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Alien Critters On Mars? Check This Out!!!

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posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
Look carefully. There’s more than meets the eye at first glance!!
(runetang comment: thats because humans have a natural tendency to make out faces and patterns in inanimate objects and rocks, like Jesus and Mary.)

Mars Rover Imagery here…
All pics courtesy NASA/JPL.


Those 3 interest me, the rest look explainable. I particularly like the last one.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
Shine? That must've gone apparently a few thousand years ago!
We're talking of a possible artifact lying there since antiquity. Weathered real bad. So no shine!!

A metal object left on the surface of Mars will probably remain shiny because of the dust and the winds.

Unfortunately, there is only one version of that image, if we had the three versions for filters 4, 5 and 6 we could try a colour version of that image. We could try it with even just two filters, but has we only have one we are limited to a greyscale photo.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
C'mon MrPenny. Why don't you open your closed mind a wee bit? Don't you see something strange in this pic below? Can you provide a scientific explanation for this 'spanner' or 'eel' looking thing that some have likened it too?

Just saying 'I see nothing but rocks' doesn't prove you're an intellectual. Just the opposite.

First, a response to this type of post from another post;

You're doing a good job of turning this forum into a version of or Pravda mikesingh.

I'm not trying to prove I'm an intellectual. My serious and sober interpretation is, and will remain, "I see nothing but rocks". If given the known information about Mars and these photos....I must conclude they are rocks. Despite our brains insistence on seeing patterns and shapes in the environment around us. "Scientific explanation"? You present nothing but a not-so-clear, black and white photo, suggest the odd shape is a spanner or eel and ask me for scientific evidence it is not? For real?

How many times do I have to mention it, and how many times do you, or anyone else who fancies these as some real artifacts, will you fail to address it.......

NASA/ESA; a bunch of very bright individuals who have successfully engineered, manufactured, and performed astonishing feats of space travel, become complete drooling 'tards and allow photos of artifacts to be accessed by the public. All the while claiming to have found no direct proof of life on Mars.

I'm not trying to prove my intellect. I'm rebutting your apparent opinion that many visitors to ATS may be gullible. Personally, I think the desire to be part of a 'special group' causes some people to agree with any position offered by 'leaders' in the group.

Finally....with only the requirement to join and follow the T&C needed, this is a public forum. I can post on these threads as often as I want "all I see are rocks". And as long as I do so without making comments about your open or closed mind, or your intellect....things are cool.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by ArMaP
I know the Universe is not only rocks, but even a fossil is a rock, right?

Technically.... NO
Just like a mineral is also not a rock...


You are obviously right, I am so fond of using the right words that sometimes I use the wrong ones.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by runetang
Those 3 interest me, the rest look explainable. I particularly like the last one.

quite right I agree on the last one.. I would say its the best of the group. I will work on it when I have more time.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 09:52 PM

My serious and sober interpretation is, and will remain, "I see nothing but rocks".

THAT, is not empirical process.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by undo

My serious and sober interpretation is, and will remain, "I see nothing but rocks".

THAT, is not empirical process.

I beg your pardon.

Empirical process being a method of statistical estimation and employed in probability decision is based on what is probable and what is statistically known about Mars.

Therefore, a serious and sober interpretation.

Empirically process this for me.....

NASA/ESA; a bunch of very bright individuals who have successfully engineered, manufactured, and performed astonishing feats of space travel, become complete drooling 'tards and allow photos of artifacts to be accessed by the public. All the while claiming to have found no direct proof of life on Mars.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:03 AM
this is not only not empirical process, it's completely counterproductive to empirical proces:

"and will remain" (this is a forever statement. forever is a long time.)

how do you know you "will remain" that way? you have no idea what the future
holds or what will happen to change your mind. i realize you don't care if you are proven wrong in this situation, the only problem is, if you want to continue sounding like a skeptical scientific type, you may want to temper your "and will remain" or just remove it altogether, that way your skepticism looks like more than some guy who is protesting just a little too much and qualifying it with statements of forever.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:20 AM
I see. I suppose it would be better to say 'it will remain' given that nothing in our known information about Mars changes. I appreciate you pointing that out. Just to be finicky, I think its an error in semantics and doesn't really change my opinion of these and other Mars "artifact" photos.

