posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 05:23 PM
Be gone by 28th 10th 2011.
It really is that simple. Be tucked away in a nice safe place, well away from civilisation.
What will happen as I stated in 2006 is this. They will start off with lights and the odd sighting of strange things in the sky. It will build up over
2007/2008, steadily build up and up with more and more events seen on a global basis. Then on the 28th 10th 2011 they will spring shut the trap.
It will be a global mind f###. They will broadcast signals at us which will make us hear, see, feel, smell and think things that are not real. This
will be one half of the plan. The other half is using ultra deep black equipped units to 'fly' and be used as 'alien craft' and create real
terror. There is a very valid reason for doing that. When the smoke settles and they have caused their carnage, there will have to be real damage, and
also there will be people who have taken steps to prevent this from happening to them. Now, when they stand up and say 'it was all a mind game
through electrical stimulation' the people will look about them and say 'but how is all this destroyed'. The sheep will police their own thoughts
from then on in.
(However, after my wife saw the sighing/crying baby sounding 'lights', we decided enough was enough and left).
Events are happening fast, and this one you will not want to be within a city or even near one when this goes down. You will want to be as far away as
you possibly can get.