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Four-year-olds will get gay fairytales at school

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 04:49 PM
Well, there are two ways to learn about anything. There is a right way and a wrong way. Let's face will be subjected to the issue just the same way they face racism and plenty of other very real matters.

The right way might be some well written stories and/or teaching designed specifically to foster understanding in kids.

The wrong way would be to learn from some of these intolerant, homophobic, ignorant people that are posting on this thread.

I know my choice.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady

Comparing apples and oranges. Black is a race issue and something a person can not change. Gay is a choice issue. It is proven as a choice everytime someone claims to be gay, but has had a kid through being a hetrosexual.

Of course race and sexual orientation are apples and oranges, but both are round fruits.
All joking aside, I consider both to be the same on the level that someone has chosen to hate them based on something that doesn't make them a good or bad person, something they could not help be. Saying that "being gay is a choice" one makes is your opinion. Your opinion does not make it fact. You say that as if you had been studying homosexuality for the last twenty years. Where is this proof you speak of? Being able to have children is not proof that someone isn't really gay.

I for one believe that a person can't choose to be gay much like a black or white person can't help be born the color they were born. There are "confused" individuals out there, but those are not who I'm talking about.

If we are to teach tolarence of race and sexual orientation, then schools should also teach tolerance of religious people including Christianity.

I think schools ought to teach racial, religious and sexual orientation tolerance. You mentioned that many gays and pro-gays hate Christians. I don't know if that's true, but if it were,..... might they have a valid reason to do so? Could it be because Christian values teach that homosexuality is a sin that will send you straight to hell? If a group of people continue to tell you what a sinner you are and how you'll end up in hell despite the fact that you're otherwise a good, kind and caring person.... you might start hating these Christian people yourself. Christianity has had a HUGE influence on this world for a very long time. Christians formed many laws and values/morals based on their faith, and have tried to force the rest of the world to comply with those rules. Millions of people over the centuries have died because they did not comply or fit the mould. That may not be the case today, but the Christian outlook on life still prevails. Gays have no other reason to hate Christians than for the fact that Christians label them as sinners who will end up in hell for what they are. People like Pat Robertson are not helping the Christian cause.

They should be taught in the future when they are most likely to encouter it. Not at the tender age of 4.

If you have/had or have been around young kids, you know very well that they are full of questions. They're always pointing at something and asking you what's this? Why is it like that? etc. A four year old is a pretty smart kid already. "Tender" age of four? you make it sound like they're being prepared for bloody combat. These are just fairy tales. These kids might not even notice anything odd about them, and that's the whole point of starting them off young. They have not yet formed their own set of morals/values, so they don't have to fight against them when they are being introduced to a new idea.

You are forcing immorality on children whos parents do believe it to be immoral. What's next? Beastiality? Where do we draw the line on sexual immorality?

What you should have said is that the school will be forcing a DIFFERENT set of morals on your children. Morals are subjective. They vary from one person to another, though some are shared by a mass of people through common religious beliefs for instance. They are your children. You have every right to share your moral beliefs with them, but your child also has the right to choose for him/herself what morals/religious beliefs he/she wishes to follow. That child should have access to a number of choices.

One of the Government's jobs is to create a peacefull, cooperative, productive society,..... to make people happy. Hate in any form WITHIN society is not going to accomplish this ideal. If you teach your child that homosexuality is immoral (therefore "wrong"), the child may grow up to hate homosexuals, and may not want to work with or live next to one.
Christianity has always preached "love thy neighbor", but as we know,... human beings are not perfect and have not always followed the Christian laws to perfection. In fact many have used Christianity to justify their hate,... I don't care how they dressed it up.
Then there's the case of the good Christian trying to "help" the homosexual rid him/herself of his/her sin. I can tell you right now that if someone bothered me every day about changing my ways when I felt I couldn't because that's just the way I was born,..... then I would get mad too. I wouldn't appreciate hearing Pat Robertson speaking on national TV, dehumanizing people like myself without any consequences, while hiding behind a religion. I can't imagine what it must be like to be hated and/or misunderstood by so many people.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
I agree hate is wrong, and gay bashing is wrong. Beliving something is immoral doesn't mean that person hates.

While you may be right, that's not how things always work. Many people who believe something is immoral will look down on it. If it is immoral, it is wrong, therefore some view this as a religious justification for their hate.

No, they do not need to be taught this at a young age, especially when they are not even interested in this stuff. Most likely response to mom and dad kissing is ewwww, mommy and daddy are kissing. That's gross. If they think that is gross, then they certainly will think two men and women kissing is gross also.

