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911 truth liar caught on Video now we know

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 02:46 PM
Nice compendium of video evidence, piacenza. But it seems the sarcasm has escaped some...

You've already shook out all the usual suspects, who've hustled over to bray their vulgar, smearing "Not so!, Not so!!!"

It's a tiresome recurrence on this board, as if shouting down someone will disprove multiple witness testimony and as-it-happened news reports, which as we all know are the only ones worth listening to, before the media filters get clamped down and the choir sings.

I particularly liked the comments of then-PA Gov. Ridge, later Homeland Terror Security Czar, quoted as saying there just wasn't any evidence of plane wreckage to be seen on the scene.

Of course there's no evidence, truth debunkers. There wasn't any plane.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:15 PM
WolfofWar, if you cant add any constructive points to the subject matter, instead of only trying to debunk my points, which by the way nice try....than dont become part of the conversations.

What proof do you have that arab 19 hijackers, armed with boxcutters, flew the planes into the buildings, because they hate freedom? Do you have any physical proof, scientific evidence, professional research? No, because all the real evidence points to an inside job and insuing coverup, all of them, you cant get around that.

And by the way, Im still waiting for an answer on havent given any answers at all...

Dont participate in debates if you got nothing to contribute except rambling...

[edit on 17-3-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:25 PM
And I ask everyone right now, lets see if you can answer it...lets forget about everything for one second, and focus on one question...

Why is it so outlandish to believe that the US government might have perpetrated the 911 atrocity to serve as justification for war? What is so hard to believe about that?

No debunking, no avoiding the question, no beating around the bush, Id like you all, all people who believe in the official fable, why is it so hard to believe? Why is it so hard for you to conceptualize your mind to consider that possibility? Id like to know..

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
WolfofWar, if you cant add any constructive points to the subject matter, instead of only trying to debunk my points, which by the way nice try....than dont become part of the conversations.

You see, theres such a thing called a two way conversation. This site isnt about you spouting off random mumbo-jumbo and then arguing pointless arguements and trademark words, I pointed out my points on the matter, thats constructive.

What proof do you have that 19 hijackers flew the planes into the buildings? Do you have any physical proof, scientific evidence, professional research? No, because all the real evidence points to an inside job and insuing coverup, all of them, you cant get around that.

right, because theres an overabudance of evidence that points to a massive conspiracy of epic proportions. Theres tons of whistle blowers coming out stating that the planes were holograms/ remote controlled and thousands of pounds of demolitions were placed throughout the towers, all the major scientific academies and structural engineers i nthe world have joint together to speak out on how wrong the 9/11 commission report is, etc. Its a conspiracy because there isnt insurmountable evidence, its all what ifs and theories, and while I wouldnt disregard any of these theories, to say that you have SCIENTIFIC and UNDENIALABLE evidence pointing to a massive hands on conspiracy is foolish. Because its simply not true.

As for any "proof" that the 19 hijackers actually hijacked the planes. We only have records. Things like video confession tapes, security cameras in the airport, phone call conversations, interrogated information, etc.

But it doesnt matter, it happened, its over, its done with. And your focusing on the wrong questions, your dealing with things that are what ifs, theres real research to be done on the REAL conspiracy of 9/11, that the government knew, and may, yes, may have used theyre al queada connections to instigate the attacks, and allow it to happen. That is more in the realm of possibility, and the "evidence" of coverups, railroaded investigations, and destroyed documents, point more to that that holographic planes, missiles, and controlled demolitions. Your being led by a mountain of disinformation, right into where "they" want you to go.

And by the way, Im still waiting for an answer on havent given any answers at all...

And I dont have to, this isnt a topic about WTC7, its about rumsfelds little youtube clip.

Dont participate in debates if you got nothing to contribute except rambling...

Pot calling the kettle black. Your the one that railroaded the conversation into random rambling about WTC7 and other mumbo jumbo. This I believe was a talk about rumsfeld's words, not holographic planes, but you know, its only the entire point of the topic.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:56 PM
Really..well perhaps I should clarify my views on the subject, just a little bit.

First of all, I dont believe the laser or holograph stories. I believe in the cover up, the whitewash, the stonewalls, and the attacks on prominent dissenters..

Well lets look at the proof to support the official story.

Ok well how did the government know that 19 hijackers flew planes into the buildings?

Well, they had reported this days after 911, that they had found one of the hi-jackers passports, in the ruble of the World Trade Center. They wont answer who the passport belongs to, indeed people have tried to find out but where stonewalled, but they said they found it, with the name and photo intact, and then from that one passport, within minutes, they were able to pump out the names of 19 hijackers, their photos, and their history. Weird isnt it? When they knew nothing of it they said...

