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U.S. Sponsoring Kurdish Guerilla Attacks Inside Iran

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posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:13 AM

U.S. Sponsoring Kurdish Guerilla Attacks Inside Iran

We speak with independent journalist Reese Erlich about his report on Iranian Kurdish guerillas based among their Kurdish bretheren in northern Iraq. Erlich writes, “Kurdish and American sources say the United States has been supporting guerilla raids against Iran, channeling the money through organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan.”
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 28/3/07 by Souljah]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:13 AM
If you dig really deep, you can get all sorts of news and articles about US involvment in Iran:

By secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme. Although Washington officially denies involvement in such activity, Teheran has long claimed to detect the hand of both America and Britain in attacks by guerrilla groups on its internal security forces.

So how many of these raids really happened inside Iran, so that Iran decided to have enough and to capture some prisoners of hidden war against them themselves for a change? It is pretty clear that this raids are designed to escalate relations between Iran and US and UK and Kurds and just about anybody around them...
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 28/3/07 by Souljah]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:18 AM
Just curious is this propaganda meant to try and re-sway common opinion to the side of Iran after the UK Ministry of Defense just made complete public laughing stocks out of them?

The timing of your release of this article seems a bit convenient for any logical person…

Do you work for the Iranian propaganda machine, or you just hate the US and UK that much?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Just curious is this propaganda meant to try and re-sway common opinion to the side of Iran after the UK Ministry of Defense just made complete public laughing stocks out of them?

But of course their GPS shows that UK marines were in Iraqi waters.

I did not expect any other response - did you?

Yet we were not there - therefore we can not belive neither side.

The timing of your release of this article seems a bit convenient for any logical person…

This article is from yesterday - not my timing.

Do you work for the Iranian propaganda machine, or you just hate the US and UK that much?


I shall go with the C-answer.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
But of course their GPS shows that UK marines were in Iraqi waters.

I did not expect any other response - did you?

The captain of the Indian vessel remained at ancher and confirmed the postion of the UK boats...

Originally posted by Souljah
Yet we were not there - therefore we can not belive neither side.

Yet the crew of the Indian vessel was there and confirmed that the Iranians crossed the Iraqi border and took the crew hostage. If there was anyone that should have it in for the detained sailors it’s the crew of the foreign ship they boarded. That is a pretty hard to disprove.

Originally posted by Souljah
This article is from yesterday - not my timing.

Yet both you and the news organization that printed this, sat on it until the UK Navy handed the Iranian military their own Buttox…
Can you say propaganda?

Originally posted by Souljah

I shall go with the C-answer.

Which is what?
Since taking of hostages on the high seas is a terrorist act… Maybe sympathizer is answer C... Hm?

I am pretty sure you don’t want to go with “C” either and the list gets worse from there.

[edit on 3/28/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:14 AM
You know Souljah; a lot of folks here respect your controversial opinion. I normally avoid those topics because they just cause arguments. I personally believe that these Middle Eastern states often have no problem with sacrificing innocents to swing PR on their side. They do it all the time to such a point that there used to be a comic that showed IDF forces protecting a baby carriage while PA folks used one as protection from incoming fire. I’ll look around and see if I can find it.

There you go…

Religiously they have no problem with this as they see it as a martyr death, an instant trip to heaven for their loved ones. This time though their PR stunt backfired on them and they got caught with their pants down in front of the entire planet. I really don’t feel any sympathy toward them for this attempted PR stunt which was intended to A) get back their forces who were taken after being caught helping cause problems in Iraq, and B) trying to win world support to help them build a weapon that they really don’t need to have.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:45 AM
While I would love to stay and chit-chat about Israel and Palestine; or about Myself for that matter, the problem-0 here is, that none of this has anything to do with this topic, of US sponsoring Kurdish terrorists - oops, I mean guerrillas in Iran. Funny how you have not even mentioned a single word about that, since the only thing you guys love to talk about these days is about those captured UK marines and how they were in Iraq waters and how they are vicitoms of a terroristic regime; while you ignore certain fact, how western intelligence agenceies conduct cladnestine actions in Iran for a long, long time, yet nobody calls that terrorism, well actually nobody talks about that period.

Well, it's very complicated. Because on the one hand, the United States is very much opposes to the P.K.K.'s actions in Turkey. On the other hand they're supporting P.K.K.'s attack on Iran. This is kind of typical of the clandestine efforts by the United States when we saw the U.S. support for the Mujahadeen against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They sided with some pretty nefarious characters who ended up forming al Qaeda and bombing New York.

So once again, the U.S. is allying with one faction of this party, but not with the other, playing a very dangerous game and they're playing a very similar game with the Mujahadeen al-Halb, another Iranian group and with groups in Baluchestan which is near the Pakistan Iranian boarder where some revolutionary guard buses were blown up. It's a very very dangerous, duplicitous game that the United States is playing.

Now what does that tell you?

But I know you did not even bother to visit the links and to read the articles.

Empty "propaganda" right?

Yes, let's just post an insulting image and declare victory.

How noble.

[edit on 28/3/07 by Souljah]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:56 AM
Whats wrong with supporting the Kurds and causing instability in Iran? We want regime change. Apparantly the leagions of protesters there want it too. This way we can force a change without putting our own troops on the ground.

