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'Screaming Woman' UFO

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 07:27 PM
Plus, don't you think the witnesses, who live in the area, know what animals live in that area, and what they sound like?

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 07:36 PM
These abduction stories, although lacking solid proof, are unnerving non the less. The Moorehead, KY incident brought to mind another abduction story from the year before. I live in PA and the Todd Sees incident has yet to provide a satisfactory resolution. The actual abduction was supposedly witnessed by some fishermen and farmers who saw Mr. Sees being transported in a beam of light to the UFO. To make a long story short the official cause of death was listed as a coc aine overdose, but authorities wouldn't let the family see the body. I didn't know coc aine caused such trauma on a corpse to leave it unviewable.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by UnBreakable]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:19 PM
First it was the South American mutilation situation, now this. It seems like the U.F. Os are getting frightenly bolder. What's really scary is that the lady screams were heard through the police report. Next thing you know there will be police responding to actual events. Wonder what happened to that lady and what the heck was she doing in a field after dark with no man? A female should walk through areas like that with a son, a husband, boyfriend or some trustworthy man if she lack a handgun. Or a few dogs at the very least

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Asia Minor]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by skychief
Was the woman rescued or did she just vanish? If the latter, was a woman ever even seen or did it just sound like a human screaming. There are many animals that sound just like a woman or child screaming. Have you ever heard a nest of rabbits get raided by a cat? It sounds like about thirty kids screaming bloddy murder. Maybe someone was poaching, with a large light, and shot and wounded a fawn or doe.

You skeptics. What can I say? You must have easily forgot people heard her sream "help", "Oh my God please help" her last sream was simply a scream. You know, like AHHHH, no words. Ever hear a whild animal scream that? There was report in the New Age community of giant chimps in Africa. Everyone thought people of these issues making this claim were SERIOUS KOOKS. Well..........Pick up January's Time Magazine and scientist hav accepted with a photo that there are "Chimpanzees" larger than Gorillas in Africa. What does that have to do with this? There is far more to the world than what your beady eyes show you.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Asia Minor]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Paradigm
For some reason this case disturbs the # out of me. I have a weird fear of Grays etc. originating from my childhood. I still have to keep curtains closed and my bed is always against a wall.

It's weird because basically I don't believe in alien visitors on Earth. Oh well, that's what you get when you watch too many UFO documentaries when you're 6 years old

In all honesty you took the words right out of my mouth, but for me it was the movie "Fire in the Sky", I was 8 though. But on to the topic at hand, I certainly hope this story isn't true, because that seems incredibly ominous to me. I tried to google Peacocks to find out what sound they made and got a bunch of rubbish. If anyone can find a link with audion for this I feel it will be either debunked or solidified promptly.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:24 PM
Spmebody grew peacoks near here and they got loose, every freaking week. You can wake up to some scary ass # when you hear them screaming. Also, pet cat catches bunnies everynow and then and for some reason always brings them in. Anyways, they can scream to, high pitched little death screams even if the cat isn't killing them, just carrying it around by the fur on the back of the neck. Anyways, IDK, could be aliens.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Asia Minor

Originally posted by skychief
Was the woman rescued or did she just vanish? If the latter, was a woman ever even seen or did it just sound like a human screaming. There are many animals that sound just like a woman or child screaming. Have you ever heard a nest of rabbits get raided by a cat? It sounds like about thirty kids screaming bloddy murder. Maybe someone was poaching, with a large light, and shot and wounded a fawn or doe.

