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BBC2 Conspiracy Series

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posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:59 PM
yeah, i noticed that.. sorry im thick, though, whats the connection?

i think the bbc is making a mockery of us all... that was ridiculous... there was so much not covered, and once again, the debunked the obvious stuff and left out things like silverstein's comment "we made the decision to pull it" (building 7), and the fact that this new propieter of the WTC made an absolute fortune out of his new buildings in insurance claims.... and that you cannot simply "pull" a building within a few hours.

obviously, im not an expert on the matter, and i may be completely wrong, but i think this is by far the best evidence that something was seriously not right in what was broadcast to the world in response to 9/11. im not associated with this site, or the contents... but i think the 9/11 videos on (movies, documentary) are pretty interesting viewing and i'm pretty convinced that the WTC would not simply have fallen down like that.... ok, rant over...

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:59 PM
oops i'm a bit slow today.. think my brain has fried from all the conspiracies. i'm doing a "social awareness" project and uni at the moment, do you think i'll get away with using conspiracy theories as a subject matter? last time i brought up an unusual subject my teacher looked at me and said "do you actually believe in that?!"

[edit on 18-2-2007 by purplecoral]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:07 PM
I know virtually nothing about numerology, although I have been looking more generally at the alleged symbolism of the so-called illuminati recently (particularly the giant all-seeing eye and Stars of David that are apparently engraved in the Nevada desert - have you seen them?). I understand from my limited reading, that the number 33 is a sacred number in freemasonry (as in the 33rd degree). Since the BBC programme is being viewed as a cover-up by CTers, I wondered whether they saw something significant in the appearance of the number 33.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:12 PM
[edit on 18-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:15 PM
This similar to the thread I started which has been locked, so I want to repeat my comments here.

I just watched it and while it appears to be an even handed account of both sides of the argument, I still found myself being gently pushed towards the official version.

Some major facts have been left out, for instance:

The remenants of the WTC's were shown, however they failed to mention that the majority had been buried before analysis could be undertaken.

Silversteins interview in 2002 was unmentioned where he claims "we decided to pull it" (building seven)

The 5TH plane (that was supposedly heading toward England) the BBC claimed previously, was unmentioned and has been hidden by the BBC since they announced it on 911 (two of my friends and myself, watching it unfold on live TV remember them saying this) Whether this was real or not isn't clear. Don't believe me? Try to get the whole version of the BBC's coverage....

Thermite (traces of which were found on some of the steel) was unmentioned.

No mention of the CIA's meeting with Osama Bin Laden two days before 911 in Abu Dabi

"The conspiracy theorys are just that: conspiracy therories" The "impartial" commentator says this.

I think this is the biggest attempt in the UK yet, to undermine anyone who doubts the official version of events.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by coughymachine
I know virtually nothing about numerology, although I have been looking more generally at the alleged symbolism of the so-called illuminati recently (particularly the giant all-seeing eye and Stars of David that are apparently engraved in the Nevada desert - have you seen them?). I understand from my limited reading, that the number 33 is a sacred number in freemasonry (as in the 33rd degree). Since the BBC programme is being viewed as a cover-up by CTers, I wondered whether they saw something significant in the appearance of the number 33.

i think they know about 33 being a number associated with numerolgy, they may of left it in there for a joke or something, for us to start saying they are part of the conspiracy or something. i think the number may of been deliberate like you say, but it was probably to wind people up.

purplecoral- just press edit and select all your text and write something else.

i assume alex jones will see this quite quickly considering he has partners in england. do you think he will talk about it tomorrow, i.e monday show.

[edit on 2/18/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:26 PM
[edit on 18-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:59 PM
I have not seen the documentary but I have seen BBC news a lot of the times, so wait they are a government owned news program? Was this a COINTELPRO operation to get the people to believe in something that was not? They are professionals, so they should know when NOT TO LEAVE OUT FACTS. I am surprised that they did, but I didn't see the show, so I would not know. Could some one give me a basic rundown of what happened during the show?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:19 PM
Well I just finished watching this programme, kept on shouting liars at the t.v. everytime they tried to come up alternative theories. Mind you I did not expect anything else from the BBC, after all it is State Owned. What a total waste of Licence Payers Money, We pay over 100 quid a year for crap like that...

