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Four-year-olds will get gay fairytales at school

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posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 11:01 AM
Teaching children that there are different types of families in the world is not going to make them gay.

When I was in school I learned about slavery, murder, and wars, yet I never thought to myself that I should go out a murder Jews, enslave Blacks, or fight in wars.

I learned about drugs, yet I don’t use drugs.

I learned about doctors, fighter pilots, werewolves, artists - still I never wanted to become any of those.

I learned about religions of ancient cultures, yet I didn’t adopt those religions.

There is a difference in learning about the existence of something, and becoming that something. Your children already know that.

However, if you really want to protect your children from sex, how about getting Cosmo removed from the magazine racks at the grocery store. That mag is all about sex and is displayed at a child’s eye level.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 11:16 AM
thats stupid, i dont know about you, but when i was in first school, i was convinced girls where form another planet and caryyed "cooties". at that age your more obsesed with who is going to win out of spider man and super man, i aint got nothing agaisnt gays, a few people i know are gay and i think that fine, were all good mates. but teaching them about benig gay when they dont like girls seems to me like there hinting at becoming gay, cause well....what else do they know, they dont actully know what people do in a relationship. I live in the UK and we get told all about it from our first year in Middle school, i think thats the perfect age. its when every boy and girl is getting curious.

~ Vixion

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 11:35 AM
If I were a parent in that school system I would pull the kid out of that sick place and put in formal complaints from top to bottom....meaning Principal, super of schools, congress persons and finally last but not least our friend the Lawyer.
Good grief people, keep the person where it belongs in the gutter and in places like Hollyweird and Castro St. Don't our beloved children who are absolutely defenseless vs the deviates out there deserve our protection? Aren't our children above the politics and agenda of the homo and lesbo lobbies and activism???? good grief people when does decentcy draw the line and stop the spread of this perverse sickness.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Connected
Two Words:

Population Control

Yeah lets start young. Lets turn all these little kids into homo's and lezbo's so that teen pregnancy will be a thing of the past. Brilliant...

... there should be a sarcasm font.

Interesting concept, and a pretty good theory IMO.
Im glad I found something to like about you Connected.

Its not just the growing number of alternative lifestyle literature, it is being pushed on us non-gays from all directions.

I fell asleep with the TV on the other night and when I woke up I was shocked to see girls making out advertising a DVD 'Girlsgonestupid' or something like that.
We have Ellen, Rosie, Will+Grace. We have Madonna and Britney kissing like two porn stars for all the youth to see...we have gay dateing shows on MTV. We have 'same-sex unions' being discussed on the evening news. We have laws being passed where crimes commited against homosexuals are called 'hate crimes'. You will get a harsher sentence unless you only target your own particular race/gender/sexual orientation.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo

Originally posted by Connected
Two Words:

Population Control

Yeah lets start young. Lets turn all these little kids into homo's and lezbo's so that teen pregnancy will be a thing of the past. Brilliant...

... there should be a sarcasm font.

Interesting concept, and a pretty good theory IMO.
Im glad I found something to like about you Connected.

Its not just the growing number of alternative lifestyle literature, it is being pushed on us non-gays from all directions.

I fell asleep with the TV on the other night and when I woke up I was shocked to see girls making out advertising a DVD 'Girlsgonestupid' or something like that.
We have Ellen, Rosie, Will+Grace. We have Madonna and Britney kissing like two porn stars for all the youth to see...we have gay dateing shows on MTV. We have 'same-sex unions' being discussed on the evening news. We have laws being passed where crimes commited against homosexuals are called 'hate crimes'. You will get a harsher sentence unless you only target your own particular race/gender/sexual orientation.


..and yes! This gayness is EVERYWHERE now. Left and right you will see gay this and gay that. On Comedy Central television, gay jokes are being spit out constantly, to the point where its not even funny anymore. It used to be funny when it was random, but now, gay jokes are just non stop. They MUST know its not funny anymore, yet they continue. Its almost like they are trying to convert people subconsciously.

In the end, the more homo's and lezbo's there are, the less child births there will be. Hence, my theory of population control.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 12:08 PM
I'm not a parent nor am I homophobic but I take offence to schools and institutions imposing this subject upon young children with or without consulting the parents for their views.
I believe most people of my generation would agree that young children grow up far to rapidly and childhood is short. Four year olds should be spared this until the parents decide when the time is right to educate their offspring on this subject in an open family environment.
I abhor state interference at the best of times especially in family matters.
If you feel strongly about this write to your M.P., form a protest group, remove you child from school. Don't take this on the chin - action is what is needed.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:18 PM
"Fairy" tales? Is that a pun? Maybe they should have fairy tales depicting true Satanism in a light that isn't negative. I am not saying the gay stories are right or wrong, but if they want people to be exposed to certain things then why not go all out? Let the kid make their own choice if they want to worship the devil or not.

