posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:48 PM
All you haters, Listen very carefully....
I can't believe there is such outrage about this. You'd think schools were trying to brainwash children in the manner of that scene in the movie
"Clockwork Orange".
I view this the same way I look at racism. Parents who are outraged at the thought of their children being taught that a homosexual person should be
viewed as an equal to a heterosexual person, are the same type of parents who were outraged to hear that their children were being taught that a black
person should be considered an equal to a white person. In many respects black people had it a lot harder than homosexual people, but this is almost
the same issue.
What the schools are trying to do is teach children that a person should NOT be hated for the color of their skin, or their sexual orientation.
Obviously by the look of some of these posts, those of you who are parents can't accomplish this task, so the schools have to ensure that the child
doesn't grow up hating someone just because that someone doesn't look or act the same way they do.
As they say, Children are our future. If we continue to bring up hateful individuals, if we don't teach that these kind of people exist, that these
are the kind of people a child might encounter in the future, we are setting ourselves up for yet more senseless violence.
A child is not going to turn gay by hearing about two men or two women caring for each other the way a man and a woman can care for each other.
Schools aren't going to run homosexual porno tapes to teach kids what a man and a man do together. Homosexuality is not a virus you can catch!
This will probably be the same type of fairy tales you and I heard as children,... and I certainly don't remember hearing or seeing any sex scenes in
those stories. So a prince cares for another prince and goes to save him..... big deal! God forbid we show children that two men or two women can
care and love each other. We'd rather see them hatefully kill each other in battle, or go behead a dragon ..... right?
What schools are trying to do is help each member of society feel safe in their own city. Each law-abiding person should have the same rights, no
matter what sexual orientation they are. They should be able to walk the streets without having to feel hated, stared at, whispered about,.... or
even fearing an attack from someone who simply hates the idea of two me or women loving each other.
A week ago I posted a thread on why racism persists. Although it was a good post, it was taken to the trash bin because those who replied couldn't
help but spew racist and hateful remarks. I didn't get to see some of those remarks, because the post was trashed before I had a chance to look at
it! The point I tried to make is that people are afraid of "the different" naturally. If you go on to teach young children that this or that
kid is "different", you're asking for trouble. You need to teach children from a very young age that these particular differences should NOT be
feared. Those differences don't decide whether that person will be kind or mean, law-abiding or criminal, fair or unfair,.... or anything else that
makes a person "good" or "bad",... someone who should or should not be feared.
How can any one of you with a conscience deny a gay, a black, a deformed or any kind of "different" person the right to be looked at as an equal to
you? How dare you teach your children that the gay kid should be looked at "differently", or denied his/her rights to show his/her love for another
person without being looked at by you with disgust? How dare you provide such a horrible reason to hate?
Speaking as a heterosexual, I wish that when I was a kid, my parents and teachers would have taught me to look at all these differences and see
nothing in particular. I ended up having two gay friends (one male, one female), and didn't even know about it until they "came out". Suddenly I
looked at them differently, and wish I could help myself NOT to. Had the three of us been taught that these things happen, they would not have had to
hide their orientation for years, they could have had a happier life, and I could have continued to look at them the same way I look at any of you
when I see you in the street,... in no way in particular. They were no different in behavior, in friendship, in intelligence than any of my other
heterosexual friends, yet that tiny, little piece of information changed their lives forever. In some ways it was positive, but it more ways it was
Those of you who think this is going to turn your kids gay,..... you've got issues. The only thing this is going to do is help them not hate someone
for a stupid reason. If they happen to be born gay, it will also help them lead a happier life, because they'll know that they will be accepted by
others just as they were accepted by them when everyone thought they were heterosexual. As long as we abide by the law and hurt no one, we are
entitled to a happy, hate-free life. Being hetero or homosexual should not decide what we are entitled to as tax-paying citizens.
Let the school do what you obviously cannot,.... teach your children to be accepting of "the different". This will help society in so many ways. Not
only will it reduce "hate" crime, it will save a lot of men and women from getting into marriages that eventually break up the family, because one
of them was trying to hide their homosexuality by pretending to be straight. It will save future children from being hated/resented or even kicked out
of their parents' house. It will allow more people to lead happy lives.... where they don't have to hide, while watching us heterosexuals do
whatever we want in public without being looked at differently. It will help homosexuals not look at us with resentment as we flaunt our love in
public. It's time for a new, more tolerant, more accepting, kinder generation.