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New Hampshire man, Ed Brown, refuses to pay federal taxes - willing to fight for it.

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posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Others militias should support him and say to the Feds: Try to kill this guy, and you'll have some REALLY big problem on your hands! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

No fed, no IRS, no North American Union, no police state.

If at least a couple of congressman or a senator could show him support, it would be GREAT! Maybe Ron Paul? But that would be political suicide...

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 11:44 PM
From what I understand there was no income tax before the 16th amendment. I also believe that the 16th amendment did not bring any new taxation power.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:05 AM
All I have to say is...W is a loser!

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:09 AM
If this guy doesn't want to pay taxes, how does he propose the interstates be maintained...i mean, since there won't be any money for them anymore.

I sure hope he doesn't use any GPS stuff, because if he doesn't want to pay taxes, he really shouldn't be using satellites that tax payer money went toward putting up into orbit.

I hope he didn't use student loans or pell grants for any form of secondary education.

Hrmm...I wonder if he ever used an FHA loan to purchase property with?

This is a crock. I don't care if there is a law or not, the guy has used more than enough things that the federal government has provided for him, whether he wanted to or not. This guy wants to go without paying taxes? Fine, then the federal government can just invoice him for everything that they do for him. I'm sure that probably comes out to about what he owes anyway.

This guy gets shot in the face, there isn't anyone to blame but himself.

I'm not cheering for him. I certainly don't want to see him injured, but I'm not supporting him and this asinine stunt.


posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Bleys
You want real and lasting change - elect Libertarian's to Congress and repeal the 16th amendment.

It's true.

Probably the only way to do it.

Then again, I like the national, what are you gonna do?


posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Bleys

Look I like my money and nothing ticks me off more than having to shell out about 45% by the end of the year to the feds, the state, and local agencies, but no one has launched a successful court challenge with regard to Federal income taxes. Even those little victories you hear about in small local courts are overturned on appeal from the feds. And the Courts are now so annoyed with every Tom, Dick and now Ed filing "tax protestor" arguments that they are now imposing some pretty nasty civil penalties/sanctions against the petitioner.

You want real and lasting change - elect Libertarian's to Congress and repeal the 16th amendment.


Really now!
Federal Court Decision in Michigan Guy Wins Against IRS and Government

Hard Evidence That Form 1040
Has NO Legal Basis In Law

IRS Withdraws Criminal Allegation,
Tax Convict Walks Free

On April 12th 2005, William Wallace Lear of Muskegon Michigan appeared in federal District Court in Grand Rapids to face IRS charges claiming Lear had violated the terms of his probation. William Lear had served one year in a federal detention facility in Minnesota following his conviction in 2002 for Willful Failure to File income tax returns (a misdemeanor). His probation began in March, 2004.

The basis for the probation violation hearing was an IRS claim that Lear failed to abide by the strict terms of his probation which included the requirement that he file all his delinquent tax returns and pay all back taxes and penalties owed.

Just as the hearing before Judge Gordon Quist began, the DOJ attorneys moved to dismiss the IRS's probation violation claim against Lear that would have sent him back to prison.

Although Lear had filed his missing returns signing them “under duress” (which IRS does not allow) and failed to pay the taxes owing on those returns, Judge Quist signed an order, completely releasing Lear from federal custody. As of April 12th, Lear has been a free man.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Togetic
...What would he prove?

Well, for starters, he might prove that the American taxpayer once went to WAR over 15% taxation, and we're now averaging 30% or more, which is at least DOUBLE that. The people in this case I believe are not responding to the fact that he was convicted by a jury on 17 charges of intentional tax evasion. Public opinion is blindly siding with the overall issue of the FED and extremely high taxes.

Ed is just becoming the focal point and voice of deep, dark rumblings from an increasingly aware public, that really does not, as WyrdeOne says, have many more options.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:30 AM
This is a definite must watch.

Freedom to Fascism Documentary by Aaron Russo

Very interesting look at the IRS and the laws.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Really now!
On April 12th 2005, William Wallace Lear of Muskegon Michigan appeared in federal District Court in Grand Rapids to face IRS charges claiming Lear had violated the terms of his probation. William Lear had served one year in a federal detention facility in Minnesota following his conviction in 2002 for Willful Failure to File income tax returns (a misdemeanor). His probation began in March, 2004.

