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The Alien/Asian Link

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posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 08:13 AM
First of all I would just like to apologise if this actually offends anyone. I'm not a racist and this isn't meant to insult or bring down anyone.

This is just a random theory I thought of oneday and thought it was pretty interesting.

I just noticed how some asian people look simliar, sort of (when you squint), to 'greys'. Generally skinny, short, 'slanty' eyes. And asians seem to be particularly good at maths/science/all that crap that is far too complicated for me to even think about.

Though this is only my first post, I've been coming here for quite a few years and have spent countless hours reading all of your posts and ideas. One thing I notice is that a fair few of you agree that China is getting to be economically and militarily ... dominent in the world. Or atleast will be in some time. (I clearly had trouble properly wording that sentence)

My theory is that China eventually 'takes over' the world and the Chinese become the 'dominent' race. And thousands or even millions of years down the track they 'become' the Greys. Whether through evolution or some sort of artificial means.

I also chucked the in theory that the UFO's that people have been seeing all over the world for centuries are infact time machines, and not visitors from outer space. It's the Greys, or the future chinese or whatever the hell you want to call my little idea, that are the time travellers.

So, in a nutshell, my theory is that the greys and UFO's that have been sighted over the years are infact just the chinese (it started off as asians in general, but whatevs) from the future that are visiting us in their time machines, which they built using their smarts in maths/science/all that other crap.

Crazy?? I think not!

I'd love for any of your comments or ideas on this. Cheers.

Once again, sorry for my massive generalisations. It's not my intention to offend.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 08:19 AM
omg ur so rite, i; know an asian who's really a grey lol, and hes already promised to take me into the future after china has crushed america, he says they don't ally like in Serenity have you seen that it's set in the future but its wrong ive seen it, they have space machine all over the great wall of china, im not sure where it is but i think russia somewhere.

Can we meet sumtime to talk about time travel and picnic bars?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Toy_soldier
First of all I would just like to apologise if this actually offends anyone. I'm not a racist and this isn't meant to insult or bring down anyone.

Just because you say your not racist, it doesn't make the statement any less racist...

[edit on 2/15/2007 by whargoul]

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 09:40 AM
Well considering that you are saying that they end up taking over the world, and I think of racism as putting someone down, I'd say its not as racist as some think... I mean you are actually elevating their race by saying they take over the planet and master timetravel.

Although I will say that your theory hold very little water, or else wouldn't they assist themselves? I mean why not go ahead and speed up the process and knock us out in the 1500 or so? I mean that way they could start their reign that much earlier...

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 09:44 AM
I dont think they are the greys in the future. I would imagine though that if the greys were watching they would take an interest in their technolgy.

Man i just had a vision of a Jackie Chan grey alien kicking our butts

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 09:45 AM
Quite frankly I think your theory is paranoid and complete bull, I don't see any resemblance between the Chinese and Greys...don't greys have *cough* big eyes?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 09:51 AM
I have a very good, very conscise, and very scientific theory on Grey's and time travel. If you want it...message far as Asians go...try the entire human race.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 10:00 AM
"Just because you say your not racist, it doesn't make the statement any less racist... "

ok, well, thank you for that constructive and helpful comment.

and yeah alpha, send it to me!

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 10:07 AM
Perhaps asians are direct decendants of the grays. Here is a link that talks about the DROPA STONES.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 10:32 AM
I did hear a theory from a guy I met at a party once. He seemed half joking but at the same time it he was dead serious. I just wish I could remember the details.
The theory basically spelled out that Asians have been the most genetically tampered with of all the humans. The interlopers were the greys, and, these greys only had their own genetics to use as a basis for the improvement of humanity. This would then explain why Asians are generally shorter, have less body and facial hair, and are more intelligent.

Of course, I don't really buy this theory, but not because of how fantastic it sounds. My reasons are simple. Did you ever meet an Americanized Asian? That whole smart thing goes straight out the window when they've been raised in the USA, doesn't it? They're just as dumb as the rest of us.

Food for thought, mangiate

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 10:45 AM

this theory is way out there man, but you know are most of the theories that are on ATS. If I remember right, this is a conspiracy board as well right and most conspiracies are true to some but crazy to others.
Anyway, this thread of yours is on touchy ground for maybe/maybe not being racist. Putting that issue aside for the moment though, the fundamental idea needs to be thought out a bit, what do you think? You mention the eyes, but as stated above by another posting member, the "greys" have huge almond shaped eyes, not as you put it, "squinting eyes". That aside, I am sure that at some point there will be a member by the name of Earthsister that jumps in here to.
She has put some thread out that she believes that the first major world acknowledgement of aliens/UFO will happen in the very near future and be in Japan. I just thought this was a bizarre coincidence to your theory, albeit Japan and not China.
Anyway, peace to you..just be careful how you word some things as to not offend others. Yes, you did say that in your opening statement, but this is a diverse crowd and you want your thread to stay on topic and not jump into something else.

