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Suspected 2012 DNA Change?

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by kokoro
The term "junk DNA" means parts of the DNA double helix that we find no active genes. This does not mean they dont have a purpose, its just we dont know what they do yet, or they had a purpose but we no longer need it. Junk DNA is not a strand itself it is only and area within the 2 strands. Alot of the "junk DNA is what we can tendem repeats, each person has a different number of repeats of certain sequences on each chromosome and this is what we use for paternity and DNA indentity tests.

Exactly, they dont know what the Junk DNA cells do, they are there but we dont use them.. YET. However, when this Junk DNA is activated it will form a 12 strand helix.

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[edit on 30/3/07 by masqua]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Eonnnexactly, they dont know what the Junk DNA cells do, they are there but we dont use them.. YET. However, when this Junk DNA is activated it will form a 12 strand helix.

I dont think you understand. DNA is not a cell. There are no junk DNA cells. They are only sequences of neucleotides within the double helix that we do not know the purpose of yet. That doesnt mean that they arent doing something right now, its just that our study of DNA is far from complete. However, these sequences do not move, they are part of the DNA. It would be impossible for them to "form a 12 stranded helix". DNA in replicated by separating the strands and using them as a template. This is specific and absolutely nessasary to cell division. There is no template for a 12 stranded DNA molecule. If there is no template then your polymerase will not function and you will get nothing. You dont just all of the sudden grow 10 new strands, that is not possible.

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[edit on 30/3/07 by masqua]

[edit on 30-3-2007 by kokoro]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Eonnn

Originally posted by Johnmike
I think you need to take high school science again. I'm not even going to start with the last paragraph.

What 10 remaining strands? Do you know what it means to activate DNA? Explain this to me.

And how does activating DNA give you supernatural abilities, exactly?

There are 12 strands in DNA, however, we only use 2 of them, the other 10 are what they call Junk DNA.

Figure it out yourself, Einstein.

No, your brilliance, we don't have twelve stands in DNA. It's a double-stranded linear polymer. Two strands. Two. Double helix. Humans have 46 chromosomes. Please learn high school level science before insulting people with your pseudoscientific bull.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Eonnn

Originally posted by kokoro
The term "junk DNA" means parts of the DNA double helix that we find no active genes. This does not mean they dont have a purpose, its just we dont know what they do yet, or they had a purpose but we no longer need it. Junk DNA is not a strand itself it is only and area within the 2 strands. Alot of the "junk DNA is what we can tendem repeats, each person has a different number of repeats of certain sequences on each chromosome and this is what we use for paternity and DNA indentity tests.

Exactly, they dont know what the Junk DNA cells do, they are there but we dont use them.. YET. However, when this Junk DNA is activated it will form a 12 strand helix.

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[edit on 30/3/07 by masqua]

Hahahaha! Did you pass high school biology? I sure couldn't! Jesus, I don't know where to start...

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell. Normally they aren't packed into chromosomes (the chromosome shape is a form of compression, since DNA is massive).

There are two strands of DNA per chromosome, bound by nucleotides. Each of these strands has a series of nucleotides: Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, or Thymine. The sequence of these is your genetic "code."

There is a double "helix" because two strands of DNA match up and the nucleotides bond together. Adenine binds with Thymine, and Cytosine binds with Guanine.
Likewise, it is functionally IMPOSSIBLE to have any more strands of DNA than two. What the hell are you talking about, 12-strands of DNA? Please, tell me, how it would chemically work?
Personally I doubt you could, since it appears that you have the biology knowledge of a fifth grader, but please, feel free to prove me wrong.

And...uh...DNA isn't a cell. That's pure ignorance and stupidity right there. It's a molecule within the nucleus of a cell. That's a very fundamental difference.

So please, stop telling me to "figure things out on my own," since what you're saying makes absolutely no sense.

[edit on 30-3-2007 by Johnmike]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:39 AM
When did i say DNA is a cell???? The concept is that there are two strands binding the molecules together, but when you incorporate 10 more strands it is all binded together forming a shape that looks almost like a tube spiralling around.

We didn't learn anything about DNA in school so excuse me for trying to have some fun and entertain people with the notion of there being something more than this.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Eonnn
When did i say DNA is a cell????

Originally posted by Eonnn
Exactly, they dont know what the Junk DNA cells do, they are there but we dont use them.. YET. However, when this Junk DNA is activated it will form a 12 strand helix.

