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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:42 PM
Thank you for posting!

I wanted to jump in and offer my thanks and encouragement to sleeper for posting.

There are quite a few individuals coming out on ATS right now with regard to ETs.

This is an open and civil discussion board on the subject of ETs. The title of this section is "Aliens & UFOs". It's not "Proof of Aliens & UFOs", but is a discussion thread only - a civil discussion thread.

Those claiming experiences have already made it clear that they either cannot, or will not provide evidence.

Regardless of the reasons for lack of evidence, if you are still here demanding evidence, posting about your refusal to believe, or insulting the poster, you clearly have missed the point (see ibid.).

To many this will end a potentially fascinating dialogue, as the skeptics proceed to trample and silence those sharing this information. Disbelief is no excuse to be rude, discourteous, or hostile to another poster.

Besides, one risks missing or losing potentially valuable information by beating the poster into submission with demands for proof.

The discussion is moving from photo and video evidence, to an exploration of the subject itself, especially with regard to individuals who claim to be experiencing it as we speak.

This exploration is more important than being provided with a photo of a ufo and then embarking on an argument of the authenticity of the photo - we have plenty of those.

Arguing over the evidence misses the most important part, which is the subject of the photo itself; and the possibility of a glimpse into the inner workings of another civilization.

Any disinformants, mischief-makers, or people just uncomfortable with the topic who wish to suppress this information are in for a sad awakening as more and more of this comes out. Especially, sleeper's blog!

I'll be honest and say that I can't yet come to believe your claims, but that doesn't mean that I think you're lying, or lack sincerity as far as I've ascertained from your previous posts.

But your posts are interesting, and are probably about to get moreso, so we'll see...

Keep on, sleeper! Thank you for posting!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:48 PM
I'm gonna trust you sleeper, if sir springer trusts you and seen you on here over the years, i'll trust you on this as well.

I'm interested now, and the only question I have right now do I find the blog or whatnot, is there no like friendslist or something you can add on here to keep track of other members and their posts/threads alike?

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

The connotations of the words like extraterrestrial and UFO are usually incorrect and have little to do with the entities that are visiting earth from far away places or other dimensions.

They are all ways incorrect and We should stop using them to define the concepts in Our minds, this is an example of Existential separation, which is the illusion. Could you please explain these other dimensions? Could you please explain any undisputable dimension for that matter? Thanks.

ETs are not human they are something very different, they have powers beyond description and they are not here to experiment on us or out of simple curiosity---those are human type traits.

Re-member, "ET" is incorrect. There is No difference; We are all consciousness, Existence is consciousness. We are capable of anything and Everything and are only limited to the belief of limitation. Power is finite. Power beyond description is a description. Existence is Not about power. Why are Humans made out to Be such brutal and stupid animals? Again, We are capable of anything We say We are. We are Everything, We can Be everything, and We will Be Everything through attaining the conscious awareness of Our Omnification

Many humans had ET mentors as did the Wright Brothers.

We are Outfinitely connected, the same consciousness flows through all of Existence. All Humans have "ET" mentors and all "ETs" have Human mentors. Re-member, there is No division, this is the illusion.

NASA with all their techno toys tried to duplicate what the Wright Brothers did and failed.

Could you please specify? The creation of Nasa was on October 1, 1958. The Wright Brothers took off on December 17, 1903. Nasa was Not an organization at that time. It helps to research these things so that We can all help each other Because We are all students, and We learn about these things by looking them up. We are all the same consciousness. The internet is a wonderfull tool, We can look these dates up. We looked them up today and learned the former.

By the time NASA was created the technology of the Wright Brothers was surpassed. This is particularly parallel to making a statement that cavemen were taught language by Extra-terrestrials since most Modern Humans cannot duplicate such language, understandings, and concepts of Existence that they carried at the time.

Caution when giving information, miss information can lead to the appearance of diss honesty.



"'They're all very capable aviators," Crossfield said. "But they've had to unlearn most of what they know about flying stable airplanes. Very few people have flown unstable airplanes."

One of the aviators is Kevin Kochersberger, an associate professor from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, N.Y. He helped manage most of the wind tunnel tests. During training in North Carolina last month, he successfully got the Flyer reproduction off the ground..

"Being a scientist and engineer are important qualifications for flying this aircraft," said Kochersberger. "I've been looking at the characteristics of the Wright Flyer for four years. Being in the wind tunnel with it really made a difference.'"


They also had ET mentors but only achieved what they were allowed to achieve.

