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2000 year old stone carving of the 10 commandments in New Mexico?

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posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 12:38 PM
hes been reading either Charles Hapgood completely discredited "Earth's Shifting Crust" or hes been reading Fingerpaints of the Gods by graham Hancock which references it
hey buddy those bone piles were the result of predatory action
not a global flood
like if you had a little bit of sense you'd be asking why animals would run to the back of caves when water suddenly appeared from nowhere and why if this was the case why they didn't float out of there when they had drowned
youre taking something that is a well known phenomena (predatory remains) and claiming its evidence for something that never happened and which had it happened the way you say would not account for the remains you are using as evidence
this is whats known generally as pseudoscience

why don't you just admit that you believe there was a worldwide flood because a Jewish scribe around 600bce who had no understanding of flood geology whatever wrote that it happened in a book
can't remember the name of the book offhand
think its started with a big "C"
then an "a"
and an "p"
there was a "r" in there as well somewhere

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by win 52
What caused huge piles of bones to collect in certain areas where they would naturaly be put by flood waters, if infact there was some type of flood, mass death, etc.??

Those are local flood action... and often over the period of decades or centuries or milennia.

For example, at the paleontology lab where I volunteer, we have about 5 tons of rock (containing about 2 tons of fossilized bone) from a quarry in Alaska. There's at least 30 different individuals in there, of different sizes and species.

Now, there's little doubt they were buried in floods. As we take the rock off, we find carbonized water weeds wrapped around places where skin and muscle were (but are no longer). BUT... we also find evidence of scavenging. There's a few Tyrannosaurus teeth in there (at least one is a juvenile) and some of the bones have the distinctive T Rex toothmarks on them.

These T. Rexes were older than 10 years old and probably closer to age 15(based on size of teeth and so forth) and they were dining on fresh carcases (because 10 year old meat isn't edible.) In addition, many of the bones show insect activity (beetles boring into the bone) and so forth.

This kind of formation also shows up in areas that are geologically below this particular bed (in other words, layers of different types of rock above them and below them... and the flood deposits not restricted to that one layer but in many layers with evidence that other animals died in other ways.)

If there was a global flood, there would be no way that the dead animals would stay fresh enough for a young Tyrannosaurus to gnaw on some 10 or 15 years later... if a pair (or several) of Tyrannosauruses had somehow survived a "global flood" and recovery, you wouldn't find them in high enough numbers to be preying on animals across the northern US, Canada, and Alaska.

There are great extinctions but none of them are associated with rocks that form in flood areas (silt-based rock.)

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 04:26 PM
I don't think hes talking about bones that old Byrd
as you know to anyone who believes in the Flood of Noah the earth is only 6011 years old

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 05:06 PM
I spent a lot of time in the badlands around Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. Looking at the layers of silt on top of the bones, and the way things are layed out, it was an observation.

As far as those books you mention, I am not as blinded as some would make me out to seem. The other was of human bones mixed with many other species down in the SE USA, as another reference.

There is evidence around the Giza pyramids of a servere flood.

Now the date is a bit up in the air and exactly what made things look that way is a questionmark? How high did the flood waters rise is another question?

How this all relates to a 2000 yr old stone in New Mexico are the facts that there is no definite proof one way or another. You want me to agree with what you agree with, without any solid proof?

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 05:53 PM

How this all relates to a 2000 yr old stone in New Mexico are the facts that there is no definite proof one way or another. You want me to agree with what you agree with, without any solid proof?

no just for once we'd like you to substantiate your claims with some links
having to rely on your point of view is quite annoying especially when we all know its incorrect
see its like an ambush
we know you got dodgy information
so we're just waiting for you to try and post links from crecible sites (i.e. not so we can make you look silly

so please
post some links that substantiate
1) global flood

posted by Win52
There is enough evidence that there was a general world flood at some point

2) evidence of a severe flood that affected the top of the Giza plateau

posted by Win52
There is evidence around the Giza pyramids of a servere flood

3) evidence of huge piles of bones caused by a flood

posted by Win52
What caused huge piles of bones to collect in certain areas where they would naturaly be put by flood waters, if infact there was some type of flood, mass death, etc.??