If kids are so put off by kissing why does it keep finding it's way into children's fairy tales at all? I remember reacting the same way, but I didn't feel traumatized by it. It was a fact of life. You can keep the dirt off your kid's hands for a few years, but someday you won't be there to wipe it away. They have to learn how to deal with it on their own. The sooner the better (And no,... I'm not talking about sex in this case).

Who ever said that? Just because most think it is immoral, doesn't mean we also think you don't have to right to practice such things. I would look at a gay the same way as I would look at someone who just committed adultry or had sex before marriage. Same type of sin.

Believing that someone has the "right" to practice certain things is not the same as believing that what these people are doing is not wrong. No one likes to be judged. Again.... if you believe someone is doing something that goes against your moral beliefs, you may be inclined to treat them differently. While you may be able to, some people can't help themselves but react in a violent, exclusive or rude way.

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Why did you look on them differently? Were you never taught to love thy neighbour as they self? When Jesus was asked who is my neighbour. Jesus responded with a parable that basically stated your enemy is your neighbour. Maybe not, especially if you didn't have a Christian upbringing. Otherwise most are taught to only love your friends and those who care about you.

You're assuming a lot about me in this paragraph. I did not begin to hate/express hate toward my friends because of what I found out about them. The Christian morals and society that I was surrounded by told me that "homosexuality" is immoral. My friends didn't really change, but somewhere deep inside my head the file they now belonged to registered as the possible "wrong-doers" or "deviants". A large part of the religious society kept screaming that "the homosexuals are going to take over this country". Even though I knew this was totally idiotic, some small part of me now categorized them as "the other",.... kind of like an enemy. This is why I said I wish I had been taught that homosexuals are just as much part of this world as heterosexuals,... and that they should not be feared.

It is not a fear of turning our kids gay. It is a concern that the schools and the gay community want to teach them against our belief system, which will cause confusion in the children. Sorry, no one is born gay. There is no gay gene. It is a choice.

I may be wrong, but it sure does sound like you're a little afraid that the liberal schools and the gays might take over the world by teaching your Christian children that it is O.K. to be gay. I assure you that there will be no confusion. Human beings can be pretty reasonable and understanding when something is properly explained to them. Again your opinion does not equal fact. Just because you believe gay is a "choice" doesn't make it so.

Sorry, the schools already do a very pitiful job just trying to educate them let alone trying to teach them morals and values. Who ever said we can't teach them to be accepting of others who are different without having to define that difference?

While I may partly agree with you, I'd like to see you explain to your kid that according to your religion Ellen Degeneres is immoral, therefore wrong, therefore "different", but not tell him/her why. I don't know . Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say, but as it stands I'm not sure how that would work.

Hate crime has increased because the gays have shoved their agenda in or faces. It is not going to save any marriages. If one is truely born gay, they would never even be able to think of the oppsite sex in that manner let alone be able to touch them in a sexual way. Homosexuality is a choice.

Hate crime has always been there against Gays, but it is now more clearly seen because more gay people are not afraid to report it anymore. They're fighting back, fighting for the same rights we automatically get by being hetero.
Again you sound so sure you know what you're talking about. A gay person will get married to the opposite sex for one reason,....... to make him/herself look like he/she is straight. A marriage to the opposite sex is purely for COVER purposes, whether they're trying to cover it up in front of their parents, coworkers, friends, bosses, etc. They PRETEND. Lots of people pretend lots of things, and this is no different. Someone who has had to lie about his/her sexuality his/her whole life is going to be pretty damned good at pretending by the time they've reached the marrying age.

Exactly where is this "choice" issue going to stop? At homosexuality? What about all the others hiding in the closet? Should orgies be accepted as normal? How about beastiality? Where is the line drawn? How many times is the line going to be redrawn?

O.K. now you're just going off on a tangent. Would you compare your lust or love for your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband equal to bestiality?? Homosexuals are not some sex crazed animals that do nothing but do each other all day long. They are real people like you and me. They have feelings, morals and religion of their own.How does a man loving another man consensually the same way you would love someone of the opposite sex become such a deviant in your eyes? And who cares if some people enjoy having an orgy? Beastiality is wrong because the animal cannot consent to the activity. Basically it is rape, and rape is going to be considered wrong for a very, very, very long time.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by 2manyquestions]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:29 PM
How about we draw the line at giving every human being (no matter if they are white, black, yellow, purple, gay, straight, hindu or Christian...) equal rights? I think that would be a good start. How bout we teach our children not to judge people based on these characteristics alone?