Now tell me all of the official pushers, do you believe this? Do you believe that a paper passport, can survive and explosion, fireball, travel thru the steel of the plane, survived heat that melted steel, the government says, and survive the collapse of the towers, mangled bodies burnt wreckage, bodies in that wreckage that were never found...and poof! This paper passport survives.. isnt life strange, so full of you believe that story?

Well here is something you wont be able to answer...

How come out of the 19 hijackers reported to have died on 911, how come 7 of them have turned out to be alive and well, and working in legitimate business? Well I guess if a passport can survive, they can parachute! Did you know that one of the hi-jackers reported actually died a year before 911..can you answer that?

The government cant, they said in basic terms "we made a mistake we are sorry" and then they shut up about it! Never mentioned again!


posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Well if the plane was shot down, it just proves the gov. was not involved in 911. Why would they want to shoot down a plane when they can just let it crash into a building.

It just shows that the gov. don't want people to know that they shot the plane down. Other than that, that's as far as the conspiracy goes.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
First of all, I dont believe the laser or holograph stories. I believe in the cover up, the whitewash, the stonewalls, and the attacks on prominent dissenters..

and I agree that theres an extensive ammount of coverup involved.

Well lets look at the proof to support the official story.

Ok well how did the government know that 19 hijackers flew planes into the buildings?

Well, they had reported this days after 911, that they had found one of the hi-jackers passports, in the ruble of the World Trade Center. They wont answer who the passport belongs to, indeed people have tried to find out but where stonewalled, but they said they found it, with the name and photo intact, and then from that one passport, within minutes, they were able to pump out the names of 19 hijackers, their photos, and their history. Weird isnt it? When they knew nothing of it they said...

That doesnt proove that they DIDNT hijack the plane, though it does point to the government having knowledge, possibly using theyre assets to use the terrorists to do the act (like they did when the CIA and the FBI instigated Al Queada into carbombing theWTC in 93.)

How come out of the 19 hijackers reported to have died on 911, how come 7 of them have turned out to be alive and well, and working in legitimate business? Well I guess if a passport can survive, they can parachute! Did you know that one of the hi-jackers reported actually died a year before 911..can you answer that?

and ofcourse I'm sure you have proof of this claim, for example, a picture, with a postdate after 9/11 of the people? I mean, what proof do you have these 7 are alive, and arent people of like names?

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
So 911 Liars what are your motives?
What is the agenda of this evil woman?
Why is she lying so hard?
Those are the ridiculous testimonies of 911 truth liars emerging.
Check out what she said about those poor agent of the FBI.
Look in her mean eyes (diabolic) you can see and feel the lies:

Attacks against fellow posters will not be tolerated.

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by mrwupy]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi

Edited out by mrwupy

I guess maybe the OP should invent and use some sort of "sarcasm font" so that you will actually catch on to the fact that he is making you official report believers look absolutly (enter harsh word here).

He is pointing out the fact that this woman has absolutly no reason to lie. These people on the video have absoulty no reason to make up storys.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by mrwupy]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Connected

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
Edited out.

I guess maybe the OP should invent and use some sort of "sarcasm font"

So we could both use it?

[edit on 17-3-2007 by mrwupy]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
So we could both use it?

Probably lol.

This post is artificaly longer to support the the terms of service.

[reduced quote to relevant portion]
Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:58 PM
Piacenza why are you spreading disinfo and lie's. These people are ordinary americans telling us what happend and you sit here make this dumb thread about how they are EVIL and not telling us the truth. The only person EVIL here is you.

You are clearly working for the government and probably are a CIA disinformation agent.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by DaVillen
Piacenza why are you spreading disinfo and lie's. These people are ordinary americans telling us what happend and you sit here make this dumb thread about how they are EVIL and not telling us the truth. The only person EVIL here is you.

You are clearly working for the government and probably are a CIA disinformation agent.

Yet another who didn't get it.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:06 PM
Next time I will probably need to be less evil...

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:24 PM
911 liars?
Sorry I'm not buying this poorly given analogy, I do find all the posts very interesting.
Lol, it's so dang interesting, how stupid do some people think others are?
Well I guess it's not going to be too hard to rule the world look at all the idiots we have to contend with. It just amazes me, well what ever!
Still, I enjoy all views, it's almost like a competitive race now.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:37 PM
The government's right hand does not know what the government's left hand is doing. I am convinced that 911 was designed to to kill two birds with one stone. First, to create a so-called attack on America by hijacking jetliners and crashing them into buildings. And secondly, the power brokers reaped billons in iinsurance money as well as giving the United States the go ahead to get those bastards who would dare attack us. Okay that's 3 birds with one stone. That is my opinion and it's not meant to inflame or incense anyone with opposing ideas. I welcome discussion and lively civilized debate.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:58 PM
the proof it was 19 Arabs with boxcutters is in the Cell phone records that everyone has seen, you have SEEN them right? the VISA/Master card bills from the calls right, the Airplane records from the date and time the calls were made from the plane... I thought EVERYONE had seen them by now

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
Eye witness accounts say the plane was shot down, I remember I even heard one guy call the Howard Stern Radio Show and said "I live in Pennsylvania, near shanksville, or however its spelled, where Flight 93 crashed, and I saw it, then I saw this loud explosion, and it went down, and then there was military jets that flew over.." and even Howard Stern than said "Okay so our guys shot it down!"

