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The "We Support the Troops, but not the War" Truth

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 03:48 AM
Oh now you find a few nutty protesters and throw us all in there with them, how fair and balanced is that?

I do not support the war, never have, never will. I do support our troops coming home asap, I support them having full access to medical care that meets all their needs. I support more of my tax dollars being spent to make sure they have access to good care.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:08 AM
Just what type of "patriotic dissent" is shown by burning a soldier in effigy?

That's not dissent. It's total disrespect.

And, btw, the problems at Walter Reed's outpatient center did not start on March 20, 2003. They were there for years beforehand.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Just what type of "patriotic dissent" is shown by burning a soldier in effigy?

That's not dissent. It's total disrespect.

I can agree with that there are always extremists in every aspect of life.

And, btw, the problems at Walter Reed's outpatient center did not start on March 20, 2003. They were there for years beforehand.

Yeah it says a lot about the people who claimed to support US troops and accused other people of not supporting the troops were quite happy not do anything about Walter Reed until the media got hold of the story.

There has been plenty time to fix the problems but just like when the insurgency first appeared in Iraq such a thing dosnt fit into there world which is removed from reality.

Don't bother with the they didn't know about it argument if the current admin really gave a toss about US troops they would have made sure that the private contractor was doing a good job and not just sucking up tax payer money.

The Walter Reed scandal is worse then Vietnam veterans including my Dad being spat on when they returned home. I do feel for the US troops between the left wing extremists and the frauds that I mentioned above US military personal have very few genuine supporters.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:50 AM
The treatment of veterans not just at Walter Reed but at all levels needs to be fixed. The VA does not need budget cuts, it needs increases.

The United States of America, the most powerful and wealthiest nation to exist in history whose "Defense" Budget is more than what the entire rest of Planet Earth spends on their's combined should be able to take care of its Veterans.

Think about that for a second and let it sink in. The US "Defense" budget is more than what the rest of the entire World spends combined on their defense .

The system needs to be fixed. Soldiers need to be taken care of and not just the Officers, all soldiers.

Instead of people out marching burning effigies of soldiers and flags. People need to be marching for the people who gave up their freedoms, risk their lives, and sacrifice their lives for our future. People need to stop spreading lies saying such mess as "Well they knew better when they signed up." Thats crap, soldiers are just like every other American. Can you imagine people saying that about policemen or firemen, "Well they knew better when they signed up." Liberal hypocrisy, criminals who knew better when they killed somone, raped someone, robbed someone they only need rehabilitation. How can someone say that about a Criminal yet insult and disrepect a Soldier. They blame society and want to help low life thugs reform, but a Soldier, a person who risks their very lives for our future is insulted and disrespected.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:20 AM
Well I'm all for peace, that's all i got to say about that.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Just as there are extremists in war there are extremists in peace. I don't see a problem here other that its ruffled the feathers of a few old birds, deal with it. I do agree with the other poster that the hardcore protesters with covered faces appear to be part of an intentional attempt to agitate the right. I'm surprised none of them got confused and started smashing in Starbuck windows.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Mezzanine
Your ideals are less desirable than those who call our leaders criminals because it is people like you, with your blind support for the status quo that is supporting an illegal occupation of a sovereign country, and demonizing anyone who protests.

My support is not blind. The invasion of Iraq was in accordance with UN resolutions and I have not demonized anyone.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:08 AM
"The invasion of Iraq was in accordance with UN resolutions"

No it wasnt. If you read the UN Charter it specificaly prohibits any such action such as the invasion of Iraq. It was handled in an unconstitutional way in america, and was illegal for Tony Blair to order our country into a war also.

Article 2(4) states: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

Article 51 states: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”


General Kofi Annan said unequivocally that the war was illegal. Referring to the war, he stated, “I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN Charter. From our point of view and from the Charter point of view it was illegal.”

[edit on 22-3-2007 by Islamo Facist]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:24 AM
Isn't great to see people using their freedom of expression, that soldiers die for?

Soldiers fight for the stupid, idiotic, retarded, insensitive, narrow-minded masses as well as the semi-educated, self-aware masses.

We should be rejoicing that these people, and us, have the freedom to burn effigys, and display their angst for their countries actions.

If anything, these people are the epidemy of patriotism - whether or not, we agree with their methods.

Thank you soldiers.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Islamo Facist
"The invasion of Iraq was in accordance with UN resolutions"

No it wasnt. If you read the UN Charter it specificaly prohibits any such action such as the invasion of Iraq. It was handled in an unconstitutional way in america, and was illegal for Tony Blair to order our country into a war also.
[edit on 22-3-2007 by Islamo Facist]

Iraq violated UN Resolution 1441, which states

PP2 : Recognizing the threat Iraq's noncompliance with Security Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to international peace and security,

PP3 : Recalling that its resolution 678 (1991) authorized member states to use all necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) and all relevant resolutions subsequent to Resolution 660 and to restore international peace and security in the area,

This was our justification.

Research and read the rest of the relevant UN resolutions for more info.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:41 AM
This is disgusting. Whether or not I, or any of us supports this war is completely irrelevant! It's great to protest for your ideals, in fact there are few things more "American," but this is ludicrous!

F- the troops? Mock burning of a soldier? This is simply horrible. There's peacefully protesting, and then there's being downright anti-American.