Dylan Avery an Alex's Jones should sue them for making them out to be total nutcases. Was expecting better from the programme,

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:21 PM
Its a damn shame because 90% of people who watch this documentary is going to see it as fact, its a complete sabotage on the truth movement, that goes for 7/7 to, everyone will think people who believe it was a "Inside Job" are going to be thought as loonies, its already happening on several forums with the mickey taking of people who are questioning what happened that day. The X-Files guy sumed that video up for me, why on earth have him on there? The only thing I can hope for is that the video stirs up a reaction for people to come out of there shell, the only good thing to come out that video is people got to see WTC7 fall, no one I know, knows nothing about what happened to WTC7.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:34 PM

the only good thing to come out that video is people got to see WTC7 fall, no one I know, knows nothing about what happened to WTC7.

Im actually glad they brought that up in the programme, but their theory with regard to fire an debris bringin down that building, is foley, they actually contradicted themselves, showing demolitions of other buildings, compare the buildings to WTC 7 and you can see that it was a controlled demolition.

Bet the prgramme makers felt stupid aftr it

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by spencerjohnstone

the only good thing to come out that video is people got to see WTC7 fall, no one I know, knows nothing about what happened to WTC7.

Im actually glad they brought that up in the programme, but their theory with regard to fire an debris bringin down that building, is foley, they actually contradicted themselves, showing demolitions of other buildings, compare the buildings to WTC 7 and you can see that it was a controlled demolition.

Bet the prgramme makers felt stupid aftr it

But still MI5 got the job done 90% of the wondering sheep are now back with the flock.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 07:29 PM
Hi There,

I watched the programme tonight, and I think it did quite a good hatchet job on one or two of the fairy stories doing the rounds as conspiracies, and that, my friends is exactly how those whom you are trying to convince will perceive it.

The writer from the 'X Files' got it right when he stated that what you are trying to get people to swallow is too grim a reality. You are taking away their psychological 'safe-zone' and not replacing it with a substitute...if they watched this programme, they will have got what you did not give...reassurance.

All it has ever been since 2001 is a steady, incessant, grip-loss on lives that used to have a modicum of comfort behind rose-coloured spectacles, with this programme, all they have now are shades opaque to the truth.

There's no doubt that there have been cover-ups, there is no doubt that the government has lied continuously to the people. There is no doubt that the last two elections were won bogusly, and that this administration has made a whole lot of money from the death and destruction that followed the planes into the buildings. There's no doubt that the buildings came down in a controlled manner, and there's no doubt that this administration has used the horror of 9/11 as a means to their own profitable ends. However, the conspiracy is not simply about 9/11, but about the erosion of the American way of life, something that the people took for granted and abdicated their responsibility to uphold regardless of the cost. It wasn't just congress that let the people down, the people, too, are equally complicit.

So, what do you think is going to happen? Elections where the Democrats win with a landslide? Somehow, I can't see that being a good thing. If there really is a secret organisation running things, then it is quite obvious that they also control the Democrats. Now that Bush and the Republicans are the scum of the earth, I would expect to see a slow 'favour-shift' towards the Dems, this way the people sigh a sigh of relief and the NWO maintain control. False security!

Iraq is finished. The NWO will move the troops out of Iraq when they move them into Iran and Syria, and it will be to hell with Iraq! I just wonder how many Americans will have to die appalling deaths from their staged terrorist attack in order to provide reasons for attacking Iran? Will it be you?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 07:53 PM
How can any of you stick up for Avery or the rest of that crew??? They admitted during the first couple minutes of a debate with Mark Roberts that the loose change video has "inaccuracies". The very next day they posted on their MYSPACE page that they were distributing 50,000 more DVD's.

