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Suspected 2012 DNA Change?

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posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 10:53 AM
Excellent thread. Thanks.

I need to review the sources and think more on this before I can make a real contribution here - but...

FYI - I have several underlying diseases that result from cell and genetic mutations (main one fibromuscular dysplasia or 'angiodysplasia').

After a heart attack last summer, I have been dealing with congestive heart failure (quite bad from September to now - but finally being treated appropriately - fingers crossed) - main symptoms are breathlessness and fatigue - the heart stuff is likely secondary to dysplasia in the kidney arteries, which also results in effects to brain including visual problems, headaches, stiff neck and mini-strokes, which then causes a range of other problems.

...I have been tracking diseases that result from mutations for a while - and learned that a) there is a world wide epidemic of chronic disease, b) that result mainly from mutations, which are c) caused by environmental contaminations.

FYI - I also think the ancients were on top of ALL of this - and knew what they were talking about.

Ie., population growth and "technological progress" are predictable, as are mutations resulting from same - the galactic alignment being a super-imposed factor that will trigger a shift, under these circumstances...

??? Just a quick and dirty summary...

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Every 1 to 2 million years, the magnetic field of the earth reverses the north and south magnetic poles. The earth itself does not reverse - just the magnetic field. During the reversal process, the earth's magnetic field, which usually acts as a shield protecting lifeforms from intense solar X-rays, gamma rays, and deadly dangerous ionizing particle radiation, suddenly disappears. The deadly intense solar radiation is momentarily allowed to strike the surface of the earth.

Within hours, about 99 percent of all life on earth is instantly killed by the intense radiation. Those few 1 percent of survivors, hidden in caves, in holes in the earth, or under water are highly deformed, damaged and mutated by the intense radiation causing direct damage to the DNA molecules in their reproductive cells. But the radiation damage is not visible in those survivors, but it is clearly seen in their direct offspring.

Within months or a year, or less than one generation, the surviving mutants which may or may not still be viable, may be able to reproduce. This results in multitudes of numerous competing similar but highly modified mutant lifeforms. Then and only then, does Darwin's evolution process of "natural selection," enter the scene, to cull the less able or disabled mutant forms to be lost to history, while the strong survivors with many new adaptable traits become numerous new species. The new species were suddenly "created" by the intense radiation within one generation.

Example: About 1 million years ago, during the last magnetic field reversal, one species, Saber Tooth tigers, were extremely irradiated and in less than a year became, modern lions, tigers, pumas, ocelots, bobcats, *****cats and numerous other feline species. None of the new species was ever seen before the massive radiation event at the magnetic field reversal. Darwin's "evolution" didn't and couldn't do all of that within several years. But that is what the geologic record shows -- almost instantaneous "creation" of many new species by intense random radiation with no intermediate "missing link" forms, and all within one generation.

Since the time of the age of dinosaurs, which ended 65 million years ago, there have been about 15 to 20 magnetic field reversals. At each reversal, there is almost instantaneous creation of multitudes of new lifeforms, usually resulting in many forms coming from just one earlier life form. And usually the earlier life form disappears, since it is no longer competitive.

Another example: The early horse, eohippus, about the size of a dog, disappeared, but became donkeys, horses and several equine variants such as zebras which are almost related species. Notice, in this process there is no gradual evolution -- and thus no "missing links" between species.

Charles Darwin, when he invented his evolution theory, knew nothing about this, since "radiation" was not "discovered" until 50 years later by Madame Currie. And the effect of radiation on DNA was completely unknown, until DNA was "discovered" by Watson and Crick 100 years after Darwin. Thus Darwin, in the mid-19th century, had no clue as to what might be the actual cause to make one species change into another species. Thus Darwin's Theory is wrong.

No missing links between species have ever been discovered. Now you know why. The new species were "created" almost in the blink of an eye, by intense solar radiation. No intermediate species or "missing link" were ever born. The new mutant species were born directly from their highly radiated and DNA-modified parents.

Thus, almost instantaneously, in geologic time, the new lifeforms are "created" by the intense radiation, and then the survivors quickly "evolved" in just one generation into the many viable new species.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by JackCash
As some of you might have heard, some people believe that as 2012 looms nearer, us as humans will undergo a DNA change.

