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Why attack the Pentagon itself from the inside?

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 12:56 AM
A lot of people think that controlled demolitions staged in New York would be a sufficient pretext to permanent global war as fuel for the military industrial complex so they ask........

Why would they bother attacking their own house........the Pentagon?

Besides the obvious fact that they knew people would ask that question (the "big lie" syndrome) the answer could simply be that they would benefit from it in some way.

i.e. they had some people to get rid of in order to have best control of the stituation.

Which leads us to the information posted by our fellow CIT forum soldier LaBTop and his excellent research about the Office of Naval Intelligence which is the branch that got hit the hardest on 9/11.

Take it away LaBTop!


Navy Command Center. (Also housing ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence).

Source page :

On the morning of September 11, Comdr. Patrick Dunn was the watch commander of the Navy Command Center on the first floor, in the D ring of the Pentagon. Personnel in the Center were aware of the terrorist attacks in New York and were monitoring developments along with other situations around the world.

At 9:38 am, terrorists crashed a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon. The plane slid directly through the Navy Command Center, killing twenty-nine of the thirty people working in the facility. In the Pentagon attack, 125 employees were killed and some 140 more were injured; aboard the airplane fifty-three passengers, seven crew members, and five hijackers died.

Navy Command Center card
This card was used to gain access to the Navy Command Center on the first floor of the D ring in the Pentagon. The Command Center was staffed 24 hours a day by personnel who monitored U.S. naval units around the world and watched worldwide news broadcasts.

This was the one Intelligence operation the perpetrators of 9/11 did not have under their control. It had to be "cleaned", so these very experienced news watchers would not get at the inserted programs by the army propaganda units and teams at CNN etc, these programs were in place behind the media companies own editing functions. That way they could cut off any really derailing news coverage, like they did with the BBC report of WTC 7 already collapsed, while WTC 7 was still standing in full glory behind the reporting journalist.

ORGZ. N513 (Entrance Badge for Naval Command Center) Valid until Jan 31 2003.

The following pictures are from this page.
Source page :

Photo by Michael Garcia
Rescue workers at the Pentagon.
Civilian and military personnel rush to help evacuate the burning Pentagon.

There's one small fire to be seen, the famous colour-changing "cameleon-brand" pickup truck burning again.
There's no debris to be seen bigger than a person's hand (see also photo below) on the lawn.

Pentagon photographs
Description: This collection of approximately 1,600 images taken by Michael Garcia, Ssgt. Brian Boisvert, and Cpl. Jason Ingersoll show the Pentagon immediately after the September 11 attack and during the following week.

Context: As a member of the Pentagon’s Defense Protective Service, Michael Garcia, along with Ssgt. Brian Boisvert, a U.S. Air Force photographer, and Marine Corps photographer Cpl. Jason Ingersoll had broad access to secure areas. Their images show firefighters battling the flames, destroyed offices, the cleanup, and aerial shots of the Pentagon.

In this photo, shortly after the wedge collapse, you see that the generator truck is not burning, only smoking a tad bit, and 2 small tar roof cover burning.
But after another 15 minutes, the truck was full ablaze again, and lots of fires suddenly were burning full force again. After the famous false alarm for another incoming plane. Arson?
Then the Pentagon ROOF burned for night and days and days, at places far from impact traject. Ain't that a bit strange?

Did anyone ever contemplate on the strange effect-not-to-be-seen in this and other pictures from within an hour after impact;
the non-excistance of bigger parts bounced back from that long stretch of Pentagon wall?

I do find it still particulary curious, that there are no wing parts, jet-motor parts and fuselage parts to be seen AT ALL on that pristeen lawn.
Except that one perhaps planted outer hull part, to be seen in several other pictures. Nothing else got ejected more than about 30 meters.
There are of course lots of pictures with small debris in them, but taken later than 1 hour after impact, and that debris lays within a 30 meter distance from the Pentagon wall, and lots of it could be Pentagon originating. Not from a plane or missile.
Later we saw pictures of debris put against the long front wall of the Helipad tower, and some people carrying away some bigger parts.
But none of these were to be seen in the earliest pictures, directly after impact.

Pay attention to the officially proposed, southern from Citgo incoming, between 45° and 55° angle with the Pentagon wall, impact traject.
Ever seen a ping-pong ball bouncing off a table, thrown under a 45° angle?
It bounces back with the same angle. Only when the throwing person adds "effect" to the ball, it will bounce back with a greater or smaller angle, depending on the spin, or i.o.w., rotation of the ball.
In the case of Flight 77, there was no spin rotation, thus any sheared off parts should have bounced back under the same outgoing angle as the incoming angle, and thus most of that debris would have impacted the Helipad tower doors, with slightly less than the official proposed endspeed of 857 km per hour, in other words, 238 meter per second.
But it didn't.
Most of the fuselage will enter the Pentagon wall of course, at that speed, but will have been substantially slowed down by the thick reinforced wall and the keflar netting and newly introduced steel enforcement beams and collumns behind the wall.

How about what happens when a plane fly in the Pentagon wall, head on?
Of course you must accept the north of Citgo fly path in that case. And an impact.
Which impact will be in total disagreement with the officially proposed and photographed impact pattern, solely from Flight 77.

But it will be a good way to convince your self that their must be something terribly wrong with the official 9/11 conspiracy theory.

[edit on 22-3-2007 by Jack Tripper]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Ive always asked, what is the reason for hitting the pentagon if indeed they did it.
WTC coming down would SURELY be enough to convince the masses...

But your saying they did it to control the media? as in take away officials monitoring worldwide news about the incident?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Jack Tripper
Pay attention to the officially proposed, southern from Citgo incoming, between 45° and 55° angle with the Pentagon wall, impact traject.
Ever seen a ping-pong ball bouncing off a table, thrown under a 45° angle?
It bounces back with the same angle.

Yes, but the ping pong ball is a smooth solid spherical object bouncing off a smooth flat solid surface not an irregularly shaped plane deforming as it hits an irregular surface which is itself deforming. Neither is the ping pong ball being affected by a massive shock wave from an explosive blast.

I am not going to question the principle of angles of reflection but the two events are not remotely comparable.

How about what happens when a plane fly in the Pentagon wall, head on?
Of course you must accept the north of Citgo fly path in that case.

Maybe I'm wrong, (and I'll apologise if I am), and your position has moved on but I was under the impression that "The Pentacon" made the assertion that there was no head on impact and that the hijacked plane pulled up and overflew the Pentagon. I don't think you can have it both ways.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 01:02 PM
Point being the damage to the building as meticulously detailed in the ASCE report does not reflect such a thing so therefore the plane could not have hit.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Ive always asked, what is the reason for hitting the pentagon if indeed they did it.
WTC coming down would SURELY be enough to convince the masses...

But your saying they did it to control the media? as in take away officials monitoring worldwide news about the incident?

LaBTop's research has uncovered information showing that this could be part of the motive.

What's particularly odd is the fact that pentagon victim April Gallop was in the Pentagon on her first day back from work from maternity leave and she claims that she had no clue about what had happened at the towers.

So she was allowed security clearance into the building with her newborn baby and we were confirmed under attack at 9:04 when the 2nd plane hit the towers but 30 minutes passed as she made it to her desk and nobody told her what had happened in New York.

This indicates to me that there was a concerted effort to keep some pentagon workers that were in the most danger in the dark.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Jack Tripper
Why would they bother attacking their own house........the Pentagon?

Last year some time, I think, this was brought up and my opinion still stays the same. The only conclusion I came up with for a "domestic attacker", on the Pentagon would be to demonstrate the ability of the bunker busting munitions.

That facility was suposed to be harded against attacks, and a airplane is not a military munition designed for busting bunkers. If they were, why not crash those into Binny boys caves instead of multi million dollar missiles.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 02:14 PM
Military personel from within the pentagon reported the smell of cordite after the supposed aircraft hit. If anybody knows what cordite smells like, i'm sure it's these people.

Why did the fire folk spray water on a supposed aviation crash??

Enough said.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Source :
---- Our sources have informed us that there was a group of ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] working in this part of the Pentagon that were investigating the $120 billion Brady Bond scam I have reported on recently. Reports are that this matter went all the way to the top. ­ Nicholas Brady and George H W Bush.----

Source :
* Office of Naval Intelligence - the oldest of America's intelligence agencies, the ONI ,
"no longer has only a Navy focus. It provides national products to national consumers and focus on all aspects of maritime intelligence vice Navy-only. Maritime intelligence includes the technical and operational intelligence needed to support training and equipping of the nation's seagoing forces as well as the detailed tracking and evaluation of civil maritime shipping. ONI is the only source for intelligence on civil maritime shipping worldwide and emphasize the national interests associated with weapons proliferation, chemical/biological/nuclear materials transfer, technology transfer, terrorism, drug smuggling, illegal migrant transfer, and the overall national and international concerns regarding ocean environment." [3]

* Marine Corps Intelligence Agency - intelligence division of the USMC, works closely with ONI. [4]

Source :
----.the only people the CIA wouldn't step on to accomplish their aims was ONI. They would easily subvert an FBI or DEA investigation, but never ONI, because they were frightened of them.
In his book, Al writes that contrary to popular belief, ONI is the most powerful US intelligence agency.
---- "ONI is where the real deep control is. It's where the real deep secrets are kept. That was what ONI always did the best. Keeping secrets. Accumulating secrets. Warehousing secrets for the purposes of control."
---- and ONI had never alligned with the Bush faction.

Source :
Proof Lee Harvey Oswald Trained By CIA, Worked For ONI.

This is a copy of an internal memo, where it is said that it is not in the interest of the US to make this info at that time known to the commission investigating the John F. Kennedy assassination.
It was at last released FIFTY years later !

Source :
The time has come to seriously consider that the American people are being tricked into a war. Such things are hardly new. Recently declassified documents prove beyond al doubt that Pearl Harbor was not only NOT a surprise, but was the desired result of an 8 step ONI plan written by Arthur H. McCollum and implemented by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in order to trick the people of the United States into a war against Hitler, via the back door of Japan.
Source :
On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum of the Office of Naval Intelligence ONI submitted a memo to Navy Captains Walter Anderson and Dudley Knox (whose endorsement is included in the following scans). Captains Anderson and Knox were two of President Roosevelt's most trusted military advisors.

