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Are there still Hitler statues standing?

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posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:28 PM

also you have to remeber that stalin was classed as an ally in the war so politians had to be very careful at the time.

Precisely my point. I don't know about you, but if a person wants to play the numbers games, I think the murder of 20 million people is a lot worse than 6 million. I tend to think that if it hadn't been Jews that Hitler had killed, little to nothing would have been said or done about it. That's just my opinion.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Precisely my point. I don't know about you, but if a person wants to play the numbers games, I think the murder of 20 million people is a lot worse than 6 million. I tend to think that if it hadn't been Jews that Hitler had killed, little to nothing would have been said or done about it. That's just my opinion.

i dont think that just because they were jews people made a big fuss it doesnt matter if they were jewish, islamic, cathlic or purple with green spots its still 6 million lives.
plus it is estimated at 6 million there could be more and you are forgeting all the men that died in battle, and all the bomb raids on london,liverpool, paris and so on that killed so many people to.

a whole generation was nearly wiped out because of hitler and his crazy scemes.

also i dont think its a competition for who killed the most people they were both evil men and they killed millions of people.
there are also so many other dictators that thoughout history that have killed millions of people even in our modern society such as in africa and iraq so why fight over who killed the most and just hope that they are burning in hell if it existes and the people that were so brutally murdered now rest in piece

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:46 PM
Hitler also did a lot of damage to his own people.....At the end, he was ordering his troops that were retreating across Germany to burn everything, including homes and farms of the loyal Germans.....I believe he said something to the effect, that 'they did not deserve to have any thing left, since they had lost the war.'

My son has a friend in Germany, she's 27 years old or so, and has said that they 'do not talk much about him...' She visited us a year or two ago and was a bit shocked that we had several books about Hitler......she said you'd not find those in Germany.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Hitler also did a lot of damage to his own people

stalin did kill alot of his own people to i do have to say, its rumoured that he killed his own girlfriend because she disagreed with him.
nearly all of the jews were also german citizens so in respect they were also his own people.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by NoSuchAgency
I was wondering, would there still be places on earth where villages have hitler statues? Like whole communities of nazi's who have flead to an island somewhere in the pacific and still admire Hitler or something...

I'm going to tell you what I know to be fact. About 15 years ago, I was in Ramstein, Germany (which is the headquarters of the U.S. Airforce in Europe), and I stayed at a friend's apartment for the two weeks I was over there. In that time, I was introduced to some of the locals, many of whom were senior citizens who had no doubt lived through Hitler's Third Reich.

These were very nice, hospitable folks, just like the quaint stereotypes that you see in German tourism advertising. They would invite you into their homes, invite you to dinner, invite you to see their "candy rooms"... The old Germans are big on their candy rooms — it's a part of the house that is pretty much dedicated to candy, like a candy shrine.
It's just a German tradition, I don't know much more about the origin.

However... I visited this one home where the silver-haired old German lady made fruit tea for us, then invited us to see her "candy room" in the back of the house. We followed her in there, and I almost defecated in my pants when this sweet old lady stopped and gave a Sieg Heil to a portrait of Adolf Hitler hanging prominently in her candy room!!! I peered around the room in the dim light, and I could see Nazi memorabilia everywhere — swastika arm bands, flags, lances, group Gestapo photos, the whole nine yards.

Oh, and lots and lots of candy.

Well, I didn't say a word, I just bit my lip. It is so illegal to collect that sort of stuff in Germany today, it's like a crime against the state. And saying Sieg Heil to a portrait of Hitler in modern Germany will land your ass in jail. Yet here was this sweet little old German lady who lived her life with a candy shrine to the Third Reich.

Afterwards, my friend told me that this is not uncommon — he said that there is yet a large population of Nazi-sympathizers in Germany, a very serious underground following indeed.

So, you don't need to go looking for a village of ex-Nazis in Brazil or in the South Pacific... They're still right there in the Fatherland.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 4/1/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 03:13 PM
Perhaps, I should have said he'd done a lot of damage to the Germans that he considered to be his own people.

Stalin as well turned on those who had been loyal to him. My uncle was a guard when the German held Russian POW's were loaded on trains to be returned home. They begged not to be returned to Russian soil, saying they would only be executed as soon as they stepped off the it later turned out, they had been right.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Perhaps, I should have said he'd done a lot of damage to the Germans that he considered to be his own people.

sorry to sound hostile i wasnt at all so please accept my apologies

i was watching a documentary a couple of weeks ago and on it it told how that jews in germany have to have armed guards outsides of their sinigogs(i know im sorry i spelt that wrong) even today because of fear of retaliation from neo- nazis

[edit on 1-4-2007 by kerrichin]

[edit on 1-4-2007 by kerrichin]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:14 PM
I'm just amused people are actually posting "Yeah alot of people were killed because of him, but he made the trains run on time" responses.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 05:27 PM

I'm just amused people are actually posting "Yeah alot of people were killed because of him, but he made the trains run on time" responses.

it makes you wonder what the men and women fought for

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:28 PM
While we're mentioning dictators, you might as well put Mao Zedong in as well, so many people were killed during his leadership, I learned about that stuff in school, the funny thing was that they managed to keep everything behind closed doors until the late 80's. Everyone in China seemed to be happy, but they had no other choice

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Germany would rather pretend their past does not exist then to recognize it.

Do you know any Germans? Evidently not, or you would know better.

Europe would rather believe history began in 1945 and forsake the rest.

Do you know any Europeans? Evidently not, or you would know better.

The motto of this site is 'deny ignorance', not 'demonstrate ignorance'.

Do try to keep up.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 10:23 PM

Europe would rather believe history began in 1945 and forsake the rest

this is what annoys me not just england have memorials throughout europe their are memorials and rememborance days for the fallen men and women such as italy and france for one and germany does still have some of the concentration camps and just recently they had remeborance days for the people killed.
also just recently young men decendants from the men from ww1 marched across france to copy zero hour for their family members that died that terrible day

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 10:23 PM
you only have to wath the history channel to see how remebered ww2 is

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