You're right, I don't know what will happen in the future. Should new knowledge be presented, my interpretation will probably change right along with the new information. My intent was to refer to these photos, and what is known about Mars now.

Believe it or not, my mind can be changed. Some images from Mars are truly bizarre and thought provoking. But I can speculate until the cows come home. The data available to me doesn't provoke wishful fancy at all. And I do care very much about being proven wrong. Should clear, unequivocal evidence of present microbial life be found, I will be very happy. Should the same evidence be found for past advance lifeforms?....I will swoon.

You don't care to comment on the last part of my previous post?

[edit on 26-3-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:36 PM
there's many ways that could be interpreted, such as:

human nature assures them that the mainstream viewpoint will remain the mainstream viewpoint, until NASA says otherwise, even in the face of visible clues as to a different reality than what is being or has been, advanced.

zorgon, john lear and myself, have been researching NASA and JPL connections to nazism, especially the nazi scientists that were smuggled out of Germany at the end of WWII. if the theories turn out to be correct, they've been lying to us since day 1. how they keep all those people quiet is more related to compartmentalization and careful hiring procedures to begin with.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by undo
human nature assures them that the mainstream viewpoint will remain the mainstream viewpoint
bold added by MrPenny

Aw shoot, there's that pesky "will remain" again. Not fair to offer an explanation with the phrase yet call me out on it.

if the theories turn out to be correct, they've been lying to us since day 1. how they keep all those people quiet is more related to compartmentalization and careful hiring procedures to begin with.

Epically talented liars and job interviewers. Can't keep photos that lead people to speculate about life and/or past civilizations on other planets and moons out of the public's grasp? Then, describe their compartmentalization and hiring procedures. How may those procedures have evolved from the '60s to now due to the emergence of digital networks and the Internet?

What philosophy or mind-set decides some issues must be kept secret at, literally, all costs; yet this other issue....."eh, screw 'em, nobody'll believe 'em anyway"? They just conveniently let slip some evidence that causes goose bumps on conspiracy 'theorists' necks? But everything else about the organization is an incredibly effective cover-up?

[edit on 26-3-2007 by MrPenny]

[edit on 26-3-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 01:31 PM
well the will remain syndrome is the problem. it isn't empirical procedure, obviously.
as far as books, or evidence leaking out, it's all over the place.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny
NASA/ESA; a bunch of very bright individuals who have successfully engineered, manufactured, and performed astonishing feats of space travel, become complete drooling 'tards and allow photos of artifacts to be accessed by the public. All the while claiming to have found no direct proof of life on Mars.

Hmmm bright individuals they may be... bright enough to realize what would happen to their paycheck if they babbled

Now about those "artifacts" that they allow the public to see...

First of all the general public could give a damn...
So that leaves a small percentage of us seekers...

There are several possibilities here:
A) several on the inside are letting them slip by so we can find them... that would be one way to "talk" without saying a word...
B) With the thousands of photos that they deal with it is entirely possible a percentage will slip by...
C) NASA is deliberately adding anomalies and are all watching the internet in their spare time and having a jolly good laugh at us..
D) NASA is on the verge of disclosure and this "leaking" is their way of giving us a heads up..

Well from my recent studies I would have to conclude its "all of the above"

A) I have had several images videos and documents sent to me via emails from interesting return addresses... those naturally will remain confidential...
B) This happened a lot more in older photos than it does today, before we all had super computers and graphic programs...
C) Only one comment.. Clementine full color images...
D)NASA et al are in a rush to get back out there... we beleive its because they want to publicly establish a foothold to cover their existing presence from any one else who may go up there in the nest few decades Space command buildup indicates that they are ready to back it up with a wallop if need be..

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Epically talented liars and job interviewers. Can't keep photos that lead people to speculate about life and/or past civilizations on other planets and moons out of the public's grasp? Then, describe their compartmentalization and hiring procedures. How may those procedures have evolved from the '60s to now due to the emergence of digital networks and the Internet?