Originally posted by Eonnn
The concept is that there are two strands binding the molecules together, but when you incorporate 10 more strands it is all binded together forming a shape that looks almost like a tube spiralling around.

Chemically, how does this happen? Once the two strands of DNA bind, there isn't any room for a chemical bond with another strand. Explain, scientifically, what you mean.

Originally posted by Eonnn
We didn't learn anything about DNA in school so excuse me for trying to have some fun and entertain people with the notion of there being something more than this.

Sorry, science isn't for "having fun." If you're too stupid and ignorant to back up what you say is GOING to happen, keep your mouth shut.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:28 PM
i dont know about simptons but my hair and toinels grow fast like wolverine's healing...
yea getting a little sleepy to now i sleep like two times a day...
well seems logical.i trust mayans[: and if the scientist sayd that thing about black something big is gonna happen.
whats that about cosmic radiation cant change us?dont believe...remember the nuclear bomb attack,or chernobil?
wonder why were are so sick these days and new dieseases come out now every 3 person hase like some chronical disease

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:30 PM
I can hardly read what you wrote.

All that radiation does is break a nucleotide's bond and allow it to be replaced with another. Like, knocking out an A and letting a G get in there.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:14 PM
I am a spastic paraplegia sufferer; however, the past couple of years, I have been experiencing other symptoms totally unrelated to my illness.

I can literally feel something happening deep inside my body. The other morning I had a strange dream about merging dimensions. OUR PARANORMAL WORLD

Although I have always had experiences with the paranormal from the age of four (I am 44 this October, and told that I look much younger), anyway, I have noticed that I am able to capture phenomenon on my camera on a fairly reoccuring basis. You will understand what I mean when you visit my website.

I have noticed an increase in activity around me. I get strange dizzy spells unrelated to my illness and I get an odd tingling sensation through my body during these periods.

Also, I have sensitivity to UV rays. I get intense headaches, on one occassion my head actually crackled and buzzed, as a result of the high-intensity uv rays that day. I have to wear sunglasses even when there are clouds in the sky. I can still feel the uv rays hitting my skin. I don't mean heat from the sun. I get a prickly sensation from the uv rays; more so, when the uv rays are high.

I believe something is coming alive in my body. If the alien dna is awakening and is harmonising itself. I don't mind.

All I know is that you don't only have the symptoms of change but the sensations which are unlike anything you can imagine. The sensations are really hard to describe.

For some time now, I have come to realise that something genetically was occurring in my body bar the physical symptoms. The sensations are such that they don't fit into any medical dictionary, nor are organically based.

Those of you, who have had these sensations can understand what I mean. I find them hard to put into words. In short, it is like my body is phasing.

If you look on my website, you can see that I caught my astral on photo during one such phase.

love, light and peace

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by JackCash

Here is another article describing the symptoms, that we will experience as we go through these changes.

I have personally experienced quite a few of these syptoms, as well as my wife. I had previously written them off as bad health or just plain exhaustion. Has anyone else experienced a few or more of these symptoms?

Understand that the everyday foods we eat, the water we drink, the medications we take and the personal care products we use all contain very dangerous chemicals. And when you mix certain ones with others... you get even more dangerous results. These chemicals stay in our body and cause all kinds of horrible health problems.

One article in particular described the results of a test that proved doritos and diet pepsi eaten together can cause major neurological problems. It's the mixture of MSG, Aspartame and two food colorings.

Fitzgerald: We looked at some of the studies done in the later part of 2005, examining the synergistic reactions between aspartame -- the synthetic sweetener that is found in thousands of products now -- and MSG, along with two common food colorings. This was a study done in England at a university in the later part of 2005. The result was found that when MSG, aspartame and these two food colorings were mixed together, they create a synergy that kills nerve cells. It causes neurological damage. We are only now at the threshold of medical science beginning to do any systematic examination of synergies.

Mike: Just to put in a real-world example of that, I would like to add that you can get that combination by drinking a Diet Pepsi and eating a bag of Doritos.

Fitzgerald: Absolutely. It is a children's meal. In fact, these researchers, at the University of Liverpool, wanted to examine what children commonly consume every day. That is why they picked aspartame, MSG and these two food colors, because they are so commonly found in all of the junk drinks and foods that children consume. The results should alarm us all.

