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Originally posted by iori_komei
I believe that naturally, that is without any influence, humans are good,
and will help eachother without reward, because it is the right thing to do.
Originally posted by iori_komei
You (and I am assuming) believe that humans are naturally greedy,
and that they will only help one another if they are getting a reward or
something in return.
Originally posted by iori_komei
I see no point in arguing about money further.
Originally posted by LostSailor
No, but I do believe that people like to earn what they are worth. Only an idiot would work harder for less pay. Under your system I would quit my job and just live off the suckers actually working.
Originally posted by iori_komei
You would'nt get the benefits if you were purposefully doing that though.
Originally posted by LostSailor
Also, I am sure that I and many others, could find ways to buck the system. People do it all the time now with welfare.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Since I have so many different ideas, I've obviously not gotten to
explaining them all, and some of them I have'nt even mentioned,
as such there is something that I have not talked about, but feel I
should explain my position on, that being Nationalization.
There are only three industries that I plan to nationalize, and only two
of them fully.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Considering that energy is one of the most essential elements of modern
society, therefore I believe that it should be nationalized.
Under this system, everyone, except the CEO and other over payed people
who do not actually do a job, would remain in there current jobs.
Energy would no longer cost money, essentially you would have no
electricity bill.
All environmentally degrading energy sources would be slowly phased
out, and clean renewable energy sources would replace them.
All excess energy produced would go to three different places.
1. To energy storages, essentially giant batteries.
2. Scientific institutions that require excess amounts of energy, but can
not provide it all themselves.
3. To be sold off, of which the profits from would go to the upkeep of the
energy infrastructure.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Defence Industries:
The sheer fact that we actually spend money buying our weaponry and
planes and such has got to be one of the most ludicrous things that we do.
However completely nationalizing it would not be useful.
This would be a hybrid system wherein all defence industries, aerospace,
naval, armament and otherwise would be nationalized in that all
government equipment would be produced without cost, though half of the
resources (metal and composites) would be provided by the government,
and half by the corporation.
The company would be able to produce and sell orders to other sources
(provided that the group is not illegal to sell to) without providing any
monetary earnings from such endeavors to the government.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Health-care & Pharmaceutical Industries:
Since I intend to institute a universal single-payer health care program,
the medical industry would be completely nationalized.
The pharmaceutical industry has proved that it is not capable of remaining
a private entity and providing for the common good, therefore the entire
industry would be nationalized, any drug that is deemed to not be of real
use would be discontinued, and research would than go into curing real
Medicine, as long as it is required, would no longer cost money.
[edit on 4/17/2007 by iori_komei]
Originally posted by Johnmike
By "nationalize" you mean "make a government conquest." Just so you know.
This is a complete LIE. Everyone will have to pay for energy! The only thing that's being done is eliminating people's right to choose. The only difference is that the energy bill will be replaced with an energy tax! It's the same thing! No one will be able to pick one energy company over another, as the private enterprises will be conquered by the government and made into one monstrous government-controlled monopoly! How is this not an evil concept?
You realize that it COSTS MONEY TO MAKE THINGS, right? You have to pay to construct planes and weaponry, they don't just pop out of thin air!
You want a corporation to pay to produce planes and pay for half of the resources themselves out of their own pocket? Jesus, they'd go bankrupt! Who would want to innovate weaponry if they don't make money off of it. It's purely absurd.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Another lie. Sorry, but conquering all of medicine under your economic regime won't fix any problems. Medicine will always cost money. The only difference, once again, is that you've destroyed the right of people to choose what they want to pay for. I don't want to pay for some fat, lazy, smoking slob on a McDonalds diet to get his health care. I'll take care of myself, thanks! Again, all that's being done is the replacement of one private industry with a government bureaucracy-ruled monopoly.
Originally posted by iori_komeiOnly real medical problems would be covered under the program, not cosmetic or trivial procedures.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Basically nearly all plastic surgery is by my definition trivial.
Originally posted by Odium
So all reconstructive surgery is trivial? You do realise that skin grafts for example are a type of plastic surgary.
Almost every person (a lot of men get it done too now) use plastic surgary to get over things, ears, nose, breasts, facial disfirguement, etc, can all hinder a person and cause many problems for them. (Including being willing to work) The high cost of plastic surgary and thus limiting it like you want to would actually not help these people. It is easy for us to say it isn't needed, but if you had spent 10 years of your life being bullied because of something I am sure you'd want to change it.
Surgary which would cost very little and allow someone to have the confidence to get back out into the work-place? Very odd that you do not support this.
Somedays I do wonder which branch of socialism you actually claim to be a part of? Because honestly, most of what you said is like nothing I have ever seen.
Originally posted by iori_komei
Well I was'nt really considering reconstructive surgery to be part of
plastic surgery, so I was not considering them the same thing.
Of course reconstructive surgery would be provided for.
Originally posted by iori_komei
And I follow my own path, though it could be siad that it most closesly
follows liberal Libertarian Socialism.
I dislike labelling myself, as that would mean I would have to fit into
some preconcieved mold, and I realy do not fit into any specific branch.
Originally posted by Odium
Is not all plastic surgery reconstructive? There's something like a 1% chance of complications in surgery, you honestly think people just do it for fun?
Originally posted by iori_komei
Aside from the:
Corporate Socialist part that you place in your mini-profile? What exactly do you mean by that?
Originally posted by iori_komei
I mean that while I believe in Socialism, I also believe in absolute
freedom so long as you do not directly, non-consensually infringe upon
the freedom of another, I am also a strong individualist.
Originally posted by Odium
Then how can you desire to Nationalize things and claim this?
Surely, you are removing their freedom to own that company?
Taxation is another and so on and so fourth.
No offence, but you seem to be doing what many politicians do. You are saying what you think the public want to see. Yet leaving a lot of contradictions in your own statements.
Surely if you are such a strong individualist this is at direct odds with what Socialism is? (Reference works by: Jean Jacques Rousseau, Robert Owen, Plato and Thomas More.) Socialism at its core, is the community deciding something and it limits individual rights (so no one is greater than another single member) where as if you believe in allowing individual rights ( as you claim by saying you are a strong individualist) you in turn can't be a socialist.