The basis for the probation violation hearing was an IRS claim that Lear failed to abide by the strict terms of his probation which included the requirement that he file all his delinquent tax returns and pay all back taxes and penalties owed.

Just as the hearing before Judge Gordon Quist began, the DOJ attorneys moved to dismiss the IRS's probation violation claim against Lear that would have sent him back to prison.

Although Lear had filed his missing returns signing them “under duress” (which IRS does not allow) and failed to pay the taxes owing on those returns, Judge Quist signed an order, completely releasing Lear from federal custody. As of April 12th, Lear has been a free man.

Yes, really!

Your article does not call into question the validity of federal income taxes - quite the contrary actually. This guy was convicted and served time for failing to file and pay taxes.

Additionally, this court did not overturn that conviction. The judge merely said that he wasnt' going to find him in violation of his parole.

This is by no means a victory. The feds will simply file "substitute for returns" for him, assess tax and then proceed to collect any monies this guy earns through a regular job. His only recourse will be to work "under the table."

Nope, sorry, that decision ain't even close.


posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:45 AM
How about this decision then?

Former IRS Agent Wins his Case Against Paying Taxes and going to Jail

A former IRS agent who believes citizens are not required to pay federal income taxes was acquitted today on charges he attempted to defraud the government.

Joseph Banister, a certified public accountant in San Jose, Calif., had been telling his clients they don't need to file federal income tax returns because the 16th Amendment, which gives Congress "power to lay and collect taxes on incomes," was never properly ratified.

A leading figure in the "tax honesty" movement, Banister was taken into custody Nov. 19 by IRS agents and released on $25,000 bond after pleading not guilty.

A jury in the U.S. District Court in Sacramento found him not guilty on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government and on all three counts of aiding and assisting the filing of false tax returns for a client.

Banister's attorney, Robert Bernhoft, told WorldNetDaily the result has no direct bearing on the legitimacy of the 16th Amendment, but he insisted the implications are bigger than the issue of taxes.

Banister Case Files]Banister Case Files

[edit on 20-1-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:48 AM
It takes some real nerve and resolve to really make a stand for your beliefs in this way.

Too often, I find myself being selfish. I think more about getting my rent paid, surfing the internet, talking to friends, etc - than I do about the future of my country. I easily get self absorbed, focusing only on the routine of my own life. I haven't even protested anything for about 2 years. The last letter I wrote to my representatives was over 6 months ago. The last phone call I made to any politician was over a year ago. What happened?

This story inspires me to look carefully at my priorities.

If we all had Mr. Brown's nerve, commitment, and focus on our laws and rights, we could get our government back and change the course of this country and perhaps the world. I personally think that this man is a true inspiration.


posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 12:53 AM

If you want something different, offer a constructive solution. Hiding in the woods with a gun isn't going to help anything. Why should this guy throw his life away? What would he prove?

I once heard about some people who, against great odds, decided to defy the powers that be and stood their ground against an oppressive government, and they also hid in the woods with guns (what nutjobs!), they were simple farmers and working men with limited resources who were greatly outnumbered, and they probably had the majority of the people around them saying the same things that you are.

Ever heard of the American Revolution?

I hate to imagine where we would be today had they listened to those people...and in my opinion they proved quite a bit

Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:04 AM
Maybe Alex Jones is a CIA disinfo agent. That is why he isn't all over this Brown tax thing?

But seriously, have you ever read through the paperwork when you open a bank account or get a mortage?

If you read through the paperwork and fine print legal mumbo-jumbo of all the stuff you are agreeing to by signing. I believe it states that you are legally bound to federal income tax. I remember hearing that somewhere. Any qualified lawyers here?

[edit on 013131p://upSaturday by QuasiShaman]

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:49 AM
All in the history of man, constructing moral and legal rationalization for one's own selfishness and greed has an unenviable history.

These tax protestors are nuts, and wrong. If they want to abolish the income tax, they must elect representatives to do so. That's all it takes, one little law.

Of course then they have to justify the lack of services that people come to expect, the disbanding of most of the military, why grandma's Social Security checks bounce, why the University's science labs have shut down, why Yosemite and Yellowstone are full of cigarette butts, why so many medications are fraudulent, etc.

That is much harder.

These tax protestors didn't want to do anything that patriotic and serious. They just didn't want to pay THEIR OWN taxes.

And some people get together with guns to protect them? ???? Think this is noble?

