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911 truth liar caught on Video now we know

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posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 07:42 PM
So 911 Liars what are your motives?
What is the agenda of this evil woman?
Why is she lying so hard?
Those are the ridiculous testimonies of 911 truth liars emerging.
Check out what she said about those poor agent of the FBI.
Look in her mean eyes (diabolic) you can see and feel the lies:

After you watched this liar please check this other liar out.
He is even a worst liar than the first one check how diabolic he looks.

After this one watch this fabricated video of a fake plane crash thnx to our 911 conspirator :

What a bad made video the lies are emerging..

And this one this is the worst you 911 movement have made shame on you:
Watch this one till the end the lies are even more obvious.

This nails the 911 nutcase
Shame on you liars.

[edit on 16-3-2007 by piacenza]

[edit on 16-3-2007 by piacenza]

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 07:45 PM
counting slowly and one.. and two

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 07:56 PM
You used the word Lie almost 10 times in one post... i think thats a record. Do you happen to have ANY proof that they are lying ?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 08:00 PM
And three...
No do you?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
And three...
No do you?

Thats so funny. Poeple who believe the official story call the people who are looking for the truth liers, but they beleive the official story that has no facts or reports to support it.

When are the poeple who beleive the official story going to stop the lies they are spreading. They say they know what happened but were not there and can not produce the official reports that state what happened that day.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 09:51 PM
Ha ha ha, hilarious!

Clearly, they are lying because they are all evil, un-american al-Qaeda disinfo agents sent into this country as 'sleeper-cells' whose goal is to spread outrageous conspiracy theories in an attempt to destroy our freedoms by pointing out that it is george bush who is destroying the very freedoms he claims to protect.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 10:13 PM
Guys please stop those lying terrorist are just way too much.

Compare those 2 liars with those 2 real good US citizen and the 911 truth movement is dead as it was supposed to be:

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
Compare those 2 liars with those 2 real good US citizen and the 911 truth movement is dead as it was supposed to be:

theonly way the 911 truth movement is daed is when you can come up with the FBI and NTSB incident reports on the crime scenes and they agree with the official story.

Untill then you have no real proof or evidence to support the official story.


posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 10:26 PM
hmm have you watched all of the videos.
If you did not you might not understand the sense of this thread...

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
hmm have you watched all of the videos.
If you did not you might not understand the sense of this thread...

I have watched all videos on here and ones not on here, I have reseached all evidence and documents. So far thier is nothing to support the official story , specially without the FBI and NTSB crime scene reports.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:17 PM
I hate to say it, but that does look staged.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:22 PM
Wow, you mean Flight 93 is a conspiracy? Just like the Pentagon flight?? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESS IT!?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Connected
Wow, you mean Flight 93 is a conspiracy? Just like the Pentagon flight?? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESS IT!?

Not really a conspiracy, just a cover up since it was probly shot down.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:44 PM
So, Donald Rumsfeld was telling the truth then?

Holy Stinky Queef Batman!

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:52 PM
I still say that quote is a slip of the tongue.

Doubt that because he slipped and said 'shot down' instead of "crashed" that its clear proof of a massive government conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 11:54 PM
The only psychological answer to why he would have made the "slip up" and confused "shot down" with "crashed" is because he knows the truth. He was supposed to spoon feed the sheep a lie, but accidently fed them the truth!

[edit on 16-3-2007 by Connected]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 12:05 AM

This post is facetious in nature. Its is sarcastic, and ironic. The point he is trying to make is why would these people be lying? What they say directly contradicts the official story. What do they gain by lying?

These are average, ordinary americans. Its not like they're selling BS books based on BS stories to make tons of money (arhhemmm "Let's Roll!").

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:18 AM
more brillant work proformed by the best the debunkers have to offer .
this is why no one can take you seriously . you people are way too
overly dramatic , you can't back up 99% of what you claim and you
never seem to have evidence that stands up to any type of pressure .
but , like i always say , just m2c .

Originally posted by piacenza
And three...
No do you?

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Eye witness accounts say the plane was shot down, I remember I even heard one guy call the Howard Stern Radio Show and said "I live in Pennsylvania, near shanksville, or however its spelled, where Flight 93 crashed, and I saw it, then I saw this loud explosion, and it went down, and then there was military jets that flew over.." and even Howard Stern than said "Okay so our guys shot it down!"

Rumsfeld did not slip! Why would he just "slip" on something as enormous as that!! He slipped, thats ridiculous.

I believe this is what happened.

The agents, who were to have hi-jacked the plane, were overpowered by the passengers, not that hard, there are many many more passengers than agents, and some of the passengers were big football players. So, it probably was not hard to gain back control of the plane, once it was decided they were gonna rush them. Now, with this in mind, once the crew got back control of the plane, this is when they were given the orders to shoot the plane out of the sky, because they couldnt allow that, then the whole official story would be blown.

2 months before 911, Dick Cheney issued and order to all the top generals of the US army, telling them they no longer had power to issue orders for the shoot down of planes in the event of a hi-jacking, that power now rests with the vice-president alone. And Cheney did everything he could to make sure their plan for a 911 went along unscathed.

He ordered the planes that were flying to meet the hi-jackings to fly under 300 miles an hour. WHY?? No one ever has answered that.

