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The Lagging Quality At ATS, Bothering!

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posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 05:36 PM
To whom it may consern.

I'm not sure how to put this, but I have a feeling that this forum contains more bs than real deal. This is kind of sad, or not even kind of, it is pretty damn sad. All the crazy, if not plain stupid threads and replies one has to go through every day to try to find some real substance is just horrific.

I must admit, the first time I stumbled upon this forum, I was quite pleased and felt that maybe this time I've struck gold. But now I have come to some depressing conclusions, like the fact that one of the major front-figures (no names mentioned) who is (sadly) really adored among a vast majority of the ATS-members, and aparently by the ATS-mods as well (which is even more sad) is so totally full of it that it holds no limits. No one seems to even dare to question this looney, and yes, that is what he (or she, I have no idea who hides behind that user name, probably someone who has a real good laugh, I hope) truely is, a wacko. And even if someone tries to bring this to light, they are swiftly told off by the mods and admins. Other issues are the restless talk about topics that are so much nonsense, take for an (golden) example "Dulce" or however that is spelled. How do people even find the strength to go over that issue, over and over again? I could come up with lots of other things, but I think by now you get the point, there is a tremendous ammount of BS flying around this forum.

And why is it a problem? Because, for us truth-seekers, who tries to be acknowledged and not taken for idiots, suffers alot from this. It would be real nice to know the standard age of this sites' users. I would not be surprised if it is 'round 14, maybe 16.

What to do then? Well, I dunno. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, right? But... Does anyone who feel me on this one know some place, some forum where one can discuss the things that accually matters without the interference of under-/overaged nutbags that keeps posting half-assed pictures of aliens, claiming them to be "real, ture, genuine, stuff" or who comes up with wanna-be urban myths, or claims of beings wandering the surface of Venus?

So, now I spilled my guts on this one. If you personally felt offended by this post, so be it; I do turn to you. But it would be nice to hear if someone is feeling me on this one. I just had it with all the crap. It makes as all look like idiots, and I know for a fact that I am not an idiot. If you feel that so is not the case, reply and we may discuss it.

Keep the banner high, you who holds it.

(edited for typos, there are probably more)

[edit on 8-3-2007 by Raud]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I kind of see where you are coming from, but at the end of the day everyone is free to post on this site as long as they abide by the T&Cs. By virtue of the nature of this site, there is always going to be unusual (unbelievable) claims. We can't just arbitrarily dismiss anyone who comes on here with something we don't personally believe (or more likely, understand), because we risk missing something important.

Where I have problems is when questions are asked, and no answer is returned, or the questioner gets ridiculed. I think I know one of the specific areas of concern that you have, and I agree. It is self-perpetuating self-promotion with absolutely no substance. But most reasonable people will realise this, and ignore it for what it is.

If you have specific concerns, push the complaint button, or U2U a mod direct. It's a big site, and they don't always get a chance to read everything. You're fairly new, and the vibe of the site takes a while to get used to.

Some people will believe things no matter what. Hit ignore if it really, really bugs you. But I believe ATS does hold the banner high compared to other sites. And part of the reason for this is that the members hold each other accountable, and the reasonable person can draw their own conclusions.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Dear Raud:

Oh, oh spaghetti-o. I bet you’ve ruffled some feathers with this one (your thread). But I for one TOTALLY agree with you. And now, I’m in trouble too! (for saying that.)

But the truth is, all the silly stuff on ATS — and most of it is — sends potentially serious and knowledgeable posters running away like crazy. I mean the minute the site pops up on the web all the alien and UFO headlines are plastered all across the front page. Actually it’s nothing BUT extraterrestrial and far-fetched nonsense shown as ‘important’ topics. There is good stuff on ATS but you really, really gotta dig to get to it. But only the almost unreasonably open-minded will have the intellectual strength to ignore all the junk without allowing it to taint the credibility of the valid information.

Perhaps ATS doesn’t want to be taken seriously. Ever thought of that?

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 07:33 PM
Wow I read the title and thought someone was finally commenting on how slow the site loads ("lagging").

I find it lags a lot and I keep getting a popup/popunder advertisement browser from personal web or whatever it is. My popup software (I have 3 on) won't stop it and everytime it comes up, my puter either freezes or crashes. I find it highly annoying, to say the least. But I guess since the OP didn't mean that by the title, I guess I am the only one who has this happen to for some reason.