The memo, scanned below, (scans included, click to enlarge) detailed an 8 step plan to provoke Japan into attacking the United States. President Roosevelt, over the course of 1941, implemented all 8 of the recommendations contained in the McCollum memo. Following the eighth provocation, Japan attacked. The public was told that it was a complete surprise, an "intelligence failure", and America entered World War Two.
This memo, which proves that the government of the United States desired to lure Japan into an attack, was declassified in 1994. It took fifty years for the truth about Pearl Harbor to be revealed. Will we have to wait that long for the truth of 9-11 to come out?

Source :

Retired US Navy Lt. Commander and ONI officer Al Martin wrote "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider."
In this book, Martin explains the operations of the Bush Cabal and details the many Iran-Contra-related criminal operations involving Robert Gates, currently the Defense Secretary designate.

Source :

Whistleblower Lt. Cmdr. Al Martin (US Navy, Ret.) has written a powerful expose of the hidden history of America from the 1980s, the 1990s to the present day. He reveals details of wholesale corruption and unimaginable financial fraud foisted on US taxpayers.
The book's premise is simple. Organized crime (actually a white-collar crime syndicate comprised of government bureaucrats, military officers, intelligence officers and con men or "beltway bandits") has in essence taken over the US Government.

Now Al Martin tells the facts that have been ignored or covered-up for over 15 years. There are many detailed descriptions of ongoing fraud committed by the Bush family, specifically George Bush Sr., George Bush, Jr., Neil Bush and Jeb Bush. These include the Trinity Gas and Oil Fraud, the Tri-Lateral Investment Fraud, the Harken Energy Fraud, as well as major high-yielding real estate, insurance and bank frauds in Florida, Colorado and Texas.

Al Martin names names, dates and events, which no one has ever dared write or publish before.

Here are the chapter titles:

1. Confidential File: Alexander S. Martin
2. The National Programs Office (NPO) and Operation Sledgehammer
3. Oliver North: The Money Laundering Drug Smuggling "Patriot"
4. "Do Nothing" Janet Reno and Iran-Contra Suppression
5. Classified Illegal Operations: Cordoba Harbor and Screw Worm
6. The Don Austin Case
7. Bush Family Fraud & Iran-Contra Profiteering
8. Insider Stock Swindles for "The Cause"
9. Corporate Fraud, Stock Fraud and Other Scams
10. The Tri-Lateral Investment Group - Bush Family Fraud
11. Lawrence Richard Hamil: The US Government's Con Man
12. US Government Narcotics Smuggling & Illicit Weapons Sales
13. US Government Sanctioned Drug Trafficking
14. The Chinese Connection: US Weapons & High Tech Graft
15. More Iran-Contra Stories: Both Humorous & Salient
16. Chinese Money for US Weapons
17. US Government Narcotics Smuggling (Part 2)
18. In Hiding Again
19. Corporate Fraud, Government Fraud and More Fraud
20. The Real Story of Operation Watchtower
21. KGB & East German Intel Activities in the US (1985-87)
22. Bush Family Corporate, Real Estate, and Bank Frauds
23. Iran-Contra Real Estate Fraud
24. More Chinese-Military Connections
25. ONI, CZX & Orpheus

Sources :

This is a LONG VERY INTERESTING audio file on the court case against Vreeland, as he himself admitted, an ONI agent, in Canada.
He sealed in an envelope a quite precise description of the 9/11 attacks on 20 or 21 August 2001 while in Canadian prison, and these notes were opened after 9/11 on his request, on 14 September.
At the about 30 min point is an interview with a journalist who personally spoke to Delmart Vreeland,
and he tells us the exact text of Vreelands notes :

""Our brothers in faith will attack the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001 etc.""
This means that several US agencies like the Secret Service, the FBI, the NSA etc, knew exactly what was going to happen on 9/11, because Vreeland informed them all far before 9/11 with the same information he brought back from Moscow.

The FBI said they had NO fingerprints on Vreeland, when asked by the Canadian court.
Then look at his clearly fixed criminal record from Michigan, a bit further down in this post.
If that record would be true, the FBI would have fingerprints of him.
Intelligence members often get a fixed criminal record when infiltrating certain circles, to lend credibility for them.
Remember that, when reading the following strange stories about him.

Source :
---- In June and July of 2001 Vreeland wrote a 37 page document addressed and intended to be sent to Admiral Vernon Clark, Chief of Naval Operations. It recounted the information on the intercepted documents and was to serve as a warning of the coming attacks. In August of 2001 Vreeland wrote a note with specifics of the attacks and asked that it be sent to the CSIS. The existence of this note was not revealed publicly until September 14, 2001.

Vreeland's day in court came in early January of 2002 after an exhaustive Constitutional motion had been filed with the Canadian judicial system. The Navy denied Vreeland was an intelligence operative and said he was merely a run of the mill seaman who was discharged in 1986 for failure to do his job. They supplied 56 pages of documentation they said were Vreeland's complete Navy personnel file. However, the pages were carelessly selected from over 1200 pages that comprise Vreeland's actual military record. Each of them was numbered and it was clear that over a thousand were missing. Furthermore, sloppy editing revealed that Vreeland had been given medical exam by Navy doctors in 1990, four years after his supposed discharge. The Navy has refused to furnish the remaining paperwork.

In a court room proceeding on January 10, 2002 Vreeland's lawyer Paul Slansky had an opportunity to prove Vreeland's claim that he still worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence ( ONI ) and was not let go for poor performance. The presiding judge agreed to let Slansky call the Pentagon from the filled courtroom. With at least six witnesses listening to a speaker phone, Slansky called information and asked for the main number at the Pentagon. He then called the Pentagon and asked the operator to see if Lt. Delmart Vreeland was employed there. All of Vreeland's information was supplied, his rank as a Lieutenant, his office number, and his direct phone number. These events and the Navy's problem with his personnel file are all a matter of court record.

Vreeland was finally released March 13, 2002 by a Toronto Superior Court. All the charges against him have been dropped. He has a May 6, 2002 court date to set his extradition hearing for sometime in September.

Vreeland is now, 2002, quite ironically, living in the World Trade Center in Toronto and is seeking permanent refugee status in Canada. He hopes to be in a witness protection program and wants the protection of the United Nations. The United States Navy wants him for credit card fraud and continues to try to extradite him.

Lieutenant Delmart "Mike" Vreeland fears for his life. He has good reason. Marc Bastien was murdered on December 12, 2000, eight days after Vreeland left Moscow.

Source :
Lawyer representing Rocco Galati, who received death threats from intelligence agencies was the same lawyer who represented Mike Vreeland who received death threats from the same voice before being 'disappeared'.

""And back in 2001, he and Slansky defended another unpopular man in another very murky case.
The man was Delmart Edward Vreeland, an American locked up in the Don jail who was wanted in his own country for credit card fraud.
What was unusual about Vreeland was his claim that the U.S. government had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Indeed, as the Star reported at the time, Vreeland handed over to his guards a sealed envelope in August, 2001, that predicted the attacks.
Unfortunately, the guards didn't get around to opening it until Sept. 14.

Vreeland also made other claims. He claimed he had been working for U.S. naval intelligence.

He claimed that a Cuban immigrant named Nestor Fonseca, in jail in Toronto on drug charges, was plotting to kill Canadian and U.S. police officers.

He claimed that a Canadian Embassy worker in Moscow named Marc Bastien had not died from natural causes in 2000 as the government said but had been poisoned.

Vreeland's allegations against Fonseca were initially supported by Toronto police, who said they found a hit list in the Cuban's cell.
But by November, 2001, two months after the terror attacks on New York and Washington, everything changed.

Crown prosecutors dropped the attempted murder charges against Fonseca, saying they had been based on the testimony of an "unsavoury witness." Three months later, prosecutors dropped a bevy of other charges against Fonseca, including extortion, and instead extradited him to the U.S.
The apparent collapse of the Fonseca case also had the effect of destroying any credibility Vreeland may have had with regard to his more intriguing allegations about Sept. 11 and the death of Bastien, the Moscow embassy worker.

Until January, 2002. That's when Quebec coroner Line Duchesne concluded that Bastien, described as an information systems handler, had indeed been poisoned — probably by someone who slipped a concentrated anti-schizophrenic drug into his drink in a Moscow bar.

Vreeland's credibility suddenly shot up.

But eight months later, while out on bail awaiting an extradition hearing, he just disappeared. ""

Sources :
This was published on October 22 2004 here :
Original source :

---- Man Who Says He Predicted Sept. 11 Attacks Arrested. October 22 2004.
Delmart Vreeland, 38, of Rochester Hills, was wanted by eight Michigan jurisdictions, including Oakland County, for crimes like fraud and burglary, according to a report in The Daily Oakland Press. ----

---- He's reportedly considered a folk hero among conspiracy theorists who believe he is a spy for the Office of Naval Intelligence.
Shortly after the terrorist attacks, Vreeland apparently claimed that while he was in prison he wrote a note that foreshadowed the events of Sept. 11, 2001, according to the paper.
Government officials have reportedly denied that Vreeland ever served in the Navy. ----

Source :
This is his official Suspect's Criminal Background.
Current Status : Discharged.

Comment from Alex Jones above his article of October 22 2004, the day of Vreelands arrest in Michigan :
""The last we heard of Vreeland, he had been 'disappeared' by the government.""

If the readers are really interested in the subject of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence by various governments and private firms, they should really read the bulky information in this European Commission final report on ECHELON :

Source :
2. The operations of foreign intelligence services -snip-
However, particularly significant information in the fields concerned is kept secret from governments or businesses and is therefore not publicly accessible. Anyone who nonetheless wishes to obtain it has to steal it.
Espionage is simply the organized theft of information.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 05:36 PM
These are 2 video parts of this highly interesting video report :

The Secret Government - Part I :
Source file :

From The Archives: Bill Moyers, documents U.S. support of terrorist regimes and the brutality of Americas foreign policy.

