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Uhh, kinda scary thing just happened to me.

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Extremely common. Often happens when your worldview (cultural programming) starts to change, especially if you thought the world was a nice place where everything makes sense. Don't worry about it folks it's a normal reaction under the circumstances.

Interesting... I've never heard off that before. However it says ten minutes at minimum, mine lasted 7-10 seconds.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Several years ago an associate of mine told me of a certain combination of words that, when read, could trigger a severe psychosomatic attack or total cerebral shut-down. He said it was an old magical formula, or spell, if you like, and had been successfully used by Aleister Crowley, the infamous occultist. Crowley had apparently used the words to attack his adversaries; the attacks weren’t fatal, though some people with less robust minds could be rendered permanently mad.

Needless to say, I didn’t believe it to be true though I did quite like the idea. He insisted it was quite factual and that the combination of words were still in use today. He claimed he knew of someone who had a piece of folded paper which apparently had the words written on them but neither of them dared open it out and read it, such was their conviction that the story was for real. It would seem that the writing of the words had no affect on the writer, but when they were read by the unwary reader the results were quite dramatic.

It was reading this post and the similar effects that several people had suffered after reading certain material that brought it back to mind. Perhaps you could all review the transcripts you had been reading at the time of the attack to see if there is an out-of-place or out-of-context sentence therein.

Take care though, and if you do discover an strange sequence of words, don't post them here...

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by torsion
Several years ago an associate of mine told me of a certain combination of words that, when read, could trigger a severe psychosomatic attack or total cerebral shut-down. He said it was an old magical formula, or spell, if you like, and had been successfully used by Aleister Crowley, the infamous occultist. Crowley had apparently used the words to attack his adversaries; the attacks weren’t fatal, though some people with less robust minds could be rendered permanently mad.

Crowley was a complete nut, but Ive never heard of this.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by kolo_heights
Although the experience was truly terrifying, from researching such symptons I believe you like myself may have occured the first few stages of a Kundalini Awakening.

I think so too.

The whole idea of alien abductions, demons etc.. would it be too much of a stretch to suggest these are not the result of black ops guys targeting you etc, but rather your mind just recoiling in horror as it begins to percieve more than what its used too?

What have you to fear? We all must die at some point, thus fear is irrational. Realise that your actual exsistence is not an accident, but a the result of something amazing! Love, or in this case, acceptance of new sensory information, is whats needed to overcome the problems experienced by the OP.

Religion, the Illuminati..its all smoke and mirrors. They fill our heads with lies and stories, myth and legend, to keep you realising just how powerful the human body and mind can be, once fully activated, ie Kundalini. The same goes for the NWO and the End Times...which are distractions from 2012!

Sounds like to me, PostalDude, what you experienced was your higher self tapping you on the shoulder, telling you its time to wake up.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:14 PM
Hello... I've been a lurker on this site for years and never joined, but the urge to reply to this thread prompted me to finally sign up.

I've been getting similar 'episodes' over the last few months, they're increasing in intensity and becoming more and more often.

I'll describe these episodes how they are for me. There's no prior warning, I'll be fine one minute, then suddenly I'll be overcome with exhaustion, my brain feels as though it's "shutting down" as someone else here put it. My head feels fuzzy, I completely lose focus of what I was doing, and can't concentrate on anything external. I usually get ringing in my ears, and I feel very tense and heavy, especially in my shoulders, arms and neck. This next bit is hard to describe... it doesn't feel like an external force is keeping me paralyzed, however I am somewhat paralyzed. It feels sortof like messages from my brain can't get to my body. For instance I'll go to move my arm or talk but it's almost like I've forgotten how, or just somehow can't work up the energy to do it. I feel very out of it, in a trance almost. Things seem very surreal, I feel disconnected from reality. Also usually during these episodes I go into a cold sweat and sometimes start shaking/twitching, if I'm standing at the time I'll usually get dizzy and have to sit down (on the floor right there, walking to a chair is impossible)

Once this has worn off (usually after a minute or two), I'll be able to move and focus on things to an extent, however I'll feel weak and tired and have a slight headache for sometimes hours after.

I agree with most that seeing a doctor is the best idea. Before reading this thread I hadn't considered the fact it could be brain washing/possession/aliens, etc (though I admit I've read a bit about kundalini awakening and considered that) but I'd definitely see a doctor before putting it down to something like that.