Loose Change has been proven FALSE ! The video's are not accurate !!!

They deserved the beating this show gave them.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 07:54 PM
I cant believe how many people support the BBC's 'effort' on ANY of their 'conspiracy' docs,it screams propoganda.
If you're STILL oblivious to what they're upto theirs no hope.Make no mistake, TV is a very powerful 'control tool' that the BBC have, yet again, just given a great example of how their government PR machine works.Yesterday the BBC anounced prince harry will goto Iraq and 'fight on the front line'..... yeah, SURE he will... LMFAO... next the BBC will be telling up pigs fly... total trators.
You can fool some of the people, some of the time.......

[edit on 18-2-2007 by Order Out Of Chaos]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 08:05 PM
Well at least at the end they mentioned that there was foreknowledge, that the CIA's and FBI's denials of foreknowledge are becoming more obvious as lies.

To be fair Alex Jones does come across a bit like an evangelist, i was angry though about how anyone believing in this sort of thing were swept away as people who simply feared the truth. They likened it to a security blanket, which to me was like they are saying "Hey if you ever meet anyone who doesn't believe the popular line then just humour them as you would a mentally ill person".

Maybe the rest of the series will be better.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Loose Change......

How can any of you stick up for Avery or the rest of that crew??? They admitted during the first couple minutes of a debate with Mark Roberts that the loose change video has "inaccuracies". The very next day they posted on their MYSPACE page that they were distributing 50,000 more DVD's.

Loose Change has been proven FALSE ! The video's are not accurate !!!

They deserved the beating this show gave them.

Do you know the guy on a personal level, obviously you have a problem with someone trying to find out the truth.... No one deserves to be mocked like that on T.V. no matter who they are...

And do you have proof that they havnt distributed more than 50,000 copies?

If you have I would like to see it.

At the end of the day they go to all lengths to rag down anyone who is looking for the truth on what or who was behind 9/11.

To be fair Alex Jones does come across a bit like an evangelist,

To be fair the guy does go a little ott most of the time, but He is funny well in my opinion he is. Least he has the bollocks to do what he does, I would not do what he does. Hats off to the guy

[edit on 18-2-2007 by spencerjohnstone]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by spencerjohnstone

Do you know the guy on a personal level, obviously you have a problem with someone trying to find out the truth.... No one deserves to be mocked like that on T.V. no matter who they are...

And do you have proof that they havnt distributed more than 50,000 copies?

If you have I would like to see it.

At the end of the day they go to all lengths to rag down anyone who is looking for the truth on what or who was behind 9/11.

Do I know Dylan? Not personally, but we exchanged posts on his myspace. I questioned him about what he said during his debate with Mark Roberts ...when Dylan ADMITTED his Video (Loose Change)had inaccuracies....I asked him WHY if he admitted to the Video being disengenuous, WHY would he continue to pass out 50,000 more copies.... his response....was.... "why so much hatred". That was it. HE failed to respond to my question. Try taking a peek at their work... started with special PODS under the planes... the planes shooting missels into the WTC.... or saying OBL was wearing a it WASNT him.... OR how about the FAKE cell phone calls !!! Oh yeah Dylan is a GENIUS !!!

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I asked him WHY if he admitted to the Video being disengenuous, WHY would he continue to pass out 50,000 more copies.... his response....was.... "why so much hatred". That was it. HE failed to respond to my question.


I think you fail to realize he doesn't really care. I wouldn't worry about it, man. It's just like anything else in life, people are going to do what they want. I don't like the documentary either, and those guys really do make asses of the "movement" when it comes to getting facts straight, but they don't even care enough to do that apparently.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 11:29 PM
Bsbray.... I do realize that. I just wish more people would do the proper research and learn facts before praising that pack of idiots. Most of us know that they are in it for the recognition. I belive Jack Tripper may be guilty of the same.... but i will withhold that judgement until i watch his video.

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