Part II Here :
Source file :

[edit on 15/4/07 by LaBTop]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 08:51 PM
I can't start my own thread in this forum of Jack Tripper, here's a photo once posted by bsbray11 at page 93 of the huge thread "A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon" :

There are a few very disturbing facts to observe in this very early picture of the Pentagon attack aftermath :

1. There is a huge pile of rubble to observe just right of the yellow square inserted by bsbray. It lays OUTSIDE of the wall.
Isn't that indicative of a blast from the inside?
That pile looks MUCH higher and further outside the wall than in later photos.

2. The whole perspective of this photo is disturbed because of the sharp angle the picture was taken at. Luckily we have that sharp shadow on the Helipad tower. If you hold a ruler along it, it will end exactly at the right hand side of the picture where it meets the shadow of the tower on the lawn.
If you move your ruler along the picture under the same angle to the right, you will see some strange shadow anomalies.
Because when you extend the boundary of the horizontal tower shadow line on the lawn, you'll see that that line crosses over about half the height of the fence in front of the trailers and the generator truck on fire.
So, where is the shadow of the trailers on the lawn in front?

3. The most disturbing feature of this photo is the fact that we see ONLY 2 small fires burning, with two minor clouds of dark sooth rising.
One is the famous colour changing white/green/white again van parked in front of the wall, the other is the famous hit and shifted generator trailer, burning its fuel storage tank.
This picture is obviously taken BEFORE the section of the wall caved in.
It seems that it is taken during the first alarm caused by some unidentified human source that a second plane was approaching the Pentagon, and all rescue personnel was ordered to the periphery of the lawn and behind the roads.
The next photos we have seen when all that personnel was allowed to return to the scene, we see a lot more fires and the generator truck burning like hell, causing most of the smoke at that time observed in videos and photos.
However at this time, it looks as if that one firetruck spraying foam and water in the very first pictures, had succeeded nearly to put out ALL fires.
In my opinion, that false plane alarm was needed to get all nosey eyes away, and arson the place intentionally.

4. There are a few very strange sooth marks on the lawn in front of the trailers, and in front of that white mark on the lawn in place when you extend the fence bottom line to the left.
There are also two half moon shaped sooth shadows on the lawn, in between the 3 lamp poles in the left bottom of the photo. They mark an even bigger soothed area, with a remarkable clean grassy big spot in it.
If you observe the virtual center lines of these sooth spots, it seems odd, that they don't follow the expected explosion path of a plane entering the wall at 53 ° angle.
It looks much more like head-on collision sooth mark remnants.

5. The tower windows overlooking the trailers are all intact.
No other visible impacts to see from plane debris, which you could have expect to hit the tower walls, doors and windows, however the parked firetruck in front of the hangar doors looks nearly totally burned from the cabin to the rear. Why not the hangar doors, so near by?

6. There's a clear sooth mark on the right side of the square, white Helipad, but there is a big part of a GREEN tree to observe above the left hand cloud.
Why were those tree branches not burned? Why do we see in later photos that tree totally burned, with a big part of the trunk broken off?

7. In other later photo's just before the wall caved in, we see that the roof line has sunk about half a meter, this is not visible in this picture, so that part of the section was still intact.
Did the "demolition crew" operating in that 15 minutes time window during the false alarm not yet ignite their small explosive charges to make that section cave in?

8. The entrance hole of the plane's body is situated at the black square on the wall just above the center of the top yellow line. All the windows and pillars in between, above and besides, look remarkably intact, how come?

9. There is much more damage on the very left side of the photo to the building, quite far away from the entrance hole. If you imagine the right jet engine to have hit there, then the damage is much to far high extending.
A jet engine from a 757 hangs much lower compared to the planes body entrance hole.
A 757 engine would have cut straight through that generator trailer.

Jack, if you want to cut and paste this specific post into a new thread, be my guest.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:03 PM
I was most shocked about the hit on the pentagon, it was for me one of the most significant messages of that day. For a time I felt as if I was the only one who understood this at least with a powerful gut instinct. I loved the information on They had a spoof that was right on called something like "Pentalawn, astroturf that will keep your lawn safe from even the worst , bla bla it was very funny and informative.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Please see this exellent website from Russell Pickering with quite a lot of formerly unknown pictures and info about the Pentagon attack :
There's a nice drawing of the last part of the flightpath on a Pentagon map and of the 320 degree descend of flight 77 to the helipad.

And while you're at it, then also have a look at the very strange radar avoiding pattern of all 4 airplanes on 9/11 :
"They" cunningly exploited vulnerabilities in the radar that only the US Military and the FAA should have been aware of.

Let's now address the timeframe these planes were flying in.
And especially flight 77. If there were actually living pilots -physically- flying this plane, which option still is an empty book to be filled with possible scenario's, they must have been a bit reckless with the one chance in a lifetime to hit the Pentagon, to first take such a long sightseeing trip over hundreds of miles of eastcoast territory, then turning back the same distance, whilst pretty sure in a normal highjacking scenario now, that they were totally out of their timeframe to be reasonably sure to be able to pull it still off.
The USAF and NAVY in normal alert mode, would have had kicked in the air, in the lost time, all material they could have sent up to confront them.
They must have known from their meticulous planning for years, that Washington ought to be the one damn place which would be waiting for them, armed to the teeth.

But who was waiting there? NOBODY...

So, what's this lucky hyjacking pilot gonna do? Ofcourse, he's gonna take no more risks, and nose-dive into the main entrance roof of the Pentagon, you and me both suppose, having seen his flightpath map in the first link above. He just needed to push the stick down.
Ehrr, NO.
He decides to show off a bit, make a roundabout 320 degrees descent over all of Dulles Airport airspace at full speed, and tells his fellow muslemies, "W're gonna park'm in that garage just to the right of that helipad". And that were his famous last words, while gliding on his belly in the exact first floor of the just renovated and strengthened part of the Pentagon.

Yeah, sure. Bollocks.

Nazi Germany's minister of Propaganda, dr. Josef Goebbels, if he would have survived WWII, would have been racing around in his wheelchair as a maniac, in front of his telivision in his cel in Berlin Spandau prison, cackling and dribbling snot from pure adoration, realizing what some snotty youngster had pulled off in front of his eyes.
The best ever propaganda and brainwash operation seen during his whole career since his own Reichstag fire and the Pearl Harbour deception by Roosevelt.
How to kick an unwilling bunch of nitwits headfirst into a few profitable wars!
He had ofcourse read every book in the library, and knew that the real target there in the Pentagon was ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). The spooks who spied out and smarted out most of the time, the other spooks.

That's why the remote controllers had to make that oh so long detour with flight 77, to wait for the moment that all ONI insiders were in that special room in the renovated part of the Pentagon.
Ordered there, by Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney through a chain of commands from the Joints Chiefs of Staff down, in a C-ring meeting with 30 top-level Pentagon analysts, investigators and generals who had just gathered to dissect the ongoing Trade Towers attack when flight 77 plowed through two outer rings and killed them all, including a lot of Army brass accountants, who also knew far too much of too many black budget operations which were gone, or went awry.

Ever wondered why Cheney kept so long in hiding after 9/11 in his cosy bunker?
He had to be sure that all future danger from revengeful, loyal to ONI, personnel was neutralized. Those special ONI databases had to be totally destroyed during those 3 new fake plane alarms, 2 on 9/11 after the impact, and 1 the next morning, when all rescuers were sent away from the plane impact site at the Pentagon. So his group of special "FBI agents" could find and destroy these ONI mainframes with blowtorches.

Ever wondered how the Pentagon parking lots were emptied in 1 hour, while 180 people died and scores more were wounded, hundreds of ambulant Pentagon personnel were first responders to the scene, and their car keys were not available. Nice show of organizational planning.
Anybody know if you had to leave your car keys at the parking boots? Then still, who's gonna sort out all those keys, after all the walking owners turned up and left with their cars. There must have been hundreds of cars left standing.

The camera's.
The Pentagon has a whole video surveillance room, where tapes are stored from all their 24/7 running surveillance videos. Two of the rooftop ones were destroyed by the impact, but ofcourse not the tapes which recorded the moments before impact.
Aris, if you want to see them, file a complaint. I don't give you a shimmer of a chance as long as this administration deals the deck. And they play a foul pack of cards.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Did anybody ever had a close look at those 2 huge traffic boards this plane passed -exactly fitting- inbetween, under a 53 degrees impact angle aiming at the building?
The "pilot" of that plane had a titbit too much luck that day for my taste.
The plane's wings had already clipped a few lamppoles, before traversing diagonally fitting inbetween those boards, so the meticulous readers of this thread know how low it was when it crossed the space inbetween these boards, missing them with a few meters to spare.
Have a good look at the satellite pictures with the superimposed flightpath, and you see what I mean.
All final flightpath patterns have the imprint of a build-in GPS controlled remote controll mechanism, pre-set on that EXACT spot under that EXACT angle. With those EXACT last 1500 meters flightpath.
Any other setting of the GPS'ed last 1000 m flightpath would have resulted in too many, big obstacles in its final approach, or would have forced the plane into making a few impossible corrections in those last few hundred meters, at that speed.

Don't loose yourself in myriads of technical titbits regarding engine and airplane specifics, stick to the obvious anomalies.
Such as :
1. - The radar avoiding approach patterns of all 4 airplanes (yes, also flight 93 was lost for about 13 minutes due to a radar anomaly in that region, see The 9/11 Commission Report) which were only known to FAA and the Airforce connected officials.
2. - If that plane was steered by a hijacker, why did he not nose dive in the roof of the building at the front entrance without making that idiot turn (he thus seemed to have been confident that he still would not be attacked, from air or ground); or why did he aim at the most difficult place to hit, the first floor; or why did he level off so far in front of the building already, why not dive under a relatively small angle into the facade, he would have had no obstacles at all on the last few hundred meters; or why did he not divebomb the plane into the center courtyard, where he could expect to meet the least heavy walls on its way in.
3. - Why did the plane not get pushed up by the ground effects of the terrain in the last 200 meters, a human hand would have been too slow to correct that effect. A digital brain however can easily manage that, see the movements of a Tomahawk style missile, steered by GPS and ground radar.
Any idea how much compressed air bounces back off the soil from a so fast moving airplane at that belly scratching height above it?
4. - Why was that exit hole in the C-ring so damn perfect circular? Were one or more secondary devices used in the ONI room, to leave no room for mistakes?
And why were there more sooth stained doors and windows much further back in that ally behind the C-ring wall, far out of reach of any possible fire source from the impact path through the 3 rings?