Someone said they were exposed to drugs, racism, and other things as a kid but that didnt make them want to do those things. I ask, though, were those things depicted in a manner that said "This is bad, mmmk?" or was it completely neutral? Thats what I thought.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Sanitys Last Day
Someone said they were exposed to drugs, racism, and other things as a kid but that didnt make them want to do those things. I ask, though, were those things depicted in a manner that said "This is bad, mmmk?" or was it completely neutral? Thats what I thought.

Well, how do we get homosexuals in the first place by learning about heterosexual "fairy" tales. BTW, haha very funny about the "fairy" pun. I'm a gay man and I'll tell you I'm more masculine than alot of straight people I know. This "fairy" could probably kick most of you "straight" princesses' arses.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:56 PM
The uproar over this is absurd.

We're not talking about a fairy tale with a sex scene in it here

Just because a certain vocal minority of the population isn't interested in facing reality, should the rest of us have to wear blinders as well?

Should geography classes be censored so as not to offend those who believe the Earth is flat, too?

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Griff
I'm a gay man and I'll tell you I'm more masculine than alot of straight people I know. This "fairy" could probably kick most of you "straight" princesses' arses.

Well, lets not get into any peeing contest here. I am sure you can do exactly what you say you can. Jokes aside...I just really think that something like this should perhaps be reserverved for someone a little bit older. 7th? 8th grade? I don't know. Putting it into fairy tales, though, is a little bit too much for me, though.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:05 PM
I just want to clear up the fact that I think people -should- be educated about all things in this world. There is, however, a right time and place for everything. Take D.A.R.E. for instance (for those of you who may not know...its a drug education class taught in schools usually by law enforcement). I am not sure about the rest of you, but in my area this course was mandatory for students, and something that of course they need to be educated on. They did not, however, merge it with fairy tales or anything of the like. They presented it in a proper way at a proper age (usually around 6th or 7th grade in my area). Now...some of you say that "it isnt like it has sex scenes in it" and that may be true, but the fact of the matter is that being homosexual is, by all accounts, against the normal laws of nature (by that I mean the animal kingdom minus humans). Again, people should be educated, but perhaps at a more suitable time.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:10 PM
I dont know what the big deal is. My kids knew what gay and straight was at age 4. Now days its good to let them know about their bodies and feelings they may have. If a child is gay, they wont feel weird about who they are and then can live a normal life. Most all kids are barraged with boy girl relationships. If one of my kids were gay, I would want them to know that they are normal and feel comfortable about who they are. If people could just get it in their minds that gay people arent trying to convert little children and you are what you are...this issue would be a little bit better. I mean really...ask yourself if you are straight, could I have a gay relationship? what do you think gay people say. PS The ones who do, were pressured by society and CHURCH (so called Christians) to be straight and have straight relationships. Thats why, guys and gals, you might find that your husband or wife has been sleeping around on you with someone of the same-sex. It wouldnt be that way if people would learn to accept homosexuality for what it is. A natural existence.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:11 PM
I think the real fairytale is the belief that teaching a child about homosexuality at an early age means they won't hate gay people when they grow up. There really hasn't been anything done to show that this type of program will not get the opposite result. When children are young they are innocent but that does not mean the innocence will stay with them forever, the hate usually starts to build in the early teenage years. For many cases it is not easy to even point out where the hate comes from because it is not always the parents. And when we force a belief on someone who doesn’t want it the effect almost always becomes the opposite. If anything those few individuals who will decide to hate will probably hate more passionately because of this attempt to brainwash them at a young age which they will ultimately come to resent with more rage and disgust. This happens just about every time human beings try to meddle with human personalities in the vain attempt to make people “better”.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Sanitys Last Day
Now...some of you say that "it isnt like it has sex scenes in it" and that may be true, but the fact of the matter is that being homosexual is, by all accounts, against the normal laws of nature (by that I mean the animal kingdom minus humans).

There are numerous accounts of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. Especially Penguins.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:26 PM
I always wondered about that Humpty Dumpty guy. You know with all the Kings Horses, and all the Kings men and stuff...............

And Little Jack Horner? C'mon now............

All kidding aside, I don't really have a problem with this. Homosexuality, while certainly not my cup of tea, is socially acceptable. It is a fact of life. I raise my son to not hold preujudice against anyone, and that includes homosexuals. If he hears a fairy tale that has a gay character, so be it.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:47 PM

I can understand why people don't see this is an issue. Hell they are 4 years old... They don't know what's going on. But the fact they were born says they probably don't have much affiliation with same sex relationships right?


Can't this wait until they are old enough to even comprehend sex? Seems a bit silly to me all around...

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:48 PM
All you haters, Listen very carefully....

