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Bob Lazar and Element 115

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posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:57 PM
I've read 14 pages of this thread - glad I did since it has some interesting posts and links. And of course John Lear's recollections of events and people back in the days are priceless - John keep them coming

If I may I'll write some comments.

John said that disclosure will not happen overnight but it would be a gradual process (1-on-1) or something of the sort over the next century. It saddens me to think it would take that long but I must agree with that analysis, though for different reasons than those John had stated.

I do not believe human race is not ready for that knowledge. On the contrary, many people in the world are emotionally mature to accept the idea of life outside the Earth, matter a fact many cultures have believed and known this for a fact for eons (which is also reflective in their religions, too).

Problem is the infantile North American continent and its inhabitants, (and possibly some areas of the Western Europe). Since these parts horde the most wealth, resources and power, and are un-willing to give up their materialistic point of view for a greater good. They are enchanted with possesions and things, current events and their own lives, to take a short break and look at the larger picture at hand.

Thus the reason it would take a better part of this century to disclose the atrocities our "overlords" have caused when it comes to the ET issues is simply due to the shifting of powers from one area to another, so when it's all done there would be no place we could point the finger of blame at - there'd be nothing left of those "old" power structures.

As far as Bob Lazar is concerned, and I know I digressed with the above, it is truly in-consequential whether he's telling the truth or not. I would lean to believe he is, even if he was a dis-info agent, our "overlords" have a sick and twisted way of telling us what they are doing/will do, or what they have, because they know that most people will not believe it and those who do are labled to be on the fringes of "sanity" (I guess that's us
) and are not taken seriously.

Bob has most likely served his purpose, and done his part of the disclosure that was intended for him. I doubt there would be more revelations coming from him on the subject, and why would there be. Many other people are involved in these clandenstine projects and will be ripe to do their part of the disclosure as it was intended for them.

The knowledge of element 115 and what it does is also irrelevant, in my humble opinion. We do not have it nor will have it anytime soon (or ever). We cannot use it nor put it to use either right now. It all really sounds like a fantastic jaw dropper, to make us look the other way, while something else is passing behind our back (silently).
We need to focus on other sources of "free energy", not for the space flight (that will come, too), but to get us out of the sink hole of dependency that our "overlords" have put us, and are keeping us in.

Once we are free, truly free from bondage will we ever achieve everything. But before that happens, the infantile part of the World has to grow up and become responsible and caring for the rest of the planet and its inhabitants. I believe that would be a giant (and most important) leap in the right direction onto itself.

Free energy leap is a tiny one (compared to the growing up one), considering that free energy already exists in abundance and in many forms, waiting for us to tap into it.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by amigo]

[edit on 28-6-2007 by amigo]

[edit on 28-6-2007 by amigo]

[edit on 28-6-2007 by amigo]

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 03:00 AM

By Amigo:
Problem is the infantile North American continent and its inhabitants, (and possibly some areas of the Western Europe).
I was agreeing with you entirely, then you said this! My guess is that the North Americans and the Western Europeans encompass 90% of any who would share your views! Where am I wrong??

Since these parts horde the most wealth, resources and power, and are un-willing to give up their materialistic point of view for a greater good. They are enchanted with possesions and things, current events and their own lives,
So you are telling us that the Western economic system is somehow bad, not productive in understanding what is going on with the ET phenomenon? How does this work? Must we be socialistic to understand what is going on? Budist? Muslim? Brazilian? Cultist?

to take a short break and look at the larger picture at hand.
We capitolists, North Americans, English, French, Germans and others are as I estimated, most of the people who consider this subject ie. look at the larger picture. There is a very good economic principle for this and that is because we are not so involved meeting our basic needs that we have time and the means to be on the internet and think about esoteric subjects as E116. If you think I sound like an Economist then you're only close. My wife is. But otherwise, friend, I mostly agree with your post!

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Hi plumranch , thanks for your reply.