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
I'm sure you hate the fact it was already drawn a very, long, long time ago with absolute morals. I'm sure you hate those who practice those absolute morals and insist on keeping them. You already called all of us haters.

I'm sure you're wrong.
I don't care what you practice behind closed doors as long as you don't try to unleash it on the rest of society. Whether you want to believe it or not,..... teaching children that being Gay is "immoral" (therefore wrong) has a negative effect on society. It breeds hate the same way as it did when white people taught their children that they are better than a black person. If you insist on believing that "Gay" is a choice AND a sin even after you are presented with scientific proof that it is similar or the equivalent to a birth defect, well then I don't know what to tell you. Long ago people believed that the woman was worth less than a man. Long ago it was believed that the earth was flat. Long ago Gallileo said the earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around,.. and he was imprisoned. Turns out he was right and the bible was wrong. What about all those witch trials? What else is the bible wrong about? While I think it has some very important lessons, I think it also contains material that has helped justify a lot of senseless violence.

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Why don't you try to practice some of that tolerance you talk about with those of us you disagree with. Who is actually doing the hate crime against whom?

Please explain how I am oppresing you as a Christian by trying to explain why Gays deserve to have the same human rights that you do? I never once said I hate anyone, and I certainly have not comitted any hate crimes against anyone that I'm aware of. Actually I'm not even bashing Christianity,... I'm bashing the people who do wrong and then claim it is in the name of Christianity.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Why don't you try to practice some of that tolerance you talk about with those of us you disagree with. Who is actually doing the hate crime against whom?

Please explain how I am oppresing you as a Christian by trying to explain why Gays deserve to have the same human rights that you do? I never once said I hate anyone, and I certainly have not comitted any hate crimes against anyone that I'm aware of. Actually I'm not even bashing Christianity,... I'm bashing the people who do wrong and then claim it is in the name of Christianity.

You have voted 2manyquestions for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

You got a vote from me with the last couple posts you made. BTW, ML, I have more fear from people like you than I have of Demons and Devils. But, I'm sure you'll come back and say "that's because the Demons have gotten to you". Well, that is another thread that I will not get into here. But, usually when people cry about Demons, they usually come with the white coats.

[edit on 3/26/2007 by Griff]

Mod Edit: Terms & Conditions Of Use.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by Crakeur]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:12 AM
All of you who are calling Christians to be tolerant, why don't you practice that tolerance yourself? You call for tolerance from us and everyone else, but yet you yourselves can not even think of being tolerant towards us.

I'll agree that there are so called Christians who have not grasped the main belief of loving your neighbor and loving your enemy. It seems that the non-Christians bashing against Christians for their own beliefs can't even comphrend that we are not talking about hate when we say it is a sin and immoral.

How do many Christians deal with other sexual sins. Ok, you know your in sin? Ok, Want to talk? No, ok want to go out to Dennies for breakfast? See you at work tomorrow.

Why aren't we as angry at them and as hateful of them? Because they are not trying to teach our kids that it is normal and ok. They are trying to force us to say no, no, no your not sinning. You're perfectly fine and normal in what you're doing. Don't worry, you have a free passport to heaven no matter what. That is what we get angry about.

There are those who get freaked out when a gay hits on them, because it is an unwanted invitation. In most of the complaints I have heard many of the gays don't even ask what the other person's orientation is. Yes I would feel very weird and uncomfortable if another woman tried to hit on me even if it was indirectly.

Why is that such a problem for you who are gay? Wouldn't you feel weird and uncomfortable if someone of the oppsite sex hit on you? Why is it such a problem to at least tolerate, not hate, and not shove your agenda down the throats of those who disagree with you?

Someone commented about Christians not getting beat up and killed? You haven't done much digging in world news have you? We have been beaten up, killed, and distained much longer than the when the gays started to come out of the closet. Isrealites were distained before Jesus appeared. The romans killed us after Jesus died. In the middle ages, anyone that didn't believe Roman Catholism (making a seperation between Catholics and Chritians that did not agree with Catholisim), persecuited, killed, and tourtered anyone that did not belong to that chruch.

Today christians are killed with out mercy in China, Sudan, all the Musleum countries. The European Union is becoming more and more anti-Christian.

