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Alien Critters On Mars? Check This Out!!!

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posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Majic
Life Signs

If there were creatures on Mars, I would expect them to leave some sort of tracks behind, much like creatures do here on earth.

In many of the pictures there seems to be plenty of soft sand on the ground.

The lack of tracks leads me to think there hasn't been anything moving around on it.

At least, not for a very long time.

Oh, but you forget Majic. There are massive dust storms on the Martian surface on almost an annual basis that cover the entire planet in a cloud. This dust can easily cover up any and all traces of any previous life having been there, at least from immediate observation anyway.

Look no further than NASA's own website for evidence of this.

Also, need I remind you that they just discovered a cave on the Martian surface, one that remains warmer at night than the surrounding surface, and cooler during the day. These caves are up to several hundred feet deep. This calls into question just WHAT might be down in the Martian Cave depths.

Good Luck in your search

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:34 AM
I think this one is a mechanized beast.
not a fossil of bones but a fossil of a mechanical something or other, designed with metallic parts to look like a replica of a beast.


in the area circled, there's a spiny column, capped by circular rings, and underlying this are long rectangular strips of very pale orange color, almost invisible , one vertical, the other horizontal. The thing called "Footprint" in the previously posted example, is apparently a rounded solid 3-D object that looks almost like rusty iron sculpture or machine parts:

This entire morass looks like a conglomeration of machine parts that have been rusted or otherwise aged by the environment. Especially in the lower right corner

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:48 AM
those pics look really good, i think a few you can say there rocks but a few others do look a bit weird to be rocks

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:51 AM
More details of the metal beast, as i'm calling it:

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 04:04 AM
Does this remind anyone of a certain children's cartoon by chance?

Reminds me of a Transformer. Odd that we're talking about this, when the movie's due out on July 4th...

Just a side note,


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 04:36 AM
but what do you think about this Mars picture?

(from Malin Space Science Systems website)

this looks more like critters you are looking for...

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by untilted
but what do you think about this Mars picture?

Nice one Looks like eggs... didn't have that one yet
Thanks for the file info...

EDIT to Add...

WOW Creepy there's a whole HERD of them

Here is the first of Mike's "Critters" found...

Above is the original image Mike posted. I added the yellow rectangle. Below is the result of a search for this anomaly in NASA Data Banks

It appears in three images in the SPIRIT ROVER collection Sol 29 Panorama Camera
Image # 2P146694587EFF8600P2402L7M1.JPG
Image # 2P146694689EFF8600P2402L7M1.JPG
Image # 2P146694689EFF8600P2402R1M1.JPG

Below is our clipping from these images...

[edit on 20-3-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 04:59 AM
No it is not odd, look at more carefully your mind is seeking a pattern the black spot that seems like an orifice on the end of a snake or worm like object is actually further in the background. Look at it again and you will see what I mean.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Mondogiwa

I will tell you one thing for are really committed to this Mars thing! I will deffintely take my hat off to you on the sheer passion that you have for this stuff. Every time I see a thread regarding Mars on myats, I just know its you that's writing it.

I don't really know what i think of all of it but I just wanted to give you props for your search efforts in this area! I am going to add you as a friend, and i hope you do the same, not out of similar inetersts...but the fact that I know you hold to your beliefs and I can totally respect that!!

Thanka and Peace, Mondo

Mondo I have to agree with you on this one. I always look forward to reading his posts. He is very passionate of finding life on mars, and never gives up despite the hard core critic’s.

mikesingh nice pic's sir keep them coming!


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Dae

Originally posted by mikesingh

I like this one, looks like an overgrown fossilized snapdragon. Any chance we could look at the image without the white square box around it?

This one is prety strange. I never would think this is a wind sun erosion or anything similar... This just doesn't fit into the picture of marsian surface, this is half decomposed cadaver of some kind or something artificial.
We have examples of excavated ancient predatory skulls and it is something like this in appearance.
Those pics above where someone said "It's eggs". Well Arthur C. Clarke is studying these pics and is for quite some time now telling us it is vegetation.
Those pics with vegetation on them are near poles taken.

