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UK Muslims: 'Ban' Un-Islamic Schools

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posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 11:55 AM

UK Muslims: 'Ban' Un-Islamic Schools

Source Link:

DEMANDS for a ban on “un-Islamic” activities in schools will be set out by the Muslim Council of Britain today.

Targets include playground games, swimming lessons, school plays, parents’ evenings and even vaccinations.

And the calls for all children to be taught in Taliban-style conditions will be launched with the help of a senior Government education adviser.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 12:03 PM
I think that the time has come for England to stand up for the English.

When you immigrate to a country, I think that you should adopt the ways of that country not expect that country to adopt your ways.

Personally, I think that it's time that countries like England, Sweden, Norway pretty much stop bending over backwards to give in to the demands of muslims and instead demand more assimilation from their immigrant population.

If you want a muslim country then immigrate to a muslim country. Don't try to force your values and religion on an existing county.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 12:04 PM

For the 5th time! its Britain not England! England has not existed since 1707

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 12:21 PM
After a cursory review of the document (linked below), I see no demands whatsoever. I see requests made for special treatment of Muslim children. There's nothing about the behavior of other children in the schools. And there's no ban on anything that I saw.

Schools should therefore have the expectation that Muslim pupils will endeavour to observe the principles of haya in all aspects of their conduct.
Schools should accommodate Muslim girls so that they are allowed to wear a full-length loose school skirt or loose trousers, a long-sleeved shirt and a head scarf to cover their hair.
Schools have a right to expect that Muslim parents will provide their children with suitable clothing for the climate

"Demand" Document

Granted, meeting all the requests would be too much to ask for, in my opinion, but I don't see any problem with much of what they're asking for.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Granted, meeting all the requests would be too much to ask for, in my opinion, but I don't see any problem with much of what they're asking for.

You have to take the whole article in concert to come up with demands. I think the interpretation comes when the reporter viewed the dissenting opinions shown in the article, it is at that point he/she made the conclusion they were demands.

If you read portions like this it takes on a whole new picture because even members of their own faith do not agree with MCB


The MCB claims to be the voice of Britain’s 1.5million Muslims and was heavily courted by politicians including Tony Blair following the September 11 attacks. Its former secretary-general Iqbal Sacranie was awarded a knighthood in 2005.

But other Muslim groups criticised the report. Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui of the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain said: “There has been no discussion on these issues in the Muslim community.”

And the Sufi Muslim Council – which claims to represent far more British Muslims than the MCB – said the report misunderstood Ramadan.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
After a cursory review of the document (linked below), I see no demands whatsoever. I see requests made for special treatment of Muslim children. There's nothing about the behavior of other children in the schools. And there's no ban on anything that I saw.

But why should muslim children expect to get special treatment in British public schools? If someone wants their child to get a "Catholic education", for example, what do the parents do? Of course, they put them in a Catholic school. The same should apply for these muslims. Now, before I get the argument that there aren't any or enough muslim schools, I'll throw that back on the muslim parents. Why move to a place that doesn't meet the needs of you and your family? If it doesn't have the schools you need, change that situation (peacefully, please), or choose another place.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 01:53 PM
I'm not saying they should. In fact, I said it's too much to ask in my opinion.

I was just commenting on the use of the words "ban" and "demand" in the original source. After looking at the document, I don't see them banning or demanding anything. They're ASKING for some stuff (most of which I don't think they should get), but not banning or demanding anything.

What's the harm in asking? Let's see what happens when they are told "No". Then I may have some judgments about it.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 01:59 PM
There is another misleading part of the origional Link.

And the calls for all children to be taught in Taliban-style conditions will be launched with the help of a senior Government education adviser.
when the actual document actually is only targeting the Muslim students and not all students.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 02:03 PM
That's why I highlighted Muslim pupils, Muslim girls and Muslim parents in my excerpt from the document. I guess perhaps I should have been more clear.

Thanks kenshiro. That's part of the point I was trying to make.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 02:50 PM
You should all be aware of who the original poster is. If he misrepresents a source on Islam, he does it deliberately.

That aside, we should all be VERY aware that the MCB has been infiltrated by Wahhabism. Infiltrated quite intensively I should add, so we should not be surprised if the MCB start sounding rather more... Saudi in their language and thoughts.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Terran Blue
You should all be aware of who the original poster is. If he misrepresents a source on Islam, he does it deliberately.

Me represent Muslims surely you jest.

you are right Wahhabi's have infiltrated more then just the UK and Yes they do need to be stopped before it is too late.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Hmm, not surprising the Government is involved with this. Ruth Kelly is so PC she would sell her own kids into slavery to make up for wrongs of the past, Blair and the rest of the cronies are barely any better.