Pope says society to fail without Christian conscience

The remarks came as the European Union celebrated its 50th birthday in a Berlin ceremony that included unveiling a broad, aspirational "Berlin Declaration" that left out mention of religion or the continent's Christian roots....

Merkel appeared equally pessimistic that any reference would be included in a new treaty, but said people should be allowed to express their personal views on the matter...

Plans to put a reference to Europe's Christian roots in a previous EU constitutional treaty were blocked by French President Jacques Chirac.

Would you rather this country be like China where Christians are forced to hide, and can get killed for even a part of the Bible let alone the entire Bible?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
All of you who are calling Christians to be tolerant, why don't you practice that tolerance yourself?

I’m not sure who you are referring to, but personally I am tolerant of Christians. However, I no longer tolerate the fundies' irrational rhetoric which leads to hate and division. (ie : homosexuality is an abomination)

It's like a bunch of adult who still believe in Santa Clause.

It seems that the non-Christians bashing against Christians for their own beliefs can't even comphrend that we are not talking about hate when we say it is a sin and immoral.

Yet, according to Leviticus, the sin of homosexuality is punishable by death.

Don't worry, you have a free passport to heaven no matter what. That is what we get angry about.

Again with your science fiction. BTW, doesn’t He forgive all?

Yes I would feel very weird and uncomfortable if another woman tried to hit on me even if it was indirectly.

Why can’t you just say: “I’m flattered, but I’m straight.” Wouldn’t that be much more social? What do you do if a man you are not attracted to hits on you?

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Today christians are killed with out mercy in China, Sudan, all the Musleum countries.

Do you have anything to back this up? killed? Today?

BTW, I live in Taiwan and have a few Christian missionary friends who have preached in China. So far, they all made it out with their heads and their Bible intact.

[edit on 27/3/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:06 AM
I need to appologize to you Mystery_Lady for my comments above. It has come to my attention that what I said about Christians getting bashed etc. could be taken as a threat. I definately did not mean it as a threat and if you took offense, I appologize. It is too late for me to edit it out, but I have contacted a mod and asked to have it removed. Take care and I do have tolerence for Christians. And I do have respect for you and your views. I just don't have respect for the type of Christianity that produces people like Fred Phelps and others.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Griff
I need to appologize to you Mystery_Lady for my comments above. It has come to my attention that what I said about Christians getting bashed etc. could be taken as a threat. I definately did not mean it as a threat and if you took offense, I appologize. It is too late for me to edit it out, but I have contacted a mod and asked to have it removed. Take care and I do have tolerence for Christians. And I do have respect for you and your views. I just don't have respect for the type of Christianity that produces people like Fred Phelps and others.

Apology accepted, forgiven. Oh my God, Fred Phelps? UGH!!! The guy's picture gives me the creeps let alone his message. I'll give there in saying homosexuals do have a major concern of hate from them. I would even fight them. That type of hatred should not be tolerated. It is what gives the rest of us real Christians a bad name. IMHO, he is a so called Christian who really needs to find the true message and meaning of the Bible. I also consider him a small part of the minority extremeists. No wonder why most have condemed Christianity as intolerant listening to the likes of him most of the time. God help us, and send a lightening bolt down on them. Well, at least a spiritual wake up call one. Did you know the only people that Jesus really condemed and got angry at were the spiritual leaders of the time and those who turned God's temple into something it was never meant to be, well basically those who spiritually corrupted others in His name.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:02 AM
I think there's a law issued in most states that allows you to pull your child out of a certain taught class structure. This was enacted when the ACLU fought real hard to dominate with Evolution, and Divine Principle was an intervening factor. Came about shortly after 9/11 when we learned we were in a Holy War, and everyone started going to church regularly, for a while.

I would most certainly take advantage of this, and have an alternative set up. Something like the teaching of historic Fables instead, where subject material would be different, but would still encompass the understanding of read material.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Apology accepted, forgiven. Oh my God, Fred Phelps? UGH!!! The guy's picture gives me the creeps let alone his message.

Thank you for the acceptence and forgiveness. Going slightly off topic. Doesn't he look like the pastor from "Poltergiest 2"?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
You call for tolerance from us and everyone else, but yet you yourselves can not even think of being tolerant towards us.