Why did Cheney not give the orders to shoot down any of the other planes?

No one has ever answered the question of WTC 7, collapsed without anything hitting it, in perfect fashion like a demolition. Why? What are you people afraid of uncovering??

You are afraid that it might be true, your government, which spouts out about how much they love you and care about you and want to protect you, may actually have been complicit, no, may have planned orchestrated and carried out, the devastating attacks on 911 to serve as a justification for war, as was outlined in the PNAC documents. You are afraid to believe that your government could not possibly kill 3000 civilians, well, time to face the truth..

During WW2, when the Japanese were advancing on then-American owned Philippines, the Unites States government ordered all the military troops on the Islands of the Philippines, to evacuate immediately. Now people inquired about the large American civilian population there, totalled 7 thousand maybe...and the government said "leave them there, itll be good for the news reels" Im not kidding, you better go look this up for yourself.

New documents show that the United States Government ordered all US civilians, men woman and children, to be left in the Philippines, so they could be captures with the Japanese invasion. And thats exactly what happened, they were captured, 4000 of the 7000 civilians were killed...and you saw on the propaganda news "Oh those evil Japs! Look theyve got our woman and children! We have to nuke em!" But our own government said "yeaaaa....let em die! Thas gonna make some good propaganda! Now somebody get me a coffee! And a danish, with cream!" Ridiculous...

Ohh but your government wouldnt hurt you on 911....your government wouldnt kill 3000 people on 911 as an excuse for war in the Middle East....nooo they would only let 4000 men woman and children die during WW2...for a NEWS REEL! Yea...we can trust the government, because they are our wholesome protectors! What a load of "censored"!!

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by LightWorker13
Eye witness accounts say the plane was shot down, I remember I even heard one guy call the Howard Stern Radio Show and said "I live in Pennsylvania, near shanksville, or however its spelled, where Flight 93 crashed, and I saw it, then I saw this loud explosion, and it went down, and then there was military jets that flew over.." and even Howard Stern than said "Okay so our guys shot it down!"

Notice he said he saw planes fly past it, not that they saw the planes actually physically shoot it down.

Rumsfeld did not slip! Why would he just "slip" on something as enormous as that!! He slipped, thats ridiculous.

its not enormous, it's only enormous if your a conspiracy nut (like most of us) wasting our time by sifting through the scraps of meat in the press, looking for something small to blow out of proportions.

The agents, who were to have hi-jacked the plane, were overpowered by the passengers, not that hard, there are many many more passengers than agents, and some of the passengers were big football players. So, it probably was not hard to gain back control of the plane, once it was decided they were gonna rush them. Now, with this in mind, once the crew got back control of the plane, this is when they were given the orders to shoot the plane out of the sky, because they couldnt allow that, then the whole official story would be blown.

My theory is that the hijackers were actually reptillian shapeshifters who were trying to cause a ruckuss to mess with the united states infrastructure. THe government realized this, and shot the planes down.

I have as much proof as you.

He ordered the planes that were flying to meet the hi-jackings to fly under 300 miles an hour. WHY?? No one ever has answered that.

And you have an audio transcript where he said that in his super secret bunker?

Why did Cheney not give the orders to shoot down any of the other planes?

Why didnt he shoot every plane down out of the sky!? Typically human beings dont like killing theyre own, somewhere in Cheney, I'm sure theres some form of heart, granted, it might be mostly plastic tubing, but its still a heart.

No one has ever answered the question of WTC 7, collapsed without anything hitting it, in perfect fashion like a demolition. Why? What are you people afraid of uncovering??

Actually, pretty much everybody answered that question, repeatedly, to the point of pulverizing a dead horse. Besides, your rambling now.

You are afraid that it might be true, your government, which spouts out about how much they love you and care about you and want to protect you, may actually have been complicit, no, may have planned orchestrated and carried out, the devastating attacks on 911 to serve as a justification for war, as was outlined in the PNAC documents. You are afraid to believe that your government could not possibly kill 3000 civilians, well, time to face the truth..


During WW2, when the Japanese were advancing on then-American owned Philippines, the Unites States government ordered all the military troops on the Islands of the Philippines, to evacuate immediately. Now people inquired about the large American civilian population there, totalled 7 thousand maybe...and the government said "leave them there, itll be good for the news reels" Im not kidding, you better go look this up for yourself.

New documents show that the United States Government ordered all US civilians, men woman and children, to be left in the Philippines, so they could be captures with the Japanese invasion. And thats exactly what happened, they were captured, 4000 of the 7000 civilians were killed...and you saw on the propaganda news "Oh those evil Japs! Look theyve got our woman and children! We have to nuke em!" But our own government said "yeaaaa....let em die! Thas gonna make some good propaganda! Now somebody get me a coffee! And a danish, with cream!" Ridiculous...

Ohh but your government wouldnt hurt you on 911....your government wouldnt kill 3000 people on 911 as an excuse for war in the Middle East....nooo they would only let 4000 men woman and children die during WW2...for a NEWS REEL! Yea...we can trust the government, because they are our wholesome protectors! What a load of "censored"!!

More rambling.

[edit on 3-17-2007 by WolfofWar]

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