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Two Year Old & Five Year Old Caught Smoking Pot On Camera

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posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 04:04 PM
I find it all too funny that right after they showed the kids smoking "pot" on the news, the very next segment was about the most effective pain medication for children... this world is bananas.. CRAZY PEOPLE !!!!! You are all CRAZY!

Lets give kids Codein and tylenol! yay!

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 06:19 PM
Firstly. no one HERE knows the mothers circumstances, what if she is working two Jobs to put a Food on the table and a roof over their heads? possible? yes it is, and if that is the case, how can she watch her kids and work and sleep?
and how is small kids like court ordered drugs? well, it seems to me both are FORCED

it's like you have a sore finger so the immediate solution is cut your hand off

This is a SYMPTOM people, why would you cut off your hand if the finger is sore?

How many of you had some form of alcohol before you were 21? or 16? or 10?

How many mothers rubbed whiskey on your gums when you were teething ( ask you mother, you may be surprised) but thats different cause it's a legal substance.

where these two teens stupid, Yes, did they Kill the kids? No, how many of you "caring folks" drive autos? you are doing MORE harm to children then giving them a couple of puffs of pot.

NO ONE had EVER died from MJ use, NONE.

If you are so upset and concerned about other peoples Kids you should start adopting them, Put up or shut up, whining abut it doesn't change anything.

if you have no humor in your life and think other peoples humor is sick, then you are no Better then the teens forcing pot, express your point of view, but why disparage others? it's YOUR point of view, and thats Great, but saying yours is Better?

thats like the court forcing drugs on kids, I was on ritalin as a child, and I am STILL dealing with it as a middle age adult. and no one is Helping me at all, cause I'm OLD.. you "train" kids that drugs are ok, and kids grow up thinking drugs ARE ok, I WISH it had been pot, at least I wouldn't have addiction problems now

if you think this story is not political your not denying ignorance at all, your embracing it

If I upset any of you I'm glad, but mostly I want you to really think about WHY this upsets you................:bash:

[edit on 5-3-2007 by thedigirati]

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati
Firstly. no one HERE knows the mothers circumstances, what if she is working two Jobs to put a Food on the table and a roof over their heads? possible? yes it is, and if that is the case, how can she watch her kids and work and sleep?

Exactly. Nobody does, yourself included. And what I have been referencing, is the young person's willingness to smoke pot with her at home. If she was working two jobs and running a tight ship at home, whether she was asleep or not, they would not of risked smoking it in the home. The fact they are willing to smoke it while she is home gives us a solid basis to make these accusations.


What I am growing frustrated with, is this inclination to "bash" these members who are pissed off with what these young people have done. Oh it's only weed, so what? Blah Blah Blah! Where in this thread has a member stepped up and said, "WEED? WHAT!" Nobody seems to really give a damn that it was Marijuana. The fact is, these young people persuaded a two year old, and a five year old child to consume a drug. I don't care what the drug is, that is wrong. What bugs me more is that they were willing to do this with the mother in the house.

I don't care that it was Marijuana, it is an insignificant detail in the broader picture. So these little attacks and rants in defense of Marijuana are completely unfounded.

We are talking about two teenagers taking a two year old child, and a five year old child, and persuading them to consume drugs. Then we have members coming in talking about how much BS this is because of Ritalin, Alcohol, etc. I mean, What? I wish I had of left the fact it was Marijuana out of the title, so then we could of actually had a discussion on this issue, rather than all of this crap we have seen.

I, and from what I can see, others, do not care that it was Marijuana. Allow me to say it again, We Do Not Care About The Marijuana! What I, and from what I can see, others, are frustrated with are that these teenagers had a two year old child, and a five year old child, consume a drug. Again, I don't care what the drug was, the fact is, it was a drug. I would be just as upset if it were a beer or a cigarette.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Maybe if parents were around more stuff like this wouldn't happen period.

Parents are ultimately responsible, period.

Many parents are so caught up in a BS lifestyle and trying to keep up with the Jones, that their children are at the mercy of the world around them.

How much do children need? Big houses? Lot's of cars? Toys? oh yeah maybe they need designer clothes every week too, no I think they need the love, time and support of at least one parent 24/7, so they don't have to grow up so quickly and have a bit of guidance also.