The episodes do usually happen when I'm browsing ATS/on the computer (not always though), but I don't think that's very weird considering this is where I spend most of my time =p

I've been doing alot of research on my symptoms (these episodes, among other things unrelated to this topic) and I think in my case the most likely possibilities are (in order of likeliness):
- anxiety (I also get what I think are panic attacks but I'm not sure on this either as I haven't seen the doctor about it yet. They feel completely different to these episodes but I still think this is the most likely explanaton)
- some other kind of psychological problem
- some type of seizure
- parkinsons disease/some other kind of CNS problem

I've been intending to go to the doctors about this, but I moved to a new area not long ago and only just found a doctor in this town I can go to, I'll let you all know the results when I do. =)

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:44 PM
It sounds like a Petit Mal Epileptic Episode. Better get it checked out.

Trust me, and all the others on here who say "See a Doctor."

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 07:16 PM
Something similar to this happened to me several years ago. after visits to several Doctors it turned out to be a chemical imbalance. I was prescribed medication which has helped tremendously.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 07:33 PM
It sounds like electrolytes. Gatorade and water. And it never hurts to cleanse your computer area from time to time, Ghosts and spirits love disorder and chaos.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 07:51 PM
few years back when I was on this site, well if this is cliffs old site that is, people where talking about sudden anxiety hitting them on certain sites, I felt it as well. Not sure if its the information being absorbed or just the computer in general or a stretch, something doesnt want you reading. Ive written posts, proof read them on my way to hit return to send then.. brrr.. illegal operation, system shutdown, then the computer cuts off.. I was banned from cliffs site, but actually I wasnt, logged on from a different computer and everything was cool. my computer got hacked wierd things happen when being on sites like these..

and to kolo hieghts.. youve experienced Kundilini? whats it like..

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Extremely common. Often happens when your worldview (cultural programming) starts to change, especially if you thought the world was a nice place where everything makes sense. Don't worry about it folks it's a normal reaction under the circumstances.

Yes; what I was trying to describe is labeled as "panic attack" in modern society which can be treated with different chemicals. But, the best way to copy is to confront with it and not to fear of this experience.
On the other hand, I made this inference only from the decriptions of the experience above. Of course I dont insist 100percent that what I am saying is true in this case.

Originally posted by torsion
Several years ago an associate of mine told me of a certain combination of words that, when read, could trigger a severe psychosomatic attack or total cerebral shut-down. He said it was an old magical formula, or spell, if you like, and had been successfully used by Aleister Crowley, the infamous occultist. Crowley had apparently used the words to attack his adversaries; the attacks weren’t fatal, though some people with less robust minds could be rendered permanently mad.

Needless to say, I didn’t believe it to be true though I did quite like the idea. He insisted it was quite factual and that the combination of words were still in use today. He claimed he knew of someone who had a piece of folded paper which apparently had the words written on them but neither of them dared open it out and read it, such was their conviction that the story was for real. It would seem that the writing of the words had no affect on the writer, but when they were read by the unwary reader the results were quite dramatic.

It was reading this post and the similar effects that several people had suffered after reading certain material that brought it back to mind. Perhaps you could all review the transcripts you had been reading at the time of the attack to see if there is an out-of-place or out-of-context sentence therein.

Take care though, and if you do discover an strange sequence of words, don't post them here...

As I remember correct, this idea belongs to the Kabala tradition. Spelling the correct combination of the words, which affects the pyhsical world. This is an interesting point for historical, linguistic and philosophical research, but it has zero relevance to individual human psychology. Searching answers in such things makes everything harder. In my opinion, we have to search the answer and the correct treatment in our very consciousness and reason itself.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by manastin]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:14 PM
Can't edit my post but I just wanted to add - after doing a bit more research on temporal lobe seizures, I think this is most likely, and I'm definitely getting my butt to a doc on monday. (and hope the OP does the same!)

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:05 PM
Quick recap of theories: petit mal seizure, higher self, brain/mind control, devil, chemical imbalance. Did I miss one? All plausible. Especially the Higher Self idea. It's happened to me, that is, Higher Self inserting itself into the situation.

However, I do see a trend with the commonality of several individuals experiencing something similar while doing investigative reading. Here's what ticked off in my associations when I read all your posts.

I recently read Dr. Steven Greer' (think The Disclosure Project) last book, "HIDDEN TRUTH, FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE". In it he mentions getting testimony from black projects people that the extent of eavesdropping technology is such that 'they' can be aware of what you do and say using 'conscious' machines. This has to do with understanding the nature of quantum physics... and using it. By this, Dr. Greer accepts the fact that 'they' know everything he is doing and saying.