What philosophy or mind-set decides some issues must be kept secret at, literally, all costs; yet this other issue....."eh, screw 'em, nobody'll believe 'em anyway"? They just conveniently let slip some evidence that causes goose bumps on conspiracy 'theorists' necks? But everything else about the organization is an incredibly effective cover-up?

[edit on 26-3-2007 by MrPenny]

MrPenny, you seem to be always firing all your cylinders at the same time. If you aren't aware of NASA's hiring and security procedures, why dwell on it?

Having said that, let me give you a little primer on NASA's security procedures and why we're being led up the garden path..

Are you aware of something called ‘Communications Security (COMSEC)’ within NASA? It sets forth minimum standards, procedures, specifications, and guidelines for safeguarding and control of COMSEC material in NASA's possession.

And that includes all material/photographs/videos/transmissions (physical and electronic).

As per NASA’s COMSEC procedures:
The TCO (Top Secret Control Officer) will ensure automated information systems, including networks and telecommunications systems (voice, video, and data), that collect, create, communicate, compute, disseminate, process, reproduce, store, zeroize, or destroy classified COMSEC information, have controls that provide adequate protection, prevent access by unauthorized persons, and ensure the integrity of the information.


1. You have been selected to perform duties requiring access to U.S. classified COMSEC information. It is essential that you become fully aware of facts relating to protecting this information before access is granted. This briefing will give you a description of the type of COMSEC information to which you may have access, the reasons why special safeguards are necessary for protecting this information, the directives and rules that prescribe such safeguards, and the penalties you may incur for the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of U.S. classified COMSEC information.

2. COMSEC is the general term used for all steps taken to deny unauthorized persons information, derived from the telecommunications of the U.S. Government, and to ensure the authenticity of those ommunications.

3. COMSEC has four main components –
Transmission security.
Physical security.
Emission security.
Cryptographic security.

Transmission security is methods and techniques applied to protect information while in transmission from unauthorized intercept, traffic analysis, imitative deception, and disruption. Physical security is those barriers put in place to prevent access by an unauthorized person to materials, information, documents, and equipment. Emission security is measures taken to prevent compromising signals from emanating from equipment or telecommunications systems.

Cryptographic security is rules applied to alter information, making it unintelligible to unauthorized people during communications. To ensure that telecommunications are secure, all four of these components must be considered.

Directive: NMI 1600.2
NASA shall apply appropriate levels of communications
security (COMSEC) to NASA telecommunications systems,
including those operated by NASA contractors, and to
the electrical transmission of all classified and
sensitive unclassified information. Procedures shall be established which provide for the
adequate control and safeguard of NASA-held COMSEC

All NASA employees will be subject to an appropriate
security investigation consistent with their duties.
Personnel will be employed or retained in employment in
a position that requires a personnel security clearance
only when such is found to be clearly consistent with
the interests of the National Security.

So you see? What’s all this fuss about security and secrecy in a so-called civilian space program funded by tax payers money? What are they hiding? Why do they want to hide it?

Cheers!! Here’s to mud in NASA’s Eye!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
MrPenny, you seem to be always firing all your cylinders at the same time. If you aren't aware of NASA's hiring and security procedures, why dwell on it?

Having said that, let me give you a little primer on NASA's security procedures and why we're being led up the garden path..

mikesingh, go back and review my 'dwelling'. I asked a question in response to undo's claim of security and hiring procedures. You've successfully made my request for more information into the exact opposite.

Speaking of dwelling on it. If it bothers you, why did you cut and paste 430 words describing security procedures, that with only some nouns changed, is no different than security standards established by large corporations with sensitive digital and electronic resources to protect. That is boiler-plate stuff mike. Replace "NASA" with "CitiGroup" and you have a best-practices handbook.

Again, specifically, how does NASA's compartmentalization and hiring practices ensure the success of this humongous cover-up? How has it evolved from the 60s to now, in response to digital networks and the Internet?

Originally posted by zorgon
bright enough to realize what would happen to their paycheck if they babbled

Well duh. I presume publicly revealing current work on any program is grounds for dismissal and or legal action. Just like mikesingh's stuff.....big deal. I can be fired for mentioning confidential information.

As far as your possibilities go.....I find it interesting that you have four different possibilities....then accept them all as possible. I'll accept all of those as possibilities if you will be a bit more inclusive and add....

