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Are we hours away from war with Iran??

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posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:29 PM
15 UK sailors being held at gunpoint by IRAN…

UK sailors captured at gunpoint… This could potentially turn into a blood bath. We are one misunderstanding away from WAR now…

Retribution would be swift and extreme in measures…

15 UK sailors being held at gunpoint by IRAN

Fifteen British Navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.
The men were seized at 1030 local time when they boarded a boat in the Gulf, off the coast of Iraq, which they suspected was smuggling cars.
The Ministry of Defence said: "The group boarding party had completed a successful inspection of a merchant ship when they and their two boats were surrounded and escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters.
"We are urgently pursuing this matter with the Iranian authorities at the highest level.
"The British government is demanding the immediate and safe return of our people and equipment."
It is understood the men being held are safe and well.
Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has summoned the Iranian ambassador to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, in an attempt to get the sailors and marines released as quickly as possible.

I wouldn’t pick a fight with the HMS Cornwall a Type 22 Frigate..

Are we hours away from war with Iran??

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 23-3-2007 by Neon Haze]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Hours? Perhaps not...

Days? Unlikely...

Weeks? Potentially...

Months? Perhaps so...

Years? Without a doubt...

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:37 PM
I don't think it will come to war.The Irainians like to talk a lot of crap. I believe they will be soon released and it will be a "mistake". I thought they wanted to capture Americans and "feed them to our fighting cocks".

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:49 PM
i dunno if this would qualify for a full out war... but then again we are just delaying the inevitable

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:49 PM
I think what really happend was they were looking for somebody to blame for the bad historical facts the movie 300 had about the Persian Empire


posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:53 PM
And what is iran doing seizing people in IRAQI waters,THEN dragging them into iranian territory??IF that were an american ship there would be TWO iranian boats on the bottom right now.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by rdang
I don't think it will come to war.The Irainians like to talk a lot of crap. I believe they will be soon released and it will be a "mistake". I thought they wanted to capture Americans and "feed them to our fighting cocks".

What do you think would happen if there were to be a misunderstanding and aggressive release negotiations were to take place..... I.E a fire fight....

How may dead would it take for direct military action??

What if the people that kidnapped these 15 members of the Royal Navy were not in the control of the Iranian government??

I say we are already at war with Iran by proxy... We are fighting an unofficial war with Iran and Syria through the actions of Arming and supporting Israel and the continued bloodbath that is Iraq...

I say we need to stop fighting behind the scenes and just go straight in, and the sooner the better.

Yes there will be blood shed on both sides but I firmly believe that until this is done there will be no peace in the world.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:21 PM
If this is true and not just blatant propaganda to try and stir things up:
Remember last month when the US military raided an Iranian embassy and looted it and took people? Maybe this is payback or maybe the Iranians are getting a bargaining chip to use in order to get their people back.
If we start seeing this used as justification for attacking Iran within the following days or weeks, then it was definitely settup. Irony that just a few hours BEFORE this Iran was doing naval manuvers... Perfect timing? Or is it TOO perfect?
Iran has been playing the diplomacy cards and has done nothing to give bu#es a reason to attack them. Such as working with Russia and the UN more. It is a chessboard that goes round and round and I HIGHLY doubt Iran would do this without STRONG justification. They know they have to keep the international community behind THEM not the US, Britain and Isreal. Should they come out stating: "prisoner exchange, give us our diplomats back and you can have your 15 back, never do this again! (attack an embassy)" then they ARE justified in capturing 15 people. Time will tell, if Iran does nothing with these "15 sailors" then I would say this is propaganda or the government is hiding the prisoner exchanges going on. Nothing new for countries to go around capturing people just to get their people back. This has been going on for a L-O-N-G time.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:24 PM
Iran would be insane to start a war. No one believes Iran could win a conventional war with the west. They don't have the logistical capability for a prolonged event. They depend too much on foreign equipment. Now could they get Syria involved? Well whats in it for them? As far as the west invading Iran,well if I was Iran,my concern would be more with Israel.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Neon Haze, you sure seem willing to send others to their deaths by engaging Iran. You are going to volunteer to help in the cause aren't you, or Are you content to set in your comfortable computer center and play with your mouse.

Are you willing to shed your blood for world peace? Go straight in as it were.....