Oh dear. I predict we'll see sillier and sillier things come out as it gets closer.

The myans predicted that on Dec 21, 2012 our current world would be destroyed and we will enter the new world.

Actually, they didn't. They had a combined civil and religious calendar that took 3600 years to synch (one cycle.) In 2012 they'd start a new cycle with everything in synch again. There's no specific predictions for that time.

No foolin'.

We also know that on Dec 21, 2012, we will allign with our galactic center.

Actually, we don't. That's the date when the "rift" in the Milky Way (actually just clouds of dust) aligns with sunrise at the winter solstice. Right now it's just a few degrees away from being exactly aligned. So we've been "aligned with our galactic center" all along.

Although scientists don't know wht will happen...

In fact, they do.

Here is an article that I ran across on this DNA mutation.

You might not want to put too much stock in those articles. What they're describing is as likely as you waking up tomorrow morning and finding out that you've grown 10 extra legs overnight. When you get extra DNA in a cell, you don't get "wonderful things" ... instead you get death and handicaps. And cancer. You get lots of cancer.

Very few mutations are beneficial:

And your whole body doesn't get the mutated gene... generally it's only one cell at a time. The neighboring cell can have no mutations or a different mutation.

I have personally experienced quite a few of these syptoms, as well as my wife. I had previously written them off as bad health or just plain exhaustion.

Notice that the "symptoms" are a "Barnum's list" in reverse. They're not diagnostic of anything and EVERYONE has one or more of those symptoms at some time each year. Check the environment and stress instead.

This is a good time to start reading general health issues. As our climate changes, we'll see more problems develop due to pollution and new allergins entering our environment. As animals and plants shift to new ecosystems, expect more of this kind of thing.

But the 2012 thing won't "cure" them. Folks who believe in it will be disappointed when they find out that nothing has happened and that problems that haven't been fixed (like climate change) are getting worse.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:42 AM
Simple answers are most of the time hardly simple, but here goes. Yes our bodies will change at the very molecular level. Our DNA doesn't need another chemical to change it as someone had posted ealier. DNA emits and recieves hundreds of photons per second. This light source is what will eventually transform our physical procedures into the etheral next level.

All answers can be found within, but here are some articals of interests, if you need the help.

One school of thought insists that humans are actually made of sound and that DNA itself may be a form of sound. Drawing on meticulously documented research, Harvard-trained Leonard Horowitz expertly demonstrates that DNA emits and receives both phonons and photons, or electromagnetic waves of sound and light.



posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by

I have personally experienced quite a few of these syptoms, as well as my wife. I had previously written them off as bad health or just plain exhaustion. Has anyone else experienced a few or more of these symptoms? I'm not saying that I am going through any dramatic changes at the moment, but I wanted to entertain the thought of this.

I can honestly say that I have experienced all the symptoms I must have 1023 of the 1024 strands by now.

Sadly it is articles like that get the gullible believing they are special by listing symptoms that are just every day life.

I believe that there is a crock of excrement spoken about DNA. The minute changes that make a difference from man to ape or pig is indicative of the immense changes that a transformation from 2 to 1024 strands would have.

To exist at a "higher vibration" do you people really believe that our physical bodies need to adapt? What the hell do you think goes on with all the meditative new age inter-dimensional BS is about? When some trance induced Muppet says that they have connected to a higher plane and spoken to an alien, a demon or whatever their delusional fancy is, does their body change to a crystalline structure temporarily or do they merely move their consciousness higher. I believe that the physical body is but a displacement in this reality, a hire car to get us where we are going. We don't need nonsense like evolving DNA to get us there. The next part of the journey is already mapped out, we will use a new car, not pimp out the old one with 1024 strand DNA.

You guys carry on and worry about 2012, nothing will change, well except that you guys will have to look at some other manuscripts and revise the death and gloom by date

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by delta33Within hours, about 99 percent of all life on earth is instantly killed by the intense radiation.

You've been given some very bad information there.

I work in a paleontology lab and can prove beyond doubt that this doesn't happen. We've never had a case where 99% of life on earth was "instantly killed." The biggest dieoff (Permian-Triassic) was around 96% of the ocean lifeforms and 70% of terrestrial lifeforms and it took place over tens of thousands (and possibly a million) years.