This is why I do not want my daughter going to one of my local schools, but instead are "lying" about where she lives (saying she lives at her grandmothers house to get into the catchment zone) to get her into a predominately white school. It's not racism, it's just I don't want her exposed to these outdated and, to be honest, medieval beliefs.

Having said that, there is a saying I heard about us English.

"Step on an Englishman's toes once, he will apologise. Step on them again and he will move out the way. Step on them a third time and you'd better hope you can run faster...."

Let's hope we finally turn around and say "No". The comments to this article on the Express website seem to make me think that the time is near for such a thing... 22 pages virtually all in agreement.

Express Article Comments

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Ok i think i will go to their countries and wear a bikini.

Then i will go to court and say by not letting me wear it is an infringement of my rights.

let me spout my western views: i think we should meter out punishment to them flouting their religion as they would to us.

This is a comment left by someone in response to the Express article.

Whilst I'm not going to comment on the article itself, this is certainly something that *anyone* who is an immigrant to the UK should remember.

The UK is the UK, not a catch-all country where people think they can just walk in and tell us what we're going to do. They are the visitor - they can respect OUR laws and way of life. That point is not negotiable IMHO.

If they wish to practice their laws, faiths etc.. - they can do so in the comfort of their own home, so long as it is not in breach of our laws or rights. If what they wish to do is incompatible with our laws or rights, and they insist on being able to practise them, then the only option left is move to somewhere else where it is compatible.

Wouldn't it be ironic to have fought so hard in WW2 to stop the Nazis invading, only for another group to just walk in and take over, right under our noses?

Generally speaking, UK citizens respect other countries, religions, laws, rights and traditions. Please, respect ours!

MirageOfDeceit - A Decidedly Politically Incorrect Zone

[edit on 23-2-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 05:17 PM
It would appear the year of the Pig is bringing out the worst, now they are starting in the states only this time it is against liquor stores.

Possible Move Of Liquor Store Brings Protest From Local Mosque

I could be wrong but I think most liquor stores in PA are state owned at leasst they were years ago.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
After a cursory review of the document (linked below), I see no demands whatsoever. I see requests made for special treatment of Muslim children. There's nothing about the behavior of other children in the schools. And there's no ban on anything that I saw.

I find myself agreeing with Benevolent Heretic's analysis. But hey, it's the Daily Express. This is the kind of thing you should expect them to come out with. It's a right wing newspaper with right wing views, so it makes sense for them to try to twist the story in this way. It's just as you'd expect a left wing newspaper to moan about replacing Trident or something. That's the press for you

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:15 PM
This is an article I found just so people can read what this is about. The reason why this is not linked is is because the website will probably archive it and the main page will change so you will lose this article.
The demands seem over the top and fitting with the infedel attute that the Koran has on non believers be it due to interpretation or just social attitude and laws within this system. Remember many Muslims support the view that people who put down Muhammad are worthy of beheading and death. No not all but as with the protesters in London the signs were there and you ask where the connection is, it's not just their opinion but a command.


On 21st February, Prof Professor Tim Brighouse, Chief Adviser for London Schools will launch MCB's publication entitled 'Towards Greater Understanding - meeting the needs of Muslim pupils in state schools, Information & Guidance for Schools'. The guidelines have been prepared by the MCB's Education Committee and the launch is taking place at the Islamic Cultural Centre.

Tahir Alam, who wrote the report, said: "It's not about special or separate treatment. It's about recognising the needs of Muslim children. We're not asking every school to do that, just where there's a Muslim majority.