And yes, don't give any BS about how calling them Communists is propaganda. These pictures clearly show support for communism. Which is, in a way, closer to a "NWO" than anything America is doing. The NWO, as I see it (simplified), is a one-world government (like a domineering UN) and communism.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:59 AM
What weapons of mass destruction ?

You went to war on a pack of lies and you call that justification.

Anybody who puts their sense of patriotism before their sense of morality is nothing more than a robot completely devoid of a conscience. Unfortunately this world is full of them.

Dont see anything wrong with those pictures. Just people expressing their hatred for the Iraq war and their corrupt government.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:02 AM
"Research and read the rest of the relevant UN resolutions for more info"

Sorry, however the legitamacy of that claim for "self defence" is not sufficient enough to justify America Invading Iraq, it was illegal, simple as that.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:05 AM
It is truely a sad state of affairs when the soldiers, marines, and sailors who are defending our freedoms are so vilely disrespected...

We can agree or disagree on whether or not we as a nation should have gone to war in Iraq, and argue the facts to our hearts content, and nothing is wrong with that...but when our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and freinds who are going or could go in harms way are attacked in such a vile fashion?

Protesting a war by burning a soldier in effigy? Calling for bombing of the White House? That surely is peaceful...not. Give peace a being, or calling for, violence.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:15 AM
So your saying you should give peace a chance by respecting the men and women who go to war?

That doesnt make much sense. Those people know what they are doing, they are going to a warzone to further the interests of the facist corporate entities that control their nation and to invade and occupy an entire nation of innocent men, women and children. (...) them to be honest.

removed vulgar language

[edit on 22/3/07 by masqua]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Bush Is a Cock
So your saying you should give peace a chance by respecting the men and women who go to war?

That doesnt make much sense. Those people know what they are doing, they are going to a warzone to further the interests of the facist corporate entities that control their nation and to invade and occupy an entire nation of innocent men, women and children. # them to be honest.

You cannot blame the troops for going to war. They have to obey the orders of the President of the United States. Also they have to defend the constitution. Yes they volunteered to join the military, but they didn't decide to go to war. Sounds like someone needs to open your eyes.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:55 AM
Just what is accomplished by such vile attacks? These men and women are volunteers doing a job we all fervently wish was not neccessary. BIAC, have you ever talked to one of these young men and women? Most are fine upstanding people doing what they feel is neccessary to help protect their families and freinds, not to mention people they've never met. To accuse them of being knowing shills for corporate fascists is as disrespectful a statement as any that were made this weekend. Before you make such blanket statements, you really should meet a few of them as I have.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 12:36 PM
Wow, seeing those images, just them being communists, tick me off immensely.

I think we should just promise all communists their own land, that they can make their own communist country with, load them all up into trains, and ship them all to that land...but that land is actually a concentration camp. =3

I hate communists so much...

But, ahem, yeah. Its not the troops fault they were sent to fight in an unjust war, they joined up thinking they would fight for justice but because of Bush's stupidity we have the crisis in Iraq. The protester are going overboard. Also Bush is a screwup but seriously hes not evil I think hes just not fit to be a president as he screwed up immensely.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:12 PM
Fascist Corporate Interests? Yeah thats why I signed up to be a political tool and die to make some old guy rich. That is the stupidest thing Ive heard.

You think they have Halliburton posters at the MEPS centers. What is wrong with you?

You want to know what recruiters really talk about, its not corporate interests or any crap like that.

They talk about MONEY for COLLEGE
They talk about FREE MEDICAL and DENTAL
They talk about CAREER SKILLS

Most of the military leadership joined when BILL CLINTON was still president, The guys who are Generals and CSMs joined when the COLD WAR was going on. Those people either joined to fight the Soviets or go on PEACEKEEPING missions in the Balkans.

Most of the Junior guys joined after Sep 11. If you can't imagine why somone would join after Sep 11 you need to see a psychiatrist.

I'm all for Freedom of Speech. If people choose to be against the conflict fine. That is their right.

I am against stupidity and ignorance. Stating crap about soldiers joining to serve corporations is pure crap with no basis what so ever in reality. So people that state this are one of three things Ignorant, choosing to ignore reality, Stupid and just can't comprehend reality, or a Liar, knowing the truth but choosing to spew BS.

The last I checked the Bill of Rights doesn't protect liars. ignorance, or stupidity.

[edit on 22/3/07 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by Mezzanine
Your ideals are less desirable than those who call our leaders criminals because it is people like you, with your blind support for the status quo that is supporting an illegal occupation of a sovereign country, and demonizing anyone who protests.

My support is not blind. The invasion of Iraq was in accordance with UN resolutions and I have not demonized anyone.

Throwing out a phrase such as, "the far left" when you don't personally know these people is demonizing. You don't know them, their exact political viewpoints, or why they oppose the war. A phrase such as, "the far left" only seeks to divide and doesn't promote learning or understanding at all.

The invasion of Iraq might not have broken any UN Resolutions, but it wasn't exactly in line with them either. I'm sure you remember the Security Council saying that they would not approve of an invasion...

I've never had a debate with you here on ATS before, so I am going to assume that you had a good reason for not responding to my other points in my original post in this thread. Or was I right?

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