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Leonard Hall stood for along while at the spot, trying to come to terms with what he had just seen. Did he imagine everything? Was it a dream? But he was awake and his mind was clear.
He went to his friends and told them his story. Together they all walked to the place where Hall heard the voices and saw the people, but nothing was there. There were no signs of recent fire. The place was empty.
His friends explained to him that he must have been tired and his imagination had played a trick on him.

When Hall returned home he could not forget the event and decided to visit the local library. Perhaps an answer or a clue could be found in one of history books. He searched through the archives and finally found what he was looking for, a possible solution to the mysterious incident he recently experienced.

In one of the books, he discovered an old document from which he learned something that surprised him. The document described how a small group of Spanish conquistadors led by the Dominican priest Domingo de Soto (1494-1560) were camping near the Upper Current River. The Spaniards were accompanied by Indians, who acted as their servants.

I spent time in the badlands near Drumheller, pondering why I could find teeth, bones and other foscills at various levels in the silt and clay. At times 100 feet difference in elivation between the artifacts sticking out of the walls of the canyon. What could have caused these things to be so disorderly in their resting places.

This was during a time when I had rejected churches, religions and even questioned God himself. I had a vision at that time, when it was revealed to me that there was a fairly big flood at one time in the past. Most of the living creations on earth lost their lives, but not all of them.

There were survivors on all continents and of all species on earth at the time.

There, now you can have a good laugh and fun picking apart my vision. I told you that you wouldn't believe my evidence. I had a hard time comming to grips with what I saw and tried to bury it in my memory, thinking that I was going crazy.

Now, should I be waiting for the guys in white coats to call me or the US Federal Government? At this point I have a feeling it will be the latter.

I think they call it remote viewing 101...for dummies.

Byrd....I can see that T Rex gnawing at that pile of dead carcases thinking he had enough food for a lifetime, but he had no mate handy for reproduction, or maybe he did? That just flashed in my mind like a video clip.

See, I am crazy. I won't darken your doorway anymore.

Peace link to quote

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:01 PM
hey Win thats not a problem and imo its very barve of you to admit that you may possibly be a bit nutty
but this is the wrong forum for this kind of evidence
perhaps you could start a new thread in skunk works
its not what youre saying that causes me not to believe you or think that you have been deceived
its just the overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary that proves irrefutably that the great flood of Noah is just a religious story told to make a moral point and to enforce a belief in the power of YHWH
not the least of which is the fact that the Noah story is just the latest in a long line of flood stoires which it was directly derived from
and in each preceeding story the flood and the ark get smaller
and smaller

and smaller


[edit on 14-3-2007 by Marduk]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Marduk
the fact that the Noah story is just the latest in a long line of flood stoires which it was directly derived from
and in each preceeding story the flood and the ark get smaller
and smaller

and smaller


That is the main reason why I stand by the flood theory. Just not quite the way the Hebrew writers portray it. You use it as proof a flood story is wrong, and I use it to justify a flood story.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Fossils tend to be a little more durable than the surrounding rock. So what can happen to put fossils in the wrong strata of stone is that, at some point, they eroded out of their "correct" strata, and washed away to be deposited in a new strata.

Thus it's possible to find the occasional dinosaur fossil in Pliestocene deposits, particularly in exposed, highly eroded places, such as the badlands. Doesn't mean dinosaurs were alive then, it just means that it rained.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:23 PM

That is the main reason why I stand by the flood theory. Just not quite the way the Hebrew writers portray it. You use it as proof a flood story is wrong, and I use it to justify a flood story.

