posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 07:55 PM
It looks to me that the pictures are the sun low on the horizon illuminating a contrail. Considering he said it wasn't moving very quickly this is
the most likely explanation. If it was moving really fast then we'd have to look at other possibilities.
I don't see how you get a triangle out of the Thai picture but whateva. If the thing was hovering what was that picture from.
I have never understood that Simon Gray supposed Aurora video. They show the fireball that disappears over the horizon, then a bit later a contrail,
where through most of the video there is no ground reference. It would mean that the aircraft would have to make a 180 turn at some point at Mach 6+
because it would have to be going fast enough to make a fireball. No way. I don't buy the donuts on the rope thing either, I don't see it and the
phenomina is falsely associated with PWDE. Most likely explanation is that they guy saw a large rock hitting the atmosphere, which can be pretty
brilliant and move fairly slowly, followed by a plane with a normal contrail. That and the Aurora was cancelled before 1998