The stuff that gets posted here, some of it does seem over the top, but hey, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. I've had some really weird stuff happen to me too, so I'll not pretend to know everything.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 07:40 PM
I understand where your coming from, but from my experience here, there is so much else that stands this site alone above all the others.
There's a cameraderie here, even with those with who you disagree.
Sure theres alot of stuff thats over the top, but whats bs to you is another mans (or womans) gold.

If something really gets your back up, research, collect your facts and offer your opinion in a well thought out respectful manner, you cant go wrong.

The best thing about the internet, your only a click away from some even more outrageous bs.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 09:05 PM
I've had an argument with the anonymous person over this very topic in the past, and it doesn't help.

Just learn to live with it. Sure, there is probably more BS than facts here, but we can't do anything about it. The person in question is determined to keep the boards an environment for everyone, regardless whether they have evidence or not.

Certain threads like Alien Agenda's, Sleepers and John Lear's go into some very confronting topics, and i agree that they would scare away the average person that may have had a strange experience. They may have seen something and want to relay it, but when they are hit straight away with reptilian politicians, hollow planets and soul collectors i can understand they they'd want to press the back button.

All we can do is hope they don't, and try to get past the nonsense.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 05:12 AM
Raud, you are right, and wrong. Without dragging every member into a room to determine their age (physical or mental), intellectual prowess and sanity, you will never get past the mix of good and bad here. Even then, there would be some who manage to slip through the selection process.

As this is the Internet, it goes without saying that you have to work hard to get to the pearls of wisdom whilst potentially having to wade through piles of dross. ATS cannot be the perfect dumping ground for sane and objective theories or information because the subject matter covered on the forum is mostly controversial. However, ATS does try very hard to maintain integrity, giving everyone an equal measure of respect and opportunity to have their say. There are few places online like this.

Keep reading the threads. Pick out those that you find interesting and intelligent and contribute when you think you can. Research for yourself and constructively and politely debunk or ignore the wilder claims. Keep your mind open to possibilities you would not otherwise have considered and remember....just because it sounds like bs, doesn't actually mean it always is!


posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 07:53 AM
Ive said it months ago, this used to be a great forum where people discussed things on the edge. Now its full of freaks, attention whores and hoaxers.

Its now hard to find decent threads because theres so much crap around.

If I had my tinfoil hat on, Id say these are government agents planting wackos into what used to be a credible site.

If they are real people then the points system is to blame, all they have to do is start a troll thread and the replies come flooding in. Id love to see use be able to vote on thread so they could get minus points instead. Just maybe one or two a day so whenever we see a "smoking gun proof!!!111!" thread which obviously shows no such thing, we can give them minus points to discourage future thread like them.

[edit on 9-3-2007 by Flyer]

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Like beauty, BS is in the mind of the beholder. What you call BS, many others don't. What others may call BS, you don't. Stop assuming you can be so omniscient and certain about calling the truth on things that you can always smell BS. That's called arrogance. Just maybe sometimes the problem lies more with your nose.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 02:59 PM
Thank you all for your replies, they mean a lot to me accually. I expected more pie-throwing. I mean, I am a bigtime CT, and I am pretty hard core on what I know and believe. I also believe in higher powers and that we are not alone in the universe and I can form the thought of us being visited every now and then, it could happen, maybe. That kind of really, really briefly sums up what I think, but still I am a normal freakin person and all these almost obscene posts that chokes this site...
Ah, nevermind lets go for some quotes instead;

Originally posted by Flyer If I had my tinfoil hat on, Id say these are government agents planting wackos into what used to be a credible site.

and double

That one made me laugh!

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods Oh, oh spaghetti-o. I bet you’ve ruffled some feathers with this one (your thread). But I for one TOTALLY agree with you. And now, I’m in trouble too! (for saying that.)

Man, I am at a loss of an answer to all these positive words, I thought I was gonna get my ass beaten for posting this. Feels good to know that I am not alone.

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
Perhaps ATS doesn’t want to be taken seriously. Ever thought of that?

Hmm... No, but it figures.

Originally posted by Willard856
I think I know one of the specific areas of concern that you have, and I agree. It is self-perpetuating self-promotion with absolutely no substance. But most reasonable people will realise this, and ignore it for what it is.

Yes, oh yes. But the attention people bother to give is so sickening and pathetic I can't let it pass!!!