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:56 AM
The tax system is all screwed up. All the tax money should go to the States first, because that's where the tax payers live. The money should first go to the people paying the taxes in their local areas to fund roads, schools, police, courts, homeless issues, extra education funding for those in need, and so forth. The individual states should not have homeless issues at all. The excess from that could go to the federal government and then they could fund other projects as they get a surplus from all the States.
It should not be the other way around!!!!!
The Federal's Interest is to make itself look good to the International Community, but the State's Interest is to make a fine home for its population.

What is the main charter of the Federal Government?

I just think it is so funny that whenever money moves, the government gets a cut. You'd think the government would have so much money now, that they would be treating the cash like it's just like ordinary paper, that is to be thrown into the trash.

You win the lottery, the government get's a big cut
You win a big prize on a game show, the government get's a big cut
You sell off your old stereo, the government wants some of that money too
Where's all the money going?

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:57 AM
Read up on the Fair Tax and see what you would solve the whole dilemma, providing tax dollars for the federal budget while eliminating the income tax completely.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 02:10 AM
If I have digested the material correctly, my understanding is, these income taxes are going to private banks. We're just paying off tons of interest, something like that.

Some links are here:'


posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 02:28 AM
If its not law, then the pres can make it law, and that is that. Pay up will be the words he hears.



posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 03:03 AM
Er, why would someone kill him over this? If you were given the job of it, would you shoot him, just because he hasn't paid your Government money?

Yes, Land of the Free.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 03:40 AM
WOW guys i am so freaking proud that this has gotten the amount of responses it has.

I myself decided to go out with friends and get completely belligerent wasted! to make a long story short I got into a verbal argument with my GF and ended up jumping from a moving cab only to find myself at a fairly packed Mexican restaurant on the corner of Irving Park and Sheridan "in Chicago" anyway i found myself completely drunk as i am now asking people if they have heard of this ED brown fellow? and honest o JESUS CHRIST if you believe in him i would say about 19 out of 26 people agreed with me on 9 eleven being a inside JOB ETC and how this # in new hamp is going to be a turning point for the upcoming revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE WATCH FREEDOM TO FASCISM by arrron Russo and PLEASE WATCH LOOSE CHANGE PLEASE VISIT SITES LIKE and inform yourselves of what relay going on here what the larger picture is!!!!!!

After reading the 60 or so responses i get the feeling that i am not a loon but in fact i am in cahoots with a majority of you guys in my absolute disgust with our current situation in todays world!!!!!

I say and i mean this from my heart of hearts gut of guts and soul of shous DO NOT STOP SPREADING this info about MR ED BRown do not allow yourself to become complacent ! if you believe in what this man stands for as many of you do as well as i then lets show this man support lets do this lets make this happen!!!! I mean we have everything to gain and NOTHING TO LOOSE RIGHT??????

I know im drunk and this is a bit of a rant but who here can seriously doubt what is taking place before our very own eyes here!!!!!

who is with me in saying that they will "raodtrip" or whatever have you to defend this man to stick up for what you believe in to actually have the nut z to stand up to this NWO in a manner that will gain mass public attention ETC.

HOW THE F is FOX gonna SPIN this iin the next 4 weeks 100,000 People SHOW UP PROCLAIMING there STAND on these ignored issues!!!!!




AND JUST FOR THE RECORD MY NAME IS * name removed * AND I PERSONALY HAVE NO FEAR OF THE NWO JUST LIKE MR> BROWN I am ready and willing to stand up against the BS that HAS RUN OUR government FOR NEARLY 104 YEARS!!!!!!!


I am a regular guy 24 living in Chicago Half of my friends think I am Crazy but they will not allow the truth into their lives! how many of you know that you know the truth but the people arroud you are just to happpy with dollar bud nights and episodes of 24 to ever acknowledge it!!!!

CMON who is with me !!!!!!!!!! LETS MAKE FREAKING HISTORY lets stand up for what is right and just lets join this ED Brown in his ultiamte FU to the NWO

You wont regret it i promise, not when you realize your not alone and that your more powerfull than you ever imagined!!!

Anyway i am drunk And that was DEFF a rant but i am serious LETS MAKE A STAND if you belive in MR Brown then i ask you to o as i am going to do and JOIN HIM IN RESISTANCE and PLEASE by all means document ever freaking moment and post it online be it blogs youtube etc>


"LIVE FREE OR DIE" somethig like that right?

[edit on 1/22/2007 by 12m8keall2c]

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