(E) None of the above...the photos show natural yet odd features that are subject to interpretation.

I gotta get to work.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:18 AM
Oh yeah! I got sorta mixed up! This was an extract from Citibank's or Stanchart's standing security instructions! Hell I should've known better! Like they've gotta be workin' closely with NSA and Area 51 too!!

C'mon Mr Penny, stop being so naive! Have a look at this short clip below from the Greatest Story Ever Denied video featuring the testimony of Donna Hare and Karl Wolfe discussing how photos of moon bases were airbrushed.

Naaa! How can NASA do such things? Or the NSA? Or Naval Intel?

And hey, get a load of this...

Continuing Area 51 involvement in the Pathfinder mission is creating a virtual stranglehold on public access to Mars data. As more and more transmission seemed to indicate, not just the existence of early life on Mars, but direct extraterrestrial monitoring of the Pathfinder mission, officials restricted the flow of real information to almost nothing.

Immediately upon the discovery of Monolith 2, NSA and Air Force officials from Area 51 in Nevada (NSAa51)closed off publicity and began altering the appearance of Martian photographs to be released to the public.

Supervising every photo, press conference, press release and web site, NSA a51 representatives became a filter to the information released to the public.

Nonetheless, it is clear that the Pathfinder Mars Mission now falls clearly under the jurisdiction of Area 51 and its own extraterrestrial researches. Even more disturbing, the NSA involvement has given rise to speculation that there may be more evidence of extraterrestrial life forms than previously supposed.



All the above is a load of crap!! Right? Oh yeah! The fact is that NASA and those intel orgs are as clean as the blocked sewer pipes of New Orleans!!


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Majic

If we narrow our search to look for Earth-like life signs, then we should look for the kinds of evidence we would look for here on Earth. If we're talking about "critters" and looking for things that look like "critters", I would expect we're talking about macroscopic animals of some kind, and the word "animal" implies motion.

Signs of motion can include tracks, and even with dust storms, just as they are here on earth. Tracks tend to have certain regular patterns to them which can be readily identified, and indeed I suspect us humans are evolutionarily programmed to notice them, just as we're programmed to recognize faces and animal shapes.

So far I haven't seen any conclusive signs of animal life on Mars.

However, pictures of clearly identifiable animal tracks, other signs of animal-related biological regularity or better yet a skeleton or two could change things instantly.

I'm open to pretty much any possibility regarding life on Mars or anywhere else (I suspect life of various kinds is abundant in the universe), but before I can claim to know one way or the other, I need evidence that makes sense to me.

Ok, Majic, the time for reckoning has arrived!!

Now this is astounding to say the least! Alien footprints on Mars photographed??

Have a look at these pics, which were taken by Sojourner, the Mars rover vehicle.But, NASA publicly claimed that Sojourner was suffering from another software glitch!!

The photographs, when subjected to computer analysis, surprised everyone at NASA. They revealed the footprints of a three-toed creature, which mission director Golembek named "ET" after the popular movie character who also had three toes.

The startling original photograph of alien footprints on Mars.
Original: 1P131479514EFF0534P2536L5M1 (L4, L5, L6)

Enhanced photograph to iden the 'prints' better:

Computer enhancement of the object
labeled ETL-02 shows clear indications
that it was a footprint left by a creature
with three-digits, or "toes." NASA scientists
believe this is the most startling evidence
of extraterrestrial life ever produced.

So cheers! We're not alone!!


[edit on 27-3-2007 by mikesingh]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:21 PM
If you seriously think the links and 'evidence' you provided support your case.....well, at least you're having fun with it.

The original image cited in your post isn't even the same picture.

Ironic, how just recently you disparaged my intellect.


[edit on 27-3-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:51 PM
Just because somone draws a "footprint" in MS paint doesn't mean there's startling proof of anything.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

As far as your possibilities go.....I find it interesting that you have four different possibilities....then accept them all as possible. I'll accept all of those as possibilities if you will be a bit more inclusive and add....

LOL you missed the point.. that for me they are no longer possibilities...

But I will say that SOME of the anomalies we find ARE INDEED just interesting formations of rocks or landscape..and those you will find clearly identified as such on my website

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