Originally posted by Willard856
But I believe ATS does hold the banner high compared to other sites.

Like what sites? Any recommendations?

Originally posted by Jessicamsa
Wow I read the title and thought someone was finally commenting on how slow the site loads ("lagging").

Ever tried using one or more of the following; better browser, faster connection, anti-spyware scan every now and then? This site flows like a river for me.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 01:29 PM
There are better less commercial sites available.

I`m sure after all the mod bashing a troll fishing the Admin will now use on you will result in you telling them where to place ATS followed by being banned.

You`ll find better though its only a punishment if you trully love Ats

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 01:44 PM

However, ATS does try very hard to maintain integrity, giving everyone an equal measure of respect and opportunity to have their say. There are few places online like this.

I think that pretty much sums up my thoughts on the topic as well.

By the way, to those who think that by voicing criticism of ATS they're going to be banned, either you haven't been here very long or you just don't get it. There's a reason ATS has been around so long. Those sites that ban every single critic end up with only their staff as members and soon die out.

Criticisms of ANYTHING (staff, members, content, layout, whatever) when presented in a civil manner and keeping with the decorum expected are NEVER met with anyone being banned.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:28 PM

However, ATS does try very hard to maintain integrity, giving everyone an equal measure of respect and opportunity to have their say. There are few places online like this.

That has more to do with commercial interests than topic interest.

Personally I prefer the surrounding of Intelligent investigation and research.

Most members on ATS seem to spend most of the time searching the net for sightings/investigations then hurry to be the first with a post on it along with a link, which then follows the usual wow good find comments followed by this has been debunked/discussed before followed by various mocking comments.

I bet if a UFO landed outside Simon or Skeptics window they wouldn`t notice and even if they did they probably wouldn`t care further than how best to fill this site and generate more traffic and revenue.

I could be wrong it would be nice to see photo`s of say Simon`s last field trip into the unknown world we discuss here but I bet the Amigos don`t get time.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:49 PM

I bet if a UFO landed outside Simon or Skeptics window they wouldn`t notice and even if they did they probably wouldn`t care further than how best to fill this site and generate more traffic and revenue.

I think that statement there, particularly the last part, has done a wonderful job of showing that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and know nothing about the people you're criticizing. Nothing could be further from the truth regarding the two people you've decided to take a potshot at.

Amazing how you've arrived at that conclusion after a day here...

(We're only counting your current account right?)

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:25 PM
What gets me is the double, tripple, quatripple and zound posts: topics that can be found on every thread just about in one shape or another and there are hundreds of them, all talking about the SAME THING. That is what gets so annoying, people keep repeating, again, and again, and again... and again........ and again................... Same topic, same place, and the kicker is you can find the same one with 3 different wording phrases on another thread.
Trolls though are amusing, there are about 3-5 trolls on ATS who really get around, what is so funny though is people laugh and ignore them but they just keep on pushing. Also the ones who threaten to turn you in the Department of Homeland Security, the cops, FBI and CIA because you say down with X. Those are the kickers, and the fun things is: ATS allows people like that to STAY.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by 3xp3000
I bet if a UFO landed outside Simon or Skeptics window they wouldn`t notice and even if they did they probably wouldn`t care further than how best to fill this site and generate more traffic and revenue.

It's amazing how these returning banned members just can't help re-iterating they same crappola when they return after a week's respite as if I won't immediately recognise them...

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
What gets me is the double, tripple, quatripple and zound posts: topics that can be found on every thread just about in one shape or another and there are hundreds of them, all talking about the SAME THING. That is what gets so annoying, people keep repeating, again, and again, and again... and again........ and again................... Same topic, same place, and the kicker is you can find the same one with 3 different wording phrases on another thread.
Trolls though are amusing, there are about 3-5 trolls on ATS who really get around, what is so funny though is people laugh and ignore them but they just keep on pushing. Also the ones who threaten to turn you in the Department of Homeland Security, the cops, FBI and CIA because you say down with X. Those are the kickers, and the fun things is: ATS allows people like that to STAY.

