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'Screaming Woman' UFO

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posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:20 PM
'Screaming Woman' UFO
911 Dispatch Tapes Received
From Kenny Young
[email protected]

The police 9-1-1 dispatch tapes of the November 21, 2003 "Morehead, Kentucky Screaming Woman Incident" have been received. The tapes will be made available online by the start of next week, they contain the voice of the Skaggs Road resident nervously reporting a "woman screaming for help" in a field behind his house. Disturbingly, the caller states to police authorities that the woman was apparently involved in some type of a struggle.

In face to face discussion with this individual on Friday, December 5, he informed researchers Donnie Blessing and Kenny Young that the 2-minute episode of screaming consisted of 3 verbal sounds of "Help me, Oh God, somebody help me!" and 1 long nonverbal scream.

A UFO reportedly descended into this same field mere moments before the screams were heard -- possibly sighted by at least 5 other witnesses from surrounding homes. One witness, a UK psychologist, also informs that others heard the scream, including his son who said that it sounded like "a woman being torn apart." Within 15 to 20-minutes after the UFO departed rapidly to the west, he said, the very location the object descended into was crawling with police and rescue workers.

On the police tapes, rescue officers can be heard - sirens blaring - racing into the field with spotlights to search for the screaming woman that was never found.

Thanks to the Morehead, Kentucky police for releasing this data in a timely manner. The newly acquired police dispatch recordings do not shed any new light on this case, and we are no closer to solving this mystery, either. Details on this incident can be found at =

UFO Research Cincinnati UFO Hotline: 513-588-4548

Anyone here anything else about this?

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:29 PM
yeah i read about that. Very freaky scary stuff

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:37 PM
They Fly, they're big, and they scream HELP! HELP! like a woman in terror. Anyone here ever raise peafowl? At least they are known to actually exist. Their vocalization scared the jissum outta me the first time I heard it.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:54 PM
Here's pictures of the area if anyone's interested.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by herm
They Fly, they're big, and they scream HELP! HELP! like a woman in terror. Anyone here ever raise peafowl? At least they are known to actually exist. Their vocalization scared the jissum outta me the first time I heard it.

Scaring the jism out of you!?

How very disgusting.... And unfortunate if you are planning to have kids.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 04:57 PM
Peacocks sound nothing like people, they've got a very distinctive sound. And how could you mistake a peacock for a UFO

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:01 PM
Kind of scary, but as usual there is a lot of incoherence and vagueness in the reports. Was there a screaming lady? Has the screaming anything to do with the mysterious light? No one knows. Why did the witnesses see the same thing at a four hour interval? Broken clock? Fantasies? Was it the northern light they saw? Mixed up with Venus? Not unthinkable.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:45 PM
That's very creepy least your description.

I would tend to think that this "mysterious light" and the woman screaming would be unrelated. It's entirely possible it was a domestic situation and she was being beaten by her husbad, or perhaps an assault from a stranger, who knows.

However, the most disturbing part is that they didn't actually find her. That's just weird.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:47 PM
weres the audeo tape???

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 12:19 PM
Generally you don't have alot of domestic disturbances in the middle of a field and it is even more unusual to have that many different people witness it.
3 locations heard the screams 2 saw the ufo.
The reason it is unclear as to if it happened at the same time or not is because these are REAL people and sometimes it is hard to recall EXACT details especially when an event causes emotional distress in the witness.
In a perfect world, everyone would have photographic memories... hell, I am really flighty at times when trying to recall things and I am only 32... I hate it when people tell me to try real hard to remember, because if I don't remember, then I dont freakin remember! end of story.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:31 PM
Moorehead Kentucky....hmm...that really rings a bell, and it's the hoax bell.... Can't remember the details, but somebody is likely to dig it up before I recall it...

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:43 PM
Very strange case. I wonder where the woman came from? Just wandering around? The UFO dropped her off only to get her again? For some reason, things just don't add up....

Just my hunch.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 06:21 PM
there have been cases of people trying to resist abductions.perhaps she was and doind so.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 06:25 PM
For some reason this case disturbs the # out of me. I have a weird fear of Grays etc. originating from my childhood. I still have to keep curtains closed and my bed is always against a wall.

It's weird because basically I don't believe in alien visitors on Earth. Oh well, that's what you get when you watch too many UFO documentaries when you're 6 years old

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 02:16 PM
If it did happen, can you imagine the terror she was in. What would you do if you were in her place, and it really did happen?

I know most everyone will say that you'd run like the wind, but I am sure that that is a natural reaction, and she probably tried to run away as well.

Poor thing.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 02:33 PM
I bet the tentacle got her,
they will cut up her body alive then dispose of it either right there or some lake probably.....

When every one realises aliens are very real and most very dangerous,
you will percieve aliens like childmolestors or serial killers ,
which is more an appropriate view in my experience.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 02:37 PM

Peacocks sound nothing like people, they've got a very distinctive sound. And how could you mistake a peacock for a UFO

I beg to differ i live in KY about two hours from morehead and we have two animals native to this area that sound just like a woman screaming, Peacocks, and bobcats. On an average day i have two peacocks in the front yard when i come home and if those little bastards start doing thier call at 2 am again im half tempted to take them out with a shot to the head..

I remember as a child the first time i heard a bobcat scream in the distance , i was 13 and it sent chills up my spine. I ran into the house and told my parents that some women must be getting killed in our woods the screams where so intense. The sounds of either a peacock or a bobcat screaming can make the imagination go wild in the dark of night.

The lights could have been the northern lights which have been visable in ky for the past few years but it could also be an unamed party with a spotlight. Picture this , your sitting on your front porch and hear a scream that sounds like a woman screaming in pain, you grab your 10,000 watt spotlight beam ( used for recreational use of course not the illegal activity of spotlighting ) you shine the light in the field to see what it is but you see nothing and give up after a minute or you see a peacock and turn your light off. The next day you here about a UFO that was spotted and blood curdling screams where heard , not putting 2 and 2 together you say " hey i heard that too" and think nothing of your spotlight.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
I bet the tentacle got her,
they will cut up her body alive then dispose of it either right there or some lake probably.....

When every one realises aliens are very real and most very dangerous,
you will percieve aliens like childmolestors or serial killers ,
which is more an appropriate view in my experience.

I bet she was smart enough not to fall for the ol' tail whip in the legs trick

and whats a non-verbal scream anyway ?

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 03:17 PM
Was the woman rescued or did she just vanish? If the latter, was a woman ever even seen or did it just sound like a human screaming. There are many animals that sound just like a woman or child screaming. Have you ever heard a nest of rabbits get raided by a cat? It sounds like about thirty kids screaming bloddy murder. Maybe someone was poaching, with a large light, and shot and wounded a fawn or doe.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 06:56 PM
Scary stuff...

It can't be an animal, because animals don't scream 'HELP, HELP'.

What woman is missing in the area? anyone reported as missing?

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