Rumsfeld did not slip! Why would he just "slip" on something as enormous as that!! He slipped, thats ridiculous.

I believe this is what happened.

The agents, who were to have hi-jacked the plane, were overpowered by the passengers, not that hard, there are many many more passengers than agents, and some of the passengers were big football players. So, it probably was not hard to gain back control of the plane, once it was decided they were gonna rush them. Now, with this in mind, once the crew got back control of the plane, this is when they were given the orders to shoot the plane out of the sky, because they couldnt allow that, then the whole official story would be blown.

2 months before 911, Dick Cheney issued and order to all the top generals of the US army, telling them they no longer had power to issue orders for the shoot down of planes in the event of a hi-jacking, that power now rests with the vice-president alone. And Cheney did everything he could to make sure their plan for a 911 went along unscathed.

He ordered the planes that were flying to meet the hi-jackings to fly under 300 miles an hour. WHY?? No one ever has answered that.

Why did Cheney not give the orders to shoot down any of the other planes?

No one has ever answered the question of WTC 7, collapsed without anything hitting it, in perfect fashion like a demolition. Why? What are you people afraid of uncovering??

You are afraid that it might be true, your government, which spouts out about how much they love you and care about you and want to protect you, may actually have been complicit, no, may have planned orchestrated and carried out, the devastating attacks on 911 to serve as a justification for war, as was outlined in the PNAC documents. You are afraid to believe that your government could not possibly kill 3000 civilians, well, time to face the truth..

During WW2, when the Japanese were advancing on then-American owned Philippines, the Unites States government ordered all the military troops on the Islands of the Philippines, to evacuate immediately. Now people inquired about the large American civilian population there, totalled 7 thousand maybe...and the government said "leave them there, itll be good for the news reels" Im not kidding, you better go look this up for yourself.

New documents show that the United States Government ordered all US civilians, men woman and children, to be left in the Philippines, so they could be captures with the Japanese invasion. And thats exactly what happened, they were captured, 4000 of the 7000 civilians were killed...and you saw on the propaganda news "Oh those evil Japs! Look theyve got our woman and children! We have to nuke em!" But our own government said "yeaaaa....let em die! Thas gonna make some good propaganda! Now somebody get me a coffee! And a danish, with cream!" Ridiculous...

Ohh but your government wouldnt hurt you on 911....your government wouldnt kill 3000 people on 911 as an excuse for war in the Middle East....nooo they would only let 4000 men woman and children die during WW2...for a NEWS REEL! Yea...we can trust the government, because they are our wholesome protectors! What a load of "censored"!!

I totally concur with your statements here, what is it with these people? Why are they trying so hard to twist and distort every little obvious detail which when you line everything up is pretty convincing IMO (And like you stated: "With nothing to back it up with" !
It's the dis-info agents trying to put a lid on it all but they are the foolish ones to think most people don't care, well they do and more and more people are waking up minute by minute.
I feel they really do believe it was an inside job but are deliberatly trying to hush the facts for what ever reasons they may have, but the facts are if this is all true it will be a turning point in world history, you see this is just the begining, cool heads will prevail, and that is exactly what is happening now! Ect... Ect... and so forth... ect... ect...
I rest my case.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:40 PM
I totally agree, we are at a point in our history where the atrocities are just so out in the open, that its beginning to jar even the deepest sleepers awake.

We shouldnt have to answer to the people who believe the official story, they should answer to us and ask us why we should believe it, when it makes no shred of sense at all.

I really dont know whats so hard to believe about 911 being an inside job, I just dont, and to come on a board like this and create a thread saying how people who ask questions, and pose alternative theories to the official story are liars, well that sounds like ignorance at its best, because as weve seen with the WMDs, the government doesnt exactly have a good track record with telling the truth, governments never have going back to antiquity...

For thousands of years, thats all governments have ever been is ruthless tyrannical despots who only wanna gain more and more control...but now, all of a sudden, theyve become all good, and sweet....its a sham, and people are buying it, troops are dying, civilians are dying, and the world is a much more dangerous place now than it was in 2000.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Where are the cell phone records, show me them.

And do you know how easy it is to fabricate a cell phone record?

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