Allow me to clarify my post above a bit. I was referring to emotional state when I said that "Westerners" are infantile.

A lot of people in North America mostly keep to themselves, which is pretty sad (for example many in large cities do not know who their neighbours are because they are preoccupied with distractions and diversions purposefully created to keep their minds from interacting on any higher level beside saying "Good Morning"). I suppose smaller communities are different, but flux of population is in the larger cities anyway.

I can attribute this somewhat to people's upbringing and cultural background (very young culture, two hundred years if at all), but also to mere close mindedness and lack of general education and interest.

After years of research I believe that people have been artificially made complacent and docile through combination of things. Decades of being poisoned with various "additives" in food, water and air; and brainwashing through media and other means. Thus their emotional development has been severely crippled and they are in this "infantile", but obedient state.

Please understand I am not passing a judgment, there are some amazing and wonderful people living on this side of the World, and I have met some. Just that there's not enough of those and so they are far from becoming a critical mass necessary for change. Many people are simply enchanted by the material things and possessions and feel comfortable in their "bubbles", not caring enough for the "big picture".

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 08:34 PM
oh no not bob 'the sports model' lazar, another in the UFOlogy hall of shame, he's is an absaloute fantasist, the was check done on his education records and basically all of eucation claims are false which in my book means the guy is talkin out of his rear.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 08:46 PM

By Amego:
there are some amazing and wonderful people living on this side of the World, and I have met some. Just that there's not enough of those
OK so they are few and far between. I keep looking for a few good ones myself!
Just a couple of questions. Is there somewhere we can go to find more enlightened people? A nationality or group? I tend to think we are kind of the avant guard over here with the exception of a few European nations, Ausies and New Zealanders. Seems like that is where most of the ATS posters come from. They're centainly not all Americans. I just can't see that there is going to be much enlightenment in 3rd world countries. They're too busy getting the basics of life.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 08:53 PM

oh no not bob 'the sports model' lazar, another in the UFOlogy hall of shame, he's is an absaloute fantasist
He knew where and when to go out and see flying discs according to some. Like they say, the janitors probably wouldn't have had that information.

posted on Jun, 29 2007 @ 09:13 PM
i gotta say it first time i heard he bob lazar interviews i was kinda convinced, but its just doesnt hold it together for me now, i love ufology, sci fiction and anything to do with space travel i just dont get fooled or fall into some of the traps that other people fall inti (like those people that talk about being reincarnated zeta reticulans....not thats really really really cringeworthy, like watching steven greer pretend to cry at the xcon conference urrgghhh'

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 02:26 AM
by smugallo:

i just dont get fooled or fall into some of the traps that other people fall inti

If you had read this thread there was this old guy that actually is Bob's friend and they used to go out on Wednesday nights and watch and photo discs fly around out on Area 51. He probably won't retell his story for you so why don't you just read it for yourself?
Welcome to ATS by the way!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 09:12 AM
Hey guys

I haven't looked at the whole thread, but I did read the first post.

I found this PDF mentioning element 115.

The dates are 1945 and 1974 on the pdf file

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:08 AM
Originally posted by plumranch

If you had read this thread there was this old guy that actually is Bob's friend and they used to go out on Wednesday nights and watch and photo discs fly around out on Area 51. He probably won't retell his story for you so why don't you just read it for yourself?
Welcome to ATS by the way!

Old guy? Old guy? I resemble that remark!

