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Originally posted by Majic
The fact that this offends certain people only proves my point.
Originally posted by Majic
I prefer critical thinking and making up my own mind on the issues rather than having opinions dictated to me by governments and those of my colleagues who should know better than that.
Originally posted by loam
I hear you, alphabetaone, but given the way things are lining up, can you honestly argue the “potentials” are equally weighted or even close?
Originally posted by loam
Like I said earlier, skepticism is all good and well, but at what point does that convert into unreasonable denial?
Originally posted by loam
Originally posted by alphabetaone
…not NEAR enough to convince me that life needs to change drastically.
Again, I don’t know how you arrived at this conclusion.
Originally posted by loam
Drastic changes only come to the unprepared.
In fact, that is the problem with this whole debate.
For the sake of argument, let’s assume the science is correct on this issue. How do you really think all of the “drastic” changes you claim might be required could actually be implemented?
Originally posted by loam
Seems to me, if we are missing the boat on the reality of global climate change, the longer we wait, the more “drastic” things will become.
Food for thought.
Originally posted by Regenmacher
When you can show me evidence that our state of the art climate models are becoming more inaccurate and I will say your skeptism is warranted, otherwise I see no evidence of this self-professed critical thought.
Originally posted by Majic
If I should ever want you to decide what my opinion or position on any issue should be or whether "skepticism is warranted", I'll be sure to let you know in a very public fashion.
The scientific method involves the following basic facets:
* Observation. A constant feature of scientific inquiry.
* Description. Information must be reliable, i.e., replicable (repeatable) as well as valid (relevant to the inquiry).
* Prediction. Information must be valid for observations past, present, and future of given phenomena, i.e., purported "one shot" phenomena do not give rise to the capability to predict, nor to the ability to repeat an experiment.
* Control. Actively and fairly sampling the range of possible occurrences, whenever possible and proper, as opposed to the passive acceptance of opportunistic data, is the best way to control or counterbalance the risk of empirical bias.
* Falsifiability, or the elimination of plausible alternatives. This is a gradual process that requires repeated experiments by multiple researchers who must be able to replicate results in order to corroborate them. This requirement, one of the most frequently contended, leads to the following: All hypotheses and theories are in principle subject to disproof. Thus, there is a point at which there might be a consensus about a particular hypothesis or theory, yet it must in principle remain tentative. As a body of knowledge grows and a particular hypothesis or theory repeatedly brings predictable results, confidence in the hypothesis or theory increases.
* Causal explanation. Many scientists and theorists on scientific method argue that concepts of causality are not obligatory to science, but are in fact well-defined only under particular, admittedly widespread conditions. Under these conditions the following requirements are generally regarded as important to scientific understanding:
* Identification of causes. Identification of the causes of a particular phenomenon to the best achievable extent.
* Covariation of events. The hypothesized causes must correlate with observed effects.
* Time-order relationship. The hypothesized causes must precede the observed effects in time.
Originally posted by Regenmacher
I really don't care about these subjective opinions or desires that have little to do with proving or disproving climatological outlooks, I want to see data and facts about this topic.
Originally posted by Regenmacher
I will decide how I choose to see it and until you present scientific evidence that is the contrary to what is given
Originally posted by alphabetaone
No One Is challenging your right to see things how you want to...YOU seem to be the one doing that, so lets knock it off already. Listen to yourself a moment, you seem seriously extremist and unwilling to admit that YOUR view is NOT the only one possible OR the only one out there.
You make no concessions whatsoever that the global warming mindset MAY be flawed ONLY that it and ONLY it is accurate and any other way of thinking is almost taboo ... while many of us who think it could be flawed have conceded time and again on how it ALSO may be accurate
Originally posted by Majic
God forbid anyone should be so presumptuous as to post their opinions in your discussion forum.
Originally posted by mbkennel
Why are people so much "on the fence"?
Originally posted by Majic
Originally posted by Regenmacher
I really don't care about these subjective opinions or desires that have little to do with proving or disproving climatological outlooks, I want to see data and facts about this topic.
God forbid anyone should be so presumptuous as to post their opinions in your discussion forum.
Originally posted by mbkennel
The problem is that the "it may be flawed" position is that it is intellectually sterile.
In all substantive ways the internal action of the scietnific community has investigated potential, major flaws in enormous detail and expertise, far more than any armchair layman. These have mostly happened years and decades ago.
...A still weightier objection came from a simple laboratory measurement. A few years after Arrhenius published his hypothesis, Knut Ångström sent infrared radiation through a tube filled with carbon dioxide. He put in as much of the gas in total as would be found in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The amount of radiation that got through the tube scarcely changed when he cut the quantity of gas in half or doubled it. The reason was that CO2 absorbed radiation only in specific bands of the spectrum, and it took only a trace of the gas to produce bands that were "saturated" — so thoroughly opaque that more gas could make little difference
Living plants growing at their normal temperatures generated even larger quantities of methane, as much as 370 ng per gram of plant tissue per hour. Methane emission more than tripled when the plants, either living or dead, were exposed to sunlight.
The EU biofuels policy currently relies on an assumption that the heavily-subsidised cultivation of rapeseed will meet its biodiesel targets. However, this is a very large assumption. Already some 3 million hectares of agricultural land across the EU, an area roughly the size of Belgium, grows 10 millon tonnes of rapeseed. But since just 20% of this is ultimately used for biodiesel as opposed to food oil, another whole Belgium would have to be covered in the yellow rapeseed blanket to meet the targets. Rapeseed tires the land, and requires expensive crop rotation and fossil-based fertilisers. Growing rapeseed also has an opportunity cost of preventing farmers from growing more environmentally-friendly, less intensive, and often more profitable produce such as cereals or organic root vegetables. Under these circumstances, the supply of rapeseed oil is unlikely to be able meet the demand.
Originally posted by Long Lance
armed with these basic questions i quickly found out that absorption patterns for CO2 are already near saturation, which means that more CO2 will only marginally increase GW.
"This rise, Callendar asserted, could explain the observed warming. For he understood that even if the CO2 in the atmosphere did already absorb all the heat radiation passing through, adding more gas would change the height in the atmosphere where the absorption took place. That, he calculated, would make for warming."
Originally posted by Long Lance
about computer models, i'll have to kindly ask how it can be accurate when significan emmisions of methane by plants went overlooked for so long?
Originally posted by Long Lance
secondly, doomsday prophecies are nothing new, yet people keep falling for them, every generation seems to need its own doom&gloom thrill, no matter how *cough* well *cough* founded it is. ice age in the 1970s, earth covered in horse manure by 2000 (19th century), commuism to rule the world by 1970 ?(ok that was low).. the list goes on.... snake oil peddling offering unprecedented opportunities in service sector by 2020 ? ?
"...we do not have a good quantitative understanding of our climate machine and what determines its course. Without the fundamental understanding, it does not seem possible to predict climate...".
The attack on this problem is in its infancy. ... Efforts to assemble such models [Coupled GCMs [WMC]] are just getting under way...
Originally posted by forestlady
Majic, I really think your comments are unneccessary and off the mark. Regenmacher is trying to present fair and accurate information from reliable sources. All he's asking from you and others is that YOU return the favor and come up with some sources for your disbelief in GW.