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Alien Critters On Mars? Check This Out!!!

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posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:29 PM
Honestly, I'd be happier just thinking of what those things are rather than knowing.
It's what you imagine it to be is what makes it so fascinating, but when you learn the truth, you can never imagine about it again.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:36 PM
I agree all the other pictures are tricks of the light ,they are just rocks that look like faces,I see fake faces everywhere in those pics but I know they are just rocks.Only that one arrow shaped object looks too much different as it has no roughness,it looks totally smooth and carved into a complex machine like shape.That is no rock.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:12 PM
I am kind of split on this one. The mind sees what it wants to see. When you see something, your mind tries to familiarize it with something else.

Also, the one with the rover and the "face..."

You got me

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Have to give mike credit for having a good eye in spotting these interesting things, not only on this post but in his past posts as well.
Ive found most of his threads really interesting and I have to say that some of these things hes pointed out in these pics are interesting, to say the least.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:33 PM
I found a few more in this pic. The one's I circled look like a horse head and a couple more faces. Mike these are interesting pictures you have a way of detecting some wierd things. The rover almost looks toy to me even if it's the real thing. I think it's all in the imagination we all have. Imagination is a good thing.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Life Signs

If there were creatures on Mars, I would expect them to leave some sort of tracks behind, much like creatures do here on earth.

In many of the pictures there seems to be plenty of soft sand on the ground.

The lack of tracks leads me to think there hasn't been anything moving around on it.

At least, not for a very long time.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:05 PM
I think that these photos are great shots but just can't confirm or deny the existence of Alien Critters on Mars. Although I give you credit for presenting a great presentation, I just think that I'm going with inconclusive on this one.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:13 PM
Again, this is another case of seeing faces in the clouds and the virgin Mary on a potato chip. There have been many studies done on how the brain actively looks for faces in everything. Conversely, people with damaged brains can see everything but faces.

Dr. Tsao’s investigation yielded a surprising related finding: areas of the brain she had identified as face-specific occasionally lighted up in response to objects that bore only a passing resemblance to faces.

More of this article can be found here:

Facial Recognition - Brain - Faces, Faces Everywhere - New York Times

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Actually I'm scratching my head to, who or what did take the picture of the Rover???

Has to be one of the old ones. I know what Spirit and Opportunity look like and thats not either one... and they are far apart from each other...

Mikey how about the source numbers hmmm??? Several of those are good enough to get there own page

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by NoobieDoobieDo
I don't see anything either.

Well I have one question...

This is to all those who repeatedly "see nothing" or only see rocks...

Okay cool so you see nothing or just rocks

Now then why do you guys keep checking out all the threads that attempt to show anomalies? If all we show you are rocks, what draws you here?

Hmmm perhaps your subconscious mind understands, but your conscious mind won't let you accept it...

Because something must be dragging you guys back to keep telling us you only see rocks...

OH Almost forgot... to all those that are seeing rocks... how many of you can honestly tell me you have geological or mineralogical experience to tell me how a rock forms, what kind of rock formation is possible in a certain area based upon the rest of the rocks in the area etc?

Rocks form according to certain laws. Basalt can under the right conditions form angular columns even hexagonal posts but you need to have basalt around to do this...

Air and wind can erode rocks into weird formations, so can water, but these would effect several rocks in a given area...

So cough up dem geology degrees and you will be better accepted when you make a statement "Its just a rock..."


[edit on 19-3-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:59 PM

This one I had to see in color. The B&W version makes it look like a Pack Man critter

This is an A'a Lava flow that looks like it was covered by the wind. Looks just like the Hawaiian flows.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Fiverz
A little clarity for this thread (and other threads of this nature).

AH Finally an intelligent question...

At first glance I thought to myself "Well assuming these are objects other than rock, why are they not a different color?" Sure there may be some dust or dirt on them, but you would see SOME variation in color.

Well okay, the one that is the clearest and sharpest detail from Mike's collection does indeed show a drastic difference in color... and the detail in the "critter" is quite fantastic.

Mars color pics are NOT real color ... they are always (if someone can prove me otherwise, please do) color-corrected or enhanced in some manner to bring out features.