To me, it is no stretch of the immagination at all to consider that 'they' are able to focus energy on certain individuals reading specific subjects. Like conditioning a dog. Read ATS, get sick. You see what I mean.

After I finished reading his book, I now longer try to explain to my wife what I read. She thinks I'm getting weird... and Dr. Greer experienced the same thing over time. It all sounds so positively crazy and impossible, well, it's better to not open your mouth. People have to be open to the ideas to begin to accept them.

Anyway, to me, you might have been attacked. But this I know for sure. Do not give in to fear. It isn't real. Being scared is real. Fear is not, if you resist it. Also, read up on the people who hear voices in their heads. I now believe them even more. The technology to do it appears to be real.

Now we can add this to the list of possibilities. Keep doing what you're doing. It's all a grand mystery. Let us fear not!

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:51 PM
I've had a simiar experience after waking up. I couldn't move after waking up but i didnt try either.. my mind was at peace. The professionals call this sleep paralysis. I'm not sure how often i get it but only once i've been conscious enough to understand this.. it's also funny how i saw a show on the discovery channel about abductees experiencing the same thing.

We've all been at a stage when were younger were we confuse imagination and real life events completely. My first memory was when i was 3 in a shopping centre, holding hands with my mother and i slip on the edge of a manhole near the construction area, my mum pulled me luckily enough. That night i dreamt i had actually fallen through. At the age of about 5 i could differentiate with the two.

Maybe it was something in your nerves or something mental that you've been experiencing..?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:07 AM
Information from an Insurance Broker:

Nowadays, when you visit the doctor with "Mental" symptoms, they are entered into the M.I.B. (Medical Information Bureau) database. If you ever need to get health or life insurance within 10 years of your physician exam, you'll either pay more for the policy, or be flat turned down. I'm not giving anyone advice. Just facts. If the symptoms are more mental than physical and occur only when reading ATS, watching Rosie O'Donnel, etc., stop partaking in those activities for a few weeks and see if you return to your normal self. -CareWeMust

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by PostalDude
I was reading stuff about aliens and things like the Illuminati and stuff here and ive always had a thing about aliens and stuff since i was like 6. But i was reading and i sat back for a minute and then this weird feeling came over me. I felt this weird sensation of extreme mindlessness like i couldn't do anything with my mind andi was only partially aware of what was going on around me, and i had to really struggle to think straight and it went away abruptly. it had only lasted about 10 seconds. I was sitting there thinking how strange it was and then it happened again like twice as forceful. I absolutley could not move. My eyes kind of bugged out and my mouth like gaped and drooled a bit when i had come out of this spell. My stomach musles contracted very tightly. It felt like i was being mentally attacked like something was trying to take over. I think i fought it off whatever it was. I live in Arizona i wont say where im too scared ill just say Paradise, AZ (thats where the Dude is from). But i was wondering if anyone knows what this was or anything.

Those symptoms that you describe are the exact same symptoms that got me medically discharged from the Royal Navy a few months ago. It sounds like you have a mild form of Epilepsy that is contained within within the temporal lobes of the brain (it's called temporal lobe epilepsy, suprisingly). What you describe is a classic complex partial seizure. The best thing to do would be to go to see a doctor ASAP. You don't have to be born with Epilepsy it can come on at any time.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:18 AM
Interesting responses everyone.

As mentioned before in relation to this specific topic my first and only experience of this 'buzzing' occured after reading the Mars Record at home one night. While I didnt experience drooling or complete paralysis the buzzing lasted approximately 7-10 seconds while burning and tingling sensations preceded the event. I was completely relaxed after reading the publication and simply started to get ready for bed. As soon as I layed down I felt a strong, monotonous buzzing in my head which got increasingly stronger. I literally had to throw myself out of the bed and leave the room while I could literally feel my head sparking and tingling sensations all over my body (especially down the left side of my body)

This is the only time I've ever experienced this kind of feeling, so highly doubt it is medical related. While reading the Mars Record certain word combinations did strike me. (The Mars Record being a ex-army guy gaining his memory back of his time serving on Mars). There were elements during the publication where his wife would 'unravel' his brain using certain word combinations including ' I am not afraid, I will not obey' etc.

Eitherway the experience was truly frightening and left my energy levels completely out of sink for days. I felt completely exhausted however at the same time spiritually heightened.

