posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 05:26 PM
I was reading a posting in the 'unexplained mystery' forum. I can't remember what the posting was about, but I decided to check out the source on
ATS. I got to read some of the other postings and before I knew it, I was hooked. I signed on and have never looked back.
It is the most up-to-date site on current events and such-like. This forum has great links to relevant information that isn't published in the
general press.
Through ATS, I found OUT THERE TV, which is thorough in it's research. There are highly intelligent people in this forum. What I don't know, or
understand-I soon learn from forum members.
ATS has a great bunch of forum members. Through ATS , you can clearly see the side of every story, or debate without too much nonsense being slipped
in. On some forums, you get people making rude comments about somebody's opinion rather than weighing up what is being discussed with an open mind.
ATS is one of the most superb forums on the internet, and that is why I keep coming back again and again.