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Still to this day I believe Bob Lazar's story due to the fact that he never switched his story and due to the fact that John Lear lended to his credibility by providing us with info that he had already before knowing Lazar. In my opinion nobody seems to listen to those with such info as Lazar due to the fact of being rediculed or not being believed by others at all. Only if there were another person to come out with twice the info of Lazar to solve this Area 51 matter once and for all , which will nevr occur due to the lack of credibility in this subject caused by hoaxters and disinfo. Thanks for the years of commitment in this field which led to me being interested in the topic in the early 90's.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by plumranch
by smugallo:

i just dont get fooled or fall into some of the traps that other people fall inti

If you had read this thread there was this old guy that actually is Bob's friend and they used to go out on Wednesday nights and watch and photo discs fly around out on Area 51. He probably won't retell his story for you so why don't you just read it for yourself?
Welcome to ATS by the way!

than ks for the welcome
i do like a good debate! but i seriously don't believe bob lazar, he is staight talking and does not mix his words that i will give him credit for, but he's been debunked and i believe (for once) the debunkers on this one.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 12:29 PM
I have a question for John Lear , Since your in touch with Bob Lazar do you know why has he been in the dark for the past couple of years? ,I haven't seen him doing any interviews lately regarding his amazing info from the briefing documents and would like to know if he's held back some of the information regarding the base on mars and on the moon , since he had seen this info in the close to 120 briefings he had read in S-4 .

[edit on 30-6-2007 by steve-o]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 02:41 PM

Old guy? Old guy? I resemble that remark!
That was my weak attempt at levity, John! If they took my photo suited up in my sparce cockpit I wouldn't look any younger!

By Smuggalo: the was check done on his education records and basically all of eucation claims are false
I think I've heard every interview Bob ever did on C2C, read his websites and the only thing I really questioned was the Univ. of Calif. and the MIT claim. He said he went there and no trace was ever found. Well, what if he didn't go there but claimed he did? Wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happened. Somehow Teller hired him and he worked at S-4 for a while like he said. The rest is history. Reasonable scenario to me!

[edit on 30-6-2007 by plumranch]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by plumranch
OK so they are few and far between. I keep looking for a few good ones myself!
Just a couple of questions. Is there somewhere we can go to find more enlightened people? A nationality or group? I tend to think we are kind of the avant guard over here with the exception of a few European nations, Ausies and New Zealanders. Seems like that is where most of the ATS posters come from. They're centainly not all Americans. I just can't see that there is going to be much enlightenment in 3rd world countries. They're too busy getting the basics of life.

Well, we are here, aren't we, found each other, didn't we?

So did the other posters with similar views who joined this thread. Absolute fact is that there is no such thing as a coincidence and everything happens for a reason. Just that things we cannot comprehend we label as luck or a coincidence - due to our inability to explain the experience.

I would not discard people from "third" world countries simply because they do not have access to the interweb. Wisdom and enlightenment are not measured by whether they drive a BMW or ride a mule, but by the richness of their heart. And I tend to believe that people in "undeveloped" and "third" worlds are much more spiritually richer than people from the "first" world to begin with, thus open to new (old?) concepts such as ETs and creation as one.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 06:53 PM
This thread makes me wish I could talk to some of these diffrent ET's. I am not an academic man, or a very smart man but I am a bit of a philospher and would just like to a a sentiant-to-sentiant conversation with them and try to understand the polotics of the universe, I do not really care about re veiling these truths to others, just knowing the truth for my self would be enough.

I would like to know things like:

a) A little about there own histories.
b) There interaction (First contacts) with other species.
c) Have there been any large scale war/conflicts.
d) What information they have on our own history.
e) If alien abduction is real, what is the purpose? Surely they could take DNA and simply clone humans? Is it more like the interaction we have with animals and trying to understand their behavioural patterns/movements?
f) Are there any current hostilities betwenn diffrent species, if so what is the cause?
g) What do they think of some of our media/entertainment? Shows like Star Trek/Babylon 5/Alien etc. In some we are hostile, in others we try to form peacefull alliances between the diffrent species.
h) Would the "Greys" give me a reason not to fear them? Because as shallow as it is, the way they look scares the crap out of me.

As I said I would just really love a chance to sit and talk with them all.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Shinji
This thread makes me wish I could talk to some of these diffrent ET's. I am not an academic man, or a very smart man but I am a bit of a philospher and would just like to a a sentiant-to-sentiant conversation with them and try to understand the polotics of the universe, I do not really care about re veiling these truths to others, just knowing the truth for my self would be enough.

