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Dan Burisch, hoax?

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 03:46 PM
I was recently speaking to an individual associated with dan but am not going to say which one right now.

he has already admitted to me that dan builds prefaces sometimes to get his whole story out and it aggravates him but he still stands behind him and all that perfectly human stuff... blah, blah

here's the problem. he seems to vaguely remember having met a couple of albinos over the years.

albinos being the white zeta looking types.

do you see the obvious problem here?

could it be one of them there prefaces? any point to that would be imaginary but there are many examples of these serious discrepancies.

another point is that his most recent communication was sending a video link for his band, which yes WAS playing in a place where bands do not generally go which made it interesting and the video was a pretty good video as well... but... I really don't like being teased and reeled out on a line when i am trying to discover something very direct.

yes... there is a big problem with the dan burisch story... many problems and it appears to be going nowhere so if it was for disclosure, it accomplished the opposite. i wonder how he claims to feel about that because if any of it had been sincere, this would bother the crap out of him.

he just really doesn't seem to be wanting to fill any requests of his so called pal anymore and his friend called that ET a liar... so what did he do this for? actions speak much louder than words but all we've really got here is unfinished statements and the thought that they do know something.

that's pretty disturbing.
edit on 9-9-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:35 PM
what is with people who when you talk to them they seem so nice and everything and you let them know you're kind of on a mission for something, but they want to send you pages of things like how your diet might not be the best diet in the world.

I smell something with these people and it stinks.... but I'M TELLING YOU... this guy is trying HARD to get my trust.

maybe he is just lonely and like a lot of other typical people who like to pick others apart because they think they know best... but it's not even that though I feel. that's just the annoying air he is sending to get a rise out of me. I know my own system. Even people who are health nuts sometimes hurt their own system but you're not immortal... you learn and go forward and to be somebody with very little medical care over decades, I'm pretty tough especially considering I'm going through other nonphysical yet very energetically taxing things right now. Things like what this guy is doing really doesn't make any sense and he's really just wasting time. We'll see where he goes from here.

...but for anyone who is interested... the truth will come out.

the TRUTH that he is supposed to care about so much is much more important that my diet... doesn't everybody agree with that? Where is this guy going? I don't even see how this is relevant.


Well, let's find out.

You'd think that wouldn't be his line of business right?... but wrong because miracle internet cures was the LAST INTERNET MARKETING TREND..... what is the new trend? that's right people.... when exploring the world of dan burisch... look closely for internet marketing trends because that's what I'm starting to think these guys are... marketers.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 09:46 PM
anybody interested should pay close attention to any dan burisch related sites... probably not for open advertising like ads for example, but things hidden within threads... like books or other recommended products that are supposed to help people find deep answers to this confusing situations that are presented to us from his world.

I know that some marketing MUST be in this society anyway... like a book that one would sell but everything is out on the table and very open and honest... totally different, you have to make a living and there's a wide spectrum there for the concepts of right and wrong, but where is the product that really helps us in the world of dan burisch.

well, it depends on how confused you like to be. I did not realize that market appeared so appealing.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:01 PM
Just a side note, and a bit off topic, but not in context...

Does anyone know the yearly take from what I would call "The paranormal money machine" ?

This being the combined revenue related to all paranormal lectures, fairs, syndications.. the paranormal circuit itself.
The income included from people like Hoagland, Noory, Friedman, Dolan, Wilcock, etc.. should be included as well.

What is this market taking in annually?

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by charlyv
Just a side note, and a bit off topic, but not in context...

Does anyone know the yearly take from what I would call "The paranormal money machine" ?

This being the combined revenue related to all paranormal lectures, fairs, syndications.. the paranormal circuit itself.
The income included from people like Hoagland, Noory, Friedman, Dolan, Wilcock, etc.. should be included as well.

What is this market taking in annually?

hmm... good question in my opinion and not off topic either really... it's something I think can safely be considered here.

We should try to gather this info somehow if no one knows.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:17 AM
ok... back to this subject since a lot of people on here seem to like these net trend mind games done by these marketers... rather than true stories.

