Originally posted by The Vagabond
What can I say... three cheers for Davenman. Simple, to the point, and honest.....
....Although I'm not an across the board fan of Hillary Clinton I do think that the weather-vane reputation which she in part borrows from her
husband is a weak criticism for the most part.
I appreciate your comments. I am posting my opinion and will keep it that way except for a few things that I have witnessed in my line of sight.
I see no point in arguing with people here who are quite possibly Republican Party Spies here to twist and spread disinformation with rumors,
political rhetoric and hearsay. Those types of people are the whole reason that this website exists. Hopefully, most at this site can see right
through them.
I am an American first and foremost. I want what is best for our country just as most Americans do. I am not fond of the Democrat Party, but I have
learned in these last few years where the Rpublican Party stands....with Big Business, i.e. pharmaceuticals, oil and more. Many of us Americans make
the mistake of thinking that when the Republican Party looks out for big business that it is looking out for all businesses. That is quite untrue. I
am a micro-business owner and know that big business just wants to gobble us up in an effort to monopolize markets and therefore make untold
profits...see Microsoft for an example.
Even the big software corporations can't touch Microsoft today because of the way Microsoft has a stranglehold on our computers. Apple/Mac provides
the closest competition to microsoft. Today with the collaborated efforts of thousands of hackers, Open Source is gaining a foothold but still has a
ways to go. But that is a topic for another discussion.
My point is that the Republican Party has been paving the way for Mega-Corporations to control the flows of money in this world of ours. When they do
that, then all of the things that our grandfathers fought for, i.e. the 40 hr workweek, vacation pay, elimination of child labor and various job
benefits, will go by the wayside as Americans find that it takes not a 2 income family but rather a 3 or 4 income family in order to survive. This is
not a good trend. It must be stopped while we still have the ability. As a business owner, I like to pay better wages but I can only do that when my
competition has to do the same. I cannot do that when I have to compete with China.
This brings me back to my support for the Democrat Party today. I mentioned that I am not fond of the Democrat Party, but considering the 2-party
system that we have today there doesn't seem to be much choice. I will still press for a 3rd party, but today it seems imperitive to stop the
Mega-Corproration & Big Brother take over.
I am actually not very fond of the image that Hilary has had over the years. However, as a married man, I do know that 2 people cannot remain married
unless they agree on a considerable amount of goals in life. Bill and Hilary have remained married even through some scandalous times. This tells me
they must have a lot more between them than just sex. This tells me that Hilary will likely push much of the same agenda as Bill did. I did not vote
for Bill even once because I am a conservative. I was of the mind that we needed people in office who would effect the moral aspects of laws in this
country. After 6 years of Republican Rule, I now know that they will not do that...not only that but they have done worse by plunging our country
into a deep financial mess that will take many years to work out of.
However, if we, as a country, can get back on track with domestic issues, then we can begin the process.
Back to the Clintons...in retrospect I can see that Bill, through much battle with a Republican Congress, forced a Republican Congress onto a nearly
balanced budget and therefore a program of healthy growth here in the U.S. (Remember when we had no budget for 3 months and many governemnt employees
& contrators had to wait for their paychecks until the budget was settled?) He didn't create jobs, but he created an atmosphere where jobs became
plentiful for the Average American, not Execs. The stock market grew at a healthy pace, regardless of what people tried to say at the end of his
tenure. Core commodities stabilized in price, our currency became the staple of the world and the U.S. was in a position to dominate the world
financially, where today we are rapidly becoming servants to China.
Today, China is winning a war that people don't even see...a financial war. Manufacturing in America, and I mean all of America from Central America
to Canada, is rapidly becoming non-existant. Does anyone know what it means if we loose the ability to make things? People are no longer being
trained to make things here. If nobody knows how to make and build things from raw materials, then our military becomes dependant upon Chinese
manufacturing to supply it's needs. Manufacturing is the foundation upon which our military rests. Without manufacturers our military has no arms
to fight with and no firm foundation upon which to stand.
For many years now I have avoided military contracts because of the massive paperwork involved. By the end of Clinton's tenure, Gore had succeeded
very much in reducing much of that paperwork and had created a system by which most military contracts were open to most U.S. manufacturers. This
created a competitive government with competitive bidding. Quality control was still in place for all of this. Today we have gone mostly back to the
no-bid era of sourcing only to certain manufacturers who have bought their way into the system. For those jobs that are open to bid, they are open to
bids from non-U.S. companies that may or may not have the best interest of the U.S. at heart. Does that concern you? It should. If we actually get
drawn into a global conflict again, we may find that we no longer have sources to buy our military supplies from. Without that supply line, we would
are dead in the water. Don't be afraid. Be very, very afraid!
This is just a couple of things that I've seen of Republican Rule that I don't see addressed often enough.
Therefore, I am in hopes that Hilary or whoever the Democrat Party taps for the nomination to President will have a good grasp of the true current
State of the Union.
[edit on 27-1-2007 by davenman]