You skeptics. What can I say? You must have easily forgot people heard her sream "help", "Oh my God please help" her last sream was simply a scream. You know, like AHHHH, no words. Ever hear a whild animal scream that? There was report in the New Age community of giant chimps in Africa. Everyone thought people of these issues making this claim were SERIOUS KOOKS. Well..........Pick up January's Time Magazine and scientist hav accepted with a photo that there are "Chimpanzees" larger than Gorillas in Africa. What does that have to do with this? There is far more to the world than what your beady eyes show you.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Asia Minor]

I believe in this case you have to be skeptical to get to the truth. Soemtimes, what can seem like the obvious can obscure the reality of the incident. I'm not saying that I don't believe in UFO's beacuse actually I think they are very real but we need to rule out all other possibilities before we can just take this route. They need to start by seeing who is missing in the local area and then expand to regional. Beyond that though, what do they have to go on besides eyewitness accounts and a quickly organized search party? Sadly, we all know what eyewitness accounts in UFO situations get you.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:33 AM

Plus, don't you think the witnesses, who live in the area, know what animals live in that area, and what they sound like?

Actually no they may have never heard a peacock or bobcat scream, if you read my post above you'll notice i said the first time i heard either one of these animals i was 13, what i didnt mention is i had lived in that same area since i was 1 , so in 12 years i never once heard the animal. My wife is 33 and lived in this area of Ky for all of her life and last summer was the first time she had ever heard the screams, it scared the hell out of her. Me of course being the playful person i am i didnt tell her right away what it was and i had a little fun with it. Neither of these animals are what you would really call native to the area , there are so few bobcats around in most parts of KY that i beleive they are now protected, the peacocks that are running wild arent really supposed to be around here either they are what i would call transplants becuase they where either released here or escaped into the wild here. Additionally i hear all sorts of new animal sounds all the time that i dont know what they are , it seems KY is somewhat of a center point for migration , we arent upper US nor are we lower so all sorts of animals pass through.

It can't be an animal, because animals don't scream 'HELP, HELP'.

Well no they dont really scream help but the screech of a peacock could easily be mistaken for help. It similiar to the dogs that people swear are saying i "love you" when they are really just making a whineing sound that sounds like i "love you" . The sound of a peacock in the night echoing in the dark sounds very much like " Please help" and you could even hear " oh god"

Close your eyes and listen to the sounds below and see if you cant here the same thing, and remember these sounds where heard in the distance in a hilly area in the dark.

Here is a peacock screaming help ...........

and "oh god"

"Please help"

"please help, please help oh god help"

here is a site that has a few more variations of the sounds peacocks make so you can see the sounds have a fairly good range.

This sighting reminds me alot of a little incident that happened a few years back to my familiy. My wife the children and i were sitting down in the living room watching the end of a movie around 11 oclock at night and i heard what i thought was a faint voice. At first i didnt mention it to anyone because i thought my ears where playing tricks on me, then my wife heard it and asked if i heard it as well, the kids said they heard it to and asked what it was. I knew what it sounded like to me but i didnt say anything and i asked the wife what it sounded like to her, she said it sounds like a little girl saying " help me im down here" and that is exactly what i was thinking in my head that it sounded like. So i got up and started looking around , the house we lived in didnt have a basement so i couldnt think of where anyone could be trapped, then i thought about it and remembered there was a well on the property not to far away from the house the used to be plumbed into the house, maybe someone fell into the well and thier voice was coming through some old pipe or something. So here i am freaked out at 11:30 at night going out into the field with a flashlight looking for some little trapped girl in the well ( where is lassie when you need her hehe) I checked the well , i checked the crawl space under the house and found nothing but we kept hearing the faint voice saying " help me im done here" over and over again, it was really starting to freak the family out , they where thinking we lived in some sort of haunted house or something. Luckily common sense kicked in before we ran screaming out of the house ( images of the movie the ring where going through all of our heads) I noticed the time incriments between hearing the voice where the same like it was a recording or something playing over and over again. I sat down on the couch and listened as i told everyone to be quiet and i tried to pinpoint where the voice was coming from, it seemed like it was coming from my entertainment center, i walked over and listened carefully again and this time when i heard it i pinpointed it, it was coming from the VCR apparently the VCR needed cleaning and the tape we where previously watching had begun to drag and make noise which suprisingly sounded like " help me, im down here" in a faint little girls voice. After realising my family had just panicked and thought they had heard voices coming from the grave i felt like an idiot , but we all distinctly heard it and thought it was a voice. I jokingly told the wife " hey honey i found the little girl she is stuck in all the dirt in the VCR , she wants us to clean the heads" . Any way this incident is a prime example of how people could mis concieve what they hear , hell 5 people could have sworn they where hearing " help me im down here" when really all they where hearing was a tape dragging in the VCR.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:52 AM
I live across from wild peacocks and the please god help me peacock idea is absurd, they dont scream and they dont sound human at all.......