Like I said,... I'm tolerant of all beliefs until those beliefs start hurting good people either psychologically or physically,.... ESPECIALLY if those good people can't possibly change who they are. I sort of equate it to the radical/fundamental Muslims who kill their raped women (for instance) to retain family honor. That's part of their tradition, but while I can be tolerant of all their other beliefs, I don't have to be tolerant of that one. According to my moral standards, that's not right. No... I'm not comparing murder to homosexuals = sinners,.... it's just an example of how a certain portion of religious beliefs may not be compatible with the happiness of society.
I don't think all Christians are intolerant toward homosexuals, I don't think all Christians are hateful,.... I respect their beliefs, I just want to make sure they see that declaring homosexuality as sin hurts a lot of good people even if it doesn't "mean to". What will happen once scientists provide absolute proof that homosexuality is caused by genes? Will the church reverse it's stand? Will it apologize to the millions of victims it helped create over the course of history? Or will it stick to it's guns? What if the church is wrong yet again?

How do many Christians deal with other sexual sins. Ok, you know your in sin? Ok, Want to talk? No, ok want to go out to Dennies for breakfast? See you at work tomorrow.

I think you're trying, but I don't think you get it.
Those sins you're talking about are not on the same level as the sin of being homosexual. You're talking about a choice someone has made (premarrital sex, stealing, murder) and I'm talking about a characteristic someone was born with. By telling your gay friend that homosexuality is a sin (even in a nice, polite, caring kind of way), if that friend knows there's nothing he/she can do to reverse that characteristic, you've just crushed them without knowing it. While you can make the choice to never lie again, your friend can't choose to just stop naturally feeling the way they do. I guess they can go through life never experiencing the love you so freely can, but he/she will be miserable for the rest of his/her life. And why does that friend suffer? So he/she doesn't have to listen to you tell them what a sin it is. That's EXACTLY why homosexual people get into marriages with the opposite sex,.... to make it look to people like you as if they weren't what they really are. Imagine being married and having children with someone you're not in love with, and never being able to experience being with someone you truly love. Wouldn't you agree that a life without love is not worth much? Wasting one's life away just to avoid persecution,...well... that certainly sucks.

Why aren't we as angry at them and as hateful of them? Because they are not trying to teach our kids that it is normal and ok. They are trying to force us to say no, no, no your not sinning. You're perfectly fine and normal in what you're doing. Don't worry, you have a free passport to heaven no matter what. That is what we get angry about.

I explained above why the sin of premarrital sex, stealing and so forth are not the same as homosexuality. No one in their right mind would try to teach your kids that stealing, murder and lies are O.K. That would be the downfall of civilized society. All "the Gays" and the Gay-supporters are trying to do is create equal opportunity for everyone, not just the heterosexuals. They're not going to ask for the right to marry a heterosexual, they're not going to ask to be treated as "special", they just want to be able to live and work the same way you do without someone discriminating against them because they are Gay.

There are those who get freaked out when a gay hits on them, because it is an unwanted invitation.

Of course that's understandable. I used to get hit on by guys that I thought were repulsive in many ways. That made me feel uncomfortable. Women and men get unwanted attention from the opposite sex all of the time. What's the difference it it's a woman hitting on you, or some repulsive guy? I've had a woman hit on me. Feels exactly the same way in my opinion.

Unwanted attention is unwanted attention no matter who it comes from. Besides, just because someone is Gay doesn't make them automatically rude. What makes them rude is their upbringing, so rather than blaming their homosexuality how about blaming their parents, or lack-there-of? That's like saying all black people love cornbread and watermellon. I think we can safely say that this is not the case, just like we can't say all Gay people are rude and will hit on straight people, because they're just that sex-crazed.

Why is it such a problem to at least tolerate, not hate, and not shove your agenda down the throats of those who disagree with you?

Why don't you ask yourself why Christian missionaries continue to visit tribes in Africa and shove their beliefs down those peoples' throats? Christians have been doing this for hundreds of years, they have even killed people to convert the masses. It's also what the Muslims do. It's also what political groups do. We're all trying to shove our agenda down each other's throats all the time, yet I think that the Gay rights movement is probably the least violent out there. All they're trying to convince you of is to stop treating them like "sinners" and give them equal opportunity to be appreciated as human beings by future generations.

Someone commented about Christians not getting beat up and killed? You haven't done much digging in world news have you? We have been beaten up, killed, and distained much longer than the when the gays started to come out of the closet.

The only reason the gays ever stayed in the closet is because Christians hundreds of years ago punished that "offense" by death. Funny how a group of people who endured so much persecution in the early years could come into power and do exactly the same thing to other groups around the world. Sad.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
What will happen once scientists provide absolute proof that homosexuality is caused by genes? Will the church reverse it's stand? Will it apologize to the millions of victims it helped create over the course of history? Or will it stick to it's guns? What if the church is wrong yet again?