The PDF document on the MCB site states
Muslim boys should be covered between navel and knee
Muslim girls should wear loose clothes covering everything apart from the hands and face.
Muslim boys should be allowed to grow beards.
Both should be allowed to wear amulets on necklaces which must not be considered as jewellery.
School uniform policy should include the requirements of the muslim dress code.
School meals should include the provision of Halal food.
All kitchen staff must receive training on how to handle Halal food.
The equipment and utensils used to prepare and store Halal food must not be used to prepare non-Halal food.
Schools must make provisions for the five daily prayers.
Schools must provide for Friday congregational prayers onsite.
Schools must provide a prayer area and washing facilities nearby.
Schools must adapt toilets to include washing areas.
Schools have a written policy for the requirements of Ramadam.
Staff must have Ramadam awareness training.
Schools must recognise and celebrate the spirit and values of Ramadam through collective worship, assembly themes and collective breaking of the fast.
Schools must not schedule exams to coincide with Ramadam.
Schools must not schedule sex and relationship lessons or swimming during Ramadam.
Fasting children should avoid over-demanding exercise.
Schools should not hold parents' evenings or other social events during the month of Ramadam.
Muslims entitled to free school meals should be given free packed lunches to take home instead.
Schools must grant Eid holidays as authorised absences.
Schools must recognise and celebrate the two Eids and other Islamic festivals in collective worship and assembly themes.
Schools should celebrate Eid by handing out sweets and making the school dinners Eid dinners.
Schools must have a policy for PE incorporating Islamic dress codes.
Primary schools must build separate changing areas for boys and girls.
Secondary schools must build individual changing and shower cubicles.
Schools must make provision for seperate swimming lessons for boys and girls and provide a teacher of the same sex for each gender class.
Schools unable to provide sex segregation must allow muslim pupils to use local community pools instead.
Schools must allow muslims to withdraw from dance classes.
Schools must ensure contact sports classes are sex segregated.
When drawing up the Religious Education timetable, schools must take into account the religious make-up of the pupils.
Schools must provide adequate religious material to muslims.
All muslims must be given the opportunity to study Islamic Studies.
Schools must allow parents to withdraw their children from RE lessons.
Schools with a very high muslim population must have daily collective Islamic worship.
Schools must ensure muslim pupils do not actively participate in collective worship other than Islamic worship.
Sex and relationships lessons are taught in single sex groups with a teacher of the same gender.
Schools must inform parents and community groups of all sex and relationships lessons and translate content into other languages.
Sexually explicit videos, pictures and objects must be avoided.
Schools must allow parents to withdraw pupils from S&R lessons.
Schools must provide Arabic and other relevant language lessons.
When a modern foreign language is introduced at primary level, muslim pupils must be allowed to study Arabic instead.
Schools must avoid forms of music and drama which could raise muslim concerns.
In schools with high muslim populations, Quaranic recitations and composing and singing of nasheeds should be offered in music lessons.
Schools must ensure libraries provide resources on Islamic faith, culture and civilisation.
Schools must accommodate muslim dietary and prayer needs when organising trips.
Schools must organise overnight trips in single gender groups.
Schools must ensure events outside the school do not compromise religious beliefs.
Schools must ensure it has proportional representation of muslims in their governing bodies.
Schools must ensure teaching and non-teaching staff have Islam awareness training.
Schools must seek to have proportional representation of muslims in teaching and leadership roles.
I am so angry I cannot think of anything to say other than if you want to know what will become of Britain, take a look at the schools. When muslims become the majority, the minority must abide by the muslim sensitivities and not the other way around. Those who believe muslims will gradually blend into the British way of life had better ask themselves why the MCB has written this 'school code' if not to retain and protect everything Islamic.


[edit on 23-2-2007 by The time lord]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Ste2652
That's the press for you

It is not only the Daily Express many UK papers and media sources are covering similar events. They demanded private swimming sessions in Government Owned pools. Some radicals demanded the toilets be turned in prisons those are just two examples there are many more., and all were covered by the MSM in the UK and in some cases even the US carried the same stories.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:20 PM
For those saying the MCb made recommendations as opposed to demands, what say you to the above..

When a sentence starts "Schools must..." that sounds bloody well like a demand to me....

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Schools must make provisions for the five daily prayers.
Schools must provide for Friday congregational prayers onsite.
Schools must provide a prayer area and washing facilities nearby.

Where did you get this text?

The only time that "schools must" appears in that PDF document is in this sentence:

The Education Act 1996 (Section 386 & 387) makes it clear that schools must arrange for all pupils to attend a daily act of collective worship, which normally takes place during the morning assembly.

PDF Document (linked previously)

This is an article I found just so people can read what this is about. The reason why this is not linked is is because the website will probably archive it and the main page will change so you will lose this article.

How convenient. So you're telling us what an article says, but you won't give the link to your source because they'll probably change it??? That's lame, dude. If you're going to quote something, let us visit the link.

The document from the MCB says NOTHING listed in your bogus article.

Edit: It's from jihadwatch and it's BS! Look at the actual document instead of reading what some bigoted nobody says.

[edit on 23-2-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 07:10 PM
Ok but here is the link, hope you enjoy the other articles.

Also I have seen old news footage of the 60's and 70,s where Muslims protested for the fact their daughters had to go swimming. I don't care about the ''MUST'' or ''DO's'' of it all but it clearly states there is a divide in culture here the same divide in culture if not extinguished ones of religious minorities in Islamic countries. This is just one hurdle put in front of democracy that is happening all over the world and has done for years by this religion, there are demands that take complete changes of public places that does not suite them. This comes down that democracy or another other religion can not fit into Islam and the proof is in the seperatist attitude and actions.

And there is nothing wrong with jihadwatch if that is a problem.
PDF Document (linked previously)
Yes it is in the PDF document too.
Also another article here.
[edit on 23-2-2007 by The time lord]

[edit on 23-2-2007 by The time lord]

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