I would like to know things like:

a) A little about there own histories.
b) There interaction (First contacts) with other species.
c) Have there been any large scale war/conflicts.
d) What information they have on our own history.
e) If alien abduction is real, what is the purpose? Surely they could take DNA and simply clone humans? Is it more like the interaction we have with animals and trying to understand their behavioural patterns/movements?
f) Are there any current hostilities betwenn diffrent species, if so what is the cause?
g) What do they think of some of our media/entertainment? Shows like Star Trek/Babylon 5/Alien etc. In some we are hostile, in others we try to form peacefull alliances between the diffrent species.
h) Would the "Greys" give me a reason not to fear them? Because as shallow as it is, the way they look scares the crap out of me.

As I said I would just really love a chance to sit and talk with them all.

Hi Shinji,

Unfortunately I cannot provide you with the answers you seek, I would if I knew them, but I can share my point of view.

You do not have to be an "academic" man to understand these issues, I believe we all have a built in capacity for it. Furthermore I believe it is desirable not to be an academic because academia is quite often closed-minded. Their credentials only serve as a proof of their conformity to the system and the rules present therein to their superiors.

And one's "smarts" do not come from the academia either, wisdom is not thought in schools. On the contrary people are stupidified there and forced to think inside the box, within artificially imposed limits.

Having said the above, you are already an intelligent person and you proved it by having those thoughts. I believe it is every persons right to know the answers you are seeking and they should not be privileged to only those who could keep a secret - they should not be secret to begin with.

In my opinion a secret implies things such as an economic gain; possession of power or control over someone who does not have the access to the said secret; material gain of some other similar thing. There are many people around us who posses information that could be put to "good use" for the benefit of us all, but they do not share as to not to disturb the balance of power, or to remain "trustworthy" in the eyes of their superiors (like good servants they are).

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:02 AM
Originally posted by steve-o

I have a question for John Lear , Since your in touch with Bob Lazar do you know why has he been in the dark for the past couple of years? ,I haven't seen him doing any interviews lately regarding his amazing info from the briefing documents and would like to know if he's held back some of the information regarding the base on mars and on the moon , since he had seen this info in the close to 120 briefings he had read in S-4 .

Bob is busy with his scientific supply company, He doesn't like to talk about UFO's or his work at S-4. He thinks he has more productive things to do. Every once in a while he will give an iterview like with The Travel Channel a few months ago. George Knapp gets an occasional interview. A lot of people don't bellieve his story but some will be apparent that everything he said was true.

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Thanks for answering my question John Lear as to Bob Lazar's whereabouts since I'm probably one of a very few people who still believe his story even if he can't back up his academic claims.At least he's got proof of working at Los Alamos facility and in the department of naval intelligence , even without your side of the story as to the honest person he is ,the thing that makes him the "real deal" is that he never changed his claims or fabricated more events as the years past .I was just wondering if you know anything about some race living on the moon or any other form of life living anywhere else ?

[edit on 2-7-2007 by steve-o]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Ok thanks for the replies everyone, but does anyone have a link to an article or something that proves that scientists were contemplating or discussing Element 115 BEFORE Lazar started talking about it? I still can't find any public record of Element 115 that has dates before 2003. I'm still not clear on the time-frame that Element 115 first came onto the scientific scene. Most articles say it was "discovered" in 2003/2004... but if this was really the first time it was even discovered at all then it would obviously make Lazar very credible. If Element 115 is something that scientists have "known about" for many years, then Bob's story could just be fabricated based on the common knowledge of Element 115 back then...

look up physics web - web site and they mention this model being researched back in 1949.they also claim that element 115 was created in Dubna and lasted tens of milliseconds in 2004. so what there saying is that there was a possibility of these elements back then. creating them has always been the challenge.In my opinion, they will be able to make this element in the near future. because we can only progress farther up the elemental scale.

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