[edit on 5-3-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Over the last two weeks I've been involved with a few organizations, and chatted with several individuals who have worked in the field, of youth who are in conflict with the law, for over thirty years. What this individual stands by is this:

When it comes to young people who are in conflict with the law...

95% can be retraced back to the parents.
2.5% can go to peer preesure.
2.5% can go to drugs, alcohol, etc.

Coming from an individual who has been actively involved for over three decades, I really can see where he is coming from.

I tend to agree.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 07:20 PM
well, like I said this is a symptom, maybe if we had not let so much corruption occur for so long it would not have trickled down to kids. there is No moral beacon in todays society

No superman, No Ghandi, No Mother Teresa, No Martin Luther King

I'm not upset that kids have lack of respect, formal education, moral guidance, I'm upset that OUR COUNTRY lacks these things. Teens are not stupid as most think, they know whats going on around them and reflect it. Is it Mom's fault? maybe, it is the countries fault, definitely; Don't be blinded by a simple symptom of a MUCH larger problem. Your seeing the Decay of society and it apalls you, So now what?

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati
Is it Mom's fault? maybe, it is the countries fault, definitely; Don't be blinded by a simple symptom of a MUCH larger problem. Your seeing the Decay of society and it apalls you, So now what?

What do you think Society is made up of?

Society is made up of Mom's and Dad's, that is how all of us get here, if the majority of the adults would take on personal responsibility instead of blaming an external source our society would be much better off.

Think about it. Why blame the government? schools, education, etc.....if each parent would be there for their children and guide them, their would be much less chaos in the world.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by thedigirati
No superman, No Ghandi, No Mother Teresa, No Martin Luther King

Says who?

Was Ghandi, Mother Theresa, MLK, JFK, Lennon, etc., truly appreciated for what they were, in their own day? If Ghandi, MLK, JFK, and Lennon were not martyred, would we remember them the way we do? We criticize the present state of our society, but I do not feel it is any different than any other stage in history. In fifty, sixty years, we will look back at this time and see different figures as icons.

Guiliani in the wake of 9/11? Absolute heroics. Society will remember him for this. Who is to say that Dubya will not be remembered as a savior for the Iraqis? In his own day, Hitler was revered as one of the greatest political leaders of all time. Some could still argue that today. How we percieve something today, and how we perceive something tomorrow, will drastically change with each sunrise. In the 60's they complained, in the 70's they complained, in the 80's they complained, and in the 90's, guess what? They complained! If it was Bush, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, or whoever, they complained.

As for an iconic figure? They exist. We just need time to pass before we realize it.

Kids today are no different than they were years ago. And if someone wants to step up and say, "How do you know?" "Were you a kid in the 60's?" Well, no I wasn't. But were you a kid in the 90's? You presume that I can not fathom what it was like then, but how can you presume what it is like today? Yeah times have changed, society has changed, and the evolution we have endured is inevitable. But people themselves have remained the same. Greed, lust, envy, love, humor, etc., have all withstood the test of time. Kids misbehave, they disrespect, and they do not honor. Why? Because they do not understand. Parents and Adults? Well, as any other time in history, they fail to understand what it is like to be a kid. They can not empathize with the child, and as any other generation, they feel that they had it worse.

Do we not see this vicious circle in which we inhabit?

Same circle people, same circle.

[edit on 5-3-2007 by chissler]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:31 PM
Here's a word from the uncle. Just a video link from CNN

News Source

CNN Video link

So I can see that the uncle has a different perception.

[edit on 6-3-2007 by searching_for_truth]

[edit on 6-3-2007 by searching_for_truth]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 05:35 AM
Just another indication that these children are in desperate need of a stable household. If a sixteen year old teenager sparks up, I would not really do much of a double take. Would I approve? Not really. But I would respect their decision. However, a two year old child smoking Marijuana, is a big deal. Not because it was Marijuana, but because he was two years old. If it was a beer, a cigarette, or any other substance, I would have a serious problem with this. The uncles inability to understand the problem here, reinforces that these young children are in harms way by remaining with this family.

Considering the Uncle sees no problem with this, and the mother was home at the time, I am interested to hear what the mother has to say about this. It would be interesting to see if she has the same degree of concern as the newly crowned "Uncle Of The Year".

