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ATS: U.S. Mad Cow cover-up????

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posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 06:09 PM
USDA refused to release mad cow records

The United States Department of Agriculture insisted the U.S. beef supply is safe Tuesday after announcing the first documented case of mad cow disease in the United States, but for six months the agency repeatedly refused to release its tests for mad cow to United Press International.


The USDA claims to have tested approximately 20,000 cows for the disease in 2002 and 2003, but has been unable to provide any documentation in support of this to UPI, which first requested the information in July.

In addition, former USDA veterinarians tell UPI they have long suspected the disease was in U.S herds and there are probably additional infected animals.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 (UPI) --

The meat industry has shown it will go to extensive lengths to squash the idea that the meat supply is unsafe. Remember the absurd and infamous lawsuit against Oprah Winfrey for saying on her show that she would not eat another hamburger after a guest spoke of the potential danger? She was accused with defamation of meat, a weird law they have down in Texas (Springer, can you fill us in on this?). She won the case, but it showed how nervous the meat industry was and is and the extreme and ridiculous lengths they will go to.

Are their lobbyists part of the reason the USDA will not release the data on the very limited U.S. testing program? What are they trying to hide? Madness is what.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 07:33 PM
Well I for one think that the US beef industry is reaping what it sowed.

Didn't they learn the lesson from England about feeding animal parts to cattle? Its a disease that from my reading only occurs when ground up animals, cows, pigs, etc, are fed back to the cattle again.

However I have been reading that the fear around the disease is more 'emotional' rather than scientific.

A news article I heard on the radio said that the testing procedures were slower than the processing, so the beefie with the diesase has probably been eaten by now .... enjoy your hamburgers...

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 08:19 PM
Conversations with some mad cows on the topic HERE!!!

[Edited on 25-12-2003 by Netchicken]

[Edited on 25-12-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 07:22 AM
There is no way the cattle industry is going to let out the full scope of how only one cow got the diease. The others around it just died of natural cause...slaughter.
The way this getting swept under the rug it will not make the light of the day. TO many pocket books would be affected.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:06 PM
So,Foreign governments help cover-up too?Numerous countries inport US beef though.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Just on MSNBC- the US says the cow that was affected came from Canada. I was wandering where the blame would go.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:18 PM
LOL must be great having a scapegoat country on your doorstep!

Mind you the case is all hyped up, there was 1 case in America and I think 189000 cases in England.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:20 PM
I am not going to be eating any beef.

which really sucks. I want a steak.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:25 PM
Lysergic, enjoy your steaks whilst they are cheap to buy.

If you were going to get infected you would be by now, although you would still have 10 more years or so to live.

They sure as heck would not be doing the same practice again, so any meat coming through now will be as clean as you can believe.

Hang on here's a thought, what if the feed is good NOW but those same beefies were fed contaminated beef in the past and already have it?

I would eat and enjoy, to heck with it, you may get run over by a car tomorrow and something is going to get you one day.....

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 02:00 PM
if this plays out right the price of beef will be down so that I can stock all three of my freezers.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Journey
Just on MSNBC- the US says the cow that was affected came from Canada. I was wandering where the blame would go.

Yep, yep:
"Investigators Trace Diseased Cow to Canada"

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Holstein infected with mad cow disease in Washington state was imported into the United States from Canada about two years ago, federal investigators tentatively concluded Saturday.

Dr. Ron DeHaven, chief veterinarian for the Agriculture Department, said Canadian officials have provided records that indicate the animal was one of a herd of 74 cattle that were shipped from Alberta, Canada, into this country at Eastport, Idaho."


posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:23 PM

�I don�t think anyone should look at this as tarnishing Canada as a mad cow haven,� Dr. Brian Evans, Canada�s lead investigator with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, told an Ottawa news conference Saturday.

American officials originally said the infected animal was 41/2 years old. But the ear tag identification linking the cow to an Alberta herd is for an animal born in April 1997 -- making it 61/2 years old.

�No ear tag is tamper-proof, ear tags can be removed and reapplied, but again, we�re not intimating that that in fact is the circumstance here,� said Evans.

�What we�re suggesting is that we need to verify, using scientific methods such as DNA, that the animal that left Canada with that ear tag is in fact the animal that the U.S. is pursuing at this point.�

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:41 AM
With some well placed propaganda, I think we can all eventually come to the conclusion that Canada is aiding Al Qaeda. This is obviously a terrorist threat. So, when do we start bombing?

[Edited on 12-28-2003 by Satyr]

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Satyr
With some well placed propaganda, I think we can all eventually come to the conclusion that Canada is aiding Al Qaeda. This is obviously a terrorist threat. So, when do we start bombing?

[Edited on 12-28-2003 by Satyr]

Shut up you might give Bush an idea!!

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 12:35 PM
I think all presidents should be ear-tagged, that way we know if they are for real...

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 01:32 PM
I would like to know why they are allowed to refuse the request for results.

Government: We need to see your data from the Mad cow testing for 2002 and 2003

USDA: Um, ya, sorry... no, we ran those tests and all is well, but thanks for asking.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 01:37 PM
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) = Government

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 01:42 PM
Well, in all honesty....
Despite where the MadCow disease originated, the FDA/USDA needs to tighten up. The US Beef Industry has far too much sway, influence, and power over the FDA/USDA.

It doesn't help that every news media, excluding regular, is over-hyping this situation of MadCow.

"What countries have reported cases of BSE or are considered to have a substantial risk associated with BSE?"

"These countries are: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia, The Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, and United Kingdom (Great Britain including Northern Ireland and the Falkland Islands).

Canada has recently been added to this list of countries from which imports are restricted."

What and why does this excempt the US, being that Canada has been dealing with it for some time and in respect to the US-Canadian "soft-border"?


[Edited on 28-12-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 01:45 PM

The beef is safe. The infidels will try and say our beef is tainted but this is a lie. A blasphemous lie that has been hatched up by liberals and communist! That cow didn�t have any dieses it simply was drunk from old grain which changed to alcohol. The meat is safe our furor George W. Bush is eating this meat as we speak.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 07:16 PM
Posted this the other day...

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