Those few 1 percent of survivors, hidden in caves, in holes in the earth, or under water are highly deformed, damaged and mutated by the intense radiation causing direct damage to the DNA molecules in their reproductive cells. But the radiation damage is not visible in those survivors, but it is clearly seen in their direct offspring.

We have lots and lots of bones in museums around the world, and we just don't see that. The last such magnetic reversal was only 780,000 years ago and there's no particular rise of any species then or great die-off. The extinction of the large mammals (mammoths, etc) happens at a time when there's no magnetic reversal.

Then and only then, does Darwin's evolution process of "natural selection," enter the scene, to cull the less able or disabled mutant forms to be lost to history, while the strong survivors with many new adaptable traits become numerous new species. The new species were suddenly "created" by the intense radiation within one generation.

Instead of getting your information from some websites, you might find it interesting to visit more paleontologial museums that have bones and specemins of ancient creatures. In fact, evolution is clearly shown long before that... in things as ancient as diatoms (4 billion years ago). A good local museum will have examples of this, as will any college with a department of geology or paleontology.

Example: About 1 million years ago, during the last magnetic field reversal, one species, Saber Tooth tigers, were extremely irradiated and in less than a year became, modern lions, tigers, pumas, ocelots, bobcats, *****cats and numerous other feline species.

Uhm... no. The sabertooth tigers died out 10,000 years ago and the last magnetic reversal was 780,000 years ago. Modern tigers and so forth were around 10,000 years ago. And there have been several different species of sabertooth cats... not just one.

Another example: The early horse, eohippus, about the size of a dog, disappeared, but became donkeys, horses and several equine variants such as zebras which are almost related species. Notice, in this process there is no gradual evolution -- and thus no "missing links" between species. mesohippus, miohippus, kalobatippus, parahippus, merychippus, hipparion, pilohippus, dinohipus, and plesippus? I'm not sure what your source website calls those, but everyone else calls those "missing link species."

No missing links between species have ever been discovered. Now you know why. The new species were "created" almost in the blink of an eye, by intense solar radiation. No intermediate species or "missing link" were ever born. The new mutant species were born directly from their highly radiated and DNA-modified parents.

Thus, almost instantaneously, in geologic time, the new lifeforms are "created" by the intense radiation, and then the survivors quickly "evolved" in just one generation into the many viable new species.

Can I suggest that you take that website out of your bookmarks and instead get your basic info from Wikipedia (as a start)? I know it's imperfect, but if you'd used that as a source you wouldn't have been led into those misconceptions.

BTW, we have seen several species evolve in modern times.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:55 AM
Thank you Byrd for saving me the trouble of pointing out the bleeding obvious.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Soficrow, I too was diagnosed with fibrimuscular dysplasia about a year ago. When I started researching it (and it is so rare there is little out there) I was a little distraught to find that 70% of the people diagnosed are diagnosed at autopsy (scary). I had a mild stroke and they found that my carotid artery had completely collapsed. But rather than get depressed, I had a really strong feeling that everything was going to be fine. I have always been real laid back (lazy) but now I have a good excuse. I just tell people “heh, I have an incurable vascular disease, give me a break.” I am enjoying every day. And I am a strong believer that on December 21, 2012 something is going to happen. It’s not often that Earth aligns with the Galactic Center. Maybe that’s the day we will learn “the truth” and it will set us free. I would love to be released from my everyday struggles to free myself from the moneylenders who control this world.

I too have many of the symptoms described. But they are not unpleasant. In the evening when I relax I get tingling that goes all through my body and great rushes (no, no drugs). I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Let the change come.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Agian, thank you for saving me from having to reply back as well.

Soficrow, Jones,

I hope you are right for your sake. My wife and I have had too many people from our family lose, or be struck with cancer. I don't see what's wrong in hoping for something as wonderful or enlightening as an experience like that would give us.

