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BBC2 Conspiracy Series

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posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 03:09 AM
Watchewd this programme last night as well, they did zero investigation of their own and just quoted the official story as though it was gospel, none of the video/audio showing the explosions and dust riseing from the basements was shown, the larry silverstien video wasn't shown and how they thought an aircraft fuselage could punch a hole through the pentagon yet the engines couldn't is beyond me

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 04:26 AM
Every time i see something like this advertised for TV i think that we may get some sensible discussion looking at both sides of the arguement but yet again no!!

As with all TV programmes (in the UK at least) that deal with anything of this nature, the official story is the only story. The conspiracy is mentioned and then brushed off with the barest consideration. No analysis, no discussion!!

Make the alternative guys look crazy. and tell everyone there's nothing to see here!! Good unbiased journalism. (Unbiased journalism?? Yeah right, that'll be a contradiction)

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 05:53 AM
the conclusion of this documentary really confirms the context in which it was portrayed

I believe it was along the lines of:

These conspiracy theories will remain what they are, theories.

There is no supporting evidence to say they are true.

Case closed

WTF!! 'Case closed'?!? I've NEVER watched ANY documentary that ended by saying 'case closed'. This was the most biased piece of BS i've ever came across (well, exept the Truth about Diana made by the same people).

This prooves IMO the BBC has gone to the dogs.

I don't think i'll even watch the David Kelly one cause last night's p'd me off so much and i'm still fumin' about it this morning!!

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 06:01 AM
This whole series isn't about investigateing conspiracy theories at all, it's just another attempt to smear and discredit them

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 06:25 AM

Try taking a peek at their work... started with special PODS under the planes... the planes shooting missels into the WTC.... or saying OBL was wearing a it WASNT him.... OR how about the FAKE cell phone calls !!! Oh yeah Dylan is a GENIUS !!!

Already have watched Loose Change, Was the 1st documentry I watched before I got interested in finding out the truth about 9/11. As I said in my comments I posted, yes there is inaccuracies in the Documentry but the are also accuracies in the Documentry. Not 1 Documentry or the Official US Gov report on 9/11 is accurate. So the US Gov must be Geniuses too then!!!!

Anyways I fired off a complaint to the BBC, with regards to their programme will await and see if I get a responce from them. I do not pay My T.V. License for a T.V. Channel such as the BBC to show a programme with so much biase information in it, but I suppose thats nothing new with the BBC anyways, get rid of them is what I say.

Wonder if their complaint dept, emails are red hot by now......

Forgot to add if anyone wants to make a complaint to the BBC with regards to the Programme, (do not know If I am allowed to do this): I shall post the link, then you can make up your own mind weither or not to complainoks


[edit on 19-2-2007 by spencerjohnstone]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 07:09 AM
Very disappointed. And not very balanced. Not sure what I was expecting to see but not this. And I pay a license fee.

I think was expecting to see a more detailed discussion on the theories and not some lame attempt to blow them down.

Is this the best theories they could find?

What will they say about David Kelly next week??

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:36 AM
It was obviously the makers of the program had an agenda, they pointed out all the mistakes in the CT yet didnt go into the biggest holes in the official story. The program was similar to the nuttiest CTers but on the opposite end of the scale. As I said in other thread, the Gov. didnt release the plane footage in order to get the CTers to make fools of themselves, this program had a similar agenda.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
they make loose change maker, out to be someone really stupid and uneducated. they also project alex jones as a nutcase, just getting emotional like evangelists, do in usa.

Yes and yes.

I did watch it to the end and be me a sheeple or a madman it did not change my mind....that CTers are deluded, paranoid and arrogant.
Alex Jones was depicted just as I see all CTers. The dignity of the non CTers who gave their responses in a far more coherent, measured way, done their cause more good than the over emotional, self righteous preaching of CTers. "I had a dream".

Keep up the good work guys. keeps you off the streets. I wouldn't want anymore deluded evangelicals out in the real world

Hers how the CTers version should start.

"Ok Boys and Girls are you sitting comfortably....then I shall begin"
"Once upon a time there were Two Towers......................"

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:41 AM
I have watched LOOSE CHANGE both the first version and just this morning the second version. I think it raises some serious questions that need answering, but the us goverment will never tell the truth. Personally i wanted to watch the program but i completely missed it!

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by JAMES TAYLOR BYE
I have watched LOOSE CHANGE both the first version and just this morning the second version. I think it raises some serious questions that need answering, but the us goverment will never tell the truth. Personally i wanted to watch the program but i completely missed it!

