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Dan Burisch, hoax?

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posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by johnlear

...and thanks for your post John. Actually, maybe you're right and it's the other way, the "alien" special effects dummy came out after Burisch, I don't know specifically, so there's that. Right, and they're from 45k+ years in the future. He works w/ stargates, w/ the 'Ganeesh' particle which is a cure for cancer, buuuut, not until 2900. Right, and the last 'claim' is he was nominated for a 'peace prize' -- try looking that one up.

Lastly John, has anyone brought this website to your attention?

"Photo Shown Above Posted On Coast To Coast AM Website Is Alleged To Be Of 'J-Rod' Alien, Photo Is Actually Inverted Photocopy Of Special Effects"

Bottom of the ninth for Danny, John -- are you still on his team?

Well, if this is supposed to be proof of Burisch's contact with an alien, then a lot of people are in for a major disappointment: The photo below made the rounds on the Internet during January 2000 and caused quite a stir, if not some heated debate. That was until it was discovered the alleged alien was the work of FX, a website formerly dedicated to the art of special effects. You can view a page from the website showing a picture of the alien and a description stored at by clicking here. Below is a copy of the original photo circulated by Russell Dowden of the now defunct Dowden was the person who had originally made the photo public via his website after anonymously receiving it. Dowden was on Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell after the photo was first received. Word quickly spread of the bogus photo and many websites, including Whitley Streiber's, posted stories about the photo not being legitimate. The photo was well known among UFOlogy to be fake...or so all thought.

" It was indeed made by XFX team, Steve Johnson and Trey Stokes. It was featured on a reproduction of the 'Alien Autopsy' on a 20/20 show, aired on April 4, 1997. That particular image was featured on XFX website, as you may remember, some years ago. All the credit for collecting and archiving these images, as well for the info, go to the Mexican researcher Luis Ruiz Noguez. "

[edit on 17-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 02:36 PM
I have tried to look up the Nevada Notary, Kenneth Clayton, as listed on the document posted by "anhinga".

The Golden Thread

According to Google, Las Vegas Yellow Pages, and Henderson Yellow Pages; Kenneth Clayton, Las Vegas NV does not exist. Ofcoarse, this doesn't mean he wasn't here at one point. But their is no record that I can find of a Kenneth Clayton ever being a notary in the state of Nevada. Notary records are public domain, and all notary's are registered. This one is not.

Can anyone living in Nevada find any proof of the Notary? If the Notary is a fake, then the document is a fake.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

How able this:

and this:

And the name "Kenneth Clayton" does show up again in another 'notary' search w/ Google in Arkansas.

[edit on 17-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by anhinga

The first link says "The authors have deleted this blog. The content is no longer available."

The second link is for Dawson Kenneth Clayton, King, NC 27021... and the notary on the document is Kenneth R. Clayton, registered in Nevada.

Until we can find the Nevada Notary on the document, it remains suspect, and not proof.

Thanks for your great posts though. I enjoy reading your contributions.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

I was showing that the notary does exist, like you said the second one mentions Nevada -- that's where! Plus, the other two could be the same guy, moving around. Case, still open, as per the document.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:44 AM
Dan Burisch, hoax?

After reading all I can find on the guy, to date, I feel his deal's real. LMH Earthfiles site has a number of interviews done over the last five years with Burisch (aka Crane) some of which not seen elsewhere for those who may be interested in more info on him.

As others have said in this thread, I also feel much has been done to DB in an attempt to silence him or force DB to debunk some of his own statements. Was there exaggeration by DB?, possibly. But the root of what he says he's done and been involved with (eg Jrod) I feel he was in the loop and at A51/S4.


posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by anhinga
reply to post by yankeerose

I was showing that the notary does exist, like you said the second one mentions Nevada -- that's where! Plus, the other two could be the same guy, moving around. Case, still open, as per the document.

Thanks for your posts.
Always informative.
Rather than checking on the notary (hell I can go down and be sworn in as a notary in an hour, and then notarize my girlfriend's statement that she's really from Alpha Lyrae 4).
Look at the document you provided. As someone astutely pointed out, his name is wrong.
Now, if a guy does not know how to spell his own name, and the notary notarizes it, what is wrong with this picture?:
A- Either Burisch, Burrasch or Crane is lying, or
B- The notary is incompetant, a fraud, or in cahoots with Danny boy, or
C- All of the above.

I'll take C for 5000, Alex.
I maintain the case is closed. The only thing to debate is his motivation. I would suggest it is simply to garner more attention and controversy. But to what end?
Burisch or Burrasch ?
Thanks again for your contributions.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 07:58 PM
I just found this video last night. I think it is perfect for this thread....

Dan Burisch tells it like it is....

Look at the projects he is working on now... the man is obviously a genius. He is also a Christian, and the hope and future of mankind weighs heavily on his work.

Yes, I agree... he is not perfect, and perhaps he has done things that are wrong. But who hasn't? He speaks a truth that resonates through me. Some of the other interviews on Project Camelot are a confirmation of Dan Burisch's testimony. See the Henry Deacon interview.

Dan Burisch has so much going on project wise, he does not the time to battle his detractors. I for one hope he continues with his projects, and the heck with his detractors.

[edit on 18-11-2007 by yankeerose]

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Alexander the o.k.

LOL from that, but like you said he could be lying and the spelling on the document is his real name. Who knows, what I do know is that he used to cause quite a stir outside ATS -- I remember night after night, callers on C2C calling to defraud Mr. JRod photo.

The tale of the JRod photo is still 'up for debate' on some websites, arguing about the origin of the photo from a special-efx set or... Danny boy.

One could think, he'd produce more then that photo due to work on stargates (!!?) but there's yet to be anything else from him besides endless 'chatter' among his cohorts.

