posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 06:51 PM
I think the most beautiful weapon of war is the first. The thing that made us more than walking apes. Our hands.
Hands fashioned the first weapons of war, and even the newest ones, from bombs to planes to guns. The hand of an empowered monk alone can destroy
flesh, bone, wood, stone. The hand of a regular man with no training can still be used to kill. It's also a weapon of peace and never loses it's
usefullness and beauty when wars end. You can extend it in friendship, of offer blessings with it. You can use the hand to carress your lovers
face. You can feed the hungry or wash the feet of the poor with your hand, if that's your bag.
The hand is definitely deadly. It's definitely beautiful. It is the only weapon of all those listed besides the mind, and words, that does not lose
its usefullness after war. By the way, both words and mind were great answers. But if all we had was words and mind, and had no hands, we'd be
nothing but walking dolphins.