[edit on 9-3-2007 by JackCash]

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 12:15 PM
Well, I was going to tell everyone about me have those same symptoms,however after reading Byrds posts of common sense I now relize what my problem is. Its not my DNA changing.....My wife cut me off a year ago so im a little frustrated I think...hehe.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 12:39 PM
hmmm...would be neat if this is real. i have EVERY "symptom".
though, it also sounds like a case of "coming of age".
where are you, Mrs.Robinson?lol.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 03:58 PM
Do you not realize that after our body's went through a black hole the only "New world" would be the after life???

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Do you not realize that after our body's went through a black hole the only "New world" would be the after life???

Who said anything about going through a blackhole?

You obviously didn't read the thread.

Reply back after you know what you are talking about.


posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 06:08 PM
Well, after reading the symptoms from the links provided, it sure seems to me like the symptoms are closely if not exactly what the CHEMTRAIL symptoms read like. anybody else get that? i think this theory is the distraction to try and make peeps feel better about what their feeling like thses days thanks to the chemtrail spraying! cmon now, where are these kids with the 3 dna strands, now that would have at least made news somewhere?

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 06:51 PM
The Mayan's did not predict the world would be destroyed. The only thing the Mayans had is an end date on their calendar of Dec 21, 2012, but no end of the world predictions.

The Mayan's had many calendars and were masters at astronomy and mathematics.

Originally posted by JackCash

The myans predicted that on Dec 21, 2012 our current world would be destroyed and we will enter the new world. We also know that on Dec 21, 2012, we will allign with our galactic center. Although scientists don't know wht will happen, there are a few things that we know about the center of our galaxy.


posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Many metaphysician's believe it will be the photons that alter our DNA as we pass through the galactic alignment in 2012 and pass through a massive photon belt. A theory based on studies of DNA having special abilities in attracting photons. Do a search on Google and you will be amazed at what you find.

Originally posted by AlphaAnuOmega
I would like to know what will change our existing DNA? Since DNA is a chemical, we would need another chemical to be introduced in order to change our existing DNA. Cosmic radiation will not alter our DNA, we would need some magic potion in order to change our DNA for radiation alone cannot alter our chemical makeup.

[edit on 9-3-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Many metaphysician's believe it will be the photons that alter our DNA as we pass through the galactic alignment in 2012 and pass through a massive photon belt. A theory based on studies of DNA having special abilities in attracting photons. Do a search on Google and you will be amazed at what you find.

Well, I am... but not in a good way.

The person who came up with the idea really has no clue about photons... what they are or how they operate. I think someone actually pointed this out to her but by then she was so entrenched with her book and website that she can't stand to listen to the truth.

Photons are simply massless particles (an energy-packet of light), and as such they behave with the laws of physics: they go in a straight line. They can't form a "belt."

Your DNA doesn't attract particles of light (photons.) If it did, we could see each other glowing in the dark and the glow could be measured. It'd be hard to get to sleep, too, because every time you closed your eyes, the glow from your eyelids would distract you.

You might also want to read up on the precession of the equinoxes:

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 07:32 PM
First of all. lol! I agree with you in part here, we would be glowing, but think about it, we are all pure energy. What we see is really not even suppose to be here, in fact we theoretically should be able to pass through walls but we can't.

I know just by what you post you know what I speak of. There really isn't any solid at all just electrons, neutrons, proton, querks, etc... moving really really fast and a lot of space in between them all.

There are many crazy theories these days, but from things I have seen and experienced in the past 40 years I am open to many new ideas.

And I will read up on precession of the equinoxes: Thank you!

Originally posted by Byrd

Your DNA doesn't attract particles of light (photons.) If it did, we could see each other glowing in the dark and the glow could be measured. It'd be hard to get to sleep, too, because every time you closed your eyes, the glow from your eyelids would distract you.

You might also want to read up on the precession of the equinoxes:

[edit on 9-3-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 08:32 PM
Bryd, although I respect your intellectual position on the matter, i must disagree that our bodies don't emit photons.

Because in the end... we're all light-beings.

What do you think about this study, credible?

"The detector found that fingernails release 60 photons, fingers release 40 and the palms are the dimmest of all, with 20 photons measured."



posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 08:36 PM
Quick question. Still new to a few things BUT have always wondered.

If earth and our human body frequencies doubled what would happen to us and earth?

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