The troubles arise when somebody we supported gets full of himself and uses our money/weapons not to offor the people an option but to force one on the people. Then we have to go back and say we didnt expect this to happen, we thought we could trust these people then the whole world jumps down our throat for our support of whoever all the while demanding we support somebody else.

then theres the inciting of ethnic factions to help the toppling along but that always gets us some idiotic "civil war" and ends up making much more difficult in the long run.

Im all for using the emenies of our enemies and Im all for supporting the Kurds. They seem to have taken care of business in Northern Iraq very well. I just hope this all goes according to plan and there arent any wild cards that decide to live the warlord/dictator lifestyle. Sigh.... of course it'll happen. Why fight and die to free your neighbors when controlling them offers much more immediate gratification.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Israeli children sign bombs ready for Lebanon

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:02 AM
There are only two of the four links that you provided that are credible sources. The BBC link says nothing about what you claim, and the other source says that it’s being done in secret…

America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.

“Being done in secret” means it’s hearsay; there is no active proof that this is really occurring other then sources within Iran. Considering that Iran has an obvious agenda, and a propensity for being less then truthful, how reliable is that source?
If there are Kurds in their borders how do we, in fact, know that they are not there of their own volition. I mean the Kurds have already shown a lack of enthusiasm for respecting boarders as shown in their interactions with Turkey…
In truth, we don’t…
It’s speculation and it’s being released now as propaganda to show how we are abusing poor Iran.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:05 AM

[edit on 28-3-2007 by untilted]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:09 AM

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by untilted

Maybe they are writing “I hope you get 16 virgins instead of the standard 8”…

Writing on Bombs is a long standing tradition that goes back to at least WWI… This is more Anti-US, Anti-War, Anti-Isreal BS…

Originally posted by untilted

First off this boy is tied to NOTHING, as opposed to what the picture is called “boy_tied_to_israeli_jeep.jpg”. You can clearly see that his hands are not bound, neither is his waist. It’s hard to tell if his feet are bound together as he is wearing bell-bottoms. Either way though it’s clearly obvious that there is nothing attaching him to the jeep. He is sitting quite comfortable on the hood like someone that is being lawfully detained, unlike US/Israeli captives that get to have their heads removed. The jeep is not in harms way, it's not carrying munitions, or any of the other PR stunts that the radical Muslim nations pull. More BS PR from the masters of BS PR…

Another Baby-milk factory:" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

[edit on 3/28/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by untilted

This certainly looks like the captive is being held behind the soldier and behind a wall for his protection. As with the picture above, what is your point? Is it that the Israeli’s are not allowed to take captives? They obviously do so while protecting them far better then the other side who seems to like to cut their heads off…

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:22 AM
only a monster would teach kids to 'send love' (yes it says that, but it seems you cannot read) with bombs...

you approve that, hence you are a monster and you go to my ignore list...

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:24 AM
God not the damn war of pictures..

Who ever posted the children's picture they signed the SHELLS not bombs, because their parents where killed..

Anything Souljah says IS propaganda, it is what he lives for, expect nothing rational from him.

That is why he is the only person on my ignore list, there is no point arguing with a propaganda bot.

As for the US funding Kurds to attack Iran, NO WAY!!!
Of course we are! We fund all kinds of people to attack other people, sometimes we even fund both sides.

So whats your point?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
“Being done in secret” means it’s hearsay; there is no active proof that this is really occurring other then sources within Iran. Considering that Iran has an obvious agenda, and a propensity for being less then truthful, how reliable is that source?

Right, cuz the good ol US of A would NEVER secretly fund something such as this. The Iran Contra scandal, support of Nicuraguan gurillas, death squads in Columbia, those are all hearsay too, right?

Its funny, we support a group of people to unleash violence and unrest against the population of another country and it is labeled as "ok, because we want regime change, and so do some of the people there". If another country does the same to us (for the same reasons, mind you) it is labeled as terrorism. I dont condone either sides actions as they are both despicable, but isn't that just a tid bit of a double standard???

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

this better discribes it

Maybe they are writing “I hope you get 16 virgins instead of the standard 8”…

Writing on Bombs is a long standing tradition that goes back to at least WWI… This is more Anti-US, Anti-War, Anti-Isreal BS…

seeing as the largest casulties of the Israel bomb bardemnt of cities in lebonen where cuvilian and only handfull of hazbullah not funny
and very pathetic getting kids to do that (just shows them that its ok to destroy someones life)

on a side note isnt this topic about

U.S. Sponsoring Kurdish Guerilla Attacks Inside Iran

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by untilted
only a monster would teach kids to 'send love' (yes it says that, but it seems you cannot read) with bombs...

Coming from someone that believes in this propaganda BS, I’ll take that as a compliment…
Lets see, if you had your friends an family targeted, purposely as civilians, by an enemy militia, what would you write?

Originally posted by untilted
you approve that, hence you are a monster and you go to my ignore list...

I am there 100%, with bells on…

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

As for the US funding Kurds to attack Iran, NO WAY!!!
Of course we are! We fund all kinds of people to attack other people, sometimes we even fund both sides.

So whats your point?

And this is ok, WHY??!! You honestly think its ok for us to do what we attack other countries for doing? THIS is a perfect example of international terrorism, and we are the main offender. The war on terror should have started right here at home and rounded up all the "terrorists" that have been running our country into the ground.

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