Also, aside from that 'document' -- there was mention that his name change is due to his 'involvement' w/ MJ12 -- yet there's no record of his "degree" anywhere, which is why I still question this, should that "degree" be under another name -- that should be known to his "followers" and the likes.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by anhinga

There are just too many things that he has said and promulgated that don't add up. He has been caught in too many lies and inconsistancies to be believable imo.

Not being able to spell his own name consistently is just another example.
George Knapp has had personal dealings with him. His investigation of Burrasch/ Burisch is summarized here :

Everything that is known and verifiable about Dan Crain-Burisch directly contradicts his UFO claims. Conversely, there is no verifiable information to prove ANY of his more elaborate stories. I'm sure you all understand the point. Every one of us leaves a paper trail as we go through life. Diplomas. Employment records. Addresses. Legal documents. Things that can be checked and verified. Dan Burisch is no different. He too has generated a paper trail during his life, a trail that is pretty easy to follow. The problem for him is that this trail---the one that can be documented and verified by anyone who cares to take the time-- paints a much different picture of his life than the version he is now claiming. At the same time, there is NO paper trail, no verifiable information, no independently-corroborated documentation for ANY part of his alleged exploits as the savior of mankind. No pay stub, no bank record, no tax statement, no passport, no military file, nothing like the blizzard of routine, inevitable, inescapable paper that every single one of us generates without even thinking about it. There is plenty of verifiable information to show that he worked as a parole officer and then as a security guard at several casinos........

George Knapp short bio:

"According to his official KLAS-TV profile[2], Knapp has won seven Mark Twain Awards, eight Emmys, two regional Edward R. Murrow Awards, and one national Edward R. Murrow Award for a 2004 investigation into vote fraud. Additionally, Knapp's investigation of the Lazar/Area 51 story was named the best "Individual Achievement by a Journalist" by United Press International in 1990."

I tend to put more cred in Knapp than in Burrasch/ Burisch / crane.

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Alexander the o.k.

Please Alex, look at this on one of their sites:

Claiming there's jaguar faces in the comet!!!!!

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 01:31 AM
The Notary is real, and was verified to be such according to the Nevada Secretary of State:

Yes, Kenneth Clayton is a notary for Nevada until Dec. 22, 2007

I had emailed them least Saturday November 17, 2007, and got the reply today.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:07 PM
If Dan Burisch is the "real" deal, then he is necessarily a coward.

Consider that he claims to have witnessed or be aware of humans held captive against their volition by EBEs or, as he explains, future-sense human beings. So Dan Burisch possesses knowledge which, if provided to competent legal authorities, might avail the release of these victims & prevent futher abductions (at least in the facility which he described). Rather than fully disclose locations and names, however, Burisch intimated his desire for Congressional immunity of any testimony he might provide due to his role in development of bioweaponary. What a guy!!

Now if this guy has indeed been part of an alphabet crew conducting super secret squirrel research amongst an entity not of this time (or planet ... ?), his ethic is sorely suspect. Imagine that you'd become a victim of an abduction to this facility which Burisch claims to have been assigned to. Then imagine that you'd opportunity to lock eyes with him at the facility for a moment, expressing the obvious fear and uncertainty one would feel having been removed from all things normal to you by "something" not human, & hoping that as a fellow human he might intervene. Well, tough luck for you. Burisch was willing to risk all to free an EBE thru a so-called portal or gate, but lacked the courage to intervene for his own kind. So for me, I don't need to know whether Dan Burisch's saga is true or not. His own testimony intimates that I ought not rely on him whatsoever.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by yankeerose

....just checked-in on this, about four months later. Reminded from the latest thread about this 'guy' that recently surfaced.... both of my earlier links for the notaries are now 'inactive' -- point being, truly awesome move on getting the information from the Nevada Secretary of State.

Also, in regards to some of the other conversations within, specifically, how Alex seems fascinated by the spelling of his name. This is 'spy v spy' 101, providing many aliases| | | |

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 10:00 AM

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by NGC2736

Thanks, done
I'm going to U2U you.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by xmaskx

I beg to differ
Did you watch his video from ProjectCamelot?
Kerry and Bill do not interview fake people

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 11:47 AM
I was updating my thread about Why Hilary was so reluctant about quitting her Presidential run

At, they have a write up a bout Dan Burisch and his more current exploits here

In that article they have links posted to Dan & Marcia's lecture at the California Institute of Technology. So it appears he isn't entirely crazy afterall Here's the link branch too so that you can see it's from the actual caltech:
& click the "HOME" button on the top right of that page and you'll get -drum roll-
back here!
This just happened March 10th too.

I actually just got done going to a workshop with this guy (Dr. Todd Ovokaitys MD) who essentially was talking about the same thing Burisch and Marci where talking about at the lecture at cal tech, very intriguing stuff.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Hey John Lear,

Burisch's info is facinating. Yea, so okay, he has that scientific interview brovado know-it all speak, but he knows his physics/current science.

As a fellow life long searcher, I use Sleeper's posts as a detection filter for most all of this information...

Sleep is clear about no "looking glass" tech for us????

An article on another thread (half way down) gives me many opportunities to thank you and defend your ideas---you started me in this whole staged area--damn you! LOL!

Check out the names and moon specs. Are they spot on?

Well written article--where'd they get this synthesized info?

So close, yet so far...

John, do you think we will ever button this baby up? LOL

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by muse801

John what-now-who? I thought he's been banned or or is starting an anti-ATS jihad or something... jk you rock John(where ever you are)
But I think you hurt Springer and the gang's feeling, you should probably apologize a bit...

This has to be one of the first concrete links to Dan Burisch's identity I've seen easily accessible on the net verified by an independant source from a renowned institute of higher learning & science with an ".edu" web address....

and the skeptics say....?

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