In my humble opinion, Catherder has done an excellent job in this thread by presenting the fact that a big commercial looking airliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11, however he intended to do no more than that, 100% conclusively, at this very moment.

He did not touch possible other scenario's including this airliner, he just proved without doubt it was an airliner, and not a military jet, or lone missile, or Global Hawk, or truckbomb, or planted explosives.

He did not intend to proof anything like a combination of one of those with that airliner.
Such as a Pentagon defensive infrared heatseeking rocket hurling just after the right hand engine of the far too fast and low incoming airliner, and impacting the engine when it hit the transformer trailer a microsecond later. That was the greyish curly smoketrail on one of the five frames of the security gate camera, and that is why the initial explosion cloud on one of the frames was way too white.
(Now that is a bit farstretched for y'all, ain't it?).
Zaphod53 expects the Pentagon didn't have a defensive shield, well, it does and did.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
--------------- Air defences on 9/11 :

Zaphod58, did you read "The 9/11 Commission Report".? How they kept 2 Otis airbase F-16's away from Manhattan, while they were in the AIR. They were unarmed btw. Strange, with all these hijacking drills going on that day, to say the least.
The Report in the html-version from Because there you can copy and paste from, with some minor troubles regarding some garbled formatting of it. (This will take some time to download, be patient).
Then set your screentext one notch higher, since in the normal resolution, you need a magnifierglass.
Let's roll.

Page 23 - Military Notification and Response.
... By 9:08, the mission crew commander at NEADS learned of the second explosion at the World Trade Center and decided against holding the fighters in military airspace away from Manhattan:
Mission Crew Commander, NEADS:
""This is what I foresee that we probably need to do.We need to talk to
FAA.We need to tell 'em if this stuff is gonna keep on going, we need
to take those fighters, put 'em over Manhattan.That's best thing, that's
the best play right now.
So coordinate with the FAA.Tell 'em if there's more out there, which
we don't know, let's get 'em over Manhattan.At least we got some kind
of play.""

The FAA cleared the airspace. Radar data show that at 9:13, when the Otis fighters were about 115 miles away from the city, the fighters exited their holding pattern and set a course direct for Manhattan. They arrived at 9:25 and established a combat air patrol (CAP) over the city.
Because the Otis fighters had expended a great deal of fuel in flying first to military airspace and then to New York, the battle commanders were concerned about refueling. NEADS considered scrambling alert fighters from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia to New York, to provide backup.The Langley fighters were placed on battle stations at 9:09.
NORAD had no indication that any other plane had been hijacked.

These 3 Langley fighters were NOT scrambled and launched until 09:30. This is long after they heard of the second explosion at WTC. And then they got send -take notice!- EAST, direction Atlantic ocean.
How much more do you need to know something was not fishy that day, but something was SETUP that day.
Any patriotic hardliner like good old general Patton would have said : Screw these idiots, kick everything we have in the AIR, NOW !

--------- Pentagon missile defences :

Read carefully this post from a poster "izzy" and his comment at the bottom about the Washington missile shield turned off :
it was written after he read this :

We know these defences from a Pentagon site-seeing guide, in active duty, so no civilian, who boasted about the "rooftop radars and missile defence systems" at a Pentagon tour. He also stated that they were already for years at red alert status, because of the daily threats by muslim terrorist by email and other means. This was told before 9/11.
Then consider the fact that the Pentagon lays in eyesight of Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport and that this is the airport where also many flights of the presidential plane, AirForce-One, leave and arrive. Incoming and departing planes have to follow a precise route over the river to not breach the Pentagon no-fly zone.
Does anyone honestly believe that the radar facilities at Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport do not include protection measures for the Pentagon and the White House and the Capitol ? Have a good look again at this map :

The in-house tracking radars from the Pentagon are for sure hidden under the many rooftops on the outer rings, covered with a plastic shield or canvas with the same color instead of roofing material. Ground-air rockets can be hidden under them in the same manner, and additional ones will be situated in a ring around the Pentagon in silo's covered with plastic roofs also, camouflaged as power transformer facilities or whatever. Ever seen a launch of a Tomahawk or a Patriot? The tubes are covered with plastic shields which shatter at launch.
Most Army brass nowadays wants to live as long as possible, so they can keep sending their nations youngsters to solve the problems they or others make . They really want to be able to enjoy their retirement checks, after whatever quagmire they dump us into.
The only other reason for this flight 77 circling could be that the planners knew there was an unprotected space at the Pentagon reinforced wing side, and the missile shield was not installed yet, since the work on that wing was in it's last stage.

------------------------- Flight 77 :

This thread is about flight 77 which apparently ended on a Pentagon wall by the official line of view.

I'll try to rub it in a bit deeper :
Then pay attention to the following points they made :

15. 8:20 Flight 77 takes off from Dulles Airport (Washington D.C.)
16. 8:39 Flight 77 makes a small detour to the north in an area with no primary radar coverage. At this point it meets the drone, which has flown down from the north through an area with no radar coverage.
17. 8:51 Flight 77 makes its last radio contact. 8:56 It then switches off its transponder and disappears from ATC radar scopes. This is due to the fact that the radar tracking it at the time is a "Secondary only" radar site that depends on responses from the plane's transponder to give a location for the plane. The plane also turns at the weak centre-point between the two primary radars.
18. 9:07 The Flytecomm video shows Flight 77 reappearing again and flying onwards to the west. The presence of this plane was confirmed by Col. Alan Scott at the 2nd hearing of the Commission (9-11 commission hearing, 23rd May 2003). It still appears to be in the air after 10:00.
19. (Time not available) Once again the plane exploits vulnerabilities in the radar coverage to avoid being shot down as it enters restricted D.C. air space. Dulles controllers raise the alarm that an unidentified plane is approaching Washington at about 9:29 (Washington Post, Nov 3, 2001)
20. 9:37 The official time that Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon

Notice the precision timing involved. We frequently see two or more events happening at the same time, like a magician distracting the audience.

* 8:14 Flight 11 is hijacked; Flight 175 takes off.
* 8:39 Flight 11 and Flight 175 nearly meet; Flight 77 deviates from its path.
* 8:46/47 Flight 11 crashes; Flights 175 and 93 meet each other
* 8:51 Flight 77 makes last radio contact; Flight 175 deviates from its assigned altitude

Then read also the absolute facts that cannot be ignored :

* Within the area that the hijackings took place, there are two areas with no primary radar coverage that stretch up towards Canada.
* Flight 11 switched off its transponder right next to an area with no primary radar coverage.
* Flight 77 switched off its transponder right next to an area with no primary radar coverage.
* Flight 93 switched off its transponder right next to an area with no primary radar coverage.
* United Flight 175 switched off its transponder next to United Flight 93.
* We have two incidences where a hijacked plane came very close to a non-hijacked plane. (What are the odds?) Flight 11(hijacked) meets Flight 175 (not hijacked). Flight 175 (hijacked) meets Flight 93 (Not Hijacked)

Question 1: How did the "hijackers" know exactly where these huge breaches in air defence were located?

Question 2: Why go to all that trouble when you can take off from nearby airports (Dulles/Newark), hijack the plane and crash it straight away?

I'll spell it out again :

You are a fanatic muslim with some strange ideas how the Profhet meant the Kuran to be read, planning to hijack planes on american soil, and ofcourse you want to dive as many planes possible into their targets. So naturally you opt for the smallest timeframe possible, you know you are up against the by far most sophisticated military might on earth now. Do I have to say more?
Come on, you official-view followers. Use your brain. When there are too many coincidences pointing at a setup, it WAS A SETUP. There were no muslim hijackers, there were alcoholic patsies. Who "left behind" far too many "proofs" of their excistence, which were found far too fast. Classical setup scenario.

The CIA or whatever other shady organization, with which the US agencies are littered with, having unlimited black budgets, "stole" a Night Prowler (Note-1), took all the radar jamming stuff out, and rebuild it in flight 77 or a drone of it. That's the way they tricked the Washington area and Pentagon radar defences. And they took no risk at all, they also convinced tricky-Dicky Cheney that he had to order a standdown for NORAD and a no-shoot order for the Washington area (see the Mineta statement at his 9/11Commission hearing). Not difficult, since this oil moguls lackey just needed to be shown what immense positive effects this second Pearl Harbour-style deception would have for him and his mates in the neo-conservative wings.
He can't come back and say he didn't knew and thought it was all inherent to all the "drills" going on at the same day. He knew after WTC 1 and 2, that the plane coming in to Washington meant serious business.
To top off the "cake" for him, they will have given him special treatment in one of their state of the art medical facilities, and refurbished his body. Especially his heart. Who knows, perhaps they even made sure he had a heart condition to begin with...
Note-1 :
This aircraft would have been a favorable asset for the CIA's blackops forces. Perhaps they needed it for future plans?
Like jamming radar for the, unaccounted for, flightpath of flight AA77 towards the Pentagon? Or even spookier, perhaps it was involved in ramming the Pentagon, with all it's rooftop radars and defence missiles in place ? What better missile-plane to use as this one, capable of jamming radar during it's approach ? It is also normally armed with 4 HARM missiles. Just a thought, don't take it too serious. YET. We would have heard of massive radar and communication jamming just before the impact from this lying through their teeth trustable administration, ain't it ??