The guy i was talking to is don deppellar...associated with the dan burisch story. the last time i was in this thread i was mentioning how we had been talking about this et story of dans and how i felt that dan had some genuine info there but some things didn't add up in my opinion, like the mock wedding ceremony that dan claims they were instructed to do before entering the clean sphere. that is horse hockey. if this et made him do that, he was setting him up for an obvious joke or something and dan fell for it. i don't know what the hell that mock wedding ceremony is supposed to be but any marriages involved in this story are of a different nature in my humble opinion... like I said, outside of having your leg pulled because you are practically begging for it.

anyway... the emails this guy is sending me were very lengthy and detailed but conveniently attempted to dodge my main focus in my inquiry.

he treated me as though i made no inquiry at all and began personally dissecting me and seems very interested in doing so.... and after i stopped reading his emails because he was getting extremely annoying by attempting to go into subjects where he had no business and no reason at all to go.

Since I started ignoring the emails... he has written me FOUR.

lonely? too much time on your hands there don? need some new material for your songs don? like trying to make little girls like me feel like crap about being pale, don? Well lemme tell ya something, don... you aint no pretty thing either bud... and furthermore, my face and my skin isn't any of your damn concern, don. You wanna call me a sore thumb some more don while you call my sister who you claim to have never seen a "ravishing beauty"...and you know me. Yeah, despite claiming you do not... it's quite clear you know EXACTLY who i am.

needless to say i hope that my ignoring of his emails has aggravated him at least a teensy weensy bit. I mean i have to get some satisfaction out of life somehow. him and the like seem to like to use anything a person like me brings... at his convenience and disposal without so much as even regards for me bringing it to him...and now I think i am expected to be pleasant and nice.

How, don?

I'm not the one making up lies and inventing sacrifices.
That's YOUR problem, don... not mine.

Ok... I'm going to read your FOUR emails but I'm going to say that i don't need to read paragraph upon paragraph of your opinion... because although i did not want to be so rude as to say this but I think i have to remind you that your personal opinion is of absolute no importance to me... because you are just a medium... a medium that is in my way. that is why i am talking to you, not because i want to be your friend but because you and your ilk have placed yourself square, plumb, right in my freaking way. I didn't do that... YOU DID. Deal with it.

If your attention span wasn't so short... you'd remember this and stop wasting your time talking to me about my diet when it is people like you who have me on a strict diet of pure bull#.


I hate dealing with these people. at the very least i'm going to level the playing field and make everything they do involving me AS UNPLEASANT AS POSSIBLE.

Anyone who thinks i am hard to tolerate NOW... you're still being given chances to be a real person inside.

Too bad you can't recognize that and those chances are going to run out.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:21 PM
ok...didn't read the emails yet because when I went back to look at them and saw the titles sitting waiting to be opened like pandoras box, I became once again blinded with anger.

personally I think that before i open any of these emails which i am certain are meant to directly harm my well being in some form or fashion, I need to first consider what my counter attack will be.

he has tried to attack my esteem MULTIPLE times, has attacked my psyche by playing on things he believes will be sensitive issues and has tried in many different ways to convince me of things that moot and irrelevant.

i haven't called it yet.... because people do so many stupid things for the stupidest reasons so even though their charades become very obvious, it's often hard to figure out the exact motive because they will use reverse psychology and if they use reverse psychology then you really can't put it past them to use reverse psychology on top of reverse psychology. i want to call it.... CRAP is what I want to call it, but can I do that?


and people who don't understand how I draw my conclusions would not be expecting that... as i have been accused of being hasty, but that's misunderstanding for you.

In the end does it really matter if this guy has info he can't give out? What use is that?

My point is, he's still being a trespasser of principle and no matter WHAT he knows, i still think people like that are more of a problem than a solution. Bottom line. Who really cares what he has to offer at this point? whatever it is, is now dirty with all his twisted agenda however petty that agenda is.

Play a dirty game and you're a dirty man and I don't like dirty men.
edit on 23-9-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

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