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Hillary's (suppressed) College Thesis

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posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Uh, why don't you ask Trent Lott that question. Didn't he have to resign from his senate leadership post due to statements he made in the past?

he resigned because of this statement from December 5, 2002, which wasn't the past at the time

"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over the years, either"

now, that's actually saying that the country would have been better off with a hardline racial segregationist president winning

and he resigned on December 20, 2002

completely different situations here

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 02:50 AM
Hillary is a corrupt power-hungry person, she shouldn't be elected for ANY reason. The wife of Obama is in the CFR, and the CFR are the traitors who engineered the whole war on terror and a lot of it's members are complicits in the 9/11 attacks. Yes, bird is an asshat and should be kick out of the congress.

Now republicans... what a bunch of traitors, just as democrats and especially Hillary. McCain...(yeah right) Gingrich...(fascist) Guiliani... (cover-up in 9/11)

But we all know centurion, that it's impossible for you to admit that republicans are as corrupts as Hillary. For you republicans are gods, and democrats are evils, isn't it? You can't see past the false paradigm, because you like the little feeling you feel when your ``team`` is winning over the other ``team`` but you can't see that the two teams are against you.

The only candidate who have a clear record, who voted against his OWN salary rise, who voted against the Patriot Act, against the Iraq war, who voted for guns, for closing the borders, against the north american union, to dissolve the FED and stop the income tax is RON PAUL. The only true conservative, pro-constitution, pro-people, against lobbys of the whole bunch of traitors who have all the medias attention.

Centurion, try again to say that you're a conservative. Try to say that you support republicans because they are conservatives. What a joke.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 06:27 AM
Hitlery a Communist in the 60's no way!

Well you have a choice between her or Obama the Muslim former Muslim Christian.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 02:12 PM
For the very first time, after reading this thread and all the attacks against her (for her thesis!), I actually find myself wanting to vote for her...

I wrote about MASERS... Don't suppose that could get me in trouble in the future, do you?

So, Centurian, if I end up voting for Hillary as a result of this ridiculous attempt at mud-slinging, I'll let you know.

Great posts, Nydgan.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
But we all know centurion, that it's impossible for you to admit that republicans are as corrupts as Hillary. For you republicans are gods, and democrats are evils, isn't it? You can't see past the false paradigm, because you like the little feeling you feel when your ``team`` is winning over the other ``team`` but you can't see that the two teams are against you.

Centurion, try again to say that you're a conservative. Try to say that you support republicans because they are conservatives. What a joke.

Truth is you don't know jack, or me, or even what you're talking about.

If you read my posts, you know I'm not afraid to skewer Bush for his mistakes, or Rumsfeld. Contrast that to the demos on this board. They pathologically (look it up) cannot criticize or even admit a mistake by one of their own. For evidence of this, check out the posts by grover and logansrun pitifully defending the indefensible Gore. I give them the undisputable facts and all they can do is post personal insults. You want to joint their club?

So, who's more real?

That would be me, of course!

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 12:02 AM
Hillary is just a second-class student of the master in deception, her husband.

She wants to become like a mirror, so everyone sees back what they expect and want to see. Only she's not so good at it.

She was reportedly a supporter of Goldwater in her early years, but her later activities seem to show a very left of center leaning. But who really knows what she thinks personally?

With people like her you never know if they're speaking from the heart or only telling you what they think you want to hear.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
So, Centurian, if I end up voting for Hillary as a result of this ridiculous attempt at mud-slinging, I'll let you know.

Go ahead and make that intellectual mistake. I'd guess you were going to do it anyway. But to be totally honest, why blame me (attempt to shoot the messenger?) for your mistake? When it was that posted the story. You might also consider placing at least some of the blame on the Clintons who created this issue by trying to suppress Hillary's thesis as if they knew there was something to hide! But no, as stated in my previous post, that pathological (look it up) problem with not being able to criticize your own comes up again.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
She was reportedly a supporter of Goldwater in her early years, but her later activities seem to show a very left of center leaning

From the article, it looks like she was a goldwater republican, even in college at first, but then became invovled in humanitarian activities, working for the poor, etc, and anti-vietnam activities, and from that she moved into the Left. Indeed, she meets Alinsky when on a church outing to meet MLK and work with helping poor people and blacks.

In truth, it looks like the republicans really missed the boat in those days. Could've had a lot of young people get invovled in social activity THROUGH the party, rather than having to do it outside the party and being drawn away from it through that. Might've had some incredibly different politics today. Imagine if the Dixiecrats, for example, had stayed with the democrats, or even had formed a third party, splitting the democrats permanently and leaving the Republicans with half the voters every time!
Seeing through the logical conclusion of Lincoln and other old time republicans.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 03:47 AM
So Mrs. Clinton, while a college student back when I had barely started school wrote a thesis about a leftwing activist, or something of that sort. Whooptie-doo.

I started my political life, such as it is, as a supporter of John Anderson, and now consider myself to be a conservative democrat (yes, we do exist...rarer than Bigfoot maybe, and harder to find, but we're out there.) I've written papers in college about Che Gueverra, doesn't mean I like or even respect what he stood that going to be held against me should I ever be so foolish as to run for high office?

In school we all experiment with other ideologies, if only to discover what we don't like. Or, like myself, go from a somewhat leftwing republican to a rather rightwing democrat-independant.

I doubt Mrs. Clinton will get my vote should she be nominated, but it won't be because of some paper she wrote almost forty years ago.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
I'd guess you were going to do it anyway.

Well, at least you still have a sense of humor!

I imagine the reason Clinton's thesis was locked away was because they knew that some people would make a big deal about it in a desperate attempt to make the Clinton's look bad... (and they're right!)

Surely there are more damning pieces of information to "swift-boat" Clinton? No?

Then maybe I should vote for her!


posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Centurion1211 did you miss the political suppression of the college transcripts for both Bush I & II. I have no recall of your making such a big fuss over it. However I don't believe that politicians of any stripe should be able to conceal their past so easily. They chose to put themselves in the fish bowl of public life and the citizens have a legitimate need to know about the past of their elected officials.

No royal treatment should be extended to anyone including the Bush & Clinton clans.

[edit on 4-3-2007 by df1]

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by zerotime
Who would have thought? A bunch of ATS'ers posting heating comments about something they have never read. What a shocker.

Here here!

I guess Im a shallow person, but I see little point in the fruitless efforts of bashing one party member over the other. The 'lesser of two evils' as I have heard it refered to.
Yeah well the lesser of two evils is still too damn evil for me.
Save the occasional good guy, Ron Paul jumps to mind, Jesse Ventura too, save the occasional good guy, we would be better off telling the lot of them to stop living off our backs and get a real job.

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