----------------------------- SAIC, the spooky corporate frauds :

"Their" biggest enemy at the moment are we, the INTERNET.
You cannot buy the Internet, however, they tried damn hard.
SAIC, Science Applications International, Incorporated in San Diego purchased Network Solutions Inc.
So there we have Admiral (Bobbie Ray) Inman (former National Security Agency director), who is now head of SAIC (Science Applications International, Incorporated) in San Diego, CA, back again on stage. That firm of Admiral Bobby Ray Inman looks like a mighty big octopussy! He was Director of Naval Intelligence in 1974, Vice Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1976, and Deputy director of the CIA from 1980-81 under Reagan before working for SAIC.
And now one of the string pullers at SAIC , Science Applications International, Incorporated in San Diego, which gets an awfull lot of US defence contracts and contacts.
And, it seems it's favors-cashing time all across the boards :
6/16/2005 SAIC Appoints Steve Colo as Chief Security Officer : :
Following a distinguished career with the United States Secret Service, Colo joined SAIC in December 2003 to manage the Homeland Security Support Operation. :

SAIC and ret. admiral Bobby Ray Inman.
A look at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) reveals just exactly what kind of activities are undertaken in a spook shop where there is no accountability and what business Inman was conducting at SAIC under his leadership. SAIC is one of the largest private employee-owned corporations and, because it is privately owned, like the Carlyle Group, it escapes scrutiny despite annual revenues of more than $5.9 billion.

In 1990 it was indicted and pled guilty to 10 felony counts of fraud on a Superfund site, called “one of the largest (cases) of environmental fraud” in Los Angeles history. The Department of Energy (DOE) contracted SAIC to manage and operate the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP), which I worked on as a scientist at the Livermore Lab. I became a whistleblower at Livermore in 1991 because of my knowledge of the extent of science fraud on the YMP, the most important public works project in U.S. history.

SAIC’s control over internet domain names, gained when they purchased Network Solutions Inc., caused a furor and identified the ties in SAIC to “the shadow ruling-class within the Pentagon.” Basically, SAIC is a private spook corporation, involved in voting machines (Sequoia, Diebold etc.), controlling the internet (Network Solutions) and training foreign militaries.

SAIC is the contractor that set up global communications for the U.S. military. The internet is being changed from a public resource to a lucrative operation influenced by spooks and former Pentagon officials. The internet was a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project to begin with, and the backbone of the internet was developed at the Livermore Lab.

One of SAIC’s prime clients is DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the Department of Defense), which recently employed five-time convicted felon Admiral Poindexter, an associate of Inman’s going back to Iran-Contra. Poindexter was forced to resign over his involvement with PAM, a “terrorism futures market” DARPA project which predicted assassinations, terrorism and other events in the Middle East.

His earlier controversial program, TIA, or the Total Information Awareness Program (see TIA), was set up to spy on Americans. It involved data mining and creating large information databases on Americans and is now being used to track citizens. Another abandoned DARPA project, which has now been revived, is Lifelog, a controversial project to archive almost everything about a person, and every aspect of a person’s life is fair game.

------------------------------- ONI meeting :

Take a good look at this picture, and observe the 2 strange soothed areas to the left on the outer walls of C-ring, FAR away from the EXIT hole in the C-ring, that's the THIRD ring from the top of the picture.

Now look at the totally soothed backwall of the first ring, and the bit of sooth in the corner top of the second ring, near that intersection roof.
Then look at the EXIT hole, just to the bottom right of that black shadow from the intersection between the C-ring and the fourth ring.

Do you understand that those strangely faraway soothings on the C-ring wall above that open two-sided door and to the left of it is exactly where ONI was gathered? They missed them, but then fire-bombed them away, and destroyed their databases afterwards during those mysterious 3 plane alerts in the afternoon and next morning.

-------------------------- Post Scriptums :

PS :

Inside WTC 7 was the US Secret Service's largest field office with more than 200 employees. ..."All the evidence that we stored at 7 World Trade, in all our cases, went down with the building," according to US Secret Service Special Agent David Curran.

I made 2 typos in my last post at page 110, post Number: 1807851 (post id: 1829744) :
1. - ( , page331 from 585) Instead of 180, there were 125 killed (70 civilians and 55 military service members) and 106 got severely wounded from the Pentagon personel and visitors, so at least 231 cars in the parking lot had no ambulant owners to drive them away, and then you also have all the Pentagon personnel who offered help and did not go to the parking to drive their cars off there.
2. - I named mistakenly Dulles Airport where flight 77 made that 320 degrees circle over, and it should be Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport , sorry for those typos.
Btw, aren't you just as curious as me, why we read in The 9/11 Commission Report many remarks from Dulles Airport radar room personnel, but none of the radar room at Reagan International.? That's the one sitting right UNDER them when they circled, and the one right IN FRONT of them when they approached. The plane missed the accepted approach corridor above the Potomac river with a few hundred meters. That approach was nearly straight out of the books, not interfering with Pentagon restricted airspace at that moment, but still with White House restricted airspace, and NOTHING happened, while we know that CHENEY was in that bunker under it, coordinating the whole "show".
All these big shots said that day on TV it was WAR, americans were under ATTACK, but that chicken-# did not order to launch the MANPADS latests Stinger type missiles from the Secret Service men outside, ready to fire. In war, you'r not concerned about casualties in the vicinity, you damn FIRE and eradicate the ENEMY !

--------------------------- Rambling on :

Where the hell is your logical thinking ability, when you read all those lies?
Or is it so, that deep inside, you think : better a few hundred thousands killed far away, then ONE american, especially if that one is ME.

Is it still not enough that you have to read and see, that your fine administration is selling out its own honest CIA personnel to the "enemy", to punish them for stepping out of their doctrines?
The very ones, who take care that we all, the whole damn globe, do not get fried in a third world war, this time in an atomic holocaust.
It's disgusting, this sheepish behavior of so many americans, who godforgivethem voted these LIARS for a SECOND term.
Shame on you, all you corporate-media brainwashed telly-childs.

----------------------------- Do we still have time for a prosperous future ?

Got a titbit excited up there ^ , well, it comes from an extremely worried heart.
If we get sucked in a WW-III, this time it will be these "christian" fanatical sluts in the US administration.
Bush is a Pentacost follower. Do you know what that means? They take their creepy Armageddon saga literally.

America, politicians drive : GREED, no more than that (see Kyoto for a fine example).
Europe, politicians drive : GREED + some feeling for future sustainability for the next generation.
China, politicians drive : Take care of the coming generations, honour your eldests.
India, politicians drive : Make profit, but follow Buddha's, and a lot of their other gods, lessons.

Those are the 4 big players for our 3 generations alive, and a few to come.
Take your pick.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
------------------------------ ONI again : :
Viewzone: 9-11 The FACTS :
A list of 51 not widely known facts about the period before, during and after 9/11.

19. August 11 or 12, 2001 - US Navy Lt. Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, jailed in Toronto on U.S. fraud charges and claiming to be an officer in U.S. Naval intelligence, writes details of the pending WTC attacks and seals them in an envelope which he gives to Canadian authorities. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court Records]
36. September 14, 2001 - Canadian jailers open the sealed envelope from Mike Vreeland in Toronto and see that is describes attacks against the WTC and Pentagon. The U.S. Navy subsequently states that Vreeland was discharged as a seaman in 1986 for unsatisfactory performance and has never worked in intelligence. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court records]
48. January 10, 2002 - In a call from a speaker phone in open court, attorneys for "Mike" Vreeland call the Pentagon's switchboard operator who confirms that Vreeland is indeed a Naval Lieutenant on active duty. She provides an office number and a direct dial phone extension to his office in the Pentagon. [Source: Attorney Rocco Galati; court records Toronto Superior Court.]

Who do you believe?
Why knows a supposed Naval spook of the imminent attacks, and still the Navy Intel room takes the hit.
Did the planners know he was the only one of them with that info, and therefor they pinned him in Canadian jail, or was the sole target the data storage at ONI of the 9/11 intel events, and were those operators calculated collateral damage?

The Navy Command and Operations Center is responsible for tracking, analyzing and interpreting world events from a national security and maritime perspective. It is this small, elite team of Naval Intelligence officers, enlisted, and civilians, charged with providing insights and analysis of these events directly to the senior flag officers and civilians in the Department of the Navy.
It is also the president's eyes and ears for the United States first response to ANY threat against the USA.
The plane directly hit the ONI Emergency Response Command ( Navy Command and Operations Center NCOC ).
Why did the last plane hit the Pentagon instead of the first? Then the US president would have been blindfolded to any further blackops events unrolling, because his Presidential Management Interns in a civilian post for the Chief of Naval Operations were killed by the impact. They were in the CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Intelligence Plot, located within the Navy Command and Operations Center. :
How Cheney set up his own Command Center the day before 9/11 and was controlling hijacking drills that morning. :
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11.

For sure the Navy must have been their only weak spot, expected not to comply with their scenario afterwards, and perhaps also the Secret Service, since heaps of their files were destroyed by the demolition of WTC-7, where btw the CIA also had filestorage.
How convenient. :
Lt.Col. Kip Taylor graduated from the College of Naval Command and Staff in 1998. The son of a career Army officer, he was a member of the Army Adjutant General Corps with extensive experience in administrative and personnel matters. On 11 September 2001 he was serving as Military Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Lt. Gen. Timothy Maude, who also died in the attack. Kip was posthumously promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
( Note LT: the Staff for Personnel also handpicks the military spooks. All the underlined red italic text indicates Naval intelligence or ties to them.)

( More Navy victims in 23 alphabetical links, Nr.6 : )
There were a lot of Accounting officers killed also; and their equipment destroyed ofcourse, to keep track of military spending.
And officers who were involved in personnel matters, they had a lot of knowledge about who was a spook, and where.
Remember the 7.3 TRILLION dollars the Pentagon lost track of, announced by Rumsfelt the DAY BEFORE....