A mutant species
Mike: Where do we go, Randall, if we as a global community don't wake up and come to our senses about this ongoing synthetic chemical pollution of our bodies, our land, our rivers and our streams? What is the bottom line if we don't make changes?

Fitzgerald: We will become a mutant species. In fact, we are becoming a mutant species.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, starting in 1999, began testing the blood of thousands of Americans to determine what synthetic chemicals are being carried in their blood, their body fat and their body organs. The results of these tests -- more than 10,000 people have been tested so far -- is that every single person tested was found to carry hundreds of these synthetic chemicals. The problem here is that our bodies do not recognize these synthetic chemicals, most of which have been invented, patented and produced since World War II. Our livers, which are the main detoxifying organs of our bodies, do not recognize these synthetic chemicals, and as a result, do not metabolize them. Instead, the chemicals are either pushed off into the far reaches of the liver, to be stored, or sent into body fat and body organs to be stored. As these toxins accumulate, they begin to interact with each other. This is where the problem -- that regulatory agencies and manufactures want to overlook -- becomes a health disaster for us.

Source: Interview with Randall Fitzgerald, author of The Hundred-Year Lie, on the prevalence of toxic chemicals

The FDA has been massively covering up the dangers of what's in our food, water,drugs and personal care products. It's is their goal to keep us sick so that they can continue to make money off of us. It's very disturbing.

After researching the information on NewsTarget, my boyfriend and I are in the process of taking our household completely organic. I am switching from prescription medications to organic herbal medications after realizing the dangerous chemicals that are in the drugs I take.

Put this website on your bookmarks:
This is a 100% truthful website, truly frightening and it's well worth the reading.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 06:51 PM
Hey guys/girls. I am 13 years old and im reading all about this DNA change /end of the world/ new dimension stuff about 2012. I have to say, I am #ting my pants. Will we die? Will some religious thing happen or will we evolve like it says in this thread. Im still young i dont wanna die. What should i think??? Ohhh yeah im also not a christian so is there any evidence of a judgement day or anything? responses would be great, thanks.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 06:15 AM
wow i wonder if this will happen from reading it i got pretty convinced well we will have to wait and see wont we

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 06:36 AM
Wow, i'd not heard of this before and looking at the 'symptoms' many of them apply to me!

Tension, anxiety and high stress levels —because one feels that something is going on but doesn't know what is it

That is one that i mentioned earlier in the week here on ATS!

I just wonder if those symptoms are things that a lot of people get anyway and may be nothing to do with DNA changes. Whether it is true or now though, a very interesting thought... i can't wait to see what happens in 2012. Have I been right to be skeptical?

P.S - Johnmike, why insult peoples intelligence just for trying to throw some ideas out there? Not everybody is a scientific expert.. I for one certainly am not. DNA is a complicated subject and if only people with great knowledge of the subject posted in here then we would still be on page one.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by fiftyfifty]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 01:22 PM
DNA isn't very difficult if you spend a day researching it. I wasn't insulting anyone's intelligence, I was insulting the stupidity it takes to to claim that something is absolutely going to happen like some sort of deranged mystic.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
DNA isn't very difficult if you spend a day researching it. I wasn't insulting anyone's intelligence, I was insulting the stupidity it takes to to claim that something is absolutely going to happen like some sort of deranged mystic.

Well this thread is about 2012 and DNA changes.. so how exactly do you believe DNA will change, whats going to cause this change? or are you just hear to discredit and debunk other people who believe a DNA change will happen?

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:54 AM
I don't see how any "2012" DNA change is logically plausible. It really doesn't make much sense, since it was explained through nothing but baseless mysticism and pesudoscience

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
I don't see how any "2012" DNA change is logically plausible. It really doesn't make much sense, since it was explained through nothing but baseless mysticism and pesudoscience

A lot of things don't make sense. Scientists today agree that our laws of physics could and may be wrong. There is much about the world and the universe that we do not know about or uinderstand.

Because of this, it is my belief that almost anything is possible.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:04 PM
hey check out this website, it might be what your looking for

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by tron65
hey check out this website, it might be what your looking for

Pseudoscience. Nice find, but I'm pretty sure that it's baloney.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 01:58 AM
not sure if this has been posted yet -

its about the evolution of our DNA.

I am also feeling quite odd.
I kind of feel like Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" - craving knowledge. I feel something wonderful happening.


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