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 12:25 AM

The fact is, these young people persuaded a two year old, and a five year old child to consume a drug. I don't care what the drug is, that is wrong. What bugs me more is that they were willing to do this with the mother in the house.

I couldn't agree more.

Beamers, class sizes, heath insurance.. ? What does any of this have to do with anything? This thread is being used as a platform to vent your frustrations with the system.

I think it has everything to do with this situation. Please excuse me if I was fired up, but I had just watched a news story of a child that died in my county because her parents didn't have health insurance, and I was angry when I wrote the previous post. You see a teenager giving a kid pot, I see a total breakdown of the society that led to the teenager giving the kids pot. Difference of viewpoints, I think it is all related to poverty;absent parents because they are working, or broken families. If people were at a reasonable standard of living this crap wouldn't be happening.

It seems that I'm taking a verbal beating for the ridilan joke. Very well.

I wanted to make a point that we should get kids off all drugs legal and illegal.

The problem is absolutley societal so it is relevant to the conversation. These type of absuses are on the rise and for the most part are, new to this time paradigm.

If you are angry about my BMW comment, why are you self centered? Did I hit a nerve? Recently purchase a new BMW? If no, you have nothing to worry about. You disagree with me that people shouldn't be concerned with material things and pay more attention to their kids?

To the board, I apologize if I offended anyone with my "joke". However, I still think it is a total double standard that one could be outraged over this situation and not outraged over the thoasands of children on prescription stimulants.

I am a dad, I would never give my daughter (pictured below) any drugs, period. God made people the way they are and should not be manipulated with drugs. Why am I the bad guy for not wanting children to be on any drugs, parents spending more time with their kids, and society being consistent with its view.

"Be nice to my daddy"

[edit on 8-3-2007 by rich1974]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by rich1974
I think it is all related to poverty;absent parents because they are working, or broken families. If people were at a reasonable standard of living this crap wouldn't be happening.

Poverty does not equate to bad parenting, absent parents, or broken families. And any of the latter do not equate to poverty. The two 'can' be connected, but it is not a guarantee. At this point, I have seen nothing from this families financial records that indicate they lived in poverty. If you have, could you provide the links, information, etc.?

I see where you are coming from, and I think we are in agreement more than you think.

Originally posted by rich1974
It seems that I'm taking a verbal beating for the ridilan joke. Very well.

Well, I can not speak on behalf of any one else, but as for my own posts, none of them were personal. I directed nothing towards you, nor anyone else. I may of directed something towards your post, but hardly you. We need to understand there is a difference.

Originally posted by rich1974
I wanted to make a point that we should get kids off all drugs legal and illegal.

I agree. But I don't think that subject has a place in this thread.

Originally posted by rich1974
The problem is absolutley societal so it is relevant to the conversation. These type of absuses are on the rise and for the most part are, new to this time paradigm.

What abuses?

Originally posted by rich1974
If you are angry about my BMW comment, why are you self centered?

What? I "assume" this was directed towards me, and if so, Why? Am I self-centered? If you only knew my friend. I do not drive a BMW and my socio-economic status is nothing to brag about. Student, with more debt than you can imagine. Many, many nights away from driving a BMW.

Originally posted by rich1974
Did I hit a nerve? Recently purchase a new BMW? If no, you have nothing to worry about. You disagree with me that people shouldn't be concerned with material things and pay more attention to their kids?

All of your post is based on assumption. How do you know that this family was more concerned with materials, rather than relationships? You are making assumptions of this family, and then pointing fingers at society.

Originally posted by rich1974
To the board, I apologize if I offended anyone with my "joke". However, I still think it is a total double standard that one could be outraged over this situation and not outraged over the thoasands of children on prescription stimulants.

I don't see how you feel inclined to make any formal apology, but that is for you to decide. And this double standard that you refer to, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Thousands of children on prescription stimulants, how is that society's problem or mistake? We are puppets of the pharmaceutical industry, pointing fingers at the puppets is not going to change anything. Your problem lies within the pharmacies, not society.

Yeah, parents may be feeding this crap to their children, but it is the pharmaceutical companies that have convinced them it is what they need.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 10:45 AM

I see where you are coming from, and I think we are in agreement more than you think.