What if the 9/11 Pentagon attack was in reality a cleverly camouflaged attack on the Navy Command Center by who ever was behind 9/11 ? As threat elimination it probably worked as expected, however, what immens threat was the Naval Command Center for the real 9/11 planners, be it Muslim fundamentalists, Israeli intel, US government branches, US military-industrial complex black ops, China, Russia or whoever.
I still remember the very strange deployment of a total of SIX aircraftcarrier battle groups on one date to the Pacific-Philippines-China region recently. This was the first combined deployment of such an immens force to one area, even in all historical US naval wars, this was unprecedented.
For a neutral bystander, it seems highly suspicious that an act of terrorism, clearly planned for years by whoever, makes such a 'mistake' of missing all top-brass military and Rumsfeld cum suis that day. And opted for an incredibly difficult ground level approach at a few feet high, for the wing with the Naval Command Center in it. The exact wing front which was just reinforced.
Who took the decision to start the reinforcing exactly at that wing front, instead of the much more logical move of reinforcing first the main entrance wing front, with all the "real important" people behind that facade ?
Or was the Navy Command and Operations Center really the most important part of the Pentagon, and the attack planners knew this very well.
Could it be that we not only must "follow the money" but also "follow the aftermath threats to the 9/11 planners" to find out why exactly 9/11 happened the way it unfolded ?

------------------------------ How to "steal" a Night Prowler :

Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower had completed two of the required three core courses through the college's evening study program. A Naval Intelligence Officer, he served in a number of assignments both afloat and overseas, including deployments aboard USS CORONADO and USS MIDWAY. He was serving as Officer-in-Charge of the Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot at the time of the attack. In May 1997, his article "Freedom Isn't Free" was published by the U.S. Naval Institute. In it he recalled the death of 4 shipmates a decade earlier aboard aircraft carrier USS MIDWAY. An excerpt from this article has been incorporated into this memorial : , the full article.

Excerpt :

( NoteLT: The EA-6B Prowler is the US Navy's tactical jamming aircraft and provides an umbrella of protection over strike aircraft and ships by jamming enemy radar, electronic data links and communications, see this link for details and more photos : )

""Late on the evening of 22 November 1987, the last cycle recovered on board the Midway but without our EA-6B Prowler.
I remember walking into the ready room that night. Shock written on every face, the remaining air crewmen busied themselves computing the aircraft's possible maximum time aloft, in the hope that the Prowler had just lost use of its radios and soon would be "in the groove." It had been an emissions-control launch and recovery, so no radar operator could have seen a blip disappear from his screen. No emergency call had been heard, and no other aircraft reported seeing an explosion. We assumed the worst and broke out the gouge for dealing with an aircraft accident. The Navy lost four fine officers that evening. Despite an extensive search, no wreckage was ever located.""

Lieutenant Commander Shanower was a Naval Intelligence Officer assigned to the Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Detachment at Yokota AB, Japan in May 1997.

....................Grumman EA-6B Prowler.....................

That plane could have been the white jet this woman near the flight 93 crash site saw circling low, then leave.

------------------------------ more SAIC info :

Remember, SAIC Inc. is ret. admiral Bobby Ray Inman personal toy..
Look this guy and that firm up, and start wondering. This (forced in retirement, yeah, sure) admiral can only be described as a very dangerous and influential man.

SAIC's Epicenter Expedition.

"To reduce future human suffering and losses due to earthquakes and tsunamis, SAIC scientists throughout the company are eager to learn more about these dynamic events and improve warning and response systems for natural cataclysms. The National Center for EROS plays an important role in reaching those goals. In addition to SAIC research and systems development support for the center, SAIC manages the center's data archive, which holds millions of satellite images and aerial photographs in the world's largest collection of remotely sensed non-military data. The SAIC team also manages and operates NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center, which archives and distributes data from earth science satellites and provides the systems and staff to fill thousands of orders for the center's data holdings."

They control an AWFULL lot of satellite photographs. And nobody had the photos of the 9/11 Pentagon hit? They gonna tell us that there is no stationairy satellite over the Washington metropolitan area? While they have them over Moscow, Beijing etc.

Vol. 11, No. 2,668 - The American Reporter - June 29, 2005
Ted Pahle : Human intelligence is more complicated: "Satellites are fabulous. Human operations have the potential for embarrassment. [Former CIA director] Bobby Ray Inman was an idiot when it comes to humint, and there are a lot of others who are the same way."

This interview holds a lot of viable sounding opinions about 9/11 and it's aftermath, it's worth spending the time and subscription money reading it.
This former intel officer doesn't seem to have a high opinion of admiral Bobby Ray Inman.
However, the admiral is still moving things and plotting in very high and influential places, these days.

Mark Felt (FBI agent, confessed as the famous Deep Throat in the Watergate case) Hinted at Exotic Antigravity Project?

Historians have documented Air America’s heroin shipments for defense and CIA purposes, plus countless CIA and defense intelligence interventions to stop prosecutions of narcotics traffickers. US intelligence agencies have thwarted local, state, and federal prosecution of narcotic traffickers for decades by saying that narcotics cases were part of their intelligence operations. National security has been invoked to keep FBI and other officials quiet.

For example, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover opposed the formation of the CIA, fearing that it would become a hotbed of corruption where intelligence officers would live richly by taking bribes. During World War II, US intelligence used Meyer Lansky’s gangsters in “Operation Underworld” and after the war, Lansky’s mob reigned supreme in US narcotics trafficking. During the Vietnam War, heroin was stuffed into the cadavers of dead GI’s by CIA defense operatives, then shipped to America for sale. In 1979 a nightmarish case of narcotics, murders and theft was investigated by the FBI: Mexican Miguel Nazar Haro, head of Mexico’s spy agency, was indicted in San Diego, but the CIA intervened to stop the case. In the Iran Contra case, Oliver North noted that George Bush Sr. was present at a meeting in which coc aine shipments by the Contras were apparently condoned. Later, Danilo Blandon, the prime seller of coc aine to Los Angeles when the Crips and the Bloods were getting into the trade, was targeted for arrest. An FBI teletype of a conversation between Blandon and his lawyer about Blandon’s guns-for-drugs enterprise reads, “CIA winked at this sort of thing.”

In other words, Mark Felt’s most honest FBI agents were forced to watch their anti-narcotics work be sabotaged by corrupt intelligence officers. A recent example of the sort is the case of Sibel Edmonds, the FBI translator who said that during the months before 9-11, she read FBI documents about possible terrorist plans to fly a civilian jet into the twin towers but when she tried to tell news media she was silenced by Bush’s Attorney General John Ashcroft. Sibel Edmonds says that in her FBI work, she read documents about massive narcotics trafficking abetted by US government agencies. She told reporter Amy Goodman she saw documents about “criminal investigation, and money laundering investigation, drug related investigations that actually have major information regarding 9-11 incidents.”

Daniel Hopsicker’s recent book Welcome to Terrorland shows that Bush Jr.’s subordinates worked to prevent public awareness of narcotics trafficking surrounding the 911 hijackers’ flight training in the small coastal city of Venice, Florida. Apparently, numerous heroin flights preceded the arrest of two men caught with 43 pounds of heroin in the private jet of Wally Hilliard, a businessman with Bush family and CIA ties. The heroin was seized by DEA agents at Hilliard’s small Venice, FL airport/flight school where 9-11 ringleaders Mohammed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi were training, at the time. How does this relate to Deep Throat?

For decades, FBI men like Mark Felt were pushed aside and told to shut up so that “intelligence”-related narcotics shipments could proceed into the United States unhampered, for national security reasons. But which “incredible” and “fantastic” covert project did such narcotics trafficking point to?

The obvious answer, the only massive project that eclipsed Watergate on a major scale, is narcotics trafficking that secretly funds “reverse-engineered” black budget technologies, some of which are truly bizarre. Which covert project back in 1971-2 was more important than Watergate? Government whistle-blower and former head of Air Force Project Pounce, Col. Steve Wilson, told researcher Richard Boylan that "the first successful U.S. antigravity flight took place July 18, 1971 at S-4 (on Nellis Air Force base in Nevada), wherein light bending capabilities were also demonstrated to obtain total invisibilities. Present at this flight were notables such as Admiral (Bobbie Ray) Inman (former National Security Agency director), who is now head of SAIC (Science Applications International, Incorporated) in San Diego, CA, which makes the antigravity drives."

Physician Steven Greer is the head of an organization called CSETI that has videotaped testimony by 570 current and former defense, intelligence, and aviation officials who report direct experiences with “aliens” and UFO’s while on duty. Says Greer, “I have interviewed other very well placed people who have connected these black projects to the drug trade. One, a senior SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) executive directly told me of this and how there was an army of 8000 men who did nothing but import drugs under the cover of classified, need-to-know operations. He stated that of the 8000 men involved (as of 1997 when we spoke of this) that 2000 of them had been killed for sometimes minor infractions of security. He assured me that this was a major covert funding source and that it was destroying our country, but nobody is willing to take on such a lethal and powerful group to stop it.” (p. 268-9, Disclosure, by Steven Greer). Admiral Bobby Ray Inman appears to be Greer’s informant on the subject. Inman should know; he was Director of Naval Intelligence in 1974, Vice Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1976, and Deputy director of the CIA from 1980-81 under Reagan before working for SAIC.

Buttressing Inman’s story, is that of Former Army Col. Phillip Corso, who worked in Eisenhower’s White House and in the Pentagon. Corso wrote a memoir stating that a major high-level campaign to copy downed “alien technology” began as early as 1961, if not sooner. As the project developed, private industry began to gain control over the project. President Eisenhower told Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin and others that alien-related affairs and technology were being taken from his control. As Eisenhower said, “It is not going to be in the best hands.” (Lovekin’s testimony, p. 235, Disclosure, by Steven Greer) Eisenhower’s fears were echoed in his farewell statement that “we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

Those who are new to the subject of alien technology may not know that for decades numerous top US officials have made public admissions on the subject. The list includes former presidents, astronauts, high-ranking Pentagon brass, and more. See CSETI’s publications on the subject.

If Gen. Lovekin and others are correct, a power struggle within the US government centered on one simple question: who would control the most important technology that had ever been “discovered” by humankind? (scavenged might be a better word) Who would own and control what we now know as “electrogravity” technology (antigravity)?

Other CSETI witnesses report that the Hughes Corporation did extensive research on downed alien antigravity technology. Witnesses to Hughes work on antigravity are: aerospace contractor James McCandlish, Air Force Lt. Col. John Williams, classified graphics worker Don Johnson, and a top secret scientist and engineer named “Dr. B.” (p. 265, Disclosure) In other words, Howard Hughes, who figured importantly in Watergate, was heavily involved in an “incredible” covert project.