Allowance of achievement and achievement of allowance is a matter of choice, not "external" control.

Airplanes and everything we call leading edge technology has always existed--- thousands, millions, and billions of years ago throughout the galaxy---they are only new toys for earth.

Correct, but Not only for the galaxy; Everything all ways Exists in the imagination of the consciousness, it is just a matter of pulling it out of consciousness, this is a term referred to as "creating". Consciousness is Existence, Existence is conscious.

Many of us have been on the turnip truck more than once---reincarnation from other planets, so your statement is true.

We are all of the consciousness, correct. Reincarnation is just a way to explain the transformation of one consciousness to another. Time is the illusion as is death, "reincarnation" is the changing form of consciousness, an attempt to explain energy trans-form-ation, energy migration, transmigration. We are all connected. We are Everything, happen is all ways.

P.s. We are all terrestrial regardless of what planet We are from, unless We are hatched in space. Let Us steer away from the term "extra-terrestrial". We are all the Being of consciousness

[edit on 13-1-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

They do exist!

Cool! Does this mean you're going to tell us you weren't making stuff up before when you said they have a billiard room and a massage parlor on their ships?

I hope so cuz all the alien spacehips I've heard about sound so cold, clinical and boring inside. Well... then again, on second thought, this doesn't sound a whole lot better unless the barmaids (they do serve drinks don't they?) and massage therapists are hot?

[fixed oops]

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Saviour Of The Real]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:21 AM
Oh's your proof:
In July 1952, UFOs repeatedly paraded across the sky right over the White House, in front of god and everybody, displaying their technological superiority. As a matter of fact, this happened twice over a two week period. There were thousands of witnesses in and around the District of Colombia. This event was even photographed by reporters. The story made the front page of The Washington Post, The New York Times, et al.

And if that were actually ETs what possible message was delivered to people?

"We're gonna fly here, and not tell you jack squat why or how or when and we're not going to talk to you. We have so little respect for you that we won't exactly keep ourselves a secret, but we won't tell you anything about us, or bother to have open relationships with any society on the planet and be honest about the galaxy.

Ta ta. So long and thanks for all the cow testicles."

I'm tired of the contactee guilt trip:

it's all the Rest of Us's fault that we're skeptical.
it's all the Rest of Us's fault that we're confused.
it's all the Rest of Us's fault that we're pissed.

it's our governments who are bad bad evil evil, but mister grey, can I have another please?

screw that.

Nice ET's sorry for the rant, this isn't about you, but wouldya help stop the mindgames please?

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:44 AM
It is Not very difficult to look at a bird and begin figuring out flight.

What about Da Vinci? And those Chinese who were all ready working on flight and had invented large kites long before the Wright Brothers?

In fact, it is indeed very hard to look at a bird and being figuring out heavier than air flight for humans. That's what Da Vinci and people did before---a logical supposition---but they were entirely wrong.

The Wright Brothers didn't do that. It had been proven futile. Don't underestimate them---they had read up on the very latest academic theories and professional journals from Europe (then the center of science), and then proceeded to build a wind tunnel and very carefully do quantitative science-oriented engineering. As far as being "back shop inventors"---they were working as bicycle mechanics to pay their living, only because of the general low level of investment of the time. The equivalent now would be somebody working at the top level of a MIT or NASA professor. The surviving Wright brother went on to be owner and CEO of a major aircraft corporation.

There made some very important discoveries in control systems, as well as recognizing and exploiting the power to weight ratio possible by the newly invented internal combustion engine.

Documented, with intensive, ball-breaking hard-science engineering and experimentation.

looking at a bird like millions of other people did, and patterning flying devices thereupon, was precisely what the Wright Brothers didn't do.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:23 AM

And if that were actually ETs what possible message was delivered to people?

From all the material I have found, UFOs/ET flew in restricted airspace over the most powerful country on our planet, the U.S.A. This was an attempt at a 'first contact' type event. Our testing/stockpiling of nuclear weapons was a major concern, but our government wouldn't give those up for all the gold in the galaxy.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:48 AM
I dont want to get this thread closed, its not about that, you obviously don't understand.
No-one wants to suppress, what you have to say.
Only that we disagree as to where those threads should live.

pages upon pages of your personal experiences, claiming how far more intelligent you must be, since your able to have these experiences, is a bit much, for the A&U topic.

But that is just my opinion, i see Springer is looking into it, i only spoke up when Spittin Cobra was back on the scene, and he had the same opinion as me and other ATS members too......

