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Originally posted by Identified
Toby I can quite nicely look at all the evidence presented on this forum regarding this video and still be as you say a "skeptic". Especially since there hasn't been any evidence except the video.
And taking the "big picture" into account doesn't go to prove anything in this case.
Are you capable of discussing the topic or not?
Originally posted by Identified
But then again archives are lost everyday around the world.
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
BBC Media Management Policy
Components to be Retained
The following components to be retained:-
Two broadcast standard copies of all transmitted/published TV, Radio and BBCi output – one to be stored on a separate site as a master
Originally posted by Identified
As for them losing their 9/11 footage I do find that odd. But then again archives are lost everyday around the world. Also there seems to still be some fragments of info from their website floating around out there and I would imagine that includes video.
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
This is just one more excuse. How many excuses can we "explain away"? I agree, there's nothing more to be proven... BBC is now complicit.
Originally posted by Identified
I tried to do a search this morning at Reuters and the AP. Nothing. I can't even really navigate the site very well at all.
I have posted some additional info this morning. This "story" about them jumping the story was pointed out by at least one individual on that very day.
I might can find some more.
Originally posted by Identified
Them losing their copies of their ON AIR and public to the WORLD copies of video doesn't prove anything. For all they know a thousand people video taped everything they said that day. They would have no need to purposely destroy them to cover anything up. That is a stretch IMO.
Archives are purposely destroyed all the time to make room for more. Why they chose to destroy 9/11 I don't know. Maybe the archivist made a mistake. Maybe they reviewed the video and nothing was worth keeping. Maybe they just destroyed everything from date to date and 9/11 was in there. Maybe green goblins got into the archive room and ate that days video. Maybe anything. It isn't proof of anything and we don't even have the facts here.
Will they kick themselves later? We all do when we realize what we have thrown away or shredded in haste.
I also am not so sure that they don't have some form of copy locked away. It just might not be in a format they can share easily.
Originally posted by T0by
Cock up just means accident.
Not a systematic routined destroying of the files.
It was a mistake, and not the usual process of things.
Originally posted by errorist
i remember that here in holland (it was evening here by the time WTC7 collapsed) it was mentioned on TV that the building was about to come down. It took another 30 - 60 minutes after this report untill it actually collapsed. It sort of fits the official story (remember "pull it" allegedly meaned pull the firemen out of the building). So it could just be that BBC got the same news and in the confusion mentioned it had already collapsed while it was actually about to. Just my 0.02
I heard the bomb and saw both buildings crumble like biscuits
Originally posted by andy1033
i searched on the bbc website and i found the jane standley page news for the day of 911
Jane standleys news page on 911 on bbc news site
notice the times on the top of the page, and near the top she talks about wtc 7 collapsed already.
heres her video report on that page
Standleys video report of incident on 911 day thats on bbc news site
look at the quote on the bottom of the page
I heard the bomb and saw both buildings crumble like biscuits
that quote is on the bbc news page.
strange quote to be given on that day.