---------------------------------------- Destruction of evidence on 9/11 :
Get the Special Issue of The Journal of Psychohistory on what Bush knew about 9/11 in advance, with explosive evidence from seven new books showing how the FAA was told to ignore all the appeals from air controllers to intercept the hijacked planes, how audio tapes and photos were destroyed that pointed to collusion by the Bush team, how Rumsfeld has said 9/11 was "a blessing in disguise", and much more.

Storm King Press - Memo to 9/11 Commission :
Isn't that interesting? Jan.6, 2003 this article was published, and mentioned exactly what to expect to find in secret files. We now know that we at last DID find these files, about foreknowledge by the Bushists.

Viewzone: 9-11 The FACTS :
51 not widely known facts about the period before and after 9/11.

--------------------------------------- Civilized debating :
Excerpts of a long email debate as a demonstration of how, by both debaters treating the opponent with respect while not backing down from passionate advocacy, a civil conversation can transpire even in our culture's super-heated partisan atmosphere .

I hereby give one of my votes for WAY ABOVE TOP SECRET to : Aris, for the way he debated his cause.
This doesn't imply that I don't value the input of his opponents.
As said before, without opponents, there is no debate, just a bunch of happy and firm believers in one side of a story.

You have voted Aris for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

[edit on 17/11/05 by LaBTop]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Now where did we see that same C-130 again?
Yes, exactly above and near the Pentagon when it was hit.
Jamming radar?
And it was seen on more "terrorist" connected places that day.

Every once in a while around Baghdad, American bomb squads stop what they're doing, and retire to their bunks. The reason why: "Compass Call," a modified C-130 turboprop plane which serves as the "only US wide-area offensive information warfare platform," according to The Compass Call and the Navy's EA-6B Prowler can jam radio and cell phone traffic for miles around, disrupting insurgent communications. But the aircraft also can disrupt the jammers that bomb squads use to stop improvised explosives, Aviation Week notes. There's even a fear that all those crossed signals could accidentally detonate guerilla bombs. ...

They forget to tell that that C-130 can also jam radar tracking and a lot more.

Remember, cell phone traffic, radio traffic round the WTC was also bad or impossible on 9/11.

For the weaponry guys among us, I advise to read the whole long list of articles on that page.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop

Analysis of Flight 77 Flight Path
Author: Former Air Force Pilot Steve Koeppel, Palm Springs, CA
KEY NOTES: You can see where the White House was passed and the direct swipe through the air space of Reagan International. During this maneuver they dropped 7000 feet and by all reports did it "smoothly".

That flightpath is plain wrong in my opinion.

The plane's last 500 meter followed either the State Highway 244, or the long green road between Hwy 244 and 2nd St S, as a straight guideline into the Pentagon wall.
For sure it passed the Navy Annex building, and clipped some lightpoles on its diagonal crossing of the Pentagon Access road.
If you believe the given flightpath, the plane would have come in from the left into the wall, it however came from the right side under a 53 degrees angle.

I expect the exact approach flightpath to be situated exactly over the smaller north section of the Potomac river, thus perfectly fitting in the REGULATED approach path of Reagan Airport, going round it in a (perhaps a much tighter) turn and hone in on the Pentagon wall following 244 or the other road.
Why? Because I read all eyewitness accounts, and only one, a simple Arlington cemetry grave digger, said the plane came over that cemetry (as drawn in that map with that thick white circle and arrow).

Anybody here can draw the right approach and circling manoeuvre ?

Following the radar maps of flight 77 which are online to see (see the links from those radar/radar guys I gave up there). Because I get a tiny guttfeeling that that circle was MUCH tighter than the US administration wants us to believe.
Someone at the stick of the remote controls made a grave mistake in the last 30 exciting seconds, and they want to cover that up. Because it will show that there was no living pilot steering that thing in the cockpit, but a whizzkid somewhere out there, probably in that C-130 circling above. Who wanted to show off. He's now probably dead, they don't like that behavior.

Much obliged if anybody can post a drawing of the real manoeuvre, on the same map, asap please. In red, over the white line.
Just shift the whole "d" formed white line in such a way, that the leg of the "d" crosses the bridges in the north part of the Potomac river, in front of Arlington cemetery. It would start by crossing over the red square of the Embassy of France.....

We will see then that the manoeuvre was an acrobatic one for such a big plane, and went straight over "Exit to State Hwy 244" (black words on the map).

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
The approach route is exactly right, just not the circle.
If you would have taken the exact same white line drawn there, and just shifted it in such a way, that the same approach route as you draw now is laid out, you will see that your red arrow will now lay on the same end spot, only the circle will be bigger, and goes around Reagan Airport above the river.
I hope you can still edit it. Thank you very much, you got the idea, what you have drawn is probably a physically impossible acrobatic turn with a 757.
But I'm not sure, we should ask that our member with that "Pilot" in his name.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Let's have a look at French researcher Eric Bart's Pentagon Attack Eyewitness Account Compilation, perhaps the most complete anywhere :

Anderson, Steve :
I witnessed the jet hit the Pentagon on September 11. From my office on the 19th floor of the USA TODAY building in Arlington, Va., I have a view of Arlington Cemetery, Crystal City, the Pentagon, National Airport and the Potomac River. ... Shortly after watching the second tragedy, I heard jet engines pass our building, which, being so close to the airport is very common. But I thought the airport was closed. I figured it was a plane coming in for landing. A few moments later, as I was looking down at my desk, the plane caught my eye. It didn't register at first. I thought to myself that I couldn't believe the pilot was flying so low. Then it dawned on me what was about to happen. I watched in horror as the plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left, drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon exploding into a giant orange fireball. Then black smoke. Then white smoke.

Anlauf, Deb & Jeff :
Mrs. Deb Anlauf, resident of Colfax, Wisconsin, was in her 14th floor of the Sheraton Hotel (located 1.6 mile from the explosion, immediately west of the Navy Annex) when she heard a "loud roar": Suddenly I saw this plane right outside my window. You felt like you could touch it; it was that close. It was just incredible. "Then it shot straight across from where we are and flew right into the Pentagon. It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon). When it hit, the whole hotel shook.

Battle :
Battle, an office worker at the Pentagon, was standing outside the building and just about to enter when the aircraft struck. "It was coming down head first," he said. "And when the impact hit, the cars and everything were just shaking."

Bauer, Gary :
... I had just passed the closest place the Pentagon is to the exit on 395 . . . when all of a sudden I heard the roar of a jet engine.""I looked at the woman sitting in the car next to me. She had this startled look on her face. We were all thinking the same thing. We looked out the front of our windows to try to see the plane, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon.

Donald R. Bouchoux :
... was driving west from Tysons Corner to the Pentagon for a 10am meeting. He wrote: At 9:40 a.m. I was driving down Washington Boulevard (Route 27) along the side of the Pentagon when the aircraft crossed about 200 yards [should be more than 150 yards from the impact] in front of me and impacted the side of the building...

Bright, Mark :
... He had been manning the guard booth at the Mall Entrance to the building. "I saw the plane at the Navy Annex area," he said. "I knew it was going to strike the building because it was very, very low -- at the height of the street lights. It knocked a couple down." The plane would have been seconds from impact -- the annex is only a few hundred yards from the Pentagon. He said he heard the plane "power-up" just before it struck the Pentagon. or mistakenly this link :

Cleveland, Allen :
Soon after the crash (Within 30 seconds of the crash) I witnessed a military cargo plane (Possibly a C130) fly over the crash site and circle the mushroom cloud. My brother inlaw also witnessed the same plane following the jet while he was on the HOV lanes in Springfield. He said that he saw a jetliner flying low over the tree tops near Seminary RD in Springfield, VA. and soon afterwards a military plane was seen flying right behind it ...

Cook, Scott P. :
[We didn't know what kind of plane had hit the Pentagon, or where it had hit. Later, we were told that] it was a 757 out of Dulles, which had come up the river in back of our building, turned sharply over the Capitol, ran past the White House and the Washington Monument, up the river to Rosslyn, then dropped to treetop level and ran down Washington Boulevard to the Pentagon (...) As we watched the black plume gather strength, less than a minute after the explosion, we saw an odd sight that no one else has yet commented on. Directly in back of the plume, which would place it almost due west from our office, a four-engine propeller plane, which Ray later said resembled a C-130, started a steep decent towards the Pentagon. It was coming from an odd direction (planes don't go east-west in the area), and it was descending at a much steeper angle than most aircraft. Trailing a thin, diffuse black trail from its engines, the plane reached the Pentagon at a low altitude and made a sharp left turn, passing just north of the plume, and headed straight for the White House. All the while, I was sort of talking at it: "Who the hell are you? Where are you going? You're not headed for downtown!" Ray and Verle watched it with me, and I was convinced it was another attack. But right over the tidal basin, at an altitude of less than 1000 feet, it made another sharp left turn to the north and climbed rapidly. Soon it was gone, leaving only the thin black trail.

Creed, Dan :
He and two colleagues from Oracle software were stopped in a car near the Naval Annex, next to the Pentagon, when they saw the plane dive down and level off. "It was no more than 30 feet off the ground, and it was screaming. It was just screaming. It was nothing more than a guided missile at that point," Creed said. "I can still see the plane. I can still see it right now. It's just the most frightening thing in the world, going full speed, going full throttle, its wheels up," Creed recalls.

DeChiaro, Steve :
... Civilians and soldiers joined emergency crews who were rushing inside to pull out anyone they could. But shortly after 10 a.m. police yelled at people to get back. "Just as we're about to open the door, they start screaming, 'There's another inbound plane', " DeChiaro said. "At that moment, your thoughts are: 'I go in the building, I get killed, then I'm no help to anybody.' In hindsight, I think we should have gone back in that building." For nearly 15 minutes, they stood watching the Pentagon burn and periodically checked the sky for another plane. That plane never reached Washington but fell, instead, in rural Pennsylvania. Teams of two and three eventually were sent back in to find more victims. But as the day grew longer, the flow of the injured stopped.