I think one thing "most" of us can agree on is that, there is more than likely, life beyond our planet.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Denied]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel
looking at a bird like millions of other people did, and patterning flying devices thereupon, was precisely what the Wright Brothers didn't do.

The brothers reasoned that flight depended on three concepts: the shape of the wings, a means of powering the plane, and control. Others had focused on the first two problems, but the Wrights knew from riding bicycles that control was the key. Watching birds in flight, Wilbur reasoned that control lay in the way birds twisted their wing tips. Translating the idea, he built a box kite and braced the wings in such a way that they could be twisted in opposite directions to make the kite bank and turn. This principle, which the Wright brothers called "wing warping," was a revolutionary break-through.



Possibly the aliens showing UFOs over the White house etc is just a wake up bracing tone type thing that gives humanity a jolt.

When some blue uniformed aliens arrived at my house from another dimension I said there is no proof of God on the earth and straight away a cigar ufo appeared a few miles away and was filmed for the news that night. It was like they manifested it just because I said proof could not be found? I cannot remember the date however, it was 15 yrs ago or so.

On the news here many years ago they showed a film of a gigantic flying disk crashing and breaking up. The reporter said it was an alien spaceship caught on film. It hit the ground like a wheel and rolled a bit as it smashed to pieces. It looked about 100 feet wide and was at a great distance. That was so long ago I can't recall how many years.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by probedbygrays]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 06:49 AM
To LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal:

The difference between what you and sleeper are saying is technical.

We are not aliens. Our bodies are not alien. We are homo sapien (how our body originated is an alien creation). Our souls however, are a different story. This consciousness you speak of is the thetan, the soul. And yes, it is all connected.

Like sleeper said, we've all reincarnated billions of times, and lived in all different types of worlds gaining new experiences.

The world out there is beautiful yes- magical even. But we can transform Earth to be the same... we won't see that goal in this lifetime, but we will soon.

And LOIVE: Wether or not you agree, Earth is MEST- matter, energy, space, and time- and it's part of our dynamics- it's our home for now. We can't leave it be, and move on. We have to embrace it, and create it into a paradise- it's our responsibility. Many people and groups fall short by not granting this world beingness.

Right now, we're on Earth. Earth is the prison where we have to grow to be accepted back into the real world.

Thing is, i've never liked the status quo... and the real world isn't good enough for me. This is why I support the link on my signature.

We are all connected yes, that is our 7th and 8th dynamic in life:
As per the Scientology Handbook-
The seventh dynamic is the urge toward existence as or of spirits. Anything spiritual, with or without identity, would come under the heading of the seventh dynamic. This is separate from the physical universe and is the source of life itself. Thus there is an effort for the survival of life source.

The eighth dynamic is the urge toward existence as infinity. This is also identified as the Supreme Being. This can be called the infinity or God dynamic.

We've all got a lot of growing to do. We're the "children" of the galaxy right now, and like sleeper said- those in control don't work on the same basis as humans do, and have very different goals. Combine that with a very long line of experience and technology... and it's a magnificent specimin of life.

However, the soul is more magnificent.

It is out responsibility to ensure growth on all levels. Even if we have different purposes and methods to attain that goal, we have to work. Right now that should come with making ATS bigger, stronger, and easily accessible for every case of being. We need to change up the A&U categories to include:

1) Solid proof, or video/picture/document evidence/whistleblower (I.E. a John Lear).

2) Personal experiences + stories/Contacts/Sightings

3) Theory/Ideas/Speculation

p.s. Turnip Truck Sleeper??
The visual on that is too much.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by jaguarmike]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:12 AM
The whole idea of having a 'fantasy experience' section puts me right off. By all means put up your blog, then that way we will know it for what it is.

There are some of us that are looking for specifics that are yet to surface. Such information will be a confirmation of credibility for many, likely unknown lurkers and conservative posters from various boards.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by seenitall]

[edit on 13-1-2007 by seenitall]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by seenitall
The whole idea of having a 'fantasy experience' section puts me right off. By all means put up your blog, then that way we will know it for what it is.

There are some of us that are looking for specifics that are yet to surface. Such information will be a confirmation of credibility for many, likely unknown lurkers and conservative posters from various boards.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by seenitall]

[edit on 13-1-2007 by seenitall]

Which is exactly why people fitting your criteria will be directed to subcategory one: Solid proof, or video/picture/document evidence/whistleblower (I.E. a John Lear).