On researching the experience I came across the concept of Kundilini and one 'awakening' to their higher, astral self. Previously before this experience I have experienced lucid dreams ( I envisioned a blue skinned, humanoid entity, which many believe is my true form) while regular de-javu and the occasional shadow person. I feel reading this publication after many previous paranormal encounters was the catalyst that sparked this inner waking.

All I can say is that I believe at that moment in time my Kundilini was on the verge of awakening and I was about to astrally project, but fear held me back. From what I've experienced previously and thoroughly researched, a Kundalini awakening is a very rare occurence which leads the individual to a greater heightened spiritual awareness (one can OBE at will and meet their higher self)

I try to look on the experience positively and plan to embrace it if it ever occurs again. But I cant help feel that at that moment in time somebody or something was observing and/or scanning me (I rang into a radio station earlier on in the day commenting on the fact that 9/11 was implemented by the American Government).

Just to confirm for everyone I rarely experience sleep paralysis (though have in the past) while never have taken any form of hallucinary drug or strong medication. I live a normal, healthy life while practice sleep meditation. I make these points to re-assure you of my personality as many of my claims are seemingly far-fetched.

Keep hunting! - If anyone has any questions please dont hesitate, I'm still trying to understand


[edit on 1-4-2007 by kolo_heights]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 02:02 AM
well i really wast scared by it. Ive known about lots of this stuff since i was six. sot i dont think its me reacting to anything like this. My family has no history of parkinsons or anything. i have experienced sleep paralysis and this was completely different. I really dont know what to think.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 08:42 AM
This is absolutely what is happening to me too...

Have you ever read and studied Wilbert Smith experiences, it applies to the rest of ppl who have simmilar experiences...


I must say that I too have had experience, but different kind. This one was out of body experience when we as a chidren were playing one very dangerous game.
We saw movie in which children are probing one another which one can sustain himself under water longer???
It was quite interesting so since we haven't had any water near we started closing our mouths and noses and other one's were counting.
When was my turn I, let's say oversteped myself and since I was loosing breathe I keep repeating in my mind "Longer longer longer longer"... and felt that everything went dark and I heard countings but farther away...
Only thing left in my mind were words "longer longer..."

At that moment. It's now allready Near Death experience... I saw myself lying in a chair with my head pulled aside.
Then I was sure, quite sure, it's like that feeling of presence of yours when you are sure as hell that someone is there, I tried to look behind me and then I heard one very dear college of mine shouting my name and I woke up. It didn't interested me anything else but the direction where I was.
I think in moment of awaking and looking there I was still in that semistate of between worlds so to speak.
I saw a figure quite blur and just a similarities of a figure, not entirely one. There were no words only feeling of great joy and lightness, like I was on steroids or something. I knew, it was still there watching all. It didn't matter to me what one could say, since I was sure as hell that it were there.
And since that feeling was the only one in my life it was quite strong so writing here now in front of others lifts it up one more time a litle bit.

But it was incredible...
I couldn't speak for half an hour, and just wanted to stay in that state. It was like needles sticking me all over the body.

After that on, I felt that sleep paralyse states for 10 years allready and also Astral movements, ear ringing and other stuff all desribed above this post.
Also run across Kundalini awakenings of famous David Icke and great study of Wilbert Smith, the only scientist who applied other paranormal methods to his study of phenomena like UFO-s and ET's and other entities...

Experience of theirs was quite similiar like mine and others here, but they went much further connecting dreams and communication methods by writing down memories of sleep paralysis and have had much greater number of Deja Vu cases...

One man also was quite interconnected with astral states and awareness raisings, Paul Benewitz.
One thing which led me to believe in all this and to read their findings is my experience, but much greater and provable thing which led me to this is that these people were killed for what they were find out and that baffled me all since then.

This is just my oppinion and experience into this matter and views of kolo_heights and others whom I'm basically agreeing with.

Also I'm quite happy for this thread showing up like many others before and would nonselfishly contribute to the community...

[edit on 2/4/07 by Triad979]

[edit on 2/4/07 by Triad979]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Sounds to me like your experiencing a seizure of some type. Regardless, like someone already said, see a doctor because if convince your self your under some type of "attack", you could easily bring on super paranoia, or depression.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 06:12 PM
Yep. My thoughts exactly. I once had a panic attack and my verbage was slurred and I was shaking terribly and sweating, sometimes some words wouldn't even come out. It is very scary, but once you know what it is, you just kinda "ride it out". Get something in your mind that is pleasant like your dog or go to your happy place.

Good luck with it.

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