no I use it as proof that the flood story is just that
a story
a story that grows with each retelling over the millenia
I use the geological data to prove that the flood story is wrong
there simply isn't enough water on this planet to cover it to the height of the mountains
and the genetic dna data shows that at no time was mankind reduced to a few people of which all the modern races emerged
you should actually have checked those details
its simply not possible for negros, asians and caucasoids to have evolved from a Hebrew sailor less than 5000 years ago
it also is not possible to get 6 billion people from one father in that time frame without every single individual on earth being mentally unstable from inbreeding
hang on a minute

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Wow, that's really cool, however I would have to say it's a fake.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:28 PM
According to this site, the Los Lunas Mystery Stone has been defaced.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:22 PM
I propose a new thread title

place your bets

Hebrews 100-1
Mormons 2-1
Christians 50-1
Aliens 1000-1
Third day Advent Hoppists 10-1
Amish 10-1
Vandals - 500-1
Visi-Goths - 5-1
Goths - 2-1

alas we will probably never know who defaced the los lunas mystery stone or which continent they came from

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
I propose a new thread title

place your bets

Hebrews 100-1
Mormons 2-1
Christians 50-1
Aliens 1000-1
Third day Advent Hoppists 10-1
Amish 10-1
Vandals - 500-1
Visi-Goths - 5-1
Goths - 2-1

alas we will probably never know who defaced the los lunas mystery stone or which continent they came from

Lemurian scientologists or nobody!

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:11 AM
Do you people think that I am that ignorant to have not already pondered these types of arguments. I was hoping that someone would be able to change my mind on this, but I see that the position taken by evolutionists is just as much a quicksand bog as the creationists position. No one really knows what went on. It is all just a guess.

That could very well be the case in the badlands, with some of the foscills. The extent of what I have seen and laid my hands on, lead me to believe that this is not the case for all of the evidence presented. In most cases I was finding bones that were right in the Canyon wall where they had laid since they were layered in there, before the canyon was cut out and erosion took its course.

Even my claims of remote viewing, how ever strange they seem to some of you, are not proof enough for those who require hard evidence.

The other part is ...Why are the foscill fuel deposits in Alberta and all along the eastern slope of the Rockies, not in Central North America? It is said that the flood burried the evidence in the Earth or was it under a pile of dirt. If things rotted where they lay dead, there would not be oil deposits like we have today, because the carcases would have been scavenged by predators. Those deposits would have to be piled up still in tact, then compressed to have oil????wouldn't they?

The conclusion is that we really have no idea what actually took place with a flood or with this stone, because the trail has grown very cold. My story has as much validity as does other theories.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
I propose a new thread title

place your bets

Hebrews 100-1
Mormons 2-1
Christians 50-1
Aliens 1000-1
Third day Advent Hoppists 10-1
Amish 10-1
Vandals - 500-1
Visi-Goths - 5-1
Goths - 2-1

Okay. THAT was pretty funny.

Thanks for the chuckle, I needed it today.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
According to this site, the Los Lunas Mystery Stone has been defaced.

From the comments section:

most hard evidence suggests the "mystery stone" was done by UNM students in the 1930s, so this isn't quite the indictment of New Mexico culture that it could be. Still, very sad...this is no way to treat a neat part of local folklore.

Anybody ever hear of this?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:24 PM
From what I know of the stone, it's pretty much accepted around here that it's a prank.

I can't believe that there was an ancient Hebrew civilization in the New World that left only one artifact.

Even though I have much respect for the Mormons whom I know personally, the Book of Mormon describes cultures that would have left unmistakable artifacts by the thousands, if they actually existed.

About thirty years ago, I found a Clovis point in the desert outside Carlsbad, NM without even trying.

If ancient Hebrews lived in the New World, it shouldn't be a mystery.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 01:27 AM
I'd say (if it's real), it was taken there, but rejected, and left in the middle of nowhere.

Why don't they just date it...

Being a Christian, I wouldn't find it unreasonable that it's real, since nearly every country on earth has had contact with the Bible, and/or the Ten Commandments.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:10 PM
Alrite, we don't even know for sure Moses and 10 commandments do exist, but now they found the stones.

WAKE UP DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GIVE IT UP you christian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is no joke, you are ruining people and next generations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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