Peace, good luck with the responses...Mondo

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 01:02 PM
I hope this is not against ATS rules, but all in favor of passing along information let me hear a BOOYAHHHHH.....okay tough crowd.....well ALPHAANUOMEGA or can someone let him know through u2u that I want information about the grey and time travel. I really am interested, but I am still unable to u2u people, and i dont want to spam board with posts. Thanks much. I hope everyone is alright, and having a good day. best wishes and good days!

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn
Did you ever meet an Americanized Asian? That whole smart thing goes straight out the window when they've been raised in the USA, doesn't it? They're just as dumb as the rest of us.

Food for thought, mangiate

1. wow - brilliant observation there - typical. I'm just gonna let that one try to stand on its own.

2. theory - (definition) a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena.

[edit on 2/15/2007 by lagos]

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 02:10 PM

2. theory - (definition) a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena.

Thats just one definition of the word theory, the word has not been misused.

back onto Asians being Alien, At some point in History when we were all just "primates" navigating our way through the world some went West Europe etc. and some went east towards Asia. Over millions of years a great barrier of mountain ranges was naturally created this left the primates on the other side to evolve by themselves away from the other species, this went on for thousands of years. After some time a land bridge appeared I think during an Ice age between Asia and North America this allowed the now Homo sapiens to cross to America, these people were the descendants of the "American" indians. thats were the resemblance (slant-eyed) comes from.

But as far as theories go it is a good one I like it,whos to say it aint the other way around ( well apart from what we already know that we all descended from Africa at some point which destroys both theories, but hey whos to say these "facts" are nothin but disinformation).

[edit on 15-2-2007 by marcopolo]

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by marcopolo

2. theory - (definition) a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena.

Thats just one definition the word theory, the word has not been misused.

Fair enough - my bad - was on the valid scientific theory angle.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:05 PM
The one thing that comes in mind to me is that MIB's are often reported as having an asian appearance with an olive colored skin... And of corse if you cross this with the theory that MIB's are not in fact human...

My wife is chinese, and though I don't think of her as an alien I do sometimes question weather or not she's sane...

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Generalization at it's best.

So by what the OP posted I'm to guess that because of pop culture comedians, greys would also be bad drivers (thus roswell) and take bad photographs?

While you might've thought this to be humorous or perhaps genuinely believe this to be possible, imo it doesn't seem to hold any grain of truth.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:39 PM
as it apears that speculating about a future race is "racist"
I think political correctness has just about turned into orwellian double speak by now....
The Australian aborigones have a connection with other stars, as do the north american indians ledgends,
The Dogon of Africa too have an extraterrestrial tradition -myth..
Many more older cultures have similar myths...
The south Americas have a ledgend of white skinned red haired Gods who came and went over a period of time in ther history....
Does this means that it is racist to speclate the future??
The postulated theory is an explanation that takes in some but not all of the variables possible .
Why not detail the speculative input base and see where it goes.....
The Asian racial characteristics dont account for the entire construct...
As some one pointed out the eyes are not entirely a match.
Why not a racial amalgamation of all the earths races evolving into the grey alien physique?
The postlulated evolution may occur over many aeons of human existance and be influenced by countless other side factors as well as inheritance...
Exposier to radiations of all types
The results of genetic modifications both in the womb and out of it.
The exposure to genetically modified foods as well as nano medicine leading to a nano enhanced physiology...?
Genetic manipulation of survival qualities nessessary for the future world conditions....
The quest for longer life spans
Racial mixing in a post racially divided world
Changes in our basic food requirements over the long haul...the results of a changed metabolism
All this and more added up over many thousands of years, as well as exposure to intergalactic culture and species could produce the right combinations to turn us all into blood sopping -S&iT excreteing telepaths with a penchant for coring out the recta,eyes, and genitals, of earlier versions of ourselves.....?????
Matbe to augment the survival of the future us, who have become trapped in a dead ended spiral of our own making, and need the reinstallation of our forebears raw genetic pattern back into the mainstream of our existance?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 04:39 PM
I love this place
.........I have always thought there to be a resemblance b/w asians and the greys....although I think perhaps they (asians) may be a result of the grey's being here - not the other way around. ......I see the same resemblance in the american indians. I'm off to read about the DROPA stones ...have a great day all.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:39 PM
In a thousand years, we will not all be greys...we will all have interbred so much that race will no longer exist. We will all look like some sort of American/African/Asian/Whatever hybrid. We may have some sort of interaction with an extraterrestrial race, but who is to say that they will be the infamous "greys"?

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