posted on Jan, 22 2007 @ 08:09 PM
I just have one thing to ask. When I hear people talking, they're talking about how bad the Jews are and other such things. And the refugees in
Palestine need help, not the refugees in Israel who are daily killed just because of their religion.
Why do the Muslims think that the land of Israel is theirs to take? Why do they think they diserve that country that rightfully belongs to the Jews
who diserved it from the beginning of creation?
The Lord God handed them Israel, why can't the Muslims accept that?
The Muslims own pretty much all the Middle Eastern countries and most of Northern Africa. Can't they just get along with that?
And why do they keep starting wars with Israel? Israel has a more modern military than countries like Lebanon and Jordan. They're just spilling
unnessary blood.
This is a little off topic:
Merkava Mrk III Chariot vs. T-72
F-16 Falcon vs. some out-dated jet
AH-64 Apache vs. some kind of Mil(I'm not sure if they have choppers at all)
You do the math.
It's clear the Muslims don't give up and are persistent, persistent enough to strap on bombs and walk up to some soldier or maybe an innoscent crowd
shopping at food markets. Not all Muslims are the same, though. I am glad about the fact of idividuality. I'm thankful. But they all read the
I met two Muslims in my life before. The first one hated me just because I was the Christian, although I was nice. The second one was nice to me and
didn't really care. Idividuality.
The conclusion is this:
The Jews will win. Not all Muslims will go to Hell, just the ones that take away innoscence and are what you call fundelmentalists. Not all Muslims
are evil, they're just being misled by people like Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Just watch, you'll see the Scripture come to life. This is all
part of God's plan.
History repeats itself. First it was Napolean, then it was Hitler, now it's the Antichrist. And they all want the same thing.
"Do you hear the thunder echoing throughout the streets? This is Lebanon's blunder cause Hezbollah thinks not of the heat. Do you hear the thunder
echoing throughtout the streets? We must all concurr that a cease-fire will not treat."-Chariot 3-Hear the Thunder(Mid East Crisis 06)-Merkava