You didn't miss much at all. in fact the less people who saw it the better.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by JAMES TAYLOR BYE
I have watched LOOSE CHANGE both the first version and just this morning the second version. I think it raises some serious questions that need answering, but the us goverment will never tell the truth. Personally i wanted to watch the program but i completely missed it!

heres the video

Google Video Link

if you goto you will see a write up of the account.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Prisonplanet have ripped the documentary to bits, debunking it in almost everyway possible, I can't believe they followed Alex Jones around 5-8 hours a day for a week constantly asking him questions then show about 3 minutes worth of him looking like a ranting loon, just before they left him they laughed at him Alex said, just sums it up basically. Alex gone to great lengths to provide them with as much information as possible and theve basically gone and thrown it him in his face, they say were with Dylan Avery aswell for a long time and all they show is him being nervous on a couple of questions. I am forced to pay a License Fee, and what do they produce with it, dribble, biased propaganda spined program that shows evidance against the conspiracys thats already been debunked like the PBS' Nova animation.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:03 PM
I just this minute tuned into Alex Jones' Radio show to see what he has to say about this. Guy Smith, the producer of this documentary is coming on for an interview/debate any minute now.

Should be interesting.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:47 PM
Guy Smith is gettting hammered by Alex Jones, Watson & Avery at the moment he can't answer nothing.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 04:07 PM
I would like a transcript or a copy of the Alex Jones radio show blasting this guy.

I for one think Dylan and Alex ARE a couple loons...This show actually made them look sincere. Alex does need to remember to use his anti-persperant. Dylan was very calm and brought up a couple points. Thank GOD Jason Bermas wasnt there !

The video only addressed a few CT's. I think more time should have been spent on WTC7 & the CD of the twin towers theory.

I didn't hear about the Lone Gunman story...i found that facinating.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Holy Alex Jones!

I am not a really big fan on Jones, but my goodness he made the BBC guy look like a complete fool.

Sorry, I usually think Alex goes to far, admire his outrageous behaviour at times, and at times think he is nuts.

But man if anyone doubted the 9/11 conspiracy before just listen to that interview.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 09:58 PM
Good lord did Fetzer look like a total loone. But to me, he should have been certified the minute he started trumpeting the "space beam" card.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Man just listened and Alex Jones just destroyed him in that interview, Guy Smith keeps demanding evidence but wouldn't actually respond to anything other than to say it wasn't really important or relevant. And that thing about the loose change guy being a drop out was hilarious.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:40 PM
The BBC are a well trusted source of new and information for UK AND worldwide viewers.
90% of people that had 'heard' their maybe be something suspissious about 911 will trust the BBC's opinion for how they put the story forward, with smoke & mirrors, and go to work the next day thinking ofcourse that suspission was nuts...... Job Done...... and it's those that the BBC were targetting.... What would happen if public oppinion wasn't 'corrected'? their'd be an overthrow of government, simply because of lack of trust.
I allways knew the BBC were shady, but until now i didn't know how dirty they were.And we think we live in a free country????

Shame on you BBC, but rest assured, we know what you're doing

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 07:18 AM

The BBC are a well trusted source of new and information for UK AND worldwide viewers.

Er what Percentage of the Population pls? Not everyone trusts the BBC, think you have your info wrong.

90% of people that had 'heard' their maybe be something suspissious about 911 will trust the BBC's opinion for how they put the story forward, with smoke & mirrors, and go to work the next day thinking ofcourse that suspission was nuts...... Job Done...... and it's those that the BBC were targetting....

Again think you have your info wrong. Where do you come up with 90%??? Do you think the the UK Population is that stupid or gulable?, that they are going to believe a one-sided biased programme, based on total misleading information?

Heck the UK population hate the American President and the UK P/M more than folks in the US.

What would happen if public oppinion wasn't 'corrected'? their'd be an overthrow of government, simply because of lack of trust.

Exactly what one Asian Muslim guy was quoted saying about the UK a couple of weeks ago, who was held on so called terroism charges for over than 24 days, "The UK has now become a Police State".. There has been a lack of trust since the start of the Iraq War and prob since 9/11 anyways.

As with all TV programmes (in the UK at least) that deal with anything of this nature, the official story is the only story. The conspiracy is mentioned and then brushed off with the barest consideration. No analysis, no discussion!!

The BBC, are the worst for doing that in the UK, stickin with the official story all the time, I think they forget sometimes it is us the Public who pay their so called wages.......... Think its about high time they remembered that...... Channel 4 However is good for, challengin the Official story. In my book they are anyways.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by spencerjohnstone]

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