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The Lagging Quality At ATS, Bothering!

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posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 02:02 AM
I've been reading ATS off and on for the last 3 years but just recently signed up ( I have been bed ridden for a few weeks with broken ribs and TV got boring) I think it comes in waves, a few months of bad then it gets better then worse etc.

I com here for the honest debate, not the name calling or scathing flames, I can get those in any chat room, but to see anyone defend himself with a pithy remark is truly worthwhile. I can take any side of just about any debate out there ( except auto repair, in that I remain clueless on purpose) I like the game.
Some of the subject matter I find hard to believe ( ever heard of "sharkmen"?) reptiods and hollow earth are fun to think about ( and yes I have read the scifi stores that they emanated from), I am here more for the mental gymnastics that pepople go through to support their positions, I find it entertaining and fascinating, and sometimes I even learn new things

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 02:20 AM
Yeah maybe it's gone downhill a bit.In my opinion that is because more people are criticizing,and pointing fingers at the staff and the entire board,instead of suggesting to them how we could make it better.I'm sure they'd be glad to hear any suggestions.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Im 41 by the way from Australia i love this site i dont live on it but check once a day or so.
Sure there is some subject matter which makes me smile a bit and a lot of head slapping "is this person for REAL!!!" type of posts, to be honest i love it all, i notice some people get a bit defencive if pulld up on a subject, but i have seen some good discussions on ATS and a lot can be achievd in a constructive debate. Im guilty my self for posting dumb ass reply a few times too.
Also i will admit i get a bit intimidated sometimes as i wonder if i should or should not post i mean from what i have read on this site there is a few very learned and very smart (imo) people in the ATS comunity and not being the most academic of people ill read rather than post,but what i lack in the schooling department i make up for in life experince. Im a Shocker in the spelling dept as well
all in all i have picked up a lot of info on this site and a lot of food for thought . and a sore neck for always looking UP for those pesky ufo's

Thanks for the ride ATS

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