Originally posted by FlyersFan
1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....
I believe that the Constitution guarantees us this right for a reason.
Beyond that, I believe that the right to own guns is a freedom, and
as such should not be denied or limited.
I believe that many of the current restrictions need to be either re-
formed or gotten rid of completely.
2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....
I believe that, at whatever point that the majority have a 70%+ survival
rate, that that should be the point that an abortion can not be had,
however, at any time before that point I believe a woman has the right
to an abortion.
3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....
I believe that the government has no place telling people who they can
or can not love, and therefore can not tell a person who they can not
Therefore I am against such an amendment.
4 - Your economic platform ....
I would/will work to cancel some of the more unneeded government
I will work to raise the the minimum wage to $8.50.
I will get rid of most taxes, apart from sales tax, and introduce a new
tax system that instead takes 30-50% (but no more than 50%) of an
individuals paycheck.
This money would than be split various times and a certain percentage
of it would be put into different government programs.
I will work to create social programs to guarantee that everyone has
required to live a semi-comfortable life.
5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....
This is something that I am not really sure on.
On one hand, it is good when it comes to people like Paris Hilton, on
the other hand it can be negative for people who are on the lower end
of the income bracket.
I think that this is something that needs to be dealt with on an individual
case by case basis.
6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....
I believe that going into Iraq was one of the greatest blunders made.
I believe that we need to leave Iraq, however just up and leaving all
the sudden is not the greatest idea.
I support a gradual withdraw over a 5-7 year period, with more empha-
sis put onto defence, and teaching/training the Iraqis to be able to do
the job themselves.
7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...
Building a wall would not only further tarnish our image in the eyes of
the rest of the world, but it would be a waste of money/resources that
can/could be spent on much more important/positive things.
8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...
I believe that securing our ports and other cargo facilities is very
As such I believe that we need to put more resources/money into
protective measures, such as nuclear material detection systems and
chemical/biological agents scanners.
9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights ...
I believe that the infringements made not only on the people of this
country, but also of the innocent individuals in other countries is
deplorable and treasonous.
I think that wiretaps and other such measures should have a great level
of oversight and should be legal (that is OKed by the courts), and need
to be made precise, that is clearly stating when, who, what, where and
how long such measures will be in place.
10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments? (any for me? Just teasing on that )
Well, I'm not sure if we are suppose to say yet, but I do not see a
problem with saying it.
My VP is
I am not sure of a cabinet yet, but I do have one adviser thus far.
11 - Your education in America fix? (or does it need it?) Your thoughts on what to do with 'no child left behind'....
I believe that the education system is in need of reform and change.
I think school days need to be longer, perhaps 7:30am-3:30pm.
More funding and importance needs to be placed on the arts and other
such classes.
Students need a mixture of the harder required classes, and the easier
fun classes to learn well.
12 - Your policy for foreign aid and 'forgiving debts' .....
I believe that we should give aid to any country that truly needs it.
I support cutting all aid to Israel, as they do not need it, and we should
not be funding there military.
I believe in nullifying any and all debts to countries that are poor or of
3rd world/developing status.
We should help them develop and bring them up to standards, and not
require them to pay us back, so long as they become a free and
democratic country.
13 - What federal funding, if any, would you put into medical research etc etc? Including FETAL stem cell use yes or no??
I believe that the medical field is one of the most important fields of
science, and should therefore receive a substantial amount of funding.
I believe in using any kind of Stem Cells to further medical science and
14 - Afghanistan? Your policy there ....
I think Afghanistan was the only country we should have gone to in the
first place.
I think we need to help rebuild Afghanistan and make it into another
liberal democracy in the middle-east. (A liberal democracy means there
is no discrimination on who can vote.)
We also need to make sure that Talibani forces, or other groups like
them do not get a foothold there again.
15 - Oil companies, pharmaceuticals, etc etc? Any thoughts in that area as far as your administration goes?
I believe that the pharmaceutical companies need to be nationalized,
as the medical field is to important in general and in national security
to be trusted to be part of the private sector.
I believe in heavy taxation on oil corporations, unless they actively
develop clean, renewable energy sources and technology.
I also believe in a lesser, but still noticeable tax on any oil/gas sold by
the company.
16 - The United Nations .... Your policy and thoughts in regards to that and how your administration would deal with them??
I believe the basic idea of the United Nations is a good thing, but what
it has become today is not so good.
I will pull out from any treaties that limit freedom (such as the drug
prohibition ones).
The U.N needs drastic reform, and I will work to press that reform.
17 - Amnesty for illegals or send them back (anchor babies and all)??
I believe that individuals should be given amnesty if they fit the following
1. Have continuously been in the country for five years.
2. Are willing to work and be productive members of society.
3. Speak English, or are willing to learn.
18 - NASA ... further funding, more funding, less funding, a complete change ??? What would you and your administration support in this area?
I believe that NASA is one of the most important government agencies
there is, and as such I believe they should be given a great amount
more funding.
I will also work to create more government incentives and contests for
the private space sector.
19 - ANWAR ... drill or not drill? Alaska's state right to drill (they want to) or will your administration forbid it due to the possibility that the
Refuge could be damaged in the future?
I will continue forbidding the drilling.
I am not willing to risk damaging the ecosystems in the area, especially
since it is a wildlife refuge.
Oils is something we should be phasing out of use, not trying to get
more of.
20 - Alternative energies .... Solar, wind mill farms, etc ... what are your thoughts and plans in this area to make us no longer at the mercy of
anti-American oil rich countries?
I will promote the use and development of alternative energy technology.
I will also work to set benchmarks for both the government itself, but
also the nation as a whole, on switching to alternative/renewable energies.
[edit on 2/25/2007 by iori_komei]