posted on May, 5 2007 @ 02:57 PM
healthy snacks. Well i guess that depends on who you ask LOL there are so many nutritionists today.
My recomendations are:
1.)A handful of nuts (cashews, peanuts). The are a healthy fat so only a handful will do. They also are good on protien which will make you less
2.) fruit- any kind will do. cheap and portable. dried fruit is also good although read the lable, some of them have ALOT of added sugar.
3.) some dry wheat cereal. Will cut down on hunger and add vitamins and fiber. Kashi is good, Though a little bland. I like to add my cereal, nuts,
and raisins together in a baggie and carry it with me to munch on if I get hungry.
4.) yogurt. mmm yogurt. Make sure you get the ones with active cultures. Very good for calcium and most are low fat.
5.)raw veggies. Tomatoes, celery, carrots, peppers, cucumbers. They are all excellent for you!
Hope this helps!!
[edit on 5-5-2007 by kokoro]