No not quite true... NASA on the Rover site where they have over 80,000 images from each Rover and from several different cameras does indeed show true color images. They are DARK... Why? because the sun is further away... And yes the sky IS blue on Mars.... [see next image] On the pad of the rovers is a color chart. What NASA does is to take the color chart and match it to the one on Earth and then adjust the image to WHAT IT WOULD LIKE LIKE IF YOU HAD EARTH LEVEL SUNLIGHT...

They also create red/green images that are meant for 3D viewing. And they also create UV/VIS images to enhance features for comparing minerals etc..

Here is a Sunset on Mars in true color... dusty sky but it is a BLUE sky...Posted it in the other Mars thread so many of you have seen this..

Now I would assume this is not a batch-typeob, as some images would require a different "filter" per se to bring out that image's particular features. But even assuming that raw data is spit into a computer which applies one standard filter to all images ... you are not seeing raw data. We can assume that anything CAN BE edited in/out of the image IF the image is indeed corrected in any way before we see it. Like the color pics. This leads me to believe that someone has the power to make sure any anomalies would be removed if they did indeed exist.

Assuming is BAD
especially when info is available... The Rovers have built in software that automatically edits anomalies based on programmed values, but they don't catch everything... How do NASA scientists then see what they want that we can't? Simple Algorithms... look it up... there are scientists that have created some really interesting and top secret ones. Basically they are encoded in images and without the Algorithm you cannot decode them...

So best we can do is look for the ones they missed...

Now it is my understanding that the b&w pics also have some contrast filters applied to them. Can anyone elaborate on that?

Adding contrast does not generally change the object unless you over drive it. Contrast, brightness and gamma correction merely make an image clearer to see. I am sure there will be some who argue that... Oh well...

That all being said, I'm 100% sure that even if any of these pictures DID really show anything other than rocks, we'd really have NO WAY WHATSOEVER to verify it one way or another. Unless Mr. Lear has any input ...

LOL Well you can sign up for Astronaut training Lots of openings right now... new Moon and Mars missions in the works... or send your kids... I can wait a couple years to see what they say

Maybe I will ask Buzz what he saw, but I am sure he won't give me much. Him and John Glenn are in town tomorrow to open a bridge...

[edit on 20-3-2007 by zorgon]


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Those are some interesting photos...

personally, I don't think life would be easy to spot on Mars.. think of predators and prey...each tries to out-evolve the other... camoflage to hide... camo to sneak.. digging, burrowing...

there's not really any fauna on Mars, so they would have evolved to hide in the sand and rocks... so how are we expected to see it?

did they ever do any IR (or whatever it is - the one that shows heat) photos on Mars?

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Mikey how about the source numbers hmmm??? Several of those are good enough to get there own page

Hi Ron! Darn! The details are on my laptop at home which is a zillion miles from where I am right now! I’ll send you the details when I get back home, hopefully tonight!

Armap! Ditto. I'll send you guys a U2U if that's OK. CIAO!

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:57 AM
WOW!!! Definitely fossils, in my opinion. Great find!

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by MAD Hatt3r
WOW!!! Definitely fossils, in my opinion. Great find!

Or it could be a walking sea creature trying to find that huge water deposit, without any luck, obviously.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 02:25 AM
Wow...those are rocks...and how interesting they are...yes...just look at them...amazing, aren't they? Infact, I think I've seen some here on earth myself!

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by zorgon

Mikey how about the source numbers hmmm??? Several of those are good enough to get there own page

Hi Ron! Darn! The details are on my laptop at home which is a zillion miles from where I am right now! I’ll send you the details when I get back home, hopefully tonight!

Armap! Ditto. I'll send you guys a U2U if that's OK. CIAO!

Yup no rush only have about 500 or so Moon Pics to catch up on LOL You can email me at [email protected] too... then I can tell you about the emails I recently got... Its amazing who is checking in on the site these days

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:05 AM
Here is a full color shot of that mysterious rover that looks like a toy...

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by MAD Hatt3r
WOW!!! Definitely fossils, in my opinion. Great find!

I have another fossil picture... a little older but look at it closely... take this image and for those of you who know a good fossil when you see one, circle the "finds"

I will post the source and my finds later...

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