors, etc...then ask the person where your highest guides are?

Come back and let me know what happened.



Yeah, maybe that should be my next objective. That seems to be the one thing that i havent been able to do. Unless im the one who's supposed to be giving other people information lol

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Know your doing the right thing, if it feels right then that is what is right for you. Intuition and inner power is what it is all about. Understand I don't have the right answer for you, nor do you have the right answer for anyone else, just different.

The dream world is a fun place and it leads to some higher awareness states but are they better? That is for the aware dreamer to decide.


Originally posted by LondonCalling
Unless im the one who's supposed to be giving other people information lol

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Have you ever heard of LD4ALL? Or Dream Views? They are 2 great sources of information about lucid dreaming. Also, there are a lot of people in the forums to help you out w/ your problems.

FYI: I've never tried this, but in one of those forums it describes how to attempt an out of body experience by lucid dreaming. Basically, while you are dreaming, just start flying up as high as you can until you feel yourself leave your body. If you've ever gone into an LD by Sleeping Paralysis, or experienced a WILD (Waking Induced Lucid Dream), it is supposed to feel similar to that. Good Luck!

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 01:22 PM
If you are having trouble having dialogue with dream characters and want to improve it, I would take the time to meditate and practice recall (dream journalling) on these meetings with them and try to recall as best you can what was said. Over time this should make it happen more naturally inside the dream, and make it clearer, in my theory.

Why don't you give us some tips? How do you teleport yourself, how do you change the environment at will? Can you make yourself fly as fast as you want?

Can you tell us how your lucid dreaming ability evolved. You don't just wake up one day able to do all this stuff. What things did you learn to do first? What builds on what as you get better at this? What is the main thing a lucid dreamer should work on that makes this level of control possible?

Also, do you know you are dreaming right when it starts? Do your dreams start out differently than a non-lucid dreamer's would? You described it as "logging in to the matrix." What does the matrix look like right when you get there?

[edit on 3-4-2007 by Novise]

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