posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 11:44 AM
A couple of replies suggest some unrealistic fixes: One poster said that the police should just " stop them arrest them, shoot them ', as if the
cops can just see a person and identify them and execute them? Or arrest them? For violating what law? You are talking about giving the police full
and total power , and that is a DANGER to us all. Cops cannot, and MUST not, be allowed to violate the rights of ANYONE, or NONE of us is safe from
And another writer says that ' when we have a comprehensive immigration policy '...oh really? Do you believe that there is ever going to be a fix
in the borders? Yeah, right. The Bush cabal is determined to merge us with Mexico and Canada as it is. The Repugs want to get RID of the borders.
Gangs are encouraged and allowed because they serve the purposes of the Bush gang nicely: Scare the populace into surrendering their rights so that we
can be protected from the ' gangs ' ( or insert ' terrorists ' drug barons' etc.) and then make fortunes off of the drugs that the gangs move
..drugs that are allowed to pass the borders by the CIA and other black bag 3 letter agencies who crave the billions for expanded power grabbing and
enrichment of the crooks themselves.
Gangs and organized crime are just the pawns of the elite and used to generate income, sustain vast industries like courts, lawyers, cops,
parole/probnation dept.'s, prisons ( and prison industries), and on and on. They are all part of the same plan, and the people in charge and ruining
this nation will use anyone and any entity to advance their goals.
Organized crime? The Government of the USA as it is currently being run by the Bush crime family, is a racketeering enterprise of the highest order
and the most dangerous and deadly criminal element ever seen in history. Under the illegal Bush doctrines, the body count is already over ONE MILLION
since he took office ( and I mean TOOK ). Compare that with the M-13 or the Cosa Nostra or the Russians or Yakuza. The body count will keep climbing
until the real masters of this world have finished their plans. By then , the world should be a place we might very well not want to live in. And all
because of the 20%. So sad.