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
I'll be honest and say that I can't yet come to believe your claims, but that doesn't mean that I think you're lying, or lack sincerity as far as I've ascertained from your previous posts.

But your posts are interesting, and are probably about to get moreso, so we'll see...

Keep on, sleeper! Thank you for posting!

Thanks Deck,

As we have all heard “the truth is stranger than fiction”. Well my blog will test those waters.

The truth is also hard to swallow and will be discarded easily by those living happily in the status quo.

BTW nothing wrong with living in the status quo, and nothing wrong with taking a peek behind the big curtain either.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Netami
I'm gonna trust you sleeper, if sir springer trusts you and seen you on here over the years, i'll trust you on this as well.

I'm interested now, and the only question I have right now do I find the blog or whatnot, is there no like friendslist or something you can add on here to keep track of other members and their posts/threads alike?

The blog is named "a day with an extraterrestrial"

And can be accessed from the blog button at the bottom of this page or from the blog section on ATS.


posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Many humans had ET mentors as did the Wright Brothers.

this is your opinion, i dont share your opinion.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Wonderful, isn't it nice to know sleeper.

Maybe because we have traveled in the ships been there and done that we have come to realize that what this planet Earth has is unique in its own way.

I know I wouldn't trade what I have here right now because I know what happens when this assignment is done. This Planet is so beautiful and I wish that I could tell everyone there is still time to save her.

Man kind has to lay down the weapons just say no and start getting rid of all harmful technology. Humans need to plant trees to bring back the oxygen they had turned into CO2. I do wish people would realize Earth has everything on her to heal herself and them.

If people would just stop being bull headed and having to be right to fullfill there ego's this planet could become what they hoped it would become. How billions of people can only let handfull's of humans do this is beyond me.

I know as I have stated here before that I am to do what I am to do on March 17, 2046 so they have up until March 16 of that year to heal this planet or I will be doing it without them.

I will say at times my faith has dwindled with this human race but then a innocent comes along and renews my faith. I am not ready to give up yet on this planet or the human race.


posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:19 PM
[edit on 13-1-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:04 PM
it's a normal type of alien abduction scenario though. He was instantly snapped outside of time and had an interesting experience in another world, and when he was returned he found his watch was still at the same time as it was when he was abducted hours before. Obviously he was removed from time for a while. This is all very normal and not fantasy as some would think. And it's been happening for centuries. The Vedas explain how each level of space moves at a different rate of time, and people who go to see the gods for a short visit return to find years or centuries have passed. We're dealing with time lords. Real Dr Who stuff.

At the end he describes making love to his wife as if he were someone else, and his wife asks if it was really him doing it. Then she has the babies removed by the same person who took him out of time. So obviously he has an alien with him who sends him off to space whenever it wants and makes love to his wife using his body and takes the babies into space for its own purposes. This is all very common stuff. All he has to do is get to know the being and he's met the time lord as I have.

Sleepers Abduction Story

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 04:25 PM

From all the material I have found, UFOs/ET flew in restricted airspace over the most powerful country on our planet, the U.S.A. This was an attempt at a 'first contact' type event. Our testing/stockpiling of nuclear weapons was a major concern, but our government wouldn't give those up for all the gold in the galaxy.

Ah, so flying in restricted airspace over the most powerful country on somebody's planet, without authorization, open contact, or explanation.

And then they ask us to give up our weaponry? And it's our fault if we didn't? Seems like they gave us ample reason to do exactly the opposite, as that kind of 'first contact' event was them flipping us the bird and booking out.

Might not a wise ET who really wanted to be understood by us try a little harder and in other, benign ways?

All I can conclude is that if ETs are real then a fair number of them have an active inclination to avoid giving us any kind of consistent, clear message, or beneficial contact, and to confuse us as much as possible.

I think I have right to not appreciate that.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 04:30 PM
"Sleepers Abduction Story "

reads like a novel.... well actually LITERALLY like a novel. I hope he gets a book signing or movie deal from this excellent narrative example of science fiction. This doesnt read like someone expressing an experience, it reads like an author promoting his fantasy book. I took creative writing classes in college and wrote several similiar narratives myself (back then) with a similar script like style. This blog has convinced me that their is no reality behind anything Sleeper has claimed, however, my opinion/criticism aside, I would buy this book or a sequal to it, as i just spent 2 hours reading it, and loved it.

alittle inspiration from here perhaps?......

[edit on 13-1-2007 by hiii_98]

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