QUestion is on the line here.
Why all pics which have to be announced public are released only from Mullin space systems, and why he is the only person and his stuff that are allowed to hadle this "SENSITIVE" material???
Answer> Because it has to be EDITED and AIRBRUSHED.

One other thing. Doesn't all surface artificial structures and or bones critters on pics seem quite unrecognizable from other surface natural stone and rock formations when we collor all surface in gray or red alike???
It IS quite similar and merges into one another when they do that.
They know what they are doing and they're doing it for quite some time allready, but despite all their efforts, lone freestyle researchers are becoming more and more difficult to deceive!!!

[edit on 20/3/07 by Triad979]

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:41 AM
Critters aren't on Mars because there are nothing to eat on Mars. The only planet they would come to in our solar system is Earth.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:43 AM

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by untilted
And more here

Thanx untiltled! That was an excellent link! Who said Mars is lifeless? It could be teeming with critters!!


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by AlBeMet

Originally posted by Mondogiwa

I will tell you one thing for are really committed to this Mars thing! I will deffintely take my hat off to you on the sheer passion that you have for this stuff. Every time I see a thread regarding Mars on myats, I just know its you that's writing it.

I don't really know what i think of all of it but I just wanted to give you props for your search efforts in this area! I am going to add you as a friend, and i hope you do the same, not out of similar inetersts...but the fact that I know you hold to your beliefs and I can totally respect that!!

Thanka and Peace, Mondo

Mondo I have to agree with you on this one. I always look forward to reading his posts. He is very passionate of finding life on mars, and never gives up despite the hard core critic’s.

mikesingh nice pic's sir keep them coming!


Thanx AlBeMeT !!


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
It could be teeming with critters!!

Because critters need to eat, that is there only purpose of their life, eat and lay eggs for new critters. Earth is a much better place for them to do that as there is a large abundance of animals for them to eat (humans, cattle, dogs, etc...)

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by untilted
And more here

Thanx untiltled! That was an excellent link! Who said Mars is lifeless? It could be teeming with critters!!


no problemo...

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Jack_Deth

Originally posted by mikesingh
It could be teeming with critters!!

Because critters need to eat, that is there only purpose of their life, eat and lay eggs for new critters. Earth is a much better place for them to do that as there is a large abundance of animals for them to eat (humans, cattle, dogs, etc...)

Oh God!

I can't beleive how one can be closeminded.
What makes U think that that logic of yours is much better and viable than those pictures up there or 95% sure opinion of Ser A. C. Clarke!!???
Don't be offended but, it's classical example of onemindness...
Use the google little bit and look arround sites there, before you post such "enlightened and profound" logic here...
It's quite obvious till now that it is conspiracy in place here allready quite some time.
They in fact TOTALY CHANGED face of the Mars as it REALY IS...
For me, the question is right now, why MSSS released those pics of Vegetations near poles when they knew it long ago? Why releasing it, NOW??
I feel, and it's been said earlier, It's something they're prepearing for us!

[edit on 20/3/07 by Triad979]

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Just want to say the same as Mondogiwa..thanks for finding these pictures.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Given Mars' history, there seems very little hope that there have ever been more than microbes living on Mars.

The universe is 13 billion years old. Dinosaurs lived on Earth 9 million years ago. Man has recorded its history for only roughly 5,000 years. Why is it that you think only microbes could have exsisted on Mars? Mars has large deposits of ice at the poles. When looking at pictures of Mars' surface you can clearly see riverbeds that once flowed water. It has a major lack of Nitrogen at this time, but it's neighbor Jupiter has a moon, Triton, composed of mostly Nitrogen. The major elements that make up an atmosphere is Oxygen (easily from H2O) and Nitrogen (possibly deep in Mars' surface). I would think that Mars could easily at one time have had an atmosphere to harbor life other than mirobes. With no atmosphere to protect life or sustain moderate temperture water would either boil off or freeze eventually - which is what appears has happened. Until there is a investigation, I wouldn't rule out anything.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 01:49 PM
And now for a nice little foray, the mechanized beast turns into
a lovely couple, side by side, she in a light green kimono and he in dark green armor. And look, he's sporting his favorite sword (shown in pink)

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