Look into a guy named Rev. R. Albert Mohler for your answer. First, he believes it is genetic. Second, he still believes it to be sin. Third, he believes that a treatment before birth to change the sexuality is the right thing to do to fix them. So, I'd say they wouldn't change much in their stance.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
Apology accepted, forgiven. Oh my God, Fred Phelps? UGH!!! The guy's picture gives me the creeps let alone his message.

Thank you for the acceptence and forgiveness. Going slightly off topic. Doesn't he look like the pastor from "Poltergiest 2"?

It has been so long since I have seen that movie. If I remember correctly, he does look like him. The pastor from Poltergiest 2 I think had more pointy featrues. Either way they are both creepy. I don't watch those horror movies any longer. I think it took me at least a month to be able to sleep again with the lights completely off.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 10:12 PM
Hopefully these Kids will grow up without their parents prejudices and religious indoctrination. Then, they can usher in a new era of peace and harmony.

Let's face it our generation (adults over 30) have messed up and the world is full of backward thinking idiots still clinging to 1st century views (just look at the moronic comments and hatred on the dailymail website). Which is why we're on the brink of ww3.

we really really need the young across the world to ditch their religions and petty hatreds and embrace their fellow man...regardless of who/she prefers to sleep with.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:24 AM
Sorry not to read the entire thread, well, I'm not sorry, I'm sure it's the same 'ol arguments.

I'm sure these stories dont 'teach' homesexuality, they just represent it as something children are going to encounter in their lives.

Homosexuality is not a choice, and I can state that absolutely because of this. If you think that it is a choice, it means that you yourself find sexual stimulation in both genders. A womans vagina gives you the same excitement as a man's penis. That is the only way you can believe that. It means that at one point in your life, YOU decided to stick to one or the other. How's them apples? You ready to admit that? Didn't think so.

I myself only find that stimulation in the opposite sex. That is also how I know homesexuality is not a choice. I don't have that choice to make.

Now this doesn't include bisexuality. I've heard Elton John say that to be bisexual, is to deny one's homosexuality, or something similiar to that - but I had numerous friends once upon a time, that explained to me, that although they were able to be stimulated by both sexes, sexually, they were only able to 'love' the same sex. It was actually a big joke in this circle of friends, and the strictly homosexual of the bunch, would always poke fun at them. It was quite funny at times.

So stop worrying that a person can be taught to be gay. With the stigma that homesexuality carries with it in this society, who in their right mind would CHOOSE to be gay, if they weren't? Get it?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by johnsky
If people really thought that a child should learn certain things at older ages, then you wouldnt be teaching them about god or the bible until they were 16 or so... you know... that way they can make an informed decision.
Give me a break.

I'll agree to that - no religion for kids, let them make up their own minds.

I hope that only ~1/10 of the fairytails they get are homosexual - although having a 50/50 balance might do something to curb population increase.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:57 PM
RogerDodger, our generation will do our best... sadly, we're being taught by those over thirty...

Originally posted by x4nder
I hope that only ~1/10 of the fairytails they get are homosexual - although having a 50/50 balance might do something to curb population increase.

i hope this is sarcastic, because i highly doubt that more "homosexual" fairytales will cause more homosexuality.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Well, it was jokey, not sure about sarcastic though.

To take this to an extreme, if all heterosexual learning and expeience (in life as well as school) was eradicated, and the only relationships that were shown to growing minds were homosexual, I believe you would see a growth in homosexual numbers.

I'm not saying that seeing a couple of fairytails (
, just wordplay) would turn a straight gay.

I said it because I can see things going the way of positive discrimination, to the point of misrepresenting the reality in which we live. Or something.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:36 PM
I'm all for plenty of lesbian fairy tales, myself.

But how can they really tell a gay male-oriented fairy tale? Do they say Prince Terrence and Prince Phillip went off and had anal sex? Or do they just say they moved in and set up housekeeping?

I kinda feel sorry for the teachers who have to explain what Terrence and Phillip are doing.

I mean, sure they don't say The Prince and Princess had vaginal sex, but at some point someone is going to have to explain what the two Princes are doing that make it homosexual.

Will teachers get in trouble for giving a little too detailed descriptions of gay sex? I bet they will. How is that fair to the teacher?

The point is this is still HIGHLY TABOO in society. It may be mandated by the schools, but try talking about anal sex in class.

Too much, too soon, IMO.

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