Since english is not my native language, I need you to rewrite that reply and discibe closer what you mean. I do not understand. Something about this not being a very original thread, something I can figure out myself. But the last part I don't get.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:03 PM
I think there was a thread about this a while back and I liked SO's input into it as well. He basically said "The shock wears off" you get to ATS and it's all new and your reading and posting and what not and it's all great!. But a year down the road, it's all rehashed stuff and stuff that has been covered a million times.
I like some of the topics I don't even agree with like Hollow Earth and Reptilians and things.
What actually gets to me these days is the titles. "I have definate proof!" open it and it's an opinion. "I have solved the secret!" open....what do you think of my idea?..." was definitely NOT a " open...targeted articles that are biased, cut and paste only what supported the argument from the source article. Oh, and pretty much anything by Soulja, but that hasn't changed.
Yes, I do still stop by and do some digging. No, I don't live on the sight as I once did.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Raud
I'm not sure how to put this, but I have a feeling that this forum contains more bs than real deal.




(wipes away the tears)

What was the first clue? Was it the lizard-men flying the black triangles or the psychic vampires battling masonic chupathingies over the remains of Atlantis?

Look mate, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can't view every post here as being something where you'll find a well-supported argument stating a reasonable hypothesis and scientific data to back it up. We tried that. It fell apart in days. However, that's no reason to abandon ATS.

I look at it as one huge pool of brainstorming with really quick newsfeeds. Thanks to ATS, I've generally heard about relevant real-world newsworthy events days before NPR reports them, and often a week or more before friends and family have heard anything, and often with a lot more thought put into the implications of it.

So instead of worrying about threads that just scream bs to you, worry about the ones that capture your interests, and work to improve the content within those threads, and create your own as well.

Originally posted by Raud
Does anyone who feel me on this one know some place, some forum where one can discuss the things that accually matters without the interference of under-/overaged nutbags

Yeah, I call it my bathroom mirror.

Seriously. The strength of ATS lies in the fact that people CAN post any ol' half-arsed thing as long as it meets the TAC standards. There might only be one gem in a hundred, or even a thousand posts, but it's that one gem that makes it worth coming back.

And being a veteran of many, many forums out there, I have to say that so far, ATS has the broadest, most mature and reasonable audience I've run across yet.

But if you want a place where no one's views differ from yours, where the only things you'll see and hear are important things, and where you can pretty much be assured that every user and statement will meet your personal standards of quality, then all I can recommend is to find a good mirror, and strike up conversations with your reflection.

Originally posted by Raud
So, now I spilled my guts on this one. If you personally felt offended by this post, so be it; I do turn to you. But it would be nice to hear if someone is feeling me on this one. I just had it with all the crap.

Most of the senior members here have at some point or another, "had it with all the crap". I myself posted a thread on it, called Black Triangles are being piloted by Reptilian Psychic Vampires from Atlantis! and in the space of an hour, it got more hits than any other post of the day. The post basically expressed my displeasure of what threads got the most attention.

Originally posted by Raud
It makes as all look like idiots, and I know for a fact that I am not an idiot. If you feel that so is not the case, reply and we may discuss it.

Not really, not to anyone smart enough to realize that there is most certainly a "lowest common denominator" among mankind. There's almost 100,000 registered users here. That's the size of a large city. It only stands to reason that there's going to be a lowest common denominator on ATS, just like there would be in any real life city. This common denominator is what keeps shows like Jerry Springer and UPN formula sitcoms on the air and very profitable. Except instead of the lowest common denominator being sex, violence, and low-brow humor, like it is on TV, the lowest common denominator on ATS is going to be Aliens/PsyOps, NWO/Illuminati, and Ghosts/Religion.

That's not to say there aren't some very good, thought-provoking, and downright frightening posts out there in those very subjects. I've read some of the most incredible threads of my life here on ATS, but you have to accept that the lowest common denominator will make up a majority of any population greater than 1, and the more people something attracts, the more rubbish will be produced in the process of cranking out viable information. Just think of it as massive social brainstorming.

[edit on 3/15/2007 by thelibra]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 02:16 PM
I hear that! This site has definitely gone downhill in the past several months, and it's sad. The real content is so drowned in crap lately that i don't bother with it anymore, i don't have 10 hours to sift through turd to find one or two topics that are actually any good.

I used to come to ATS daily to read intelligently written and well thought out posts, now about once a month i stop by, and after sifting through turd and finding only more turd, i leave.

This site used to contain intelligence and thought provoking discussion, now it's like reading a comic book written by illiterate ADD kids.

What happened to you ATS? You used to be cool!

Are there any sites out there like the old ATS? I'd like to get back to having a real discussion with a healthy dose of rationality and intelligence like we used to do.

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