Maybe no one hear has heard someone scream for their life before, i have and ive heard peacocks too, not even close to same sounds....FYI

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:56 AM
Minniescar, I think you have an incredible imagination. lmao, the first normal peacock sound does sound a bit like "help" but your really really pushing the "oh god" and the rest, they are all JUST peacock noises. I had a chicken that said three hail marys after laying each egg once!
I bet you bid for the "virgin's face" on a cheese sandwhich on ebay a while back. lol now Audio simulacra! what next.

Did you ever get your vcr to sing "were sending our love down the well"? (aka simpsons)

Sorry minniescar too damn funny.

Ok....Ive stopped laughing, Thankyou Minniescar, if laughter is the best medicine, I should live an extra decade now!

[edit on 102828p://070210 by instar]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:15 PM
You have to take into consideration that these recorded noises where most likely done near the peacock not in the hills of KY. Trust me noises distort greatly when they are in the distance and have to bounce off the hills.

However as for the giving you a good laugh part let me put this into perspective, you would rather believe an alien race from a far away galaxy snuck up and violently snatched a lady in the middle of the night from the hills of Ky then beleive a couple of people who heard a noise that they did not recognize that sounded like a person screaming got scared and let thier imagination go wild. No offense but i would think i should be the one laughing.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:23 PM
oops i did just notice i posted the same sound file multiple times ( sorry about that ) it should have been:

"help Please help"

And of course now the other links i had originally are down , ill look for them again .

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:33 PM
I don't believe it was a peacock, but until we can hear the 9-1-1 tape, we won't be able to say for sure.

just to add to the fun, coyotes come down to my neck of the woods every few winters, and they don't just howl like in the movies, they make some god-awful sounds too, only its more like a child screaming....chills me every time I hear it......

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Ghaele
Scary stuff...

It can't be an animal, because animals don't scream 'HELP, HELP'.

What woman is missing in the area? anyone reported as missing?

Maybe it was a talking parrot?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:29 PM
So, someone lit a peackock on fire, it flew down into a feild screaming, "help me, ohh god help, ahhhhhhhh" stop dropped and rolled, then flew away unscathed.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Chud
Peacocks sound nothing like people, they've got a very distinctive sound. And how could you mistake a peacock for a UFO

Not to mention the peacock dialing 911...i suppose its possible, I saw an elephant use a toilet on tv last night, but i dunno...

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:45 PM
You mean the woman screaming supposedly called 911? I didn't get that from the story.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:31 AM

However as for the giving you a good laugh part let me put this into perspective, you would rather believe an alien race from a far away galaxy snuck up and violently snatched a lady in the middle of the night from the hills of Ky then beleive a couple of people who heard a noise that they did not recognize that sounded like a person screaming got scared and let thier imagination go wild. No offense but i would think i should be the one laughing.

On the contrary, im more inclined to beleive folk heard an abduction/rape/murder, by HUMANS, than I am to beleive a peacock was calling for help !

Maybe aliens abducted a peacock !

Oh God, i havent laughed so hard without chemical assistance in years! Thanks again.

[edit on 012828p://49021 by instar]

[edit on 012828p://51021 by instar]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 02:22 AM
So may I have the link to the audio that is talked about here so I may make my own decision?

- Nazgarn

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 03:09 AM
IDK about oh god or please help, but they can "say" help when they do those damn screams. The other 2 are pushing it, sorry, not even I have heard a peacok sream that.

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