I can't believe there is such outrage about this. You'd think schools were trying to brainwash children in the manner of that scene in the movie "Clockwork Orange".
I view this the same way I look at racism. Parents who are outraged at the thought of their children being taught that a homosexual person should be viewed as an equal to a heterosexual person, are the same type of parents who were outraged to hear that their children were being taught that a black person should be considered an equal to a white person. In many respects black people had it a lot harder than homosexual people, but this is almost the same issue.

What the schools are trying to do is teach children that a person should NOT be hated for the color of their skin, or their sexual orientation. Obviously by the look of some of these posts, those of you who are parents can't accomplish this task, so the schools have to ensure that the child doesn't grow up hating someone just because that someone doesn't look or act the same way they do.

As they say, Children are our future. If we continue to bring up hateful individuals, if we don't teach that these kind of people exist, that these are the kind of people a child might encounter in the future, we are setting ourselves up for yet more senseless violence.

A child is not going to turn gay by hearing about two men or two women caring for each other the way a man and a woman can care for each other. Schools aren't going to run homosexual porno tapes to teach kids what a man and a man do together. Homosexuality is not a virus you can catch!

This will probably be the same type of fairy tales you and I heard as children,... and I certainly don't remember hearing or seeing any sex scenes in those stories. So a prince cares for another prince and goes to save him..... big deal! God forbid we show children that two men or two women can care and love each other. We'd rather see them hatefully kill each other in battle, or go behead a dragon ..... right?

What schools are trying to do is help each member of society feel safe in their own city. Each law-abiding person should have the same rights, no matter what sexual orientation they are. They should be able to walk the streets without having to feel hated, stared at, whispered about,.... or even fearing an attack from someone who simply hates the idea of two me or women loving each other.

A week ago I posted a thread on why racism persists. Although it was a good post, it was taken to the trash bin because those who replied couldn't help but spew racist and hateful remarks. I didn't get to see some of those remarks, because the post was trashed before I had a chance to look at it! The point I tried to make is that people are afraid of "the different" naturally. If you go on to teach young children that this or that kid is "different", you're asking for trouble. You need to teach children from a very young age that these particular differences should NOT be feared. Those differences don't decide whether that person will be kind or mean, law-abiding or criminal, fair or unfair,.... or anything else that makes a person "good" or "bad",... someone who should or should not be feared.
How can any one of you with a conscience deny a gay, a black, a deformed or any kind of "different" person the right to be looked at as an equal to you? How dare you teach your children that the gay kid should be looked at "differently", or denied his/her rights to show his/her love for another person without being looked at by you with disgust? How dare you provide such a horrible reason to hate?

Speaking as a heterosexual, I wish that when I was a kid, my parents and teachers would have taught me to look at all these differences and see nothing in particular. I ended up having two gay friends (one male, one female), and didn't even know about it until they "came out". Suddenly I looked at them differently, and wish I could help myself NOT to. Had the three of us been taught that these things happen, they would not have had to hide their orientation for years, they could have had a happier life, and I could have continued to look at them the same way I look at any of you when I see you in the street,... in no way in particular. They were no different in behavior, in friendship, in intelligence than any of my other heterosexual friends, yet that tiny, little piece of information changed their lives forever. In some ways it was positive, but it more ways it was negative.
Those of you who think this is going to turn your kids gay,..... you've got issues. The only thing this is going to do is help them not hate someone for a stupid reason. If they happen to be born gay, it will also help them lead a happier life, because they'll know that they will be accepted by others just as they were accepted by them when everyone thought they were heterosexual. As long as we abide by the law and hurt no one, we are entitled to a happy, hate-free life. Being hetero or homosexual should not decide what we are entitled to as tax-paying citizens.

Let the school do what you obviously cannot,.... teach your children to be accepting of "the different". This will help society in so many ways. Not only will it reduce "hate" crime, it will save a lot of men and women from getting into marriages that eventually break up the family, because one of them was trying to hide their homosexuality by pretending to be straight. It will save future children from being hated/resented or even kicked out of their parents' house. It will allow more people to lead happy lives.... where they don't have to hide, while watching us heterosexuals do whatever we want in public without being looked at differently. It will help homosexuals not look at us with resentment as we flaunt our love in public. It's time for a new, more tolerant, more accepting, kinder generation.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
WHAT?? Isn't this child abuse??!!! 4 years old?! They can barely understand spoken English!!


[edit on 12-3-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

Um, I dunno how the kids in your area are brought up, but trust me, children have quite a vocabulary and can speak quite well at 4 years old all over the world.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 03:37 PM
I'm sorry but if this happens everywhere my kids will be home schooled plain and simple you want your kids to think it's ok to take it up the butt thats your thing but not mine. And if one of my boys comes up to me as a man and says I'm gay then so be it but I wouldn't have some teacher or any of his class mates telling them thats it's perfectly normal at 4. And if you don't like my point of view guess what you can sit and spin

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 03:38 PM
^ LOL, sit and spin!
Some would take that as an invite!

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