Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
I am waiting for a sighting, in the sky of 8 silver spheres of shining light. there will be a ring of seven of them, with the eigth in the centre of
the circle.
They will be seen high above the uk shining in the clouds. This is the 'test' I am waiting to see, and yes, at that very minute i assure you i am
going to run, run long and run far. that will be the start of the SHTF.
Something like this perhaps...
Go to time : 58:26
I was sorry to see the original thread get closed, I too am quite interested in emergency preparation and tactics.. There are a thousand reasons to
have a go bag at arms reach and be ready to get out in under 60 sec.
Unfortunately, I don't have my South American bunker quite yet..
But.. I live 2 miles away from my civil airport, and keep the sectionals in my bag, along with fresh MREs and some water. If the S*it hits the fan, I
am fairly confident (with some impressive scud running and a worthy guardian angel) that I could be well clear of the U.S. ADIZ in under 30 minutes
from warning at home, no cars needed.. (Assuming FEMA does not get to the A/C before I do : ( )
Extraterrestrials in the traffic pattern would be another matter...
I for one would have ALREADY been long gone, if it where practical for me to do so.. I don't think that this way of life has much time left anyway,
and would feel quite content to watch it all transpire from a satellite dish in the relative safety of some deep forest Brazilian bolt hole.
As soon as the resources line up, that's exactly what I will do.
D4rk Kn1ght, I understand your sense of urgency. And for many different reasons then your own, I agree with your course of action. If you feel your
life and that of your wife is in jeopardy, and you have the ability.. why wait for the fan to clog? Getting out is 80% of the problem.. if you have
done that MONTHS in advance, then your energy can be spent improving your new lifestyle and working out the bugs : )
If you are wrong...who cares, you will still have an adventure that only a small portion of folks have ever had the balls to try, and lots of photos
and video to share later on!
[edit on 3-8-2007 by ivymike]