Elgas, Penny

Traffic was at a standstill. I heard a rumble, looked out my driver's side window and realized that I was looking at the nose of an airplane coming straight at us from over the road (Columbia Pike) that runs perpendicular to the road I was on. The plane just appeared there- very low in the air, to the side of (and not much above) the CITGO gas station that I never knew was there. My first thought was "Oh My God, this must be World War III!" In that split second, my brain flooded with adrenaline and I watched everything play out in ultra slow motion, I saw the plane coming in slow motion toward my car and then it banked in the slightest turn in front of me, toward the heliport. In the nano-second that the plane was directly over the cars in front of my car, the plane seemed to be not more than 80 feet off the ground and about 4-5 car lengths in front of me. It was far enough in front of me that I saw the end of the wing closest to me and the underside of the other wing as that other wing rocked slightly toward the ground. I remember recognizing it as an American Airlines plane -- I could see the windows and the color stripes. And I remember thinking that it was just like planes in which I had flown many times but at that point it never occurred to me that this might be a plane with passengers. In my adrenaline-filled state of mind, I was overcome by my visual senses. The day had started out beautiful and sunny and I had driven to work with my car's sunroof open. I believe that I may have also had one or more car windows open because the traffic wasn't moving anyway. At the second that I saw the plane, my visual senses took over completely and I did not hear or feel anything -- not the roar of the plane, or wind force, or impact sounds. The plane seemed to be floating as if it were a paper glider and I watched in horror as it gently rocked and slowly glided straight into the Pentagon. At the point where the fuselage hit the wall, it seemed to simply melt into the building. I saw a smoke ring surround the fuselage as it made contact with the wall. It appeared as a smoke ring that encircled the fuselage at the point of contact and it seemed to be several feet thick. I later realized that it was probably the rubble of churning bits of the plane and concrete. The churning smoke ring started at the top of the fuselage and simultaneously wrapped down both the right and left sides of the fuselage to the underside, where the coiling rings crossed over each other and then coiled back up to the top. Then it started over again -- only this next time, I also saw fire, glowing fire in the smoke ring. At that point, the wings disappeared into the Pentagon. And then I saw an explosion and watched the tail of the plane slip into the building. It was here that I closed my eyes for a moment and when I looked back, the entire area was awash in thick black smoke.

Evey, Walker Lee :
The plane approached the Pentagon about six feet off the ground, clipping a light pole, a car antenna, a construction trailer and an emergency generator before slicing into the building, said Lee Evey, the manager of the Pentagon's ongoing billion-dollar renovation. The plane penetrated three of the Pentagon's five rings, but was probably stopped from going farther by hundreds of concrete columns. The plane peeled back as it entered, leaving pieces of the front of the plane near the outside of the building and pieces from the rear of the aircraft farther inside, Evey said. The floors just above the impact remained intact for about 35 minutes after the crash, allowing many people in those offices to escape, Evey said
.... All-new office space was created with an open space plan aimed at enhancing flexibility (...) Amazingly, the plane pushed through the outermost "E Ring", and drove deep into the interior, its nose coming to rest just inside the "C Ring."
.... So it impacted the building in an area that had been renovated, but its path was at a -- it appears to be at a diagonal, so that it entered in wedge one but passed through into areas of wedge two, an unrenovated portion of the building. .... The nose of the plane just barely broke through the inside of the C ring, so it was extending into A-E Drive a little bit. .....
.... On its way in, the wing clipped. Our guess is an engine clipped a generator. We had an emergency temporary generator to provide life-safety emergency electrical power, should the power go off in the building. The wing actually clipped that generator, and portions of it broke off. There are other parts of the plane that are scattered about outside the building. None of those parts are very large, however. You don't see big pieces of the airplane sitting there extending up into the air. But there are many small pieces. And the few larger pieces there look like they are veins out of the aircraft engine. They're circular. ....

Ford, Ken :
Ken Ford : One eyewitness, State Department employee Ken Ford, said he watched from the 15th floor of the State Department Annex, just across the PotomacRiver from the Pentagon. We were watching the airport through binoculars, Ford said, referring to Reagan National Airport, a short distance away. The plane was a two-engine turbo prop that flew up the river from National. Then it turned back toward the Pentagon. We thought it had been waved off and then it hit the building.

That last one completes the total picture we can now make of the last trajectory of the flightpath of flight 77.
It seems to be reasonably sure that it was just as I predicted, according to all the bits and pieces out of the above statements. That white line drawn on the map of this picture :
was drawn much too WIDE.

That plane made a much tighter turn while -racing- down that circling slope in the air.
It was an acrobatic turn.
That plane was remote controlled, with the passengers locked up in it, together with the eventual hijackers, unable to do a thing to steer it by means of cockpit steering.
And the remote controller sat in that C-130 which for sure was a radar jamming outfitted one just like they use in Iraq now.

I'll have a further more scrutinizing look at that C-130, and their crew, than I did before. And especially at the few names I have, which were mentioned in the media, after they couldn't kept that C-130 out of the news anymore, long after 9/11.

If someone themselves want to see with their own eyes how tight and steep that turn must have been, take one of the highres 9/12 satellite pictures, and place the above witnesses stand- and viewpoints on the map.
And that's why the Dulles radar room personnel said on 9/11 that it seemed to be a military manoeuvre of a military plane.
They were right, the "pilot" was a military trained one. ( Poindexter or Oliver North come to mind, they are, proven without doubt, crooked enough to fit the picture).

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Sorry, couldn't find so fast a better map with the name Rosslyn on it, so this masonic aerial must do for the moment :

as you can see, Rosslyn is NORTH of the Pentagon.
I thought already that the, redded out by me, statement of Cook, Scott P., was a bunch of balony feeded to him by some who didn't want us to see the real flightpath of flight 77.

I have a few more interviews, from the same Bart link, with varying credibility in my opinion :

This interview seems to me, genuine :

Hemphill, Albert :
From the view of the Navy Annex : After a few moments, Lt Gen Ron Kadish, Director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization entered the Secure Conference Room to pursue the day's activities and do real work. This office, with two nice windows and a great view of the monuments, the Capitol and the Pentagon was "good digs" by any Pentagon standard. I walked in the office and stood peering out of the window looking at the Pentagon. As I stood there, I instinctively ducked at the extremely loud roar and whine of a jet engine spooling up. Immediately, the large silver cylinder of an aircraft appeared in my window, coming over my right shoulder as I faced the Westside of the Pentagon directly towards the heliport. The aircraft, looking to be either a 757 or Airbus, seemed to come directly over the annex, as if it had been following Columbia Pike - an Arlington road leading to Pentagon. The aircraft was moving fast, at what I could only estimate as between 250 to 300 knots. All in all, I probably only had the aircraft in my field of view for approximately 3 seconds. The aircraft was at a sharp downward angle of attack, on a direct course for the Pentagon. It was "clean", in as much as, there were no flaps applied and no apparent landing gear deployed. He was slightly left wing down as he appeared in my line of sight, as if he'd just "jinked" to avoid something. As he crossed Route 110 he appeared to level his wings, making a slight right wing slow adjustment as he impacted low on the Westside of the building to the right of the helo, tower and fire vehicle around corridor 5. What instantly followed was a large yellow fireball accompanied by an extremely bass sounding, deep thunderous boom. The yellow fireball rose quickly as black smoke engulfed the entire Westside of the Pentagon, obscuring the whole of the heliport. I could feel the concussion and felt the shockwave of the blast impact the window of the Annex, knocking me against the desk.

This one, is a bunch of hear-say and balony, there is no grass near the second ring, since, untill the third ring, C-ring, all rooms were one big office space. After the C-ring, between a-B and B-C, were roads. The only grass to be found is in the center courtyard. He clearly thinks that the plane came down the Washington part of I-395. And the plane did not fly over the White House and Capitol.(underlined text by me).

Hovis, Tom :
Being a former transport type (60's era) I cannot understand how that plane hit where it did giving the direction the aircraft was taking at the time. As most know, the Pentagon lies at the bottom of two hills from the west with the east side being next to the river at 14th street bridge. One hill is at the Navy Annex and the other is Arlington Cemetery. The plane came up I-395 also known as Shirley Hwy. (most likely used as a reference point.) The plane had been seen making a lazy pattern in the no fly zone over the White House and US Capitol. Why the plane did not hit incoming traffic coming down the river from the north to Reagan Nat'l. is beyond me . Strangely, no one at the Reagan Tower noticed the aircraft. Andrews AFB radar should have also picked up the aircraft I would think. Nevertheless, the aircarft went southwest near Springfield and then veered left over Arlington and then put the nose down coming over Ft Myer picking off trees and light poles near the helicopter pad next to building. It was as if he leveled out at the last minute and put it square into the building. The wings came off as if it went through an arch way leaving a hole in the side of the building it seems a little larger than the wide body of the aircraft. The entry point was so clean that the roof (shown in news photo) fell in on the wreckage. They are just now getting to the passengers today. The nosewheel I understand is in the grass near the second ring. ....

This is an interesting one, that will have been the firebomb going off at ONI, which caused that long soothed area at the back of C-ring wall, 50 and 70 meters away from the "exit hole". :

Krohn, Charles H. :
One of the aircraft's engines somehow ricocheted out of the building and arched into the Pentagon's mall parking area between the main building and the new loading dock facility, said Charles H. Krohn, the Army's deputy chief of public affairs. Those fleeing the building heard a loud secondary explosion about 10 min. after the initial impact.

Here is a photo of the ORIGINAL exit hole in the third ring wall, C-ring, shortly after plane impact at the front E-ring wall.
As you can see, it was substantially smaller than the photo's shown all over this board, with the sprayed texts left and right of that then WIDENED hole :

Anyone with a sane mind sees a NOSECONE sticking out of there, as one of the interviewed in above post wants us to believe ?
That cone must have disintegrated when it hit the E-ring outer wall !

[edit on 20/11/05 by LaBTop]

[edit on 20/11/05 by LaBTop]

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