I agree.

What abuses?

You don't think giving these kids drugs is a form of child abuse?

What? I "assume" this was directed towards me

It is not directed towards you, you said you don't have a BMW.
The comment is directed at parents who are obsessed with status and a money driven life that are absent from their own childrens lives while they work all the time. The children from lack of attention start to act out, then these parents drug their children with ridilan.

I have seen nothing from this families financial records that indicate they lived in poverty. If you have, could you provide the links, information, etc.?

The incident began unfolding February 22, when the Fort Worth Police Department executed a search warrant to look for stolen goods in the apartment of 17-year-old Demetris McCoy, the unemployed uncle of the two children, and 18-year-old Vanswan Polty. CNN

I can make some assumptions from this article. First, the unemployed uncle. I can make a reasonable guess as to why the mother would leave a 2 and 5 year old with a 17 year old. Probably because she is working, but that is only a guess. She also could be a bad mom and is out partying, maybe we will find an answer someday.

Poverty does not equate to bad parenting, absent parents, or broken families

I strongly disagree. If both parents are working say more than a fourty hour work week, then technically they are absent parents. Money and quality of life doesn't lead to divorce. Stress from the above factors can't lead to a divorce or broken family?

[edit on 8-3-2007 by rich1974]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by rich1974
I strongly disagree. If both parents are working say more than a fourty hour work week, then technically they are absent parents. Money and quality of life doesn't lead to divorce. Stress from the above factors can't lead to a divorce or broken family?

So you believe that poverty equates to bad parenting? So any one from a low socio-economic status is a bad parent? You can not possibly believe that. Some of the best parents are the ones that have to spend time with their children, rather than buying them materials to pose as a babysitter. What you are referring to is "Latchkey Children". The percentage of Latchkey Children is seriously on the rise, and has been for quite some time. These are children who come home from school, to an empty house, on a regular basis. Children are at a huge risk of being the victim of a crime in the few hours after school, and it is during these hours that Latchkey Children are left on their own. However, Latchkey children are not necessarily children who live in poverty. Poverty is something in and of itself. Apples and Oranges here. Both can exist on their own, but have been known to be seen together from time to time.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:19 AM
Dude thats f_javascript:icon('
')kin sick, kids shouldnt be smoking that s_javascript:icon('
')t. But could I be more obvious, lol im tired.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 03:46 PM
now thats just makes me wanna throw my self in the orchestra...
i allready see 3 year old kids with "gangsta" clothes and hats and now smokin weed.whats next ima get beat up on the street by some 6 year olds?

posted on Apr, 12 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by chissler
Hardly see how getting a two year old child high is funny, but whatever tickles your fancy. As for it being safer than Ritalin, that is certainly up for debate. Ritalin, although over prescribed, can benefit young children. What are the benefits of a two year old child sparking up a doobie?

I agree. It saddens me when people think it is funny getting another person or animal high for their own amusement.

I hate when people put massive amonts of katnip around their cat and the cat acts in a total uncontrollable manner.

Pupils diolated and running around. Can't stop rubbing their glands against the katnip.

It is nice to reward a pet with something that they like, but to over do it and laugh for your own worthless amusement is just pathetic and sad.

The same goes for children and pot. Kinda like giving you dog L.S.D.

[edit on 12-4-2007 by Modemizer]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by chissler
Hardly see how getting a two year old child high is funny, but whatever tickles your fancy. As for it being safer than Ritalin, that is certainly up for debate. Ritalin, although over prescribed, can benefit young children. What are the benefits of a two year old child sparking up a doobie?

Originally posted by Modemizer
I agree. It saddens me when people think it is funny getting another person or animal high for their own amusement.
[edit on 12-4-2007 by Modemizer]

Both of you highlight a really good point here. Our society has reached the point where many people thing drugs are something funny. It disappointing that people see it this way. All drugs including the medication we get from our doctors has the potential to do very serious harm to people if it is used incorrectly. This is a critical fact that somehow most people forget.

The so-called "High" drugs produce is actually a resualt of the drug altering you nervious system. What many people foolishly believe "feels good" is really a side effect of the drug or medication interferring with the nervious system, and possible causing serious harm to the user.


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