I served and get the sneaking suspicion you don't really have much practical experience in these matters. Just an opinion and you know what they say about opinions............


posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:29 PM
Yes the war against Iran will be in full gear as soon Trigger happy bush gets his war budget approved in congress.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:29 PM
It was on the border of Iran and Iraqi waters. This happening in Iraqi waters is unknown.
As is the vessel that the British boarded.
Or the reason Iran captured them.

I love how the media is portraying it as a kidnapping before any details have come out though. lol

[edit on 23-3-2007 by AwakeAndAllSeeing]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Iran was justified in rescuing the Iranian merchant vessel from the gun-toting British soldiers that had over-run it in Iranian waters.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:43 PM
we can't afford to go to war with Iran. we have too many problems in Iraq to resolve first. Iran will be dealt with diplomatically. Iran and the U.S. know this and they are making progress.

u.s. troops are spread thin. bush knows this.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Yes the war against Iran will be in full gear as soon Trigger happy bush gets his war budget approved in congress.

Something... just something... tells me that you're not real up to date on what the president can/can't do involving wars, executive actions, and such, or you've just made a mistake. He doesn't need this budget to invade Iran. That's a seperate action, and he can press a button right now and go to action with Iran. That's within his powers, always has been... Declaring war isn't, but he can attack anyone he likes as CIC...

Of course, my assumption is that it's just a blatent Bush bash... which I'm all for, but at least be accurate.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Neon Haze, you sure seem willing to send others to their deaths by engaging Iran. You are going to volunteer to help in the cause aren't you, or Are you content to set in your comfortable computer center and play with your mouse.

Are you willing to shed your blood for world peace? Go straight in as it were.....

I served and get the sneaking suspicion you don't really have much practical experience in these matters. Just an opinion and you know what they say about opinions............


The choice to serve is something I have the utmost respect for, as do I greatly respect those who choose to live the freedom that has been won and defended by our best.

I maintain that logistically speaking, swift clean action would produce less loss of life than just letting Iran feed the violence in Iraq and causing tensions across the whole region.

Some times you have to accept an initial loss to ensure long term gains.
Something I would have thought an ex serviceman such as yourself would have understood.

Could you look into the eyes of the families of lost service men in Iraq and say you wouldn’t take action against the people who perpetrated the attacks?? I know I couldn’t….

I don't feel safe sat behind a computer screen as you put it... I actually feel for the people that are now in the hands of people that can only be considered hostile.

and I especially feel for the families of these men...

It may seem harsh of me but I say as a English Subject we need to stop delaying the inevitable and take action.

All the best,


posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:05 PM
So with the capture of the 15 U.K. troops and now a headline on states the Iranian president has cancelled his trip to the states to address the U.N. due to late Visas. Yeah right. Something is stirring and the pot seems to be ready to boil over.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:07 PM
Seizure of the British soldiers/marines could be considered an act of war. So far, England has just demanded that they be returned unharmed.

This happened a while ago and 8 English soldiers/marines were seized in a similar fashon and released 3-4 days later.

With the state of affairs heating up in the mideast I think this was a very provocotive thing to do.

But you have to remember that this is the same group that seized the US diplomates from the US embassy in the 1980s and there were no sever consequences that their country paid as a result of that.

I think that Jimmy Carter was too gentel a person to handle that situation in a sever fashion. As a result, Iran is still sees kidnapping as a tool that they can use.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:09 PM
If this were not so serious, it would be funny.

IMO, Iran is doing it's best to provoke a fight/war with US/UK/Israel.

If they are not careful, they will end up getting what they want.

They are actually helping the US gain allies in the upcoming war with Iran.

Now, I am sure UK would be much more willing to help the us on any attack.

Lets also not forget France has a few naval ships in the area-I believe they may have a French version of a aircraft carrier battle group.

I admit, I ran has not messed with France...yet.

I send my best wishes for the safe return of the brave British personal.

[edit on 3/23/2007 by mrmonsoon]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by iggster
So with the capture of the 15 U.K. troops and now a headline on states the Iranian president has cancelled his trip to the states to address the U.N. due to late Visas. Yeah right. Something is stirring and the pot seems to be ready to boil over.

Are you sure it said cancelled? Or postponed "due to the very large entourage that all need visas..."

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