posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Cyber_Wasp
You are a wise man, wasp.
That leads us to atonement for wrong choices. No matter how you shake it, things always seem to revert back to many of the truths brought about by
Jesus, when he spent some time here.
Which brings us back to conflict.
Renato is no John Titor. He has another story, a free on line story about his abductions and his time travel experiences. Frustrated by the seeming
lack of urgency regarding his story, by the members here, he was lashing out so they banned him.
Onthedeck, another member trying to qualify this claim by renato and the op of this thread, was also banned from posting for relaying Renato's
responses in this thread.
So you have it, a conspiracy on a conspirancy board, how ironic!
What do I believe?
My 57 years have been filled with events leading me up to what is about to take place. I even predicted it as a 4 yr old child, before life began
taking bites out of my hide.
It is so fantastic that this biological unit I am in refuses to accept it, or